What is the primary source of energy for organisms?
Saccharides, especially glucose.
What is ATP and why is it important?
ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is the universal currency of energy, generated by the oxidation of glucose, fatty acids, and amino acids.
Energy Requirements of Organisms

What is the primary source of energy for organisms?

Saccharides, especially glucose.

Role of ATP in Metabolism

What is ATP and why is it important?

ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is the universal currency of energy, generated by the oxidation of glucose, fatty acids, and amino acids.

Metabolism of Brain Tissue

What is the glucose requirement for the human brain per hour?

6 grams.

Citric Acid Cycle and Energy Production

What is the significance of acetyl-CoA in metabolism?

Acetyl-CoA enters the citric acid cycle and is oxidized to CO2 and water, serving as a key metabolic intermediate.

Anaerobic vs Aerobic Oxidation of Glucose

How is NADH oxidized in anaerobic glycolysis?

By transferring hydrogen to pyruvate to form lactate.

Glycolysis and Its Functions

What is glycolysis and its main purposes?

Glycolysis is the oxidation of glucose into pyruvate under aerobic conditions or lactate under anaerobic conditions, generating ATP and providing important intermediary substrates.

Metabolism of Brain Tissue

What happens to lactate levels during short anoxia in brain tissue?

Lactate levels increase.

Glycolysis and Its Functions

How does citric acid influence glycolysis?

Citric acid can inhibit phosphofructokinase, the main control site of glycolysis, affecting glucose metabolism.

Metabolism of Brain Tissue

What is the effect of anoxia on glucose and energy-rich compounds in brain cells?

They decrease to zero after 20 minutes.

Citric Acid Cycle and Energy Production

What happens to acetyl-CoA during the citric acid cycle?

Acetyl-CoA is completely oxidized to CO2 and water, with hydrogen atoms accepted by dehydrogenases to form reduced coenzymes.

Anaerobic vs Aerobic Oxidation of Glucose

What is the ATP yield from glucose under aerobic conditions?

38 molecules of ATP.

Pentose Phosphate Pathway

What is the pentose phosphate pathway's function?

It generates NADPH for reductive biosyntheses and ribose-5-phosphate for nucleotide synthesis.

Metabolism of Brain Tissue

What percentage of glucose is oxidized to CO2 and water in brain tissue under physiological conditions?


Gluconeogenesis and Its Importance

How is glucose synthesized from non-carbohydrate precursors?

Through gluconeogenesis, mainly from amino acids and lactate.

Glycolysis and Its Functions

What is the main product of glycolysis under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions?

Two molecules of pyruvate.

Anaerobic vs Aerobic Oxidation of Glucose

What happens to terminal oxidation under anaerobic conditions?

It is stopped.

Stages of Biological Oxidation

What are the two stages of biological oxidation?

First, dehydrogenases accept hydrogen atoms from substrates to form reduced coenzymes, then these carriers transfer electrons to O2 via an electron transport chain.

Metabolism of Brain Tissue

What is the significance of lactate accumulation in brain cells during anoxia?

It causes a decrease in pH and inhibits enzymes.

Anaerobic vs Aerobic Oxidation of Glucose

What is the ATP yield from glucose under anaerobic conditions?

Only two molecules of ATP.

Citric Acid Cycle and Energy Production

What is the citric acid cycle's role in metabolism?

The citric acid cycle is the common pathway for the oxidation of carbohydrates, amino acids, and fatty acids, generating energy.

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