The science of our social world


GROWTH OF SOCIAL PROBLEMS: Emergence/Recognition/Claims Making

A social group recognizes and turns a condition/behavior into Transformation Process turning a private trouble into a public one


The science of our social world


GROWTH OF SOCIAL PROBLEMS: Emergence/Recognition/Claims Making

<p>A social group recognizes and turns a condition/behavior into Transformation Process turning a private trouble into a public one</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>


<p>Objective: </p><ul class="tight" data-tight="true"><li><p>For any condition or behavior to be considered a social problem, it must have empirical evidence of negative consequences for large numbers of people</p></li><li><p>Can be proven true or false, must be impartial or unbiased</p></li></ul><p>Subjective: </p><ul class="tight" data-tight="true"><li><p>There must be a perception that a condition or behavior needs to be addressed for it to be considered a social problem (i.e. identification process of the problem, it must be recognized)</p></li><li><p>Personal Concerns (Social Issue only)</p></li></ul><p></p>


<ul class="tight" data-tight="true"><li><p>emphasizes that a condition or behavior does not become a social problem unless there is a perception that it should be considered a social problem</p></li><li><p>even if there is little or no basis for this perception, as long as it is recognized by society’s participants as a problem: it is a problem.</p></li></ul><p></p>

Most of the times, it is the basis for what constituted a problem


ability to recognize the links between our personal lives and experiences to our social world

<p>Sociological imagination</p>

Social groups persuade officials and higher ups to take some action to address the problem.

<p>Legitimation Process </p>



GROWTH OF SOCIAL PROBLEMS: Four stages of the subjective process (CM.LP.RCM.DAS)

<p>Emergence/Recognition/Claims Making</p><ul class="tight" data-tight="true"><li><p>A social group recognizes and turns a condition/behavior into Transformation Process turning a private trouble into a public one</p></li></ul><p>Legitimation Process </p><ul class="tight" data-tight="true"><li><p>Social groups persuade officials and higher ups to take some action to address the problem.</p></li></ul><p>Renewed Claims Making</p><ul class="tight" data-tight="true"><li><p>action is too limited in goals or scope to be able to successfully address the social problem.</p></li><li><p>readjustments of solution and a critical moment in solving the problem</p></li></ul><p>Development of alternative strategies</p><ul class="tight" data-tight="true"><li><p>alternative strategies as opposed to looking at the govt. for help because they are not doing enough</p></li><li><p>The group can no longer work in the established system; radically change the system or work outside of it</p></li></ul><p></p><p></p><p></p>

Social Mesaurement as a Research

<p>HYPOTHESIS</p><ul class="tight" data-tight="true"><li><p>disclosed with the variables</p></li></ul><p>INDEPENDENT (cause) and DEPENDENT (affected)</p><ul class="tight" data-tight="true"><li><p>correlate with one another to give more insight into the pattern of the social problem at hand. </p></li></ul><p>DATA COLLECTION</p><ul class="tight" data-tight="true"><li><p>quantitatively (through statistical, nominal data)</p></li><li><p>qualitatively (utilizing observations, historical models, and surveys)</p><p></p></li></ul><p></p>

Considers how the problem emerges from society and how it works together as a whole; macroperspective

<p>Functionalist </p><p></p><p></p>


<p>Social Issue</p><ul class="tight" data-tight="true"><li><p>short term</p></li><li><p>anything potentially positive or negative that may or may not affect you</p></li><li><p>can have a solution</p></li></ul><p>Social Problem</p><ul class="tight" data-tight="true"><li><p>long term, lingers in the community throughout time</p></li><li><p>negative issue that affects our social and physical world</p></li><li><p>calls for our immediate action</p></li><li><p>exists in a time, space, community</p></li><li><p>can be identified</p></li></ul><p></p>

Types of Research in Sociology

<p>Basic research</p><ul class="tight" data-tight="true"><li><p>expands our understanding of cause &amp; effect of these problems</p></li><li><p>focuses on the advancement of knowledge</p></li></ul><p>Applied research</p><ul class="tight" data-tight="true"><li><p>program application or policy evaluation</p></li><li><p>efforts toward finding a solution to a specific problem.</p></li></ul><p></p>

Types of social action

<p>Social policy</p><ul class="tight" data-tight="true"><li><p>Force of action through formal law/program</p></li></ul><p>Advocacy </p><ul class="tight" data-tight="true"><li><p>Use resources to support, educate, and empower individuals/communities</p></li></ul><p>Innovation</p><ul class="tight" data-tight="true"><li><p>Unique/untested approaches</p></li><li><p>Starts at community level that can be applied to national &amp; international prog</p></li></ul><p></p>

Feminist Theory

<p>It identified gender, often interconnected with race and social class perceptions, as a source for inequality, conflict, or social problems </p>

Legitimation Process

<p>Social groups persuade officials and higher ups to take some action to address the problem.</p><p></p>

relying on logical & systematic methods to investigate social phenomena



<p>Functionalist </p><ul class="tight" data-tight="true"><li><p>Considers how the problem emerges from society and how it works together as a whole; macroperspective </p></li></ul><p>Conflict Perspective </p><ul class="tight" data-tight="true"><li><p>society is in a constant state of conflict due to competition for limited resources between social classes or groups. </p></li></ul><p>Feminist Theory</p><ul class="tight" data-tight="true"><li><p>It identified gender, often interconnected with race and social class perceptions, as a source for inequality, conflict, or social problems </p></li></ul><p>Interactionist </p><ul class="tight" data-tight="true"><li><p>focuses on the way that we as individuals act or make conscious choices regarding our behavior that proceed from how we interpret situations, </p></li><li><p>how we interact using language and symbolism to construct and define a social problem; microperspective</p></li></ul><p></p>


<ul class="tight" data-tight="true"><li><p>focuses on the everyday interactions between individuals as the basis for the development of society.</p></li></ul><p>how we interact using language and symbolism to construct and define a social problem; microperspective</p><p></p>

govt action is too limited in goals or scope to be able to successfully address the social problem. reasserting their claims and by criticizing the official response

<p>Renewed Claims Making</p>

Sociological imagination

<p>ability to recognize the links between our personal lives and experiences to our social world</p>


<p>Functionalist </p><ul class="tight" data-tight="true"><li><p>Considers how the problem emerges from society and how it works together as a whole; macroperspective </p></li></ul><p></p>

Development of alternative strategies

<ul class="tight" data-tight="true"><li><p>alternative strategies as opposed to looking at the govt. for help because they are not doing enough</p></li><li><p>The group can no longer work in the established system; radically change the system or work outside of it</p></li></ul><p></p>


<p>EVENTS</p><ul class="tight" data-tight="true"><li><p>Main identified event that causes a domino effect for other social issues and problems</p></li><li><p>Lots of manifestations for conditions</p></li></ul><p>CONDITION</p><ul class="tight" data-tight="true"><li><p>How you exist in a particular time as a result of the events</p></li></ul><p>SITUATION</p><ul class="tight" data-tight="true"><li><p>Lead by specific set of conditions or circumstances to a particular circumstance in time</p></li></ul><p>EXAMPLE</p><ul class="tight" data-tight="true"><li><p>Gender Inequality causes for the gender pay gap, leading to further exploitation and discrimination against women for making less</p></li><li><p>Poverty causes unemployment, leading to starvation</p></li></ul><p></p>

What is Sociology?

<p>The science of our social world, relying on logical &amp; systematic methods to investigate social phenomena </p>


<ul class="tight" data-tight="true"><li><p>How one perceives, interprets, and labels a matter which is made real by the general perception/agreeance</p></li></ul><p></p>

Renewed Claims Making

<p></p><ul class="tight" data-tight="true"><li><p>action is too limited in goals or scope to be able to successfully address the social problem.</p></li><li><p>readjustments of solution and a critical moment in solving the problem</p></li></ul><p></p>


<ul class="tight" data-tight="true"><li><p>it is a <u>condition or behavior</u></p></li><li><p>condition or behavior that <u>has negative consequences</u> for large numbers of people </p></li><li><p>generally recognized as a condition or behavior that <u>needs to be addressed</u>.</p></li><li><p>become a social problem once <u>recognized </u>by policymakers or large numbers of citizens</p></li></ul><p></p>

Who described the transformation process of the recognition of a poblem?

<p>Spector and Kituse, 1987</p>

Social Action is Required to:

<p>Address a social problem</p>

Conflict Perspective

<p>society is in a constant state of conflict due to competition for limited resources between social classes or groups. </p><p></p>

It identified gender, often interconnected with race and social class perceptions, as a source for inequality, conflict, or social problems

<p>Feminist Theory</p>

society is in a constant state of conflict due to competition for limited resources between social classes or groups.

<p>Conflict Perspective </p>

A social group recognizes and turns a condition/behavior into Transformation Process turning a private trouble into a public one

<p>Emergence/Recognition/Claims Making</p>

alternative strategies as opposed to looking at the govt. for help because they are not doing enough ; The group can no longer work in the established system; radically change the system or work outside of it

<p>Development of alternative strategies</p>

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