What is the focus of the National Traveller Suicide Awareness Project (NTSAP)?
To address the issue of Traveller suicide, which is significantly higher for Traveller men compared to the general population.
What living situation is a risk factor for suicide?
Living alone.
Special Groups at Higher Risk

What is the focus of the National Traveller Suicide Awareness Project (NTSAP)?

To address the issue of Traveller suicide, which is significantly higher for Traveller men compared to the general population.

Demographic Risk Factors

What living situation is a risk factor for suicide?

Living alone.

Personal Factors and Personality Traits

How does perceived support from family and friends affect suicide risk?

Poor support can lead to feelings of isolation and increase risk.

Psychiatric History and Mental Health

What is the most common psychiatric diagnosis in people who die by suicide?


Comparison of Self-Harm and Suicide Risk Factors

What is the most common method of suicide in Ireland?


Demographic Risk Factors

What age group has the highest presentation to emergency departments for self-harm in Ireland?

15-19 years for females and 25-29 years for males.

Impact of Life Events and Developmental Influences

What life event is a significant risk factor for suicide?

Bereavement of a parent, spouse, or significant individual.

Special Groups at Higher Risk

What is a significant risk factor for psychiatric inpatients regarding suicide?

The first week of admission to a psychiatric unit.

Comparison of Self-Harm and Suicide Risk Factors

What is the strongest risk factor for suicide?

A previous suicide attempt.

Government and Community Strategies for Prevention

What service does Jigsaw provide?

Free, confidential mental health support for young people aged 12-25 years.

Impact of Life Events and Developmental Influences

What developmental influences can contribute to suicide risk?

Low birth weight, poor infant growth, and childhood adversity such as abuse or neglect.

Special Groups at Higher Risk

What is the suicide rate among prisoners compared to the general population?

3 - 4 times higher.

Comparison of Self-Harm and Suicide Risk Factors

What is a common risk factor for both self-harm and suicide?

Being unemployed.

Demographic Risk Factors

What marital status is associated with increased suicide risk?

Single, divorced, or widowed.

Psychiatric History and Mental Health

What is one of the strongest risk factors for suicide?

A diagnosis of a mental disorder.

Psychiatric History and Mental Health

What percentage of depressed individuals die by suicide?

10 - 15%.

Special Groups at Higher Risk

What percentage of prisoner suicides occur by hanging?


Government and Community Strategies for Prevention

What is the aim of the Cycle Against Suicide initiative?

To promote positive mental health and well-being and raise awareness of existing community-based supports.

Personal Factors and Personality Traits

What personality traits are associated with increased risk of suicide?

Impulsivity and aggression.

Demographic Risk Factors

What biochemical disturbances are associated with suicide risk?

Decreased 5-HIAA in CSF and increased 5HT2 receptors.

Special Groups at Higher Risk

What is a significant risk factor for young offenders in prison?

Conviction of serious offences and expected long sentences.

Government and Community Strategies for Prevention

What does Pieta House offer?

Face-to-face, free of charge, therapeutic services for people in acute distress.

Government and Community Strategies for Prevention

How does Turn2Me support mental well-being?

By providing peer and professional online mental health services through a three-tiered approach including self-help, peer support, and professional support.

Demographic Risk Factors

What age group has the highest suicide risk for both males and females?

45 - 54 years old.

Demographic Risk Factors

How does culture and religion affect suicide rates?

Suicide is decreased at times of war; cultural and religious disintegration increases risk.

Substance Misuse and Alcohol Dependency

What is the relationship between alcohol/substance misuse and suicide risk?

Increased risk is associated with later stages of the illness.

Government and Community Strategies for Prevention

What is one strategy to increase access to mental health support?

Increase access to psychiatric care and support groups.

Government and Community Strategies for Prevention

What safety features can be included in building designs to prevent suicides?

Barriers, safety glass in rooftops, and restricted access to rooftops.

Psychiatric History and Mental Health

What is a key focus for health professionals in relation to suicide prevention?

Improved training for detecting high-risk groups.

Demographic Risk Factors

Which gender has a higher risk of suicide?


Special Groups at Higher Risk

Why are LGBTQ youth at a higher risk for suicide?

Due to discrimination, bullying, rejection, and lack of support.

Media Influence on Suicide Rates

What seasonal trend is observed in suicide rates?

Increased rates in Spring and Summer.

Government and Community Strategies for Prevention

What is the purpose of promoting positive mental health and well-being?

To decrease the likelihood of vulnerable individuals developing mental health problems and increase the likelihood of those with signs seeking help.

Personal Factors and Personality Traits

What are problem-solving deficits that can increase suicide risk?

Difficulty generating alternative solutions, impaired decision making, and avoidant coping style.

Government and Community Strategies for Prevention

What is one of the main goals for improving access to support for vulnerable individuals?

Enhance accessibility, consistency, and care pathways of services for people vulnerable to suicidal behavior.

Government and Community Strategies for Prevention

What does the SCAN service provide?

A fast-track, accessible, and responsive specialist mental health nursing service for adults experiencing self-harm or suicide crisis.

Demographic Risk Factors

Which socio-economic groups are at increased risk for suicide?

Group I and V.

Psychiatric History and Mental Health

What is the risk associated with feelings of hopelessness in depression?

Increased risk of suicide.

Access to Means of Suicide

What measures can be taken to reduce access to means of suicide?

Decrease the number of paracetamol tablets in packs.

Media Influence on Suicide Rates

What is the purpose of the See Change campaign?

To change minds about mental health problems and reduce stigma and discrimination associated with them.

Demographic Risk Factors

What living situation increases the risk of suicide?

Living alone and urban living (overcrowded inner cities).

Special Groups at Higher Risk

What is a suicide cluster?

A local cluster of suicides that have a contagious influence.

Government and Community Strategies for Prevention

What public education initiative can help prevent suicide?

Educate the public about suicide risk factors and warning signs.

Demographic Risk Factors

What marital status is associated with higher suicide risk?

Divorced, single, or widowed.

Demographic Risk Factors

What employment status is linked to higher suicide risk?

Unemployment and retirement.

Psychiatric History and Mental Health

What percentage of people who die by suicide had a history of psychiatric illness?


Psychiatric History and Mental Health

What is the suicide risk in individuals with schizophrenia?

2% die by suicide.

Government and Community Strategies for Prevention

What is 'Connecting for Life'?

The current national government strategy to reduce suicide in Ireland.

Access to Means of Suicide

What was a significant factor in reducing suicide rates in the UK during the 1960s?

Detoxification of domestic gas.

Demographic Risk Factors

Which professions have significantly increased rates of suicide?

Doctors, dentists, vets, pharmacists, lawyers, law enforcement officers, hotel and bar trade owners, and farmers.

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