Why do people contract out of the state of nature?
To secure peace and reach Felicity.
What is the precontract condition in the State of Nature?
A condition where people are constrained by legal rules without a governing power.
Theory of Social Contract

Why do people contract out of the state of nature?

To secure peace and reach Felicity.

State of Nature and Its Characteristics

What is the precontract condition in the State of Nature?

A condition where people are constrained by legal rules without a governing power.

Theory of Social Contract

What compels people to contract according to Hobbes?

The desire for security, not moral impulse.

State of Nature and Its Characteristics

What does the State of Nature provide in analyzing human nature?

A corollary method.

Theory of Sovereignty

What is the definition of sovereignty in Hobbes' philosophy?

The ultimate power of the state over all other social and political bodies.

State of Nature and Its Characteristics

What is the State of Nature considered to be?

A mental construct or thought experiment.

State of Nature as a State of War

What leads to the struggle for power in the State of Nature?

The condition of absolute liberty and equality.

Human Nature and Psychology According to Hobbes

What innate desire is revealed in the State of Nature?

A thirst for power.

Human Nature and Psychology According to Hobbes

What makes Felicity impossible according to Hobbes?

The unending struggle for power.

Human Nature and Psychology According to Hobbes

What does Hobbes mean by 'will'?

It is 'the last appetite in deliberation'.

Purpose and Role of Government in Hobbes' Philosophy

What does the term 'political horsepower' refer to?

The effectiveness of government as a political machine.

Theory of Social Contract

What is the purpose of the social contract?

To form a government.

Theory of Social Contract

What political theory did Hobbes contribute to?

Theory of Social Contract.

State of Nature as a State of War

What does Hobbes mean by war?

Not only real violence, but the constant threat of violence, leading to fear among individuals.

Human Nature and Psychology According to Hobbes

How does Hobbes describe human nature?

As utterly self-interested, power-seeking, and antisocial.

Purpose and Role of Government in Hobbes' Philosophy

What is the primary task of government according to the text?

To exercise the sovereign power of the State.

Human Nature and Psychology According to Hobbes

How did Hobbes view human psychology?

As a set of purely physical processes reducible to body and motion.

Theory of Social Contract

What theory leads to Hobbes' Theory of Social Contract?

The Theory of Pleasure and Pain.

Concept of Absolute Liberty and Equality

What does absolute equality in the State of Nature imply?

Human beings have roughly equivalent physical and intellectual capabilities.

Purpose and Role of Government in Hobbes' Philosophy

Why do people need government according to Hobbes?

Without government, humans will annihilate each other due to their nature as power seekers.

Thomas Hobbes' Biography and Historical Context

What years did Thomas Hobbes live?

1588 - 1679.

Absolute Sovereignty and Its Implications

What must people surrender to the government?

All their rights, leading to absolute monarchy.

State of Nature as a State of War

What is the State of Nature described as?

A state of war.

Philosophical Influences on Hobbes

What major work is Thomas Hobbes known for?


State of Nature and Its Characteristics

How is human behavior characterized in the State of Nature?

It is unconstrained.

State of Nature as a State of War

What dictates the right to everything in the State of Nature?

The pursuit of felicity and survival.

Purpose and Role of Government in Hobbes' Philosophy

How is government described in relation to a corporation?

As a 'board of directors' exercising the sovereign power of the State.

Purpose and Role of Government in Hobbes' Philosophy

What role does social society play according to Hobbes?

Merely socialization and political control.

Human Nature and Psychology According to Hobbes

What drives the voluntary actions of man according to Hobbes?

The fulfillment of basic biological functions.

Concept of Absolute Liberty and Equality

Why is there absolute liberty in the State of Nature?

Because there are no laws to constrain individuals.

Human Nature and Psychology According to Hobbes

What are the two kinds of physical motions according to Hobbes?

Vital/involuntary and voluntary motion.

Human Nature and Psychology According to Hobbes

What does observing human behavior in the State of Nature reveal?

The essence of human beings.

Absolute Sovereignty and Its Implications

What happens if individuals retain some rights while contracting with the government?

It would be insufficient to protect people from each other.

Concept of Absolute Liberty and Equality

What two conditions exist in the State of Nature?

Absolute liberty and equality.

State of Nature as a State of War

What does the phrase 'everyone against everyone' signify?

The constant state of war in the State of Nature.

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