What dietary changes were observed in the studies that showed increased LDL-cholesterol levels on a ketogenic diet?
Processed red meat intake increased to 2 meals a day and fiber intake decreased to less than half.
How do ketogenic diets compare to higher-carb diets for individuals with insulin resistance?
Ketogenic diets are likely healthier than higher-carb diets for individuals with insulin resistance.
Health Effects of the Ketogenic Diet

What dietary changes were observed in the studies that showed increased LDL-cholesterol levels on a ketogenic diet?

Processed red meat intake increased to 2 meals a day and fiber intake decreased to less than half.

Health Effects of the Ketogenic Diet

How do ketogenic diets compare to higher-carb diets for individuals with insulin resistance?

Ketogenic diets are likely healthier than higher-carb diets for individuals with insulin resistance.

Mechanism of Ketosis

What advantage do ketones have over fatty acids?

Ketones are easier to transport and can replace glucose as fuel in most of the body.

Mechanism of Ketosis

What carries fatty acids in the bloodstream?

VLDL and chylomicron.

Nutritional Requirements and Protein Balance

How should you count excess protein intake towards your net carb intake?

Count half of your excess protein intake towards your net carb intake.

Health Effects of the Ketogenic Diet

Why is it misleading to claim that a ketogenic diet is unhealthy based on certain studies?

Because those studies involved unhealthier food choices, such as increased processed red meat and decreased fiber intake, which do not represent a well-balanced ketogenic diet.

Health Effects of the Ketogenic Diet

What are some common issues with poorly implemented ketogenic diets in studies on overweight subjects?

Poorly implemented ketogenic diets often involve needlessly low carb intake, increased (processed) red meat consumption, decreased vegetable and fiber intake, and the use of margarine and oils for fat. This leads to an unbalanced fatty acid profile, high omega-6 levels, trans fats, lack of fiber, and insufficient essential vitamins and minerals.

Keto Adaptation and the Keto Flu

What is a potential way to shorten the keto flu period and reduce its severity?

Consuming medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil.

Mechanism of Ketosis

Which tissues preferentially use ketones over glucose?

Heart muscle and the renal cortex.

Health Effects of the Ketogenic Diet

How do ketogenic diets compare to higher-carbohydrate diets in terms of fat loss?

Ketogenic diets are neither superior nor inferior to higher-carbohydrate diets for fat loss.

Health Effects of the Ketogenic Diet

What unique health benefits might ketogenic diets offer?

Ketogenic diets may offer unique health benefits for certain neurological disorders and cancer.

Mechanism of Ketosis

When can ketone bodies be produced?

During intense exercise and fasting, including the overnight fast when we sleep.

Keto Adaptation and the Keto Flu

What is a common reason people experience the 'keto flu'?

The 'keto flu' seems to result primarily from low electrolyte levels, particularly potassium, magnesium, and sodium.

Mechanism of Ketosis

Is there a direct correlation between someone’s level of ketosis and their rate of fat loss?

No, there is no direct correlation.

Exercise Performance on a Ketogenic Diet

Can full glycogen resynthesis occur within 24 hours on a ketogenic diet?

Yes, full glycogen resynthesis can occur within 24 hours even via carbohydrate-independent pathways.

Keto Adaptation and the Keto Flu

What are some potential side effects of consuming MCT oil?

Several participants experienced digestive side effects, such as abdominal pain.

Keto Adaptation and the Keto Flu

Why might a ketogenic diet lead to low intake of potassium, magnesium, and sodium?

Many people decrease their consumption of plants on a ketogenic diet, leading to a low intake of these minerals if the total salted food volume decreases.

Mechanism of Ketosis

Is it necessary to completely remove carbohydrates from the diet to achieve ketosis?

No, there is never a need to remove carbohydrates from the diet entirely.

Health Effects of the Ketogenic Diet

What improvements are associated with greater carbohydrate restriction according to some studies?

Improvements in HDL-cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Health Effects of the Ketogenic Diet

According to the 2017 meta-analysis by Snorgaard et al., what is the relationship between carbohydrate intake and blood sugar levels?

The lower the carb intake, the lower the blood sugar levels.

Health Effects of the Ketogenic Diet

What is a gold-standard treatment for epilepsy?

Ketogenic diets are a gold-standard treatment for epilepsy.

Exercise Performance on a Ketogenic Diet

How much glycogen depletion occurs during strength training?

Up to 39%

Mechanism of Ketosis

How can 5-hydroxybutyrate be utilized by peripheral tissues?

It can be converted back to acetyl-CoA and oxidized through the TCA cycle.

Water Retention and Weight Loss

What causes the significant water loss in the body during a ketogenic diet?

The increased sodium excretion in ketosis causes considerable water losses from the body due to osmosis.

Water Retention and Weight Loss

What should you consider when interpreting your weekly body composition data on a ketogenic diet?

Large weight loss after transitioning into ketosis does not necessarily mean your energy deficit is excessive, nor does it mean that the diet is magically effective for fat loss.

Mechanism of Ketosis

What is the typical range of carbohydrate intake for long-term ketosis?

The required degree of carbohydrate restriction for long-term ketosis is between 20-50 grams of net carbs a day for the majority of people.

Mechanism of Ketosis

What may limit the rate of anaerobic metabolism even if total glycogen stores are adequate?

The mild acidosis caused by being in ketosis may limit the rate of anaerobic metabolism.

Psychological and Cognitive Effects

What might increased cognitive functioning in ketosis be related to?

Increased cognitive functioning in ketosis may be related to the increased production of catecholamines, a group of neurotransmitters part of the human ‘fight or flight’ response.

Keto Adaptation and the Keto Flu

How much magnesium supplementation is advisable during the keto adaptation phase?

Supplementation of 200-400 mg of magnesium citrate may be advisable.

Mechanism of Ketosis

Are ketones water soluble?

Yes, ketones are water soluble.

Psychological and Cognitive Effects

What normally happens to appetite and leptin production during dieting?

Normally, dieting increases appetite as body fat levels decrease along with leptin production.

Keto Adaptation and the Keto Flu

How long do most metabolic keto-adaptations require?

Most metabolic keto-adaptations require only 2 weeks.

Nutritional Requirements and Protein Balance

What should a good ketogenic diet include?

Large amounts of vegetables, fiber, and a well-balanced fatty acid ratio.

Mechanism of Ketosis

How long does it generally take to reach nutritional ketosis?

It generally takes at least 48 hours of low carb dieting to reach nutritional ketosis.

Health Effects of the Ketogenic Diet

What did the systematic literature review by Henselmans et al. (2022) conclude about the effects of a ketogenic diet on body composition and strength?

The review found that most studies support that a ketogenic diet has no different effects on body composition and strength than non-ketogenic diets with the same energy and protein intake.

Health Effects of the Ketogenic Diet

How do triglyceride levels compare between ketogenic and higher-carb diets?

Triglyceride levels didn’t differ between groups, but other research finds a paradoxical decrease in triglycerides on high-fat diets.

Water Retention and Weight Loss

Why do people look drier and leaner in ketosis?

Due to the reduction in subcutaneous water storage.

Health Effects of the Ketogenic Diet

What did the 2018 meta-analysis by Huntriss et al. find regarding low carb diets for type II diabetics?

Low carb diets resulted in greater improvements in HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar levels (HbA1c) than the usual care diet with more carbs.

Health Effects of the Ketogenic Diet

What did the 2017 meta-analysis by Snorgaard et al. conclude about low carb diets for type II diabetics?

Low carb diets were better at lowering blood glucose levels than higher carb diets.

Mechanism of Ketosis

Does the brain require glucose during ketosis?

Yes, the brain requires a small proportion of glucose for energy production even during ketosis.

Keto Adaptation and the Keto Flu

What is the 'keto flu'?

The 'keto flu' refers to a group of symptoms experienced by some people when they first start the ketogenic diet, including headache, fatigue, dizziness, and nausea.

Mechanism of Ketosis

What happens to your metabolism when you go into ketosis?

Your metabolism adapts to the switch in substrate use from glucose to ketones.

Health Effects of the Ketogenic Diet

Why might people on poorly implemented ketogenic diets experience constipation?

People might experience constipation due to an almost complete absence of fiber in poorly implemented ketogenic diets.

Exercise Performance on a Ketogenic Diet

What are the carbohydrate-independent pathways that help in glycogen resynthesis?

The Cori cycle and gluconeogenesis from glucogenic amino acids or the glycerol backbone of triglycerides.

Keto Adaptation and the Keto Flu

Why are ketogenic diets attractive for ad libitum dieting?

The appetite suppression makes ketogenic diets attractive for ad libitum dieting.

Exercise Performance on a Ketogenic Diet

What is crucial to differentiate when assessing the need for glycogen and dietary carbs?

It is crucial to differentiate between strength training and other forms of physical activity.

Mechanism of Ketosis

Can some people consume more carbs and still produce elevated ketones?

Yes, exceptions have been found of people that can consume up to 192 grams of carbs with elevated ketone production.

Water Retention and Weight Loss

What visual effect does a low-carb diet have compared to a high-carb diet?

Low-carb diets make you look leaner, while high-carb diets make you look bigger.

Water Retention and Weight Loss

Why might it be more difficult to get a pump in the gym while on a ketogenic diet?

Because you lose intramuscular water and glycogen, making you look flatter.

Mechanism of Ketosis

Can the liver burn ketones?

No, the liver produces ketones but does not burn them.

Keto Adaptation and the Keto Flu

How can one alleviate symptoms of the 'keto flu'?

Symptoms of the 'keto flu' can be alleviated by staying hydrated, replenishing electrolytes, and gradually reducing carbohydrate intake.

Water Retention and Weight Loss

How does a ketogenic diet affect water retention?

A ketogenic diet can lead to reduced water retention due to lower insulin levels and glycogen stores.

Implementation Strategies for Ketogenic Dieting

What is cyclical ketogenic dieting?

Cyclical ketogenic dieting involves alternating periods of high-carb intake with periods of ketogenic eating.

Nutritional Requirements and Protein Balance

How much glucose can be created from 100 grams of protein on average?

57 grams of glucose.

Nutritional Requirements and Protein Balance

What is considered excess protein intake according to the guideline?

Anything above 1.8 g/kg/d.

Implementation Strategies for Ketogenic Dieting

What must be monitored to stay in ketosis while on a ketogenic diet?

You typically have to monitor your net carb intake to stay in ketosis.

Exercise Performance on a Ketogenic Diet

How does ketogenic dieting affect anaerobic cycling endurance?

Anaerobic cycling endurance is predictably impaired during ketogenic dieting.

Health Effects of the Ketogenic Diet

Are ketogenic diets inherently healthier than higher-carb diets?

No, ketogenic diets don’t appear to be inherently healthier than higher-carb diets.

Keto Adaptation and the Keto Flu

How does transitioning to a low-carbohydrate diet affect sodium and potassium excretion?

Transitioning to a low-carbohydrate diet increases sodium and potassium excretion for about two weeks.

Psychological and Cognitive Effects

What are some unique health benefits of ketogenic diets for the nervous system?

Ketogenic diets are a well-established therapy for epilepsy and have neuroprotective effects, potentially benefiting conditions like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and migraines.

Health Effects of the Ketogenic Diet

What are some potential health benefits of the ketogenic diet?

Potential health benefits of the ketogenic diet include weight loss, improved blood sugar control, and reduced risk of heart disease.

Mechanism of Ketosis

How does a ketogenic diet impact energy expenditure?

A ketogenic diet can alter energy expenditure by changing the body's primary fuel source from carbohydrates to fats.

Health Effects of the Ketogenic Diet

What are some health effects of the ketogenic diet?

The ketogenic diet can lead to weight loss, improved blood sugar control, and better heart health markers.

Implementation Strategies for Ketogenic Dieting

What are MCTs and their role in a ketogenic diet?

MCTs (Medium-Chain Triglycerides) are fats that are quickly absorbed and converted into ketones, providing a rapid energy source.

Implementation Strategies for Ketogenic Dieting

What are some examples of good keto meals?

Meals that include high fat sources like eggs, avocado, cheese, and fattier cuts of poultry and fish.

Keto Adaptation and the Keto Flu

What is the 'keto flu' and when does it typically occur?

The 'keto flu' is a condition characterized by severe lethargy that some people experience during the first 2-5 days of a ketogenic diet.

Mechanism of Ketosis

What is a common misconception about ketosis?

That you’re either in ketosis or you’re not, based on a wrong interpretation of the ‘ketosis sweet spot’.

Keto Adaptation and the Keto Flu

Why is it important to not rely solely on eggs, butter, and bacon on a ketogenic diet?

Relying solely on eggs, butter, and bacon is bad for health because it can lead to deficiencies in essential minerals, especially during the transition to a low-carbohydrate diet.

Mechanism of Ketosis

What determines the onset of ketone production?

Glucose levels, not actual carbohydrate intake, determine the onset of ketone production.

Mechanism of Ketosis

How do you calculate net carbs?

Net carbs are equal to your total carb intake minus your fiber intake.

Nutritional Requirements and Protein Balance

Is a low protein intake necessary for a ketogenic diet?

No, a ketogenic diet does not require suboptimal protein intakes. Sufficient protein intake is important, especially for strength trainees.

Health Effects of the Ketogenic Diet

Does a low-carb diet lower metabolic rate?

No, the body is capable of regulating thyroid hormone activity well, and energy expenditure and RMR remain the same.

Health Effects of the Ketogenic Diet

What did the 2022 meta-analysis of RCTs find about ketogenic diets for type II diabetics?

Ketogenic diets reduced the reliance on medication and improved insulin sensitivity compared to control diets.

Health Effects of the Ketogenic Diet

Does ketosis inherently affect energy expenditure?

No, ketosis does not inherently affect energy expenditure.

Psychological and Cognitive Effects

What is a key benefit of the ketogenic diet related to appetite?

A key benefit of the ketogenic diet is its strong appetite suppressing effect.

Psychological and Cognitive Effects

Do all individuals experience the appetite suppressing effect of ketosis?

Not everyone experiences the appetite suppressing effect of ketosis to the same degree, and some people do not experience it at all.

Exercise Performance on a Ketogenic Diet

How does a ketogenic diet affect exercise performance?

Exercise performance on a ketogenic diet can initially decrease but may improve as the body adapts to using fat for fuel.

Implementation Strategies for Ketogenic Dieting

What are exogenous ketones?

Exogenous ketones are supplements that provide an external source of ketones to help increase blood ketone levels.

Keto Adaptation and the Keto Flu

How long can it take for the appetite suppressing effects of a ketogenic diet to occur?

It can take 3 weeks for the appetite suppressing effects of a ketogenic diet to occur.

Water Retention and Weight Loss

Why don't you gain the water back until you increase your carbohydrate intake on a ketogenic diet?

Ketogenic diets chronically reduce insulin levels, which prevents water retention until carbohydrate intake is increased.

Mechanism of Ketosis

What factors influence the timeframe to reach ketosis?

The timeframe depends on physical activity, degree of carbohydrate restriction, hormone levels (notably insulin), and genetic factors.

Health Effects of the Ketogenic Diet

Why might low-carb diets be beneficial for individuals with insulin resistance?

Low-carb diets can help keep blood sugar levels, inflammation, and cardiovascular health in check for individuals with insulin resistance.

Muscle Growth and Strength Development

How do ketogenic diets fare for muscle growth?

Low-carb or high-fat and high-protein diets have historically been prized for bodybuilders, but high-carb diets have become more popular. Strength training performance is generally unaffected by carbohydrate intake, and there's no established mechanism by which lack of carbohydrates would impair muscle growth.

Muscle Growth and Strength Development

What is a potential negative effect of the ketogenic diet on muscle growth?

The low chronic insulin levels on a ketogenic diet may reduce IGF-1 levels, which could negatively affect muscle growth.

Nutritional Requirements and Protein Balance

Why is it important to consider protein intake on a ketogenic diet?

Most amino acids can be converted to glucose, so protein intake must be considered to avoid hindering ketosis.

Mechanism of Ketosis

What are the three ketone bodies produced during ketogenesis?

The three ketone bodies are acetoacetate, β-hydroxybutyric acid (bHB), and acetone.

Mechanism of Ketosis

What is 'keto breath' and what causes it?

'Keto breath' is a distinct sweet and fruity odor caused by the expulsion of acetone via the lungs during a ketogenic diet.

Overview of the Ketogenic Diet

What is the primary goal of the ketogenic diet?

The primary goal of the ketogenic diet is to shift the body's metabolism from using carbohydrates as its main energy source to using fats, leading to a state called ketosis.

Psychological and Cognitive Effects

What are the psychological and cognitive effects of a ketogenic diet?

A ketogenic diet may improve mental clarity, focus, and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Exercise Performance on a Ketogenic Diet

What type of training is sometimes impaired during ketogenic dieting?

Highly anaerobic, high volume strength-endurance training, such as most team sports, is sometimes impaired during ketogenic dieting.

Psychological and Cognitive Effects

What do many people report about mental performance and wellbeing after the initial keto-adaptation period?

Many people report that keto diets increase mental performance and wellbeing compared to higher carb diets.

Psychological and Cognitive Effects

How do ketone blood levels correlate with memory performance in elderly adults at risk of Alzheimer’s?

Ketone blood levels correlate with improved memory performance and overall cognitive functioning in elderly adults at risk of Alzheimer’s.

Muscle Growth and Strength Development

What is one theory about how a high-fat diet could benefit muscle growth?

One theory is that a high-fat diet increases anabolic hormone production, such as testosterone, which should result in more muscle growth. However, the magnitude of the hormonal increases is small and may only amount to a small benefit over multiple months.

Muscle Growth and Strength Development

How might ketogenic diets affect chronic inflammation and muscle growth?

Ketogenic diets seem to be particularly effective at reducing chronic inflammation, which may increase muscle growth via a clearer inflammatory signal for muscle repair.

Nutritional Requirements and Protein Balance

Why is it important to maintain a high protein intake during keto-adaptation?

To ensure that muscle loss is minimized and nitrogen balance is maintained.

Nutritional Requirements and Protein Balance

What is the effect of ketogenic diets on protein balance after keto-adaptation?

After keto-adaptation, ketogenic diets may be protein sparing, with some studies showing increased nitrogen balance and lean body mass retention.

Muscle Growth and Strength Development

Can muscle growth and strength development be achieved on a ketogenic diet?

Yes, muscle growth and strength development can be achieved on a ketogenic diet with adequate protein intake and resistance training.

Implementation Strategies for Ketogenic Dieting

Why might a ketogenic diet be considered needlessly restrictive during bulking phases?

Because it may limit calorie intake, which is essential for bulking.

Exercise Performance on a Ketogenic Diet

How does ketogenic dieting affect low-intensity endurance training performance?

Ketogenic dieting does not appear to reduce performance in low-intensity endurance training.

Health Effects of the Ketogenic Diet

What is the primary factor for cardiometabolic health according to the text?

Food choices are far more important than carbohydrate intake for our health.

Mechanism of Ketosis

What should be the approach towards carbohydrate consumption on a ketogenic diet?

You should try to consume as many carbs as you can while still reaching your desired level of ketosis.

Health Effects of the Ketogenic Diet

Why might lower-carb diets result in greater health improvements than higher-carb diets?

Lower-carb diets might result in greater health improvements because people generally lose more fat (or at least weight) on lower-carb diets, partly due to higher protein intake and greater ease with energy restriction.

Muscle Growth and Strength Development

How does high protein intake affect muscle protein synthesis on a ketogenic diet?

A high protein intake generally stimulates insulin secretion sufficiently to maximize muscle protein synthesis, making carbohydrates redundant.

Muscle Growth and Strength Development

Are there any established mechanisms by which ketosis would enhance muscle growth?

There are no established mechanisms by which ketosis would enhance muscle growth, although there are a few theories.

Muscle Growth and Strength Development

Why might a ketogenic diet be considered overkill for hormone levels?

A ketogenic diet might be considered overkill for hormone levels because a moderately high fat intake likely suffices for increasing anabolic hormone production.

Mechanism of Ketosis

What are ketones?

Ketones are molecules produced by the liver from fatty acids during periods of low food intake or carbohydrate restriction, used as an alternative energy source.

Nutritional Requirements and Protein Balance

What is the mechanistic basis for the anti-catabolic effects of ketones?

The mechanistic basis for the anti-catabolic effects of ketones is supported by research showing improved protein or nitrogen balance, particularly in states of high inflammation or disease.

Water Retention and Weight Loss

How does the ketogenic diet affect water retention and weight loss?

The ketogenic diet often leads to rapid initial weight loss due to reduced water retention, as glycogen stores are depleted and water is released from the body.

Health Effects of the Ketogenic Diet

What did a small 2023 meta-analysis find about ketogenic diets and cholesterol levels?

The meta-analysis found that ketogenic diets slightly raise 'bad' LDL-cholesterol and ApoB levels compared to higher-carb diets, but this is partially offset by an increase in 'good' HDL-cholesterol.

Mechanism of Ketosis

Which ketone body is the primary one used by the body?

β-hydroxybutyric acid (bHB) is the primary ketone used by the body, though it is technically not a ketone.

Mechanism of Ketosis

Why can't fatty acids be freely transported in the bloodstream?

Fatty acids cannot be freely transported in the bloodstream because of their hydrophobic properties.

Nutritional Requirements and Protein Balance

Why is protein balance important on a ketogenic diet?

Protein balance is important on a ketogenic diet to ensure muscle maintenance and repair, as well as to prevent muscle loss.

Exercise Performance on a Ketogenic Diet

What impact does the ketogenic diet have on exercise performance?

The ketogenic diet can initially decrease exercise performance due to reduced glycogen stores, but performance may improve over time as the body adapts to using fat for fuel.

Implementation Strategies for Ketogenic Dieting

What are some strategies for successfully implementing a ketogenic diet?

Successful implementation strategies for a ketogenic diet include meal planning, tracking macronutrient intake, staying hydrated, and gradually reducing carbohydrate intake.

Psychological and Cognitive Effects

What is the association between βHB plasma concentration in fasting and hunger hormone levels?

βHB plasma concentration in fasting is associated with lower concentrations of the hunger hormone ghrelin.

Keto Adaptation and the Keto Flu

What effect does insulin have on sodium retention?

Insulin has an anti-natriuretic effect, meaning it prevents the kidneys from excreting sodium, which can increase sodium retention and potentially elevate blood pressure.

Keto Adaptation and the Keto Flu

What dietary adjustments can help alleviate 'keto flu' fatigue?

Increasing the intake of sodium, potassium, and magnesium can often alleviate 'keto flu' fatigue.

Mechanism of Ketosis

Why can't the brain use fat as fuel?

The brain cannot use fat as fuel because fatty acids cannot cross the blood-brain barrier.

Mechanism of Ketosis

What happens when glucose is scarce in the diet?

When glucose is scarce, the liver converts fatty acids to ketones, which can be used by the brain and other tissues for energy.

Implementation Strategies for Ketogenic Dieting

How does adherence to the ketogenic diet compare to other diets?

Adherence to the ketogenic diet does not seem to be more difficult than other diets and is mostly a matter of individual preference.

Nutritional Requirements and Protein Balance

How does a ketogenic diet affect appetite?

A ketogenic diet can help reduce appetite and cravings, making it easier to adhere to a calorie deficit.

Mechanism of Ketosis

How can you measure ketosis?

Ketosis can be measured using bloodwork, breath analysis, or urine strips.

Mechanism of Ketosis

What is ketosis?

Ketosis is a metabolic state in which the body uses fat as its primary source of energy instead of carbohydrates.

Psychological and Cognitive Effects

How might the ketogenic diet affect cognitive function?

The ketogenic diet may improve cognitive function by providing a steady supply of ketones to the brain, which can enhance mental clarity and focus.

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