What does the Molisch test detect?
The presence of carbohydrates based on the dehydration of sugars by sulfuric acid.
What color indicates a positive result for ketoses in Seliwanoff’s test?
Red color.
Molisich Test for Carbohydrates

What does the Molisch test detect?

The presence of carbohydrates based on the dehydration of sugars by sulfuric acid.

Tests Based on Furfural Formation

What color indicates a positive result for ketoses in Seliwanoff’s test?

Red color.

Amino Acid Detection Tests

What does the Ninhydrin Test detect?

The presence of ammonia, primary/secondary amines, or amino acids.

Reducing Sugar Tests

What is the expected result of Fehling's test for reducing sugars?

Red precipitate for Glucose, Fructose, Xylose, Lactose, Maltose.

Reducing Sugar Tests

What does Tollen's test detect?

Aldehydes (reducing sugars) based on the reduction of silver ions to metallic silver.

Reducing Sugar Tests

What is the expected result of Barfoed's test for disaccharides?

Little to no precipitate for Lactose, Maltose.

Tests for Lipids

What happens to cottonseed oil when mixed with distilled water?

Cottonseed oil will not dissolve and remains on top because it is non-polar.

Tests for Lipids

How does bromine water react with unsaturated fatty acids?

Bromine water reacts by breaking the double bonds in unsaturated fatty acids.

Protein Detection Tests

What gas is released when proteins are heated with soda lime?

Ammonia gas (NH₃).

Cholesterol Detection Tests

What color change occurs in the Salkowski test for cholesterol?

Cholesterol reacts with sulfuric acid to produce a red or pink color.

Tests Based on Furfural Formation

What color indicates the presence of pentoses in Bial’s orcinol test?

Blue-green complex.

Amino Acid Detection Tests

What is the expected result of the Lead Acetate Test for sulfur-containing amino acids?

Formation of a black precipitate of lead sulfide.

Amino Acid Detection Tests

What is the expected result of Millon’s Test?

Formation of a red solution or precipitate.

Protein Detection Tests

What is the primary element detected in proteins during the nitrogen detection test?

Nitrogen in their amino groups.

Cholesterol Detection Tests

What color change indicates the presence of cholesterol in the Liebermann-Burchard test?

The formation of a blue-green color upon acid addition indicates cholesterol presence.

Tests Based on Furfural Formation

What does Bial’s orcinol test detect?

Pentoses and pentosans.

Reducing Sugar Tests

What is the expected result of reducing sugars in Benedict's test?

Red or orange precipitate for Glucose, Fructose, Xylose, Lactose, Maltose.

Protein Detection Tests

What characteristic odor indicates the presence of ammonia during the nitrogen detection test?

Pungent, sharp ammonia smell.

Tests Based on Furfural Formation

What does Seliwanoff’s test distinguish between?

Aldoses and ketoses.

Coagulation and Precipitation of Proteins

What effect do mineral acids have on proteins?

Cause protein precipitation by neutralizing charges.

Reducing Sugar Tests

What is the expected result of Barfoed's test for monosaccharides?

Red precipitate for Glucose, Fructose, Xylose.

Tests for Lipids

What does a semi-translucent spot on paper indicate?

It indicates the presence of fats and oils.

Protein Detection Tests

How do proteins behave in distilled water during solubility tests?


Amino Acid Detection Tests

What is the expected result of the Xanthoproteic Test for albumin?

Formation of a yellow precipitate, which turns orange with NH₄OH.

Reducing Sugar Tests

What is the purpose of Barfoed's test?

To differentiate between monosaccharides and disaccharides.

Molisich Test for Carbohydrates

What types of sugars can be detected by the Molisch test?

Monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides.

Tests for Lipids

What is the expected result when cottonseed oil is tested with Hanus iodine solution?

The iodine color fades faster due to a higher number of double bonds in cottonseed oil.

Reducing Sugar Tests

What is the purpose of Benedict’s test?

To detect reducing sugars in a solution.

Reducing Sugar Tests

What does Fehling's test detect?

Reducing sugars by the reduction of copper(II) ions to copper(I) oxide.

Tests for Lipids

What is the general solubility characteristic of lipids?

Lipids are generally hydrophobic (insoluble in water) and soluble in organic solvents.

Protein Detection Tests

What happens to pH paper when ammonia gas is present?

Turns blue due to its basic nature.

Coagulation and Precipitation of Proteins

What is the result of protein coagulation when alcohol is added?

Formation of a precipitate.

Protein Detection Tests

What color indicates the presence of proteins in the Biuret test?

Violet color.

Amino Acid Detection Tests

What does the Sakaguchi Test specifically detect?


Anthrone Test for Carbohydrates

What is the expected result of the Anthrone test?

A blue-green complex indicating the presence of carbohydrates.

Protein Detection Tests

What is the expected result for glycine in the Biuret test?

No color change.

Amino Acid Detection Tests

What is the expected result of the Sakaguchi Test for arginine?

Strong red color forms.

Tests for Lipids

What is the expected result when cottonseed oil is mixed with ether?

Cottonseed oil dissolves completely, forming a larger translucent spot.

Anthrone Test for Carbohydrates

How does the Anthrone test work?

It hydrolyzes carbohydrates into monosaccharides and then catalyzes their dehydration to form furfural derivatives.

Amino Acid Detection Tests

What does the Xanthoproteic Test detect?

Amino acids containing phenolic or indolic groups like phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan.

Reducing Sugar Tests

What is a false-positive result in the context of reducing sugar tests?

Reactions with drugs like penicillin, isoniazid, streptomycin, salicylates, and p-aminosalicylic acid.

Reducing Sugar Tests

What is the expected result of Tollen's test for reducing sugars?

Silver mirror for Glucose, Xylose, Lactose.

Molisich Test for Carbohydrates

What color indicates a positive result in the Molisch test?

A violet or purple ring at the interface.

Protein Detection Tests

What is the expected odor when proteins are burned?

Burning hair or feathers, characteristic of nitrogenous compounds.

Coagulation and Precipitation of Proteins

What is the expected result of heating proteins?

Formation of a white solid (coagulated protein).

Amino Acid Detection Tests

What color indicates a positive result in the Ninhydrin Test?

Purple or blue-violet color (Ruhemann’s purple).

Amino Acid Detection Tests

What does Millon’s Test specifically react with?

Tyrosine, an amino acid with a phenolic group.

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