What marks the beginning of a vascular plant's life?
A single, fertilized egg.
What happens by the fifth day of the globular stage?
The first evidence of histodifferentiation is detected.
Plant Embryo Development Overview

What marks the beginning of a vascular plant's life?

A single, fertilized egg.

Histodifferentiation in Plant Embryos

What happens by the fifth day of the globular stage?

The first evidence of histodifferentiation is detected.

Experimental Embryology Techniques

What is somatic embryogenesis?

Formation of embryos from adult cells in tissue culture.

Asymmetric Cell Division in Embryos

What occurs during the first asymmetric cell division?

It results in a smaller apical cell and a larger basal cell, establishing polarity.

Role of the Suspensor in Embryo Development

What is the function of the suspensor in plant embryo development?

It serves as a short, filamentous organ that develops from the basal cell.

Torpedo Stage and Cotyledon Development

What meristems are established during the torpedo stage?

The specific meristems are not mentioned in the text.

Torpedo Stage and Cotyledon Development

What occurs to embryogenesis at the end of the torpedo stage?

It is arrested, and the mature seed desiccates and remains dormant until germination.

Asymmetric Cell Division in Embryos

What is the typical first division of the zygote in angiosperms?

Transverse to its long axis.

Observation Techniques for Plant Embryos

What should be observed in the Capsella bursa embryo?

Several embryos of different stages.

Globular Stage Characteristics

What is the globular stage of embryo development characterized by?

A globular mass with cells arranged in regular tiers, consisting of fewer than 40 cells.

Torpedo Stage and Cotyledon Development

What shape do upright cotyledons give the embryo during the torpedo stage?

A torpedo shape.

Stages of Angiosperm Embryo Development

When is embryonic development considered to be terminated?

At the onset of seed dormancy.

Experimental Embryology Techniques

What are the two approaches used to study plant embryogenesis?

Experimental embryology and genetic dissection.

Observation Techniques for Plant Embryos

What is the first step in observing the Capsella bursa embryo?

Mount the Capsella bursa fruit longitudinally and observe under a microscope.

Torpedo Stage and Cotyledon Development

What happens to the suspensor during the torpedo stage?

It is degenerating.

Torpedo Stage and Cotyledon Development

What forms the root-shoot axis of the plant embryo?

The elongation of the axis as cotyledons enlarge.

Globular Stage Characteristics

What are the three basic tissue systems recognized during the globular stage?

The three basic tissue systems are not specified in the text.

Torpedo Stage and Cotyledon Development

What initiates the formation of the root cap in the torpedo stage?

Periclinal divisions in a plane parallel to the surface.

Globular Stage Characteristics

What is the more or less spherical embryo called?

Globular stage embryo.

Histodifferentiation in Plant Embryos

What type of divisions occur in the surface cells during histodifferentiation?

Divisions become progressively restricted to the anticlinal plane.

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