How does context enhance a prompt?
By focusing on specific aspects, such as the impact and implications for online learning.
What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
The simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems.
Prompt Engineering in AI

How does context enhance a prompt?

By focusing on specific aspects, such as the impact and implications for online learning.

Artificial Intelligence Overview

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

The simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems.

Computer Hardware and Software

Give examples of secondary storage devices.

Hard Disks and Optical Disks.

Computer Hardware and Software

What are the two main components of a computer?

Hardware and Software.

Computer Hardware and Software

What is the relationship between hardware and software in a computer?

Hardware refers to the physical components, while software refers to the programs and applications that run on the hardware.

Artificial Intelligence Overview

What are some breakthroughs made by ANI?

Speech recognition and object recognition or detection.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

How does an interpreter execute a program?

By interpreting and executing the code directly without compiling it first.

Artificial Intelligence Overview

What is Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)?

A hypothetical future stage of AI capable of performing any intellectual task that humans can.

Computer Hardware and Software

What does ASCII stand for?

American Standard Code for Information Interchange.

Prompt Engineering in AI

What is prompt engineering?

The bridge between human language and machine understanding, ensuring smooth interactions.

Computer Hardware and Software

What is the smallest data item in a computer?

A binary bit, which can be 0 or 1.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What happens to the machine language program generated by a compiler?

It is executed after compilation.

Prompt Engineering in AI

What is an example of an instruction in prompt engineering?

Explain the concept of Constructivism in Education.

Data Structures and Algorithms

What is the purpose of flowchart symbols?

To represent different types of actions or steps in a process.

Computer Hardware and Software

What does the Input/Output (I/O) Unit do?

It provides access to the computer for inputting and outputting data.

Software Development Process

What is the first step in the design and development process of a program?

Write the program.

Artificial Intelligence Overview

Name some applications of Generative AI.

ChatGPT, Copilot, HKUSPACE Chat, POE, and many others.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What are low-level programming languages?

Machine languages and assembly languages.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What is machine language?

The set of instructions executed by specific computer hardware (the CPU) in binary numeric form.

Python as a High-Level Language

What is the common mode for programming Python software?

Using source code files or script files.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What defines high-level programming languages?

They have higher abstraction levels compared to machine and assembly languages.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What type of language is Python?

Interpreted language.

Data Structures and Algorithms

What are the three ways to represent an algorithm mentioned?

Pseudocode, flowchart, and formula.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What programming language is primarily used for system programming?


Computer Hardware and Software

How are CPUs typically constructed?

As a single microchip, referred to as a microprocessor.

Data Structures and Algorithms

What does an algorithm specify in a programming task?

The steps required to produce a desired result based on input data.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What file extension is commonly used for Python source code?


Machine Learning vs Deep Learning

What language is commonly used for data analysis and machine learning?


Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What is a programming language?

A set of instructions that can be used to construct a program.

Data Structures and Algorithms

What is the first step in Algorithm 1 for summing integers?

Set variable a equal to 1 and variable sum equal to 0.

Python as a High-Level Language

In Python, what are all data values considered?

All data values are considered objects.

Data Structures and Algorithms

What is the stopping condition for the loop in Algorithm 1?

'a' must be larger than 100.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What is the role of a compiler?

To compile a high-level program into the corresponding machine language program.

Artificial Intelligence Overview

What is Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)?

The final conceptualized type of AI that would surpass human intelligence in all aspects.

Python as a High-Level Language

What is the first Python program typically used to illustrate programming?

'Hello World' program.

Data Structures and Algorithms

What are the two important aspects to consider before creating a program?

Data structure and algorithm.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What language is mentioned as an example for coding algorithms?


Software Development Process

What does testing a program involve when only one calculation is performed?

Verifying that the single output is correct.

Computer Hardware and Software

What type of data does ASCII primarily represent?

Text characters.

Software Development Process

What is emphasized in the program design and development case study?

Applying programming skills and styles.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What is an example of a compiled language?

C or C++ programming language.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

Which programming language supports both Procedural and Object-Oriented Programming approaches?


Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What are the two main categories of programming languages?

Low-Level and High-Level Languages.

Data Structures and Algorithms

What is an algorithm?

A finite step-by-step sequence of well-defined instructions to achieve a specific programming task.

Python as a High-Level Language

What are Python files with the .py extension called?


Computer Hardware and Software

What is the function of the Control Unit in a CPU?

It directs and monitors the overall operation of the computer, including tracking the next instruction in memory.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What is an interpreter in programming?

A tool that interprets and executes a high-level program directly.

Computer Hardware and Software

How do computers store and access data compared to humans?

Computers use binary data (0 or 1) instead of textual information.

Machine Learning vs Deep Learning

How do machine learning algorithms make predictions?

By using historical data as input to predict new output values.

Software Development Process

What is the systematic method used to design solutions to problems in software development called?

The software development process (or software development life cycle).

Artificial Intelligence Overview

What types of content can Generative AI create?

Image and audio synthesis, text, code, and video generation, as well as text to speech and speech to text.

Prompt Engineering in AI

Give an example of a role in prompt engineering.

Please take on the role of a university professor.

Computer Hardware and Software

What types of devices are connected to the I/O Unit?

Peripheral devices such as keyboards, mouse, console screens, and printers.

Python as a High-Level Language

What is the file name where the 'Hello World' program is saved?


Data Structures and Algorithms

From where can Big Data be generated or retrieved?

Sources include social media, e-commerce platforms, sensors, government data, financial data, telecommunication and gaming industries, and system and software logs.

Internet of Things (IoT)

What types of objects are included in the IoT?

Physical objects like smartphones, smart watches, home automation controls, and fitness trackers.

Computer Hardware and Software

What is the purpose of a Unicode code table?

To provide a mapping of characters to their corresponding code points.

Computer Hardware and Software

What is machine code?

The program codes at the instruction level, written in machine language.

Python as a High-Level Language

How can the 'Hello World' program be executed in Python?

By running it in interactive mode or executing the script.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What is the role of the gcc compiler in C programming?

It compiles C source files (*.c) into an executable file (*.exe).

Computer Hardware and Software

What is computer software?

A collection of programs and related data that provides instructions for a computer.

Computer Hardware and Software

Why must a program reside in main memory?

It must be in main memory to operate on the computer.

Computer Hardware and Software

What is application software?

Programs written to perform particular tasks required by users.

Software Development Process

What is the next step after selecting an overall solution algorithm?

Write the Program (or Code the Algorithm).

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What does the example code '1011 0000' represent?

An opcode that means to move a value to a register.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What does '==' signify in programming?

It is used to compare two values for equality.

Computer Hardware and Software

What determines the behavior of a computer system?

Computer software (or programs).

Prompt Engineering in AI

What is the main purpose of prompt engineering?

To ensure intuitive interactions between humans and machines.

Artificial Intelligence Overview

What is Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)?

Weak AI designed to perform specific tasks using large datasets, such as playing chess or translating languages.

Artificial Intelligence Overview

Give examples of Artificial Narrow Intelligence.

Siri, Alexa, fraud detection systems, and self-driving cars.

Machine Learning vs Deep Learning

What is machine learning?

A method that enables software applications to predict outcomes more accurately without being explicitly programmed.

Artificial Intelligence Overview

What ethical concerns may arise with Artificial Super Intelligence?

It may raise many ethical or moral questions due to its ability to outsmart humans.

Artificial Intelligence Overview

What are some specific applications of AI?

Expert systems, natural language processing, speech recognition, and machine vision.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What type of language is C?

Compiled language.

Python as a High-Level Language

What function is called to display a string in Python?


Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

How is C source code typically executed?

Compiled to machine code.

Data Structures and Algorithms

What type of representation uses mathematical equations to describe an algorithm?


Computer Hardware and Software

What is Unicode?

A standardized system for encoding text in different languages and symbols.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What are the program instructions resulting from coding an algorithm called?

Program code, or simply code.

Python as a High-Level Language

Which programming language is known for its simplicity and readability?


Python as a High-Level Language

What is Jython?

An implementation of Python targeted for the Java platform, implemented in Java.

Software Development Process

What is selected after analyzing the problem in the Software Development Process?

An Overall Solution Algorithm.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What are operands in the context of machine language?

Data associated with an instruction or operation (opcode) on which the operation should act.

Computer Hardware and Software

What are the main functions of a computer?

Inputting data, processing it, and outputting results to solve specific problems.

Computer Hardware and Software

How are data and instructions organized in main memory?

They are arranged with unique addresses, similar to room numbers in buildings.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What is the output file format generated by compiling a C program?

An executable file (*.exe).

Software Development Process

What is essential throughout the Software Development Process?


Computer Hardware and Software

What is a computer program?

Data and instructions used to operate a computer and produce a specific result.

Python as a High-Level Language

What class does the value 'ICP is fun.' belong to in Python?

It is an object of class str representing strings.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What is the purpose of the '||' symbol in programming?

It represents a logical OR operation.

Prompt Engineering in AI

How many components are there in prompt engineering?

Seven components.

Introduction to Computer Programming

What is the focus of Unit 1 in the CCIT4020 course?

Introduction to Computer Programming.

Computer Hardware and Software

What are the physical components of a computer called?


Prompt Engineering in AI

What is the foundation of a prompt in prompt engineering?

Instruction, which is a clear directive on what it should generate.

Computer Hardware and Software

What is a byte?

A grouping of 8 bits, which can represent one of 256 distinct patterns (values 0 to 255).

Computer Hardware and Software

What is the purpose of secondary storage in a computer?

To provide permanent storage for programs and data.

Computer Hardware and Software

What are character codes?

Collections of patterns of 0s and 1s used to represent letters, digits, and other characters.

Artificial Intelligence Overview

What is Generative AI?

A subset of artificial intelligence that involves creating new data or content.

Computer Hardware and Software

What does ASCII stand for?

American Standard Code for Information Interchange.

Computer Hardware and Software

What is the ASCII code value for the letter 'A'?


Data Structures and Algorithms

What does Big Data refer to?

Extremely large datasets that are too complex for traditional data processing systems to handle efficiently.

Computer Hardware and Software

What is the primary function of the Central Processing Unit (CPU)?

To carry out the instructions of a computer program by performing arithmetical, logical, input/output, and other operations.

Software Development Process

What is the purpose of the software development process?

To understand the problem being solved and create an effective software solution.

Machine Learning vs Deep Learning

What is deep learning?

A subset of machine learning that uses artificial neural networks to model complex patterns.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What is a compiler?

A program that translates a source program as a complete unit before any statement is executed.

Data Structures and Algorithms

What does a diamond symbolize in a flowchart?

A decision point.

Computer Hardware and Software

What is the purpose of the ASCII code?

To represent text in computers and other devices that use text.

Machine Learning vs Deep Learning

What recent advances in AI are underpinned by deep learning?

Technologies like self-driving cars and ChatGPT.

Data Structures and Algorithms

What does data structure focus on?

Structuring data elements with proper operations for better performance.

Computer Hardware and Software

What does software refer to in a computer?

The programs and applications that run on a computer.

Data Structures and Algorithms

What is the flowchart used for calculating average?

It visually represents the steps to compute the average of a set of numbers.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What is the output produced by some compilers called?

An object program (machine language version of the source code).

Software Development Process

What does writing a program involve?

Designing algorithms and translating them into programming instructions.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What file extension is commonly used for C source code?


Prompt Engineering in AI

What does the context component provide in prompt engineering?

Additional information to help AI understand the situation against which the instruction is given.

Machine Learning vs Deep Learning

Why has machine learning become more effective recently?

Due to the rise of large data sets for training.

Data Structures and Algorithms

What is pseudocode?

An informal program description using English phrases to summarize an algorithm's steps.

Computer Hardware and Software

What is Unicode?

An international standard for coding most writing systems, including ASCII.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What is the concept of data abstraction in OOP?

External users do not need to know how an object is implemented, only what it is and what its operations do.

Artificial Intelligence Overview

How does ChatGPT function?

It generates human-like text based on input prompts using machine learning techniques.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What is machine code difficult for human developers to do?

Read and modify.

Artificial Intelligence Overview

What technologies fall under the umbrella of AI?

Machine learning and deep learning.

Python as a High-Level Language

What is the purpose of the first line of the example Python program?

It asks for user input to type the user's name using the input() function.

Internet of Things (IoT)

How do IoT devices interact with each other?

Through wired and wireless networks.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What is the portion of machine language that specifies the operation to be performed called?

Opcode (operation code).

Artificial Intelligence Overview

What are algorithms in the context of AI programming?

Step-by-step instructions for computing devices to complete specific tasks.

Python as a High-Level Language

What are the two modes in which Python programming can be done?

Interactive Mode and Source Code (or Script) Mode.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What are the two paradigms of programming languages mentioned?

Procedural and Object-Oriented Languages.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

Why is assembly language considered more human-readable than machine code?

Because it substitutes binary values with symbols that resemble words.

Python as a High-Level Language

How can a module in Python utilize another module?

By using the import statement.

Software Development Process

What is the final stage of the Software Development Process?


Computer Hardware and Software

What is the role of an operating system?

It is a crucial system software that operates and controls a computer, supporting multitasking.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What is the difference between compiling and interpreting in programming languages?

Compiling translates the entire source code into an executable file, while interpreting executes code line by line directly.

Data Structures and Algorithms

What are the values of 'a' and 'b' in Algorithm 2?

'a' is 1 and 'b' is 100.

Data Structures and Algorithms

What is the final action in both algorithms?

Display the sum.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What does the '!' symbol signify in programming?

It is used to denote logical negation.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What is the focus of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)?

Defining classes of objects with associated data attributes and operations.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What is the process of converting an algorithm into a computer program called?

Coding the algorithm.

Computer Hardware and Software

What does hardware refer to in a computer?

The physical components of a computer system.

Data Structures and Algorithms

What is a flowchart?

A diagrammatic representation of an algorithm using specifically defined shapes.

Python as a High-Level Language

What symbol indicates the primary prompt in Python's interactive mode?


Data Structures and Algorithms

Give an example of a data structure in Python.

The built-in type 'list'.

Python as a High-Level Language

What symbol is used for continuation lines in Python's interactive mode?


Artificial Intelligence Overview

What does the learning aspect of AI programming involve?

Acquiring data and creating algorithms to turn it into actionable information.

Data Structures and Algorithms

What is a typical type of programming task involving algorithms?

Processing data to produce desired outputs.

Python as a High-Level Language

What happens to the code (variables, functions, etc.) when quitting and restarting the interactive mode?

They are lost.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What is an example of an assembly language instruction?

LOAD first, ADD second, MUL factor, STORE answer.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What is used to translate high-level source code into lower-level code?

A compiler or interpreter.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What is the concept of procedural abstraction?

Users do not need to know how a procedure is implemented, only what it does and how to use it.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What is an example of lower-level code that high-level code can be translated into?

Machine language program.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

How does the Python interpreter execute code?

It interprets and executes code lines directly from the Python source file (*.py).

Artificial Intelligence Overview

How does AI programming incorporate creativity?

By using neural networks, rules-based systems, and statistical methods to generate new content.

Python as a High-Level Language

What type of programming approach is illustrated in the example Python program?

Procedural approach by calling functions.

Prompt Engineering in AI

What does succinctness refer to in prompt engineering?

Conciseness and clarity in crafting prompts.

Artificial Intelligence Overview

What advanced field is included in the learning objectives?

Artificial Intelligence.

Prompt Engineering in AI

What is a specific area of focus within Artificial Intelligence mentioned?

Prompt Engineering.

Data Structures and Algorithms

What is the output of both Algorithm 1 and Algorithm 2?

The sum of numbers from 1 to 100.

Prompt Engineering in AI

Give an example of a prompt that requires adjustment.

As a university professor, provide a detailed explanation of Constructivism in Education, its historical evolution in Asia, and its implications for online course design, in a bullet-point format.

Python as a High-Level Language

What is Python classified as?

A high-level programming language.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

How are operations (methods) of objects implemented in OOP?

In a similar manner as procedural programming.

Artificial Intelligence Overview

When was the term 'Artificial Intelligence' coined?

In the 1950s.

Software Development Process

Do different fields of study have names for their systematic methods?

Yes, each field has its own name for the systematic method used to design solutions.

Artificial Intelligence Overview

What does AI cover?

An ever-changing set of capabilities as new technologies are developed.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What type of programming do beginners often start with?

Procedural programming.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What are the two main programming paradigms mentioned?

Procedural Programming and Object-Oriented Programming.

Software Development Process

What will be learned in different chapters according to the program example?

Skills and codes.

Computer Hardware and Software

What are the two major units of the CPU?

Control Unit and Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU).

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What are programs written in a specific computer language called?

Source programs or source code.

Computer Hardware and Software

What is a computer?

A machine that can be programmed to execute instructions for performing tasks.

Python as a High-Level Language

What approach does the 'Hello World' program illustrate in Python?

Procedural approach.

Python as a High-Level Language

What does the function print() do in Python?

Displays text/string information on the console.

Python as a High-Level Language

What does the user do to execute a command in Python's interactive mode?

Type the command and press <ENTER>.

Python as a High-Level Language

What is the formula for calculating the area of a circle?

area = π x radius x radius

Software Development Process

What is the purpose of testing in the Software Development Process?

To correct the program (Debugging).

Python as a High-Level Language

What format is used to display the greeting in the example program?

The format is 'Hello, user_name'.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What executes the bytecode version of Python code?

Python Virtual Machine (PVM).

Data Structures and Algorithms

What does the loop in Algorithm 1 do?

It adds the value of a to sum and increments a until a is larger than 100.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What are examples of low-level languages?

Machine languages and assembly languages.

Python as a High-Level Language

What class does the value 12.3 belong to in Python?

It is an object of class float representing real numbers.

Computer Hardware and Software

What is software?

A program or a set of programs.

Prompt Engineering in AI

How can a constructivist approach be illustrated in online learning?

By discussing how it encourages students to interact and build knowledge through discussions in online forums.

Prompt Engineering in AI

What does adjustment mean in the context of prompt engineering?

Refining the prompt based on previous responses to enhance clarity and add missing details.

Data Structures and Algorithms

What does a rectangle symbolize in a flowchart?

A process or operation.

Python as a High-Level Language

What is the interactive mode in Python?

An interactive console that allows users to write and test Python code directly with a prompt.

Computer Hardware and Software

What role does the CPU play in a computer system?

It acts somewhat like the 'brain' of the computer, understanding and executing instructions.

Python as a High-Level Language

What does the CPython compiler do?

Compiles Python program codes (.py) into intermediate bytecode (.pyc).

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What is a common programming language used for web development?


Python as a High-Level Language

What executes the bytecode generated by CPython?

The CPython Virtual Machine.

Data Structures and Algorithms

What operations can be performed on a Python list?

append() and insert().

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What is programming?

The process of creating, developing, writing instructions, programs, or software in a specific programming language that the computer can respond to.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What is an interpreter?

A program that translates each statement in a high-level source program and executes it immediately upon translation.

Python as a High-Level Language

What does the second line of the example Python program do?

It displays a greeting message using the print() function with the user's name.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

How is Python source code executed?

Interpreted by the Python interpreter.

Python as a High-Level Language

What does the Jython compiler produce?

Specific Java bytecode that can be executed by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

How do you execute a Python program?

By using the command 'python'.

Python as a High-Level Language

What is it called when a user directly runs a module to start executing a program?

Top-level or script.

Data Structures and Algorithms

What is the example task given for finding the sum of integers?

Find the sum of all integers from 1 to an input value n, where n is 100.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What happens to Python code before it is executed?

It is compiled to a lower-level bytecode version.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What does the Python code 'print("Hello World!")' demonstrate?

It calls the function print() to display the input argument data on the console.

Data Structures and Algorithms

Which programming language is known for its use in statistical computing?


Software Development Process

What process is essential in software development?

The Software Development Process.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What does the '+' symbol represent in programming?

It is used for addition or concatenation of strings.

Data Structures and Algorithms

What formula does Algorithm 2 use to calculate the sum?

sum = n(a + b) / 2.

Prompt Engineering in AI

Give an example of a prompt that illustrates succinctness.

As a university professor, explain Constructivism in Education and its impact and implications for online learning.

Computer Hardware and Software

What is ROM often used for?

To store programs for the starting-up process of a computer.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What does the symbol '/' represent?

Division operator, used to divide one number by another.

Prompt Engineering in AI

What is the role component in prompt engineering?

A persona or capacity in which the user wants the AI to respond.

Python as a High-Level Language

What is CPython?

The official reference and most common implementation of Python, implemented in C.

Data Structures and Algorithms

What types of data can Big Data include?

Structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data.

Internet of Things (IoT)

What does IoT stand for?

Internet of Things.

Computer Hardware and Software

What is an instruction set?

A predefined set of instructions that a specific CPU can understand and execute.

Software Development Process

What is the first step in the Software Development Process?

Specify the Program’s Requirements.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What does assembly language use to represent opcodes and operands?

Word-like symbols.

Python as a High-Level Language

What file extension is used for Python source code files?


Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What is the purpose of an assembler?

To translate an assembly language program to a machine language program.

Python as a High-Level Language

What type of programming language is Python classified as?

A High-Level Language.

Data Structures and Algorithms

Why is it important to design data structures and algorithms before coding?

To ensure the program runs and performs better.

Computer Hardware and Software

What does the Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) perform?

All computations, such as addition, subtraction, and comparisons.

Computer Hardware and Software

Who primarily creates application software?

Most software developers and programmers, including beginners and learners.

Computer Hardware and Software

What is system software?

A collection of programs that enable the computer to operate.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What is the output of the procedure in the example provided?

"Hello World!" displayed on the console.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What is the purpose of the '==' symbol?

Equality operator, used to compare two values for equality.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

Which programming language is known for its performance and is often used in game development?


Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What is a popular language for server-side web development?


Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

Which language is commonly used for scripting and automation?


Python as a High-Level Language

What is the calculated area of a circle with a radius of 20 cm?

Approximately 1256.64 cm².

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

Why are low-level languages considered difficult for human developers?

They are hard to code, read, and modify, especially for complicated programs.

Python as a High-Level Language

What is the output of the 'Hello World' program when executed?

'Hello World!'

Data Structures and Algorithms

What is structured data?

Information that is well organized in a specific and predefined format, such as tables, spreadsheets, and databases.

Software Development Process

What follows after specifying the program's requirements in the Software Development Process?

Analyze the Problem.

Computer Hardware and Software

What is the primary function of main memory in a computer?

To store data and instructions for programs to operate.

Data Structures and Algorithms

What is unstructured data?

Information that does not fit neatly into predefined categories or structures.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What are files containing source programs referred to as?

Source code files.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What do procedures in Procedural Programming accept as input?

Data as input arguments or parameters.

Python as a High-Level Language

What is the variable used to store the user's name in the example program?


Artificial Intelligence Overview

What does self-correction in AI programming aim to achieve?

To continually fine-tune algorithms for the most accurate results.

Data Structures and Algorithms

What does Algorithm 1 do with the variable 'sum'?

It adds 'a' to 'sum' in a loop until 'a' is larger than 100.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What does the symbol '=' represent in programming?

Assignment operator, used to assign values to variables.

Computer Hardware and Software

What is the role of computer hardware?

Facilitates the storage and processing of data under the direction of stored software.

Software Development Process

What is the first step in analyzing the problem for the area calculation?

Determine the desired outputs.

Data Structures and Algorithms

What values are set in Algorithm 2 before calculating the sum?

Set n equal to 100, a equal to 1, and b equal to 100.

Software Development Process

What is the overall solution algorithm for calculating the area?

Set the radius value, calculate the area using the formula, and display the calculated value.

Prompt Engineering in AI

Provide an example of a prompt that specifies a format.

As a university professor, provide a bullet-point summary of Constructivism in Education and its impact and implications for online learning, particularly for course design.

Artificial Intelligence Overview

What is the focus of AI programming regarding cognitive skills?

It focuses on learning, reasoning, self-correction, and creativity.

Data Structures and Algorithms

What is typically the first step in a flowchart for calculating an average?

Start or initialize the process.

Python as a High-Level Language

What type of programming language is Python?

A popular high-level, interpreted programming language.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What is the focus of Procedural Programming?

Defining self-contained execution units called procedures.

Data Structures and Algorithms

What is the final step in a flowchart for calculating an average?

Display the average result.

Software Development Process

What are the main steps involved in programming?

Designing, writing, testing, debugging, and maintaining the source code of computer programs.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What is an example of an interpreted language?

Python programming language.

Internet of Things (IoT)

How can the data generated by IoT devices be used?

To train and improve AI algorithms when combined with Big Data.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What command is used to compile a C program into an executable?

gcc -o HelloWorld.exe HelloWorld.c.

Data Structures and Algorithms

What are important concepts related to programming?

Data Structures and Algorithms.

Python as a High-Level Language

What is the example source code file mentioned for running a Python program?

Computer Hardware and Software

What is a key characteristic of RAM?

It is volatile, meaning data is lost when power is turned off.

Python as a High-Level Language

What class does the data value 123 belong to in Python?

It is an object of class int representing integers.

Computer Hardware and Software

What are hardware device drivers?

Programs that allow the operating system to communicate with hardware devices, such as printer drivers.

Software Development Process

What is the desired output when calculating the area of the circle?

The area value.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What is the function of the symbol '*'?

Multiplication operator, used to multiply two numbers.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What does the '%' symbol represent in programming?

It is used for the modulus operation, returning the remainder of a division.

Data Structures and Algorithms

What is the purpose of pseudocode in algorithm representation?

To describe an algorithm informally without real code syntax.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What type of program is created using machine language?

An executable program, such as a .exe file on Windows.

Python as a High-Level Language

Why is interactive mode convenient for programmers?

It allows testing of pieces of code quickly.

Software Development Process

What is the relationship between coding and algorithms?

When we code, we translate an algorithm into a program.

Python as a High-Level Language

What programming approaches does Python support?

Procedural and object-oriented programming (OOP).

Internet of Things (IoT)

What do IoT devices generate that is significant for AI?

Vast amounts of data.

Artificial Intelligence Overview

What is the purpose of the reasoning aspect in AI programming?

To choose the right algorithm to achieve a desired outcome.

Data Structures and Algorithms

What is the initial value of variable 'a' in Algorithm 1?


Python as a High-Level Language

What is the purpose of the function input() in Python?

Prompts the user to input/type text on the console.

Computer Hardware and Software

What is an Opcode in the context of an ALU?

The operation code that specifies the instruction or operation to be performed.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What does the example code '0110 0001' represent?

An operand that means the hexadecimal value 61.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

How can programming languages be categorized?

Broadly as low-level or high-level languages.

Python as a High-Level Language

What is the radius of the circle in the given case study?

20 cm

Data Structures and Algorithms

What is the formula used in Algorithm 2 to calculate the sum?

sum = n(a + b) / 2.

Computer Hardware and Software

What happens to data in ROM when power is turned off?

Data is retained.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What does the '&&' symbol indicate in programming?

It represents a logical AND operation.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What does the symbol '%' signify?

Modulus operator, used to find the remainder of a division operation.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

Which language is widely used for mobile app development on Android?


Software Development Process

What expertise is often required for programming specific application tasks?

Knowledge of the application domain, specialized algorithms, and formal logic.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What is the purpose of the '=' symbol in programming?

It is used for assignment, assigning a value to a variable.

Computer Hardware and Software

What is computer hardware?

The collection of physical components that construct a physical computer system.

Computer Hardware and Software

What is Random Access Memory (RAM)?

A type of memory where every section can be accessed randomly.

Python as a High-Level Language

What constant value is used for π in the area formula?


Computer Hardware and Software

What is an Operand in the context of an ALU?

The data required to complete an instruction, such as the two numbers to be added.

Python as a High-Level Language

What action is performed on the console when running a Python program?

User input with <ENTER>.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What is the function of the '//' symbol in many programming languages?

It denotes a single-line comment.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What does the '*' symbol represent in programming?

It is used for multiplication.

Data Structures and Algorithms

What is the value of 'n' in Algorithm 2?


Prompt Engineering in AI

What does format refer to in prompt engineering?

The desired structure of AI response, such as paragraphs, bullet points, or tables.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What language is often used for developing iOS applications?


Computer Hardware and Software

What is Read-Only Memory (ROM)?

A type of non-volatile memory where data cannot be easily modified.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What are generally regarded as high-level languages?

Languages that are not classified as low-level languages.

Prompt Engineering in AI

What is the purpose of providing examples in prompts?

To clarify or further illustrate the instruction.

Python as a High-Level Language

How do you calculate the area of a circle with a radius of 20 cm?

area = 3.14159 x 20 x 20

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What does the symbol '!' signify in programming?

Logical NOT operator, used to invert the value of a boolean expression.

Software Development Process

What is a case study mentioned in the learning objectives?

Design and Development.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What does the symbol '!=' signify?

Inequality operator, used to check if two values are not equal.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What does the symbol '+' represent in programming?

Addition operator, used to add two numbers or concatenate strings.

Computer Hardware and Software

What is programming?

The process of creating or developing programs.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What is the purpose of the symbol '&&'?

Logical AND operator, used to combine two boolean expressions.

Programming Languages: Low-Level vs High-Level

What does the symbol '||' represent?

Logical OR operator, used to combine two boolean expressions.

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Study Smarter, Not Harder