What criticism does the World Bank's poverty line face?
It is considered too low and does not reflect the needs of individuals in different countries.
What economic challenge did South Sudan face due to years of conflict?
Low consumer spending power and low economic investment from international actors.
Humanitarian Crisis in 1999

What criticism does the World Bank's poverty line face?

It is considered too low and does not reflect the needs of individuals in different countries.

Economic Development

What economic challenge did South Sudan face due to years of conflict?

Low consumer spending power and low economic investment from international actors.

Legality of Military Interventions

What was the justification for the US-led coalition attacking Iraq from 2003 to 2011?

The regime possessed WMD and had links to al-Qaeda.

Role of International Organizations

What is the main opposition to the Assad regime in Syria?

The Free Syrian Army and the Syrian National Coalition.

Impact on International Law

What were the economic sanctions against Iran aimed at?

Compelling compliance with international nuclear standards.

Legality of Military Interventions

What are the principles of Just War Theory?

Just cause, reasonable chance of success, purpose of peace, legitimate authority, last resort, and avoidance of noncombatants.

Humanitarian Crisis in 1999

What is Boko Haram's primary goal?

To establish an Islamic state governed by Sharia law.

Geopolitical Implications

What created a power vacuum in Yemen leading to conflict?

The Arab Spring.

Impact on International Law

What does the Gini coefficient measure?

Income distribution equality.

Role of International Organizations

What was the role of the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL)?

Assist peacekeeping and oversee disarmament, implementing the peace agreement.

Economic Development

What percentage of oil reserves did South Sudan retain after the split?


Geopolitical Implications

What is the role of the Houthi rebels in Yemen?

Seeking influence and allegedly backed by Iran.

Role of International Organizations

What action did the League of Arab States take against the Assad regime?

Imposed sanctions and proposed a peace plan.

Precedent for Future Interventions

How was the R2P principle applied inconsistently in Libya and Syria?

Libya was intervened under R2P, while Syria faced inconsistent application of the same principle.

Geopolitical Implications

What are the Oslo Accords?

A series of agreements mediated by the U.S. aimed at resolving the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Economic Development

What was the IMF's prediction for inflation in South Sudan in 2018?

Above 100%.

Humanitarian Crisis in 1999

What type of actions does Boko Haram engage in?

Terrorism, including suicide bombings, kidnappings, and guerilla warfare.

Role of International Organizations

What efforts has the UN made in Yemen?

Peace talks, mediation, ceasefires, and humanitarian efforts.

Impact on International Law

What methods does Hezbollah use in its operations?

Guerilla warfare (hard power) and social services (soft power).

Post-Conflict Reconstruction

What was a significant outcome of the Sierra Leone civil war intervention?

Held the first peaceful election in 2007.

Humanitarian Crisis in 1999

What are the two main motivations behind conflicts as described in the text?

Greed and grievance.

Post-Conflict Reconstruction

What was a significant outcome of the 2016 peace deal with FARC?

FARC was given permanent parliamentary seats, diminishing the legitimacy of political violence in favor of democracy.

Humanitarian Crisis in 1999

What conflict led to South Sudan's separation from Sudan?

The conflict between the predominantly Arab-Muslim north and the Christian south.

Humanitarian Crisis in 1999

How many people were affected by famine in South Sudan?

Up to 6.3 million people.

Legality of Military Interventions

What does the Montevideo Convention define?

Requirements for statehood: defined territory, permanent population, effective government, and ability to enter into international relations.

Humanitarian Crisis in 1999

What is the Happy Planet Index focused on?

Sustainability and wellbeing.

Impact on International Law

How did conflict affect development in societies?

Destroys the fabric of society, erodes trust, and makes the state unattractive for investment and trade.

Precedent for Future Interventions

What precedent did NATO's intervention in Kosovo set?

It set a precedent for future military interventions.

Geopolitical Implications

What role does Russia play in the Syrian conflict?

Supports Assad to counteract US influence and uphold territorial sovereignty.

Role of International Organizations

What was the UN mission in Liberia (UNMIL) established to do?

Monitor ceasefire, support humanitarian assistance, promote security reform, and implement the peace process.

Post-Conflict Reconstruction

When did South Sudan gain independence from Sudan?

In 2011.

Impact on International Law

What is a criticism of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)?

It has conditional loans, transparency issues, and a perceived Western bias.

Geopolitical Implications

What was the motivation behind Russia's annexation of Crimea?

Strategic control over the Black Sea and demonstrating regional dominance to counter Western influence.

Humanitarian Crisis in 1999

What underlying issue contributes to the rise of Boko Haram?

Extreme poverty in the region.

NATO Intervention

What significant action did NATO take during its intervention in Kosovo?

Undertook a bombing campaign.

Sustainable Development

What are the three pillars of sustainable development?

Social, economic, and environmental development.

Legality of Military Interventions

What was the outcome of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan?

The replacement government became dependent on U.S. troops and peacekeepers, leading to a lack of force when they pulled out.

Humanitarian Crisis in 1999

What are the main causes of FARC's violent protests?

Historical inequalities of wealth.

Humanitarian Crisis in 1999

What economic role does FARC play in Colombia?

FARC controls the illegal drug trade, providing revenue and power.

Humanitarian Crisis in 1999

What social factor contributed to the instability in South Sudan?

Divided and polarized lawmakers leading to violent protests and conflict.

Humanitarian Crisis in 1999

What was a key feature of the Occupy movement?

Advocacy for pure democracy and financial transparency, leveraging the power of social media.

Geopolitical Implications

What has been the US's stance towards Assad in Syria?

The US has condemned Assad.

Post-Conflict Reconstruction

What significant achievement did UNMIL accomplish?

Disarmed about 100,000 combatants and secured about 21,000 weapons.

Humanitarian Crisis in 1999

What methods does FARC use in its operations?

Guerrilla warfare, kidnappings, and drug trafficking.

Humanitarian Crisis in 1999

What is a key criticism of UN peacekeeping forces in South Sudan?

They are often criticized for being ineffective at protection and for peacekeeper abuse.

Humanitarian Crisis in 1999

What was a significant outcome of the Arab Spring?

It demonstrated the power of social movements and calls for democratic reforms.

Role of International Organizations

What efforts has the UN made in Syria?

Humanitarian aid, peacekeeping attempts, and political negotiations.

Legality of Military Interventions

What is the main justification for the Saudi-led coalition intervention?

Supporting a legitimate government.

Humanitarian Crisis in 1999

What is one purpose of humanitarian intervention?

To promote democracy.

Role of International Organizations

What challenges does the African Union (AU) face in acting effectively?

Dependence on foreign aid, domination by a few states, and difficulties of unity due to regional divisions.

Humanitarian Crisis in 1999

What was the purpose of the economic sanctions against South Africa?

To address structural violence and advocate against human rights violations during the apartheid regime.

Impact on International Law

What is the goal of the Montreal Protocol?

To phase out CFCs.

Geopolitical Implications

What forms of support does Hezbollah receive from Iran?

Financial and military support.

Humanitarian Crisis in 1999

What was a significant consequence of the Syrian civil war?

Attacks on hospitals, cities, and journalists.

Impact on International Law

What does R2P stand for?

Responsibility to Protect, which states that sovereignty is a responsibility and intervention is required when states fail to protect their citizens.

Post-Conflict Reconstruction

What does the Minsk agreement illustrate?

The challenges of implementing ceasefires and negotiating political solutions in ongoing conflicts.

Geopolitical Implications

What was the impact of NATO's eastward expansion according to Mearsheimer?

It led to increased aggression from Putin and contributed to the Ukraine crisis.

Geopolitical Implications

What is the geopolitical rivalry in Yemen primarily between?

Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Humanitarian Crisis in 1999

What were the main causes of Hezbollah protests?

Shi’a marginalization.

Post-Conflict Reconstruction

What was the outcome of the NATO intervention in Libya?

Toppling of Gaddafi's regime and subsequent chaos and civil war.

Legality of Military Interventions

What legal concerns arose from NATO's intervention in Kosovo?

It bypassed the UN Security Council, raising questions about its legality.

UN Security Council Bypass

What was the UN Security Council's role in the NATO intervention in Libya?

Authorized the intervention due to the Responsibility to Protect (R2P).

NATO Intervention

What was the main reason for NATO's intervention in Kosovo in 1999?

To address ethnic cleansing.

Humanitarian Crisis in 1999

What inconsistency is highlighted by the lack of NATO intervention in Syria?

The inconsistency in applying the Responsibility to Protect (R2P).

Legality of Military Interventions

What criticism was leveled against the NATO intervention in Libya?

It was accused of focusing on regime change rather than protecting citizens.

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