¿Qué se afirmó en el caso Re George Newman and Co respecto a los bienes de una empresa?
Se afirmó que los bienes de una empresa son propiedad de la empresa y no de sus accionistas.
¿Qué observó Lord Cranworth en el caso Turquand and Harding sobre las deudas de una empresa incorporada?
Lord Cranworth observó que el remedio directo de un acreedor es únicamente contra la empresa incorporada y no tiene trato con ningún accionista.
Corporate Personality and Legal Entity Distinction

¿Qué se afirmó en el caso Re George Newman and Co respecto a los bienes de una empresa?

Se afirmó que los bienes de una empresa son propiedad de la empresa y no de sus accionistas.

Legal Capacity and Obligations of Companies

¿Qué observó Lord Cranworth en el caso Turquand and Harding sobre las deudas de una empresa incorporada?

Lord Cranworth observó que el remedio directo de un acreedor es únicamente contra la empresa incorporada y no tiene trato con ningún accionista.

Corporate Personality and Legal Entity Distinction

What did Lord Herschel state about the relationship between a company and its shareholders?

In a popular sense, a company may be said to carry on business for and on behalf of its shareholders, but this does not constitute the relation of principal and agent between them or render the shareholders liable to indemnify the company against its debts.

Juristic Person and Legal Personality

What entities are generally recognized as legal persons?

Incorporated companies, close corporations, and foundations are generally recognized as legal persons.

Rights and Duties of Corporations

¿Qué derechos y responsabilidades tiene una empresa incorporada según la ley?

Una empresa incorporada tiene sus propios derechos y responsabilidades legales, y los procedimientos legales en relación con ellos deben, como regla general, ser llevados a cabo en su propio nombre.

Corporate Personality and Legal Entity Distinction

What is the significance of legal personality for an association of persons?

Legal personality allows an association of persons to be recognized as a distinct legal entity, separate from its individual members.

Corporate Personality and Legal Entity Distinction

¿Qué se destacó en el juicio de Younger LJ sobre la personalidad corporativa?

Se destacó que mientras una empresa sea reconocida por la legislatura, los contratos y compromisos hechos en su nombre deben ser considerados como de la empresa hasta que se demuestre lo contrario.

Corporate Personality and Legal Entity Distinction

How does a company conduct its business?

A company conducts its business through its directors, servants, or agents, not by its members in their capacity as such.

Corporate Personality and Legal Entity Distinction

When does the existence of a company cease?

The existence of a company ceases only upon its liquidation in proceedings under the Insolvency Act.

Juristic Person and Legal Personality

What is a juristic person?

A juristic person is a fictitious creature of statute law with its own personality and attributes peculiar to bodies corporate.

Incorporation and Registration of Companies

What does the Companies Act, 2015 provide for?

The Companies Act, 2015 provides for incorporation by registration or conversion of the status (or legal form) of a company.

Dual Roles in Corporate Structure

What position did Mr. Lee hold in the company, and what was his role?

Mr. Lee was appointed the governing director of the company and employed as its chief pilot.

Judicial Decisions on Corporate Personality

¿Qué principio se destacó en la decisión del caso Re George Newman and Co?

El principio de que el capital social recaudado por los suscriptores pertenece a la empresa y requiere protección contra la apropiación no autorizada.

Legal Capacity and Obligations of Companies

What does the Act give a company in terms of legal existence?

The Act gives a company a legal existence with rights and liabilities, regardless of the ideas or schemes of those who brought it into existence.

Salomon v. Salomon Case Analysis

Did the House of Lords find any evidence of fraud or impropriety by Salomon?

No, the House of Lords found no evidence of fraud or impropriety by Salomon.

Incorporation and Registration of Companies

¿Qué se entiende por el término 'incorporación' en el contexto del derecho de sociedades?

La 'incorporación' se refiere a la formación mediante registro de una asociación comercial que adquiere una personalidad separada de sus miembros, con amplia capacidad legal y poder para mantener propiedades, contraer deudas por las cuales sus miembros no son responsables y no pueden ser llamados a rendir cuentas legalmente.

Corporate Personality and Legal Entity Distinction

What does the judge observe about a company's individuality after incorporation?

The company is at law a different person altogether from the subscribers to the memorandum, and it is not the agent of the subscribers.

Consequences of Non-Compliance with Registration

What is the result of non-compliance with statutory requirements for registration?

Non-compliance with statutory requirements for registration constitutes an unincorporated association, which is not recognized as a legal entity.

Salomon v. Salomon Case Analysis

¿Cuál fue la opinión del juez Vaugham Williams en el caso Salomon v. A Salomon and Co. Ltd?

El juez Vaugham Williams sostuvo que Salomon y la empresa eran esencialmente la misma persona y que Salomon, en lugar de reclamar como acreedor asegurado, debería ser responsable de las deudas de la empresa sin límite a su responsabilidad, como si todavía fuera un comerciante individual.

Salomon v. Salomon Case Analysis

What is the significance of the House of Lords decision in Salomon v. Salomon?

The decision recognized that a company is a separate legal entity that conducts its own business, owns property, enters into contracts, and incurs debts enforceable against it, separate from its individual members.

Judicial Decisions on Corporate Personality

¿Qué observó Lindley LJ en el juicio del caso Re George Newman and Co?

Lindley LJ observó que el tribunal está obligado a reconocer la incorporación de la empresa y a dar efecto a todas las consecuencias de dicha incorporación.

Corporate Personality and Legal Entity Distinction

What principle is incoherent with determining a company's character based on the intentions of its members?

The principle of corporate personality.

Salomon v. Salomon Case Analysis

What was the judge's observation regarding the business ownership in Salomon v. Salomon?

If the limited company was a legal entity, the business belonged to it and not to Mr. Salomon.

Corporate Personality and Legal Entity Distinction

What did Lord Herschell point out about the relationship between a company and its shareholders?

Lord Herschell pointed out that although a company may carry on business for and on behalf of its shareholders, this does not in law constitute the relation of principal and agent between them or render the shareholders liable to indemnify the company against its debts.

Incorporation and Registration of Companies

How does a corporation derive its status as a legal person distinct from its members?

A corporation derives its status as a legal person distinct from its members through registration in conformity with statutory requirements.

Corporate Personality and Legal Entity Distinction

What legal principle allows a company to be recognized as a distinct entity from its members and directors?

The recognition of a company as a legal entity distinct from its members and directors allows for legally binding contracts between the company and its members or directors.

Legal Capacity and Obligations of Companies

What are the exceptions to the rule that company members bear no risk of loss beyond their capital contribution?

Exceptions include (a) when the company is registered as unlimited, (b) when a limited liability company is converted into an unlimited company, or (c) when the company's veil of incorporation is lifted to hold members or directors personally liable for its debts.

Rights and Duties of Corporations

What are the consequences of a company's separateness from its members?

As a legal entity, a company is capable of enjoying and being subject to a wide spectrum of legal rights and duties, not merely confined to its business affairs.

Judicial Decisions on Corporate Personality

¿Qué decisión tomó la Corte de Apelaciones en el caso Inland Revenue Commissioners v Sansom?

La Corte de Apelaciones afirmó que los préstamos avanzados a Sansom no constituían ingresos imponibles.

Corporate Personality and Legal Entity Distinction

What is the legal status of a company upon registration?

Upon registration, a company acquires legal personality and becomes capable of holding its own property, entering into contracts, and acquiring rights and obligations in its own name.

Salomon v. Salomon Case Analysis

How did the Court of Appeal misdirect itself in the Salomon case?

The Court of Appeal misdirected itself by ignoring the fact that Mr. Salomon had sold his business to a separate person, A Salomon and Company Limited, and that he now had only limited liability to that company.

Incorporation and Registration of Companies

What is required for a company to acquire legal standing as a corporate personality?

A company must be incorporated, which endows it with separate legal personality distinct from its members.

Incorporation and Registration of Companies

Does the Act require that the subscribers to the memorandum be independent or unconnected?

No, there is nothing in the Act requiring that the subscribers to the memorandum should be independent or unconnected.

Corporate Personality and Legal Entity Distinction

What happens to a company upon its incorporation?

Upon incorporation, a company comes into existence and acquires legal recognition as a separate entity distinct from its members.

Legal Capacity and Obligations of Companies

Under what conditions can an association of persons acquire legal personality by conduct?

An association can acquire legal personality by conduct if it is not a commercial enterprise established to carry on trading business with the object of acquiring gain.

Rights and Duties of Corporations

What did Mrs. Lee seek under the Workers Compensation Act after Mr. Lee's death?

Mrs. Lee sought compensation under the Workers Compensation Act, contending that her deceased husband was a worker within the meaning of the Act.

Incorporation and Registration of Companies

What happens from the date of incorporation mentioned in the certificate of incorporation?

From the date of incorporation mentioned in the certificate, the subscribers to its memorandum, together with other persons who may become members, form a body corporate by the name contained in the memorandum.

Incorporation and Registration of Companies

How can legal personality be acquired by business associations?

Legal personality may be acquired by one or more persons associating in business and incorporating through any means sanctioned by statute law.

Corporate Personality and Legal Entity Distinction

¿Qué derecho tiene un accionista sobre los bienes de una empresa mientras esta sigue operando?

Ningún accionista tiene derecho sobre ningún bien de la empresa mientras esta sigue operando.

Judicial Decisions on Corporate Personality

¿Qué principio estableció Lindley LJ respecto a la venta de un hipotecario a sí mismo?

Un hipotecario con poder de venta no puede, en principio, venderse a sí mismo ni solo ni con otros, ni a un fideicomisario para sí mismo.

Shareholder Rights and Interests

¿Qué sucede con los dividendos una vez declarados y aprobados para el pago?

Los dividendos son recuperables por los miembros como una deuda contra la empresa y no pueden ser retenidos por la empresa.

Corporate Personality and Legal Entity Distinction

What is meant by 'perpetual succession' in the context of a company?

Perpetual succession means that changes in membership or the death of original subscribers or other members do not affect the company's legal status or existence.

Incorporation and Registration of Companies

What are the requirements to form a company limited by shares according to Lord Macnaghten?

A memorandum of association should be signed by seven persons who are each to take one share at least.

Salomon v. Salomon Case Analysis

What was the significance of the shareholding structure in the Salomon case according to the House of Lords?

The House of Lords stated that the magnitude of Salomon's shareholding was immaterial in determining the validity of his secured claim as a debenture holder against the company.

Corporate Personality and Legal Entity Distinction

What did Halsbury LC state about the treatment of a legally incorporated company?

Halsbury LC stated that once a company is legally incorporated, it must be treated like any other independent person with its rights and liabilities, regardless of the motives of those who took part in its promotion.

Salomon v. Salomon Case Analysis

¿Qué establece la decisión de la Cámara de los Lores en el caso Salomon v. A Salomon and Co. Ltd?

La decisión establece que una empresa incorporada adquiere la condición de persona jurídica desde su creación por la operación de la ley, y que tiene una personalidad separada de sus miembros.

Salomon v. Salomon Case Analysis

¿Qué sucedió con la empresa A Salomon and Company Limited dentro de un año de su incorporación?

La empresa se volvió insolvente y fue liquidada debido a huelgas y depresión en el mercado de sus productos. Sus activos fueron suficientes solo para satisfacer al titular de los debentures, el Sr. Aron Salomon, dejando nada para los acreedores no asegurados.

Rights and Duties of Corporations

Why did the company resist Mrs. Lee's claim for compensation?

The company contended that Mr. Lee, as a controlling shareholder and governing director, was not a worker within the meaning of the Act.

Dual Roles in Corporate Structure

¿Qué roles duales se reconocen en el caso Fowler v Commercial Timber Co. Ltd?

El demandante tenía dos roles: como director gerente que reclama daños por incumplimiento del contrato de empleo y como director y accionista de la empresa que cree que la empresa debería dejar de operar.

Salomon v. Salomon Case Analysis

What was the Court of Appeal's opinion regarding the formation of Salomon's company?

The Court of Appeal believed that the formation of the company was a scheme to enable Salomon to carry on business with limited liability and to obtain a preference over other creditors by procuring a first charge on the company's assets through debentures.

Salomon v. Salomon Case Analysis

What was the House of Lords' observation regarding the legal status of Salomon's company?

The House of Lords observed that the company was a distinct legal persona and not an agent of Salomon to carry on his business for him.

Incorporation and Registration of Companies

What happens when the memorandum is duly signed and registered?

The subscribers become a body corporate capable of exercising all the functions of an incorporated company.

Incorporation and Registration of Companies

What motivates the registration of business undertakings as companies?

The advantages of incorporation motivate the registration of business undertakings as companies.

Incorporation and Registration of Companies

How many shares were allotted to Mr. G H Lee in the respondent company?

2,999 shares were allotted to Mr. G H Lee, and a solicitor held the remaining one share.

Corporate Personality and Legal Entity Distinction

What is the fundamental attribute of incorporation?

Corporate personality is the fundamental attribute of incorporation from which all the advantages and consequences of incorporation flow.

Judicial Decisions on Corporate Personality

What did the court hold in Macaura v. Northern Assurance Co. Ltd regarding a shareholder's interest in company assets?

The court held that a shareholder has no proprietary interest in the assets of the company and therefore no insurable interest in such assets.

Incorporation and Registration of Companies

What are the means by which organized bodies may acquire legal personality?

Organized bodies may acquire legal personality through establishment under an Act of Parliament or registration under a general enabling Act such as the Companies Act.

Judicial Decisions on Corporate Personality

What was established in the case of Lee v Lee's Air Farming Ltd?

The case established that a controlling shareholder and sole director of a company might nonetheless be the company's servant or agent under a contract of service made between them.

Corporate Personality and Legal Entity Distinction

What are some examples of unincorporated legal entities?

Examples include societies, trade unions, and co-operative societies.

Corporate Personality and Legal Entity Distinction

What is the legal standing of a company in relation to its members?

A company is recognized in law as a distinct person and exists as a separate legal entity from its members.

Salomon v. Salomon Case Analysis

¿Qué alegó el liquidador en la acción contra Aron Salomon?

El liquidador alegó que la empresa fue formada por Aron Salomon y los debentures fueron emitidos para que él pudiera llevar a cabo el negocio y obtener ganancias sin riesgo para sí mismo, que la empresa era un mero agente de Salomon, y que la empresa o su liquidador debían ser indemnizados por Salomon contra todas las deudas excepto las deudas hacia él mismo.

Legal Capacity and Obligations of Companies

What legal status does an incorporated business association enjoy?

An incorporated business association enjoys the status of a legal person, distinct from its members, with all appertaining legal rights and subject to legal duties and obligations.

Legal Capacity and Obligations of Companies

What must a non-commercial association's constitution provide for it to be recognized as a legal entity?

The constitution must state that all assets become the property of the association, its debts are its own, it does not pursue pecuniary gain for itself or its members, and it can sue and be sued in its registered name.

Legal Capacity and Obligations of Companies

What does the term 'gain' refer to in the context of non-commercial associations?

The term 'gain' refers to a commercial or material benefit or advantage, which does not necessarily need to be pecuniary in nature.

Incorporation and Registration of Companies

What are the statutory conditions for the registration of non-commercial associations?

They must meet statutory requirements as to their objects or nature of business, and their constitution must conform to the specific law under which they are established.

Salomon v. Salomon Case Analysis

How did the decision in Salomon's case influence the ruling in Lee v Lee's Air Farming Ltd?

The decision in Salomon's case established that a binding contractual relationship could be created between Mr. Lee and the company, as they were separate legal entities.

Judicial Decisions on Corporate Personality

What did the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council establish regarding the contractual relationship between Mr. Lee and the company?

The Judicial Committee established that a contractual relationship existed between Mr. Lee and the company, as they were two separate and distinct legal persons.

Judicial Decisions on Corporate Personality

Why was Macaura's claim under the insurance policy unsuccessful?

Macaura's claim was unsuccessful because he insured the timber in his own name, but the timber was owned by the company, not him.

Judicial Decisions on Corporate Personality

What must a person have to possess an insurable interest in property?

A person must have a legal or equitable interest in the property, not merely a moral certainty of profiting or losing from the property.

Corporate Personality and Legal Entity Distinction

What did Lord Wrenbury state about the relationship between a corporator and the corporation?

Lord Wrenbury stated that even if a corporator holds all the shares, he is not the corporation, and neither he nor any creditor of the company has any property, legal or equitable, in the assets of the corporation.

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