What is the aim of risk management?
The aim of risk management is to avoid risks, minimize their impact, and cope with the consequences if they occur.
What should be prioritized in a risk table?
Items with high likelihood and high consequence should be prioritized first as they represent the highest risk.
Introduction to Risk Management

What is the aim of risk management?

The aim of risk management is to avoid risks, minimize their impact, and cope with the consequences if they occur.

Risk Table and Prioritization

What should be prioritized in a risk table?

Items with high likelihood and high consequence should be prioritized first as they represent the highest risk.

Likelihood and Consequences in Risk Analysis

What is the significance of understanding both likelihood and consequences in risk management?

Understanding both factors allows for a comprehensive assessment of risks, enabling better prioritization and management.

Risk Assessment Questions

What are the three questions to ask in risk management?

1. What can go wrong? 2. What can we do to prevent it? 3. What will we do if it happens?

Systematic Risk Management Procedures

Why is it important to evaluate hazards systematically?

Systematic evaluation helps to clearly understand the risks involved, allowing for effective risk reduction strategies.

Minimizing Impact and Consequences

How can we minimize the impact of a risk?

We can minimize the impact by implementing protective measures, such as wearing safety goggles to protect against corrosive liquids.

Strategies for Risk Control

What are some strategies to control risks?

Strategies include preventive actions, safety training, and corrective actions after an incident occurs.

Risk Table and Prioritization

What is a risk table used for?

A risk table is used to prioritize risks based on their likelihood and consequences, helping to determine which risks to address first.

Likelihood and Consequences in Risk Analysis

What factors are considered in a risk analysis?

Risk analysis involves evaluating the likelihood of an event occurring and the consequences if it does occur.

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