What does the right to choose one's state of life include?
Freedom to marry, form a family, or choose a vocation.
What does the Principle of Dignity affirm about human beings?
That they are worthy of respect as members of the human family.
Rights and Responsibilities

What does the right to choose one's state of life include?

Freedom to marry, form a family, or choose a vocation.

Human Dignity

What does the Principle of Dignity affirm about human beings?

That they are worthy of respect as members of the human family.

Respect for Human Life

What does the Right to Life include according to Pope John XXIII?

Necessities like food, shelter, and healthcare.

Human Dignity

What does Jesus reveal about our identity?

We are God's children.

Rights and Responsibilities

What does inviolable mean in the context of human rights?

Rights are untouchable and given by God.

Rights and Responsibilities

What are Moral & Cultural Rights?

The freedom to seek truth, express opinions, and receive an education.

Human Dignity

What is the focus of the discussion in 'Our Rights as Humans'?

Understanding human dignity, rights, and responsibilities.

Principles of Solidarity and Stewardship

What does stewardship refer to?

The responsibility to take care of, nurture, and cultivate what has been entrusted to us.

Original Sin and Moral Choices

What effect does Original Sin have on moral choices?

It weakens moral choices, leading to injustice.

Human Dignity

What role does culture play in understanding human nature?

Culture shapes perceptions and definitions of humanity.

Core Principles of Catholic Social Justice

Which two principles appear frequently in the context of stewardship?

Principle of Equality and Principle of Subsidiarity.

Rights and Responsibilities

What must we do with the freedom we possess?

Use it responsibly.

Original Sin and Moral Choices

How does James Oppenheim describe humanity?

As the bad child of the universe.

Human Dignity

What is the purpose of humans according to the concept of human dignity?

Destined for eternal happiness by following God's will.

Core Principles of Catholic Social Justice

What are the primary sources of Catholic Social Justice principles?

Scripture, Jesus' teachings, and Church documents.

Human Dignity

Why is human dignity important in the context of rights?

It underpins the recognition and respect for human rights.

Core Principles of Catholic Social Justice

What role do Church documents play in Catholic Social Justice?

They serve as a source of moral guidance.

Global Challenges and Current Issues

What are some current issues related to Original Sin?

Child malnutrition, violence against women, severe poverty.

Original Sin and Moral Choices

How does violence against women relate to moral choices?

It is a consequence of weakened moral choices due to Original Sin.

Human Dignity

According to Aristotle, what happens to man when separated from law and justice?

He is the worst of all animals.

Human Dignity

In whose image and likeness are we created?

In God's image and likeness.

Human Dignity

What do humans possess that gives them inherent worth?

Intellect and free will.

Human Dignity

What is the foundational principle that emphasizes respect for every person?

The Principle of the Dignity of the Human Person.

Respect for Human Life

What is considered the right that makes all other rights possible?

The right to life.

Human Dignity

Why is every human being considered invaluable?

Because every human being is created in the image of God and redeemed by Jesus Christ.

Common Good and Community Participation

What type of relationship do we have with Jesus?

We are friends of Jesus.

Preferential Option for the Poor

What is meant by the Preferential Option for the Poor?

A commitment to prioritize the needs of the poor and vulnerable in society.

Original Sin and Moral Choices

What does the doctrine of Original Sin imply for moral choices?

It acknowledges the fallen nature of humanity and the need for grace in making moral decisions.

Core Principles of Catholic Social Justice

What is the call to action regarding social justice?

Practice social justice as witnesses to Christ.

Rights and Responsibilities

What does it mean that rights are universal?

Rights belong to every human being.

Rights and Responsibilities

What is the relationship between rights and responsibilities?

Every right comes with a corresponding responsibility.

Rights and Responsibilities

What does inalienable mean regarding human rights?

Rights are inherent and cannot be taken away.

Rights and Responsibilities

What must everyone contribute to according to the principle of Rights & Responsibilities?

The common good.

Global Challenges and Current Issues

What is a significant global challenge related to injustice?

Child malnutrition.

Rights and Responsibilities

What are we endowed with according to the concept of Rights and Responsibilities?

Both rights and responsibilities.

Human Dignity

What do human rights stem from?

Our dignity as beings made in God's image.

Human Dignity

What are the key principles of human rights?

Universal, inviolable, and inalienable rights.

Core Principles of Catholic Social Justice

Who is a key figure in the teachings that inform Catholic Social Justice?


Principles of Solidarity and Stewardship

What are we called to protect according to the principle of stewardship?

People and the planet, living our faith in relationship with all of God’s creation.

Respect for Human Life

What is the significance of natural death in the principle of respect for human life?

It marks the end of the right to life that every person has from conception.

Common Good and Community Participation

What does the common good include?

Social conditions that permit people to reach their full human potential and realize their human dignity.

Principles of Solidarity and Stewardship

What role does solidarity play in Catholic Social Justice?

Solidarity emphasizes the interconnectedness of all people and the responsibility to support one another.

Human Dignity

What does Francis Quarles claim about man?

Man is Heaven’s masterpiece.

Dignity of Work and Workers' Rights

What should the economy serve according to the principle of the dignity of work?

The economy should serve the people.

Principles of Solidarity and Stewardship

What does the principle of solidarity remind us?

That we are our brothers and sisters' keepers.

Respect for Human Life

When does a person acquire the right to life according to the principle of respect for human life?

From the moment of conception.

Human Dignity

How does exploring human nature contribute to society?

It fosters understanding and respect for individual dignity.

Rights and Responsibilities

What does the right of assembly and association entail?

Freedom to gather and associate with others.

Common Good and Community Participation

What is the Principle of the Common Good?

It emphasizes social conditions that allow individuals to achieve their full potential and dignity.

Human Dignity

What does it mean that each human being has tremendous dignity?

It signifies the inherent worth and value of every person.

Common Good and Community Participation

How do we reflect God best?

Through love, as social beings.

Human Dignity

What is the significance of your gratitude?

It shows appreciation and acknowledgment.

Human Dignity

What is a key aspect of exploring human nature?

Understanding various perspectives.

Respect for Human Life

What does the principle of respect for human life state about every person?

Every person has inherent dignity and a right to life from the moment of conception to natural death.

Rights and Responsibilities

What responsibility corresponds to the right to life?

The care for one's own life.

Rights and Responsibilities

What are economic rights?

The right to work and own property without coercion.

Rights and Responsibilities

What responsibilities accompany human rights?

The responsibility to respect the rights of others.

Preferential Option for the Poor

What does Jesus teach regarding the poor and vulnerable?

We must prioritize the poor and vulnerable, ensuring they receive respect, protection, participation, and justice.

Human Dignity

How are we viewed in God's eyes?

As special children of God.

Core Principles of Catholic Social Justice

In what way are we co-creators with God?

We participate in His creation.

Human Dignity

What does G. K. Chesterton say about man in relation to God?

If man is not the image of God, then he is a disease of the dust.

Human Dignity

What are rights inherent to?

Human dignity.

Human Dignity

In whose image are humans created?

In God's image.

Human Dignity

What factors do not affect a person's worth according to the Principle of Dignity?

Gender, race, age, nationality, religion, or economic status.

Rights and Responsibilities

What are the key components discussed in relation to human dignity?

Rights and responsibilities.

Human Dignity

What is the Principle of Equality?

We are essentially equal because of our fundamental dignity as God’s children made in His image and likeness.

Human Dignity

What are considered more fundamental rights?

Rights that ensure personal freedom and dignity.

Rights and Responsibilities

How does Catholic Social Justice view human rights?

Human rights are inherent and must be respected and protected for all individuals.

Global Challenges and Current Issues

How does Catholic Social Justice address global challenges?

By advocating for justice, peace, and the protection of human dignity on a global scale.

Rights and Responsibilities

How should rights be exercised?


Human Dignity

Why is it important to explore what it means to be human?

To gain insights into human dignity and existence.

Common Good and Community Participation

What is the key unit in society according to the principles of the Call to Family, Community, and Participation?

The family.

Rights and Responsibilities

What are the three key characteristics of human rights?

Universal, inviolable, and inalienable.

Common Good and Community Participation

What does the principle of the Common Good emphasize?

The well-being of all individuals in society, ensuring that everyone has access to basic needs.

Human Dignity

What does Saint Augustine express about humanity's purpose?

We are created for God, and our hearts are restless until they rest in Him.

Core Principles of Catholic Social Justice

What provides moral guidance for societal operation in Catholic Social Justice?

Core principles.

Human Dignity

How are we viewed in God's eyes?

As special and called to love.

Human Dignity

What are we called to reflect in our lives?

God's image.

Respect for Human Life

What is the relationship between dignity and the right to life?

The right to life is consistent with the inherent dignity of every person.

Core Principles of Catholic Social Justice

What should governments do to protect human dignity?

Protect the vulnerable.

Global Challenges and Current Issues

What is a major issue stemming from severe poverty?

Child malnutrition.

Core Principles of Catholic Social Justice

What happens to society without respect and justice for the poor and vulnerable?

Society will suffer.

Human Dignity

What is Shakespeare's perspective on mankind?

He finds mankind beautiful and admires the brave new world.

Rights and Responsibilities

What should one seek in prayer for guidance?

Help to act justly and compassionately.

Respect for Human Life

What is the Right to Worship God?

The freedom to practice religion according to conscience.

Original Sin and Moral Choices

What does being a 'saved sinner' signify?

We are redeemed.

Core Principles of Catholic Social Justice

What are we called to embody as Jesus did?


Human Dignity

How do rights relate to human dignity?

Rights are essential for protecting and promoting human dignity.

Common Good and Community Participation

What does being social beings imply for individuals?

That they must contribute to the community.

Human Dignity

What does Aristotle say about man when perfected?

He is the best of animals.

Original Sin and Moral Choices

What are we prone to due to sin and error?

We are wounded by sin and prone to error.

Human Dignity

What are the key aspects of being human according to the conclusion?

Dignity, love, freedom, and responsibility.

Human Dignity

What upholds human dignity?

Respect for rights and fulfillment of responsibilities.

Human Dignity

What can different perspectives on human nature include?

Philosophical, psychological, and sociological viewpoints.

Rights and Responsibilities

What does the right to truth require?

The pursuit of truth.

Respect for Human Life

What does the Lord ask us to do in return?

To love.

Core Principles of Catholic Social Justice

What is the primary focus of Catholic Social Justice?

To promote the dignity of every human being and the common good.

Principles of Solidarity and Stewardship

What is the significance of stewardship in Catholic Social Justice?

Stewardship involves the responsible management of resources for the benefit of all, especially the marginalized.

Rights and Responsibilities

What does the Principle of Subsidiarity address?

The responsibilities and limits of government, and the essential roles of voluntary organizations.

Human Dignity

What is our spiritual nature according to the teachings?

We are made for God Himself.

Original Sin and Moral Choices

What does Frederick the Great suggest about human nature?

Every man has a wild beast within him.

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