What time period was covered in the search for studies?
1970 to 29 January 2013.
How were effect sizes calculated in the study?
By dividing the differences between groups or time points by an estimate of the population standard deviation.
Methodological Quality and Design of Studies

What time period was covered in the search for studies?

1970 to 29 January 2013.

Methodological Quality and Design of Studies

How were effect sizes calculated in the study?

By dividing the differences between groups or time points by an estimate of the population standard deviation.

Risk of Bias in Parenting Program Evaluations

Why was the length of follow-up included as a moderator variable?

To address inconsistent findings regarding the long-term effectiveness of parenting interventions.

Effects of Triple P on Child and Parent Outcomes

What are the three components of child social, emotional, and behavioral (SEB) outcomes defined in the study?

Social, emotional, and behavioral abilities.

Methodological Quality and Design of Studies

What methodological approaches have been used to evaluate Triple P?

Qualitative and quantitative methodologies, including controlled studies and randomized controlled trials.

Sample Characteristics in Triple P Studies

What percentage of trials were conducted in Australia?


Methodological Quality and Design of Studies

How many studies provided sufficient data to estimate pretest-posttest correlations?

Nineteen studies.

Levels of Intervention in Triple P

How many levels of intervention does the Triple P system incorporate?

Five levels of intervention.

Risk of Bias across Studies

What is the purpose of conducting funnel plots in the analysis?

To determine if there was selective reporting of small studies with larger effect sizes.

Methodological Quality and Design of Studies

What approach was used to calculate effect sizes for controlled trials?

Based on the pre-post change in treatment group means minus the pre-post change in control group means, divided by the pooled preintervention standard deviation.

Risk of Bias in Parenting Program Evaluations

What is the significance of study power in meta-analyses?

Underpowered studies may fail to detect moderate-sized effects, impacting the validity of intervention effect estimates.

Father Involvement in Parenting Programs

What has been established about the influence of fathers on child development?

Fathers' influence is recognized as separate from that of mothers.

Sample Characteristics in Triple P Studies

What was found regarding the effectiveness of Triple P in different countries?

Larger effects were present in studies conducted in Australia compared to other countries.

Risk of Bias in Parenting Program Evaluations

What is a significant limitation of public funding for parenting programs?

It is often restricted to delivery for vulnerable high-risk families rather than preventive interventions.

Components of the Triple P Intervention

What is the primary goal of the Triple P-Positive Parenting Program?

To prevent and treat social, emotional, and behavioral problems in children by enhancing parents' knowledge, skills, and confidence.

Risk of Bias in Parenting Program Evaluations

What tool was used to evaluate the risk of bias in randomized trials?

The Cochrane risk of bias tool.

Risk of Bias in Parenting Program Evaluations

How does developer involvement affect intervention outcomes?

It may explain effective or null outcomes, with higher involvement potentially introducing bias.

Effects of Triple P on Child and Parent Outcomes

What is the aim of the current paper regarding Triple P?

To examine the impact of Triple P on a full range of child, parent, and family outcome variables.

Components of the Triple P Intervention

What is the significance of the term 'minimal sufficiency' in the context of Triple P?

It refers to selecting interventions that achieve meaningful clinical outcomes in a cost-effective manner.

Sample Characteristics in Triple P Studies

Why was developmental disability included as a moderator in Triple P studies?

To compare the effectiveness of programs between children with and without developmental disabilities.

Effects of Triple P on Child and Parent Outcomes

What age group do most evidence-based parenting programs focus on?

A specific age group of children, often preschool age.

Effects of Triple P on Child and Parent Outcomes

What was the variance-weighted average correlation found in the meta-analysis?

r = 0.643.

Methodological Quality and Design of Studies

What is the significance of using standardized difference effect sizes?

They provide a scale-free estimate of treatment effects that can be compared across outcomes.

Sample Characteristics in Triple P Studies

How many papers were included in the qualitative synthesis of the study?

116 papers.

Moderator Variables in Parenting Interventions

What are some potential moderators examined in Triple P research?

Level of Triple P program, developer involvement, and comparison of results for families with and without developmental disabilities.

Methodological Quality and Design of Studies

What criteria were set for studies to be included in the review?

Studies must report outcomes from recognized Triple P interventions and include relevant data on parents or children.

Moderator Variables in Parenting Interventions

What are moderator variables in the context of parenting interventions?

Moderator variables are factors that may influence the effectiveness of interventions, chosen based on the availability of data.

Methodological Quality and Design of Studies

How was methodological quality assessed in Triple P studies?

Using a scale developed by Downs and Black that evaluates reporting, confounding, bias, and external validity.

Methodological Quality and Design of Studies

What was the primary criterion for including studies in the review?

Studies that reported original data not contained in any other studies.

Moderator Variables in Parenting Interventions

What method was used to evaluate the individual effect of each moderator in the study?

Each moderator was evaluated in a separate model to assess its individual effect without collinearity complications.

Risk of Bias in Parenting Program Evaluations

What were the three continuous moderator variables with missing data?

Child age, attrition rate, and severity of initial child problems.

Effects of Triple P on Child and Parent Outcomes

What are the seven outcome categories classified in the studies?

Child social, emotional, and behavioral outcomes; parenting practices; parenting satisfaction and efficacy; parental adjustment; parental relationship; child observations; and parent observations.

Risk of Bias in Parenting Program Evaluations

What was the range of attrition rates observed in the treatment group?

0 to 67%.

Methodological Quality and Design of Studies

What types of analyses were performed on the data collected?

Quantitative and qualitative analyses.

Risk of Bias in Parenting Program Evaluations

What issue does publication status address in meta-analyses?

It counters the 'file drawer' problem by comparing effect sizes between published and unpublished studies.

Methodological Quality and Design of Studies

What was the approach taken for studies comparing Triple P to active control groups?

These studies were treated as uncontrolled trials for data analysis.

Methodological Quality and Design of Studies

Why is it recommended to include only one effect size per study in a meta-analysis?

To ensure that each data point is independent.

Moderator Variables in Parenting Interventions

What was the outcome of the moderator analysis regarding correlations across categories?

Significant differences in correlations were found across the five categories.

Delivery Formats of Triple P

What delivery formats are available for Triple P?

Individual face-to-face, group, self-directed, self-directed plus telephone support, and online.

Methodological Quality and Design of Studies

What databases were searched to obtain relevant studies for the review?


Methodological Quality and Design of Studies

What software was used for the structural equation modeling (SEM) analyses?


Components of the Triple P Intervention

What distinguishes Triple P from other parenting programs?

The adoption of the public health principle of 'minimal sufficiency'.

Methodological Quality and Design of Studies

What is the I² index used for in meta-analysis?

To measure the degree of heterogeneity among effect sizes.

Methodological Quality and Design of Studies

What role did the second and third authors play in the data extraction process?

They extracted data and study characteristics, with a second researcher double-checking the data entry.

Father Involvement in Parenting Programs

What is a common challenge faced by parenting programs regarding participant demographics?

The vast majority of participants are mothers, leading to underrepresentation of fathers.

Methodological Quality and Design of Studies

What types of trial designs were included for study eligibility?

Case studies, uncontrolled trials, quasi-experimental designs, randomized controlled trials, and cluster randomized trials.

Program Variants of Triple P

What are some variants of the Triple P program?

0-12 years programs, Teen Triple P, Stepping Stones Triple P, and Workplace Triple P.

Methodological Quality and Design of Studies

What design types were included in the evaluation of Triple P?

Randomized controlled trials (RCTs), cluster randomized trials, and non-randomized trials.

Methodological Quality and Design of Studies

What is the purpose of using design-specific sampling variance formulae in meta-analysis?

To ensure that both the design and the sample size influence the weights and precision.

Risk of Bias in Parenting Program Evaluations

What is the relationship between attrition levels and outcomes in psychological treatments?

Higher levels of attrition are associated with poorer outcomes.

Methodological Quality and Design of Studies

What does a significant Q statistic indicate in the context of meta-analysis?

Significant variability among effect sizes.

Sample Characteristics in Triple P Studies

What was the average child mean age across the trials?

5.85 years.

Methodological Quality and Design of Studies

What software was used for the analyses in this study?

Microsoft Excel, Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA), and Mplus.

Levels of Intervention in Triple P

How many levels of intervention does the Triple P system include?

Five levels of interventions of increasing intensity.

Sample Characteristics in Triple P Studies

What is the significance of child age in Triple P programs?

Child age was included as a moderator to investigate its relationship with the effectiveness of Triple P.

Methodological Quality and Design of Studies

What was the average methodological quality rating based on the Downs and Black scale?


Effects of Triple P on Child and Parent Outcomes

What is the hypothesis regarding higher levels of Triple P interventions?

Higher levels of Triple P are expected to have larger effect sizes.

Methodological Quality and Design of Studies

What are the three study approaches in Triple P programs?

Universal, targeted, and treatment approaches.

Study Smarter, Not Harder
Study Smarter, Not Harder