What is Boron-free Glassware?
Boron-free Glassware is a type of glass that has high resistance to alkali but less thermal resistance compared to borosilicate glass.
What is a Dispenser / Dilutor Pipette?
A Dispenser / Dilutor Pipette is a device that obtains liquid from a common reservoir and dispenses it repeatedly, combining sampling and dispensing functions.
Components of Spectrophotometers

What is Boron-free Glassware?

Boron-free Glassware is a type of glass that has high resistance to alkali but less thermal resistance compared to borosilicate glass.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is a Dispenser / Dilutor Pipette?

A Dispenser / Dilutor Pipette is a device that obtains liquid from a common reservoir and dispenses it repeatedly, combining sampling and dispensing functions.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What are mechanical pipettes?

Mechanical pipettes are manually operated devices used to measure and transfer precise volumes of liquid, typically featuring a plunger mechanism for aspiration and dispensing.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What is a Light/Radiant Source in spectrophotometry?

It provides polychromatic light and must generate sufficient radiant energy or power to measure the analyte of interest, directing an intense beam of light through the monochromator and the sample, with a linear response to changes in light intensity for accurate absorbance measurements.

Principles of Spectrophotometry

What is Percent Transmittance (%)?

It is the ratio of the radiant energy transmitted (T) divided by the radiant energy incident on the sample (I).

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What information is encrypted in the RFID chip?

The demographics of the patient and the laboratory tests requested for that individual are encrypted in the RFID chip.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What is a Random Access Analyzer?

A Random Access Analyzer is an automated system that selects samples and reagents at random, regardless of their placement on the platform.

Principles of Spectrophotometry

What is I t in spectrophotometry?

I t represents the transmitted light through the sample.

Principles of Spectrophotometry


Colorimetry is the science and technology used to quantify and describe physical color, often through the measurement of light absorption by colored solutions.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What is a Meter or Readout Device?

A Meter or Readout Device displays the output of the detection system, such as a galvanometer, ammeter, or light-emitting diode (LED) display.

Analytical Methods in Clinical Chemistry

What is an Open Reagent System?

A reagent system where reagents other than the manufacturer's reagents can be utilized for measurement.

Wavelength and Energy Relationships

What is Wavelength?

Wavelength is the distance between successive peaks of a wave, commonly measured in nanometers for light waves.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What is Absorption Spectroscopy?

A detection system that measures the amount of light absorbed by a sample at specific wavelengths to determine its concentration.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What is Reflectance Spectroscopy?

A detection system that measures the amount of light reflected off a sample surface to analyze its properties.

Types of Spectrophotometers

What is a Double-beam in time spectrophotometer?

A type of double-beam spectrophotometer that uses one photodetector and alternately passes monochromatic light through the sample cuvette and then through the reference cuvette using a chopper or rotating sector mirror.

Beer's Law and Absorbance

What does Cs stand for in the context of spectrophotometry?

Cs stands for the concentration of the standard solution.

Principles of Spectrophotometry

What is Nephelometry?

Nephelometry is a technique used to measure the scattering of light by antigen-antibody complexes, typically with diameters ranging from 250 nm to 1500 mm, using wavelengths between 320 mm to 550 nm.

Types of Spectrophotometers

What is a Line Source in spectrophotometry?

A Line Source is a type of light source that emits limited radiation and specific wavelengths, commonly used in spectrophotometers, such as mercury and sodium vapor lamps, and hollow cathode lamps.

Principles of Spectrophotometry

What is Spectrophotometry?

It involves measurement of the light transmitted by a solution to determine the concentration of the light-absorbing substances in the solution.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What are barcode-labeled tubes?

Barcode-labeled tubes are specimen holders that contain patient information and test requests, used in automation.

Beer's Law and Absorbance

What does Au represent in spectrophotometry?

Au represents the absorbance of the unknown solution.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What do liquid level sensors detect?

Liquid level sensors detect the presence of inadequate sample as they scan or travel into the sample container.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What is the function of analyzers regarding lyophilized reagents?

Most analyzers will automatically reconstitute a lyophilized reagent.

Wavelength and Energy Relationships

What is Frequency?

Frequency is the number of vibrations of wave motion per second.

Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry

What is an absorbance check?

An absorbance check is performed using glass filters or solutions with known absorbance values for a specific wavelength, where the operator measures the absorbance of each solution and compares the results with the stated values.

Beer's Law and Absorbance

What does the formula A = abc represent in relation to Absorbance?

In the formula A = abc, A represents Absorbance, a is the molar absorptivity of the compound under standard conditions, b is the length of light through the solution, and c is the concentration of absorbing molecules in the solution.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What are the basic components of a Nephelometry system?

The basic components of a Nephelometry system include a light source (such as a mercury-arc lamp, tungsten-filament lamp, light emitting diode, or laser), collimator, monochromator, sample cuvette, stray light trap, and photodetector.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

Why do air displacement pipettes require periodic greasing?

To maintain the integrity of the seals that prevent air leakage when the piston is moved.

Sources of Errors in Automated Systems

How do lipids interfere with spectrophotometric measurements?

Lipids interfere mainly by increasing light scatter, which leads to turbidity in the sample.

Types of Spectrophotometers

What is the role of LASER in spectrophotometry?

LASER, which stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, is used as a light source in spectrophotometry, providing precise wavelengths.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

How does a Positive Displacement Pipette function?

It functions by utilizing a Teflon-tipped plunger that fits tightly inside the capillary, which can be made of siliconized glass or plastic.

Types of Spectrophotometers

What is a Single-beam Spectrophotometer?

It is the simplest type of an absorption spectrophotometer designed to make one measurement at a time at one specified wavelength.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What is a Photodetector?

A Photodetector detects and converts transmitted light into photoelectric energy, measuring the amount of light that passes through the sample cuvette.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What is a Cuvette?

A cuvette, also known as an absorption cell, analytical cell, or sample cell, is a container that holds the solution whose concentration is to be measured.

Wavelength and Energy Relationships

What does Nominal Wavelength represent?

Nominal wavelength represents the wavelength in nanometers at peak transmittance.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What is the Automate 800-Beckman Coulter?

The Automate 800-Beckman Coulter is an all-in-one biochemistry analyzer that performs various procedures including sample receipt, sorting, centrifugation, decapping, sample volume detection, aliquoting, and sample storage, in addition to measurement and LIS phases.

Analytical Methods in Clinical Chemistry

What are Major Analytical Methods in Clinical Chemistry?

Major Analytical Methods in Clinical Chemistry refer to the various techniques used to analyze biological samples for diagnostic purposes, including spectrophotometry, chromatography, and immunoassays.

Sources of Errors in Automated Systems

What is stray light in the context of spectrophotometry?

Stray light refers to any wavelengths outside the band transmitted by the monochromator; it does not originate from the polychromatic light source and causes absorbance error.

Principles of Spectrophotometry

What is Spectrophotometry?

Spectrophotometry is an analytical method that measures the amount of light absorbed by a sample at specific wavelengths to determine the concentration of solutes.

Beer's Law and Absorbance

How does stray light affect the performance of a spectrophotometer?

Stray light limits the maximum absorbance that a spectrophotometer can achieve.

Principles of Spectrophotometry

What is Fluorometry?

Fluorometry is a technique that measures the emitted light from a sample at a right angle to the incident light, allowing for the detection of fluorescence.

Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry

What are Class A specifications?

Class A specifications are standards defined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) that volumetric flasks must meet for the preparation of standards and other solutions.

Principles of Spectrophotometry

How sensitive is Fluorometry compared to a spectrophotometer?

Fluorometry is 1000 times more sensitive than a spectrophotometer because it measures emitted radiation directly.

Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry

What is wavelength accuracy in spectrophotometry?

Wavelength accuracy refers to the actual wavelength of light that passes through the monochromator.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What is Borosilicate Glass?

Borosilicate Glass is a type of glass used for heating and sterilization purposes, characterized by high thermal resistance, low alkali content, and absence of heavy metals, arsenic, and antimony.

Types of Spectrophotometers

What must be known in advance when using a Single-beam Spectrophotometer?

The maximum absorption of the analyte must be known in advance.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What is Flint Glass (Soda lime)?

Flint Glass (Soda lime) is made up of soda-lime glass and a mixture of calcium, silicon, and sodium oxides. It is used to make disposable glassware and has poor thermal resistance, making it easy to melt.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What is a Discrete Analyzer?

A Discrete Analyzer is a type of laboratory analyzer where each sample-reagent mixture is handled separately in its own reaction vessel, focusing on the number of tests run per hour rather than the number of samples.

Wavelength and Energy Relationships

What are complementary colors in the context of the visible spectrum?

Complementary colors are the colors that are observed when a solution absorbs light of a certain color; they are the colors opposite on the color wheel.

Types of Spectrophotometers

What is a Double-beam in space spectrophotometer?

A type of double-beam spectrophotometer that uses two photodetectors, one for the sample beam and one for the reference beam.

Principles of Spectrophotometry

What does I O stand for in spectrophotometry?

I O is the intensity of light striking the sample.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What are Ion-Selective Electrodes?

Electrodes designed to measure the concentration of specific ions in a solution, providing a direct measurement of ion activity.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What is a Continuous Flow Analyzer?

A Continuous Flow Analyzer is a system where liquids are pumped through continuous tubing, allowing samples to flow through a common reaction vessel or pathway for sequential testing.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What applications does Polyethylene have in laboratories?

Polyethylene is used for test tubes, bottles, stoppers, disposable transfer pipettes, volumetric flasks, and graduated tubes.

Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry

What is a Reagent Blank?

A Reagent Blank corrects absorbance caused by the color of the reagents, automatically subtracting the absorbance of reagents from each unknown reading.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is a Self-draining Pipette?

A Self-draining Pipette is a type of pipette that allows the liquid to drain by gravity and does not have etched or frosted rings.

Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry

What does a Sample Blank measure?

A Sample Blank measures the absorbance of the sample and reagent in the absence of the end product, correcting for optical interference like hemoglobin that absorbs the wavelength of measurement.

Wavelength and Energy Relationships

What is the ultraviolet region (UV)?

The ultraviolet region (UV) refers to wavelengths shorter than 400 nm.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What are the basic parts of a micropipette?

The basic parts of a micropipette include the plunger, tip ejector, volume adjustment dial, and the pipette tip.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What is a Discrete Analyzer?

A Discrete Analyzer is a popular and versatile analyzer that measures only the tests requested on a sample, requiring a minimum volume of 2 - 6 uL, and employs syringe pipettes to aspirate and dispense samples and reagents with a single analytic pathway.

Types of Spectrophotometers

What is a Double-beam Spectrophotometer?

It is an instrument that splits monochromatic light into two components: one beam passes through the sample, and the other through a reference solution or blank, correcting for variation in light source intensity.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What are the types of glassware used in laboratories?

Types of glassware include beakers, flasks, test tubes, pipettes, and graduated cylinders, each designed for specific laboratory tasks such as mixing, heating, or measuring liquids.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What are automatic pipettes?

Automatic pipettes, also known as electronic pipettes, are devices that use electronic mechanisms to aspirate and dispense liquids, allowing for greater precision and ease of use compared to manual pipettes.

Analytical Methods in Clinical Chemistry

What is Reflectance Photometry?

Reflectance Photometry is the measurement of light reflected from solid surfaces, comparing the intensity of reflected light from a reagent carrier with that from a reference surface.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is a To Contain (TC) Pipette?

A To Contain (TC) Pipette holds a particular volume but does not dispense the exact volume; it is also known as the rinse-out pipette and does not meet Class A certification criteria.

Analytical Methods in Clinical Chemistry

How does Chemiluminescence quantify sample analytes?

Chemiluminescence quantifies sample analytes in a wide range of wavelengths not observed in the visible spectrum.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What are examples of To Contain (TC) Pipettes?

Examples of To Contain (TC) Pipettes include Sahli hemoglobin and Long-Levy pipettes.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is the purpose of regular preventive maintenance monitoring for air displacement pipettes?

To ensure the fixed stroke length functions correctly and to maintain the integrity of the pipette.

Types of Spectrophotometers

What is a Photovoltaic Cell?

A Photovoltaic Cell is a type of photodetector that detects and measures radiation in the visible region, with sensitivity falling to about 10% of the maximum at wavelengths of 350 nm and 750 nm.

Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry

What should calibration intervals for laboratory balances coincide with?

Calibration intervals should coincide with the requirements of the laboratory's licensing and accrediting organizations.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is a Positive Displacement Pipette?

A Positive Displacement Pipette operates by moving the piston in the pipette tip or barrel, similar to a hypodermic syringe, and does not require a different tip for each use.

Sources of Errors in Automated Systems

What factors affect Fluorometry?

Fluorometry is affected by quenching, which can be caused by changes in pH and temperature, chemical contaminants, and variations in UV light.

Principles of Spectrophotometry

What is the principle of fluorometry?

Fluorometry determines the amount of light emitted by a molecule after excitation by electromagnetic radiation.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is the function of a slide wire in the maintenance of positive displacement pipettes?

It is used to quickly check the plunger setting of positive displacement pipettes.

Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry

What is Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry?

Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry refers to the systematic processes and procedures implemented to ensure that spectrophotometric measurements are accurate, reliable, and consistent over time.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is an Ostwald Folin Pipette?

An Ostwald Folin Pipette is used for viscous fluids and features an etched ring.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is a graduated pipette?

A graduated pipette is a pipette marked with a scale that allows for the measurement and transfer of varying volumes of liquid, providing flexibility in volume delivery.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What is a Monochromator?

A Monochromator is a device that isolates specific or individual wavelengths of light.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What is a Spectrometer?

A spectrometer is a device that measures the wavelengths of light or the intensity of radiation.

Principles of Spectrophotometry

What is Photometric measurement?

Photometric measurement is the measurement of light intensity using a specific wavelength.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

How is RFID utilized in laboratory settings?

RFID is utilized for managing reagent supplies and storage.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What is Dry Slide Technology?

Dry Slide Technology, or reflectance photometry, involves a spreading layer that allows for rapid and uniform spreading of the sample over the reagent layer.

Types of Spectrophotometers

What is a Barrier Layer Cell?

A Barrier Layer Cell is the simplest and least expensive type of photodetector, which is temperature-sensitive and used in filter photometers with a wide bandpass for detecting and measuring radiation in the visible region.

Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry

What is the purpose of calibrating an Analytical Balance?

Calibration of an Analytical Balance ensures accurate measurements by aligning the balance with standard weights at regular intervals.

Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry

What is the Blanking Technique?

The Blanking Technique means the blank contains serum but without the reagent to complete the assay.

Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry

Why should operators avoid direct contact with weights during calibration?

Operators should avoid direct contact with weights to prevent corrosion, which can affect the accuracy of measurements.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What are Filters in the context of spectrophotometry?

Filters are simple, least expensive monochromators that are not precise but useful, made by placing semi-transparent silver films on both sides of a dielectric like magnesium fluoride.

Analytical Methods in Clinical Chemistry

What does the EDTA Titration method test for?

It is used for testing calcium levels in volumetric analysis.

Analytical Methods in Clinical Chemistry

What are Immunoassays?

Immunoassays are biochemical tests that utilize the specificity of antibodies to detect and quantify substances, often used for hormones, drugs, and proteins.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What maintenance is required for positive displacement pipettes?

The spring needs to be checked and the Teflon tip replaced periodically.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What is the purpose of the signal processor in a spectrophotometer?

The signal processor processes the electrical signals from the radiation detector to prepare them for analysis and interpretation.

Analytical Methods in Clinical Chemistry

What are the uses of Fluorometry?

Fluorometry is used for the measurement of porphyrins, magnesium, calcium, and catecholamines.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What is the function of the readout device in a spectrophotometer?

The readout device displays the processed data, allowing users to interpret the results of the spectrophotometric analysis.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What are the basic components of a Fluorometer?

The basic components include a light source (mercury arc or xenon lamp), primary monochromator, secondary monochromator, cuvette, and photodetector (photomultiplier tube or phototube).

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What is a Centrifugal Analyzer?

A Centrifugal Analyzer is a device that uses the force generated by centrifugation to transfer specimens and reagents, with liquids placed in separate cuvettes for measurement at the perimeter of a spinning rotor.

Sources of Errors in Automated Systems

How does cleaning the probe with a wash solution help in reducing carryover contamination?

It removes any residual substances from the probe that could contaminate subsequent samples.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What types of pipettes are examples of To Deliver (TD) Pipettes?

Examples of To Deliver (TD) Pipettes include serologic, Mohr, and volumetric transfer pipettes.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What is a Phototube?

A Phototube is a device that contains a cathode and anode enclosed in a glass case, featuring a photosensitive material that emits electrons when light energy strikes it, and requires an external voltage for operation.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What is Vycor (Corning)?

Vycor (Corning) is a material utilized for high thermal resistance, capable of withstanding drastic heat shock and extreme chemical treatment with acids (except hydrofluoric) and dilute alkali, and can be heated to 900°C.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What is Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID)?

RFID is a system for tracking samples, starting from the collection of specimens to the release of laboratory results.

Analytical Methods in Clinical Chemistry

What is a Closed Reagent System?

A reagent system where the operator can only use the manufacturer's reagents.

Principles of Spectrophotometry

What is the primary analytical utility of spectrophotometry?

The primary analytical utility of spectrophotometry or filter photometry is the isolation of discrete portions of the spectrum for purposes of measurement.

Sources of Errors in Automated Systems

How can errors in wavelength adjustments affect absorbance readings?

A slight error in wavelength adjustments can introduce a significant error in absorbance readings.

Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry

What is the purpose of verifying the accuracy of a thermometer?

Temperature-monitoring devices should be verified for accuracy at 6- or 12-month intervals to ensure reliable measurements.

Analytical Methods in Clinical Chemistry

What is the principle of Volumetric (Titrimetric) analysis?

The unknown sample is made to react with a known solution in the presence of an indicator.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What is the function of a filter in a spectrophotometer?

A filter isolates a specific region of the electromagnetic spectrum to allow only certain wavelengths to pass through for analysis.

Wavelength and Energy Relationships

How does wave frequency relate to wavelength?

The lower the wave frequency, the longer the wavelength.

Analytical Methods in Clinical Chemistry

What is Chromatography?

Chromatography is a technique used to separate components in a mixture based on their different interactions with a stationary phase and a mobile phase.

Wavelength and Energy Relationships

What is the visible spectrum?

The visible spectrum is the range of wavelengths from 400 to 700 nm that can be perceived by the human eye.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What role do air bubbles play in a Continuous Flow Analyzer?

Air bubbles at regular intervals serve as separating and cleaning media within the system.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is a Transfer Pipette?

A Transfer Pipette is used to transfer fluids without consideration of a specific volume.

Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry

When might ultracentrifugation be necessary in spectrophotometry?

Ultracentrifugation may be necessary to clear serum or plasma of chylomicrons when the blanking process is not effective due to turbidity.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What are Class A pipettes?

Class A pipettes are high-precision pipettes that do not require recalibration.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

When is a Positive Displacement Pipette particularly useful?

It is particularly useful when a reagent reacts to plastics.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is the calibrating medium for TD pipettes?

The calibrating medium for TD (To Deliver) pipettes is distilled water.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is the purpose of the tip ejector in a micropipette?

The tip ejector is used to safely remove the pipette tip without the need for direct contact.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What is Corex?

Corex is a special alumina-silicate glass that has been chemically strengthened, making it six times stronger than borosilicate glass.

Types of Spectrophotometers

What is a Basic Filter Fluorometer?

A Basic Filter Fluorometer is an analytical instrument that measures the fluorescence emitted by a sample after it has been excited by a specific wavelength of light, using filters to isolate the excitation and emission wavelengths.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is a TD pipette?

A TD (To Deliver) pipette is designed to deliver a specific volume of liquid, and it is calibrated to account for the liquid that remains in the tip after dispensing.

Wavelength and Energy Relationships

What is Wavelength?

Wavelength is the distance between two successive peaks and is expressed in nanometers (nm).

Components of Spectrophotometers

What are the kinds of Cuvettes?

The kinds of cuvettes include alumina silica glass (most commonly used, available in 350 nm to 2000 nm), quartz/plastic (used for visible and ultraviolet spectra), borosilicate glass, and soft glass.

Beer's Law and Absorbance

What is Beer’s Law?

Beer’s Law states that the concentration of an unknown substance is directly proportional to the absorbed light (absorbance or optical density) and inversely proportional to the amount of transmitted light (% Transmittance). It mathematically establishes the relationship between concentration and absorbance.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is a Positive Displacement Pipette?

A Positive Displacement Pipette is a type of pipette that uses a piston to directly contact the liquid, allowing for accurate dispensing of highly viscous or volatile liquids.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is Polycarbonate used for in laboratory settings?

Polycarbonate is used for making tubes for centrifugation, graduated cylinders, and flasks.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

How does an Air Displacement Pipette differ from a Positive Displacement Pipette?

An Air Displacement Pipette uses air pressure to move liquid, while a Positive Displacement Pipette uses a piston that contacts the liquid directly, making it suitable for different types of liquids.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What are examples of Blow-out Pipettes?

Examples of Blow-out Pipettes include the Ostwald-Folin pipette and the serological pipette.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

How much is 1 microliter in milligrams?

1 microliter is equal to 1.0 milligram.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What are the characteristics and uses of Teflon in laboratories?

Teflon is used for stirring bars, tubing, cryogenic vials, and bottle cap liners; it is almost chemically inert, suitable for extreme temperature treatment (-70 °C to 200°C), and resistant to strong chemicals such as acids, bases, alcohol, and hydrocarbons.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What are some examples of Discrete Analyzers?

Examples of Discrete Analyzers include Vitros, Dimension Dade, Beckman ASTRA System, Hitachi, Bayer Advia, Roche Cobas Integra, and Analytics P Module.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What are the parts of the Spectrophotometer?

The main parts of a spectrophotometer include the light source, monochromator, sample holder, detector, and readout device.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What is the typical transmittance characteristic of Filters?

Filters usually pass a wide band of radiant energy and have a low transmittance of the selected wavelength.

Sources of Errors in Automated Systems

What is back-flushing in the context of reducing carryover contamination?

A technique used to clean the pipette tip by reversing the flow of liquid to remove residual sample.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What are diffraction gratings?

Diffraction gratings are optical components made by cutting parallel grooves or slits into an aluminized surface of a flat piece of crown glass, providing better resolution than prisms by bending wavelengths as they pass a sharp corner.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What are the types of automation?

Types of automation include fixed, programmable, and flexible automation, each serving different manufacturing and production needs.

Types of Spectrophotometers

What are the kinds of monochromators?

Monochromators are devices that isolate specific wavelengths of light from a broader spectrum. Common types include prism monochromators, grating monochromators, and filter monochromators.

Beer's Law and Absorbance

What is Beer's Law?

Beer's Law states that the absorbance of a solution is directly proportional to the concentration of the absorbing species and the path length of the light through the solution.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What are the advantages of automation in laboratory analysis?

Automation increases the number of tests to be performed in a given period, minimizes variation of results from one laboratorian to another, and eliminates potential errors in manual analyses such as pipetting, calculation, and transcription of results.

Wavelength and Energy Relationships

What is Radiant Energy?

Radiant Energy is the energy of electromagnetic waves, which includes light energy, and is emitted by objects in the form of radiation.

Beer's Law and Absorbance

What does As represent in spectrophotometry?

As represents the absorbance of the standard solution.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What are the three basic approaches to automation?

The three basic approaches to automation are: 1) Fixed or hard automation, which is used for high-volume production with little flexibility; 2) Programmable automation, which allows for reprogramming for different tasks and is suitable for batch production; 3) Flexible or soft automation, which can adapt to changes in product types and volumes.

Principles of Spectrophotometry

What is Percent Transmittance (%)?

Percent Transmittance (%) is the ratio of the sample transmitted beam divided by the blank transmitted beam, calculated as (sample beam signal/blank beam signal × 100).

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What are micropipettes?

Micropipettes are precision instruments used to measure and transfer small volumes of liquid, which must be checked for accuracy and precision before use.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What is the Exit Slit in spectrophotometry?

The Exit Slit controls the width of the light beam (bandpass) and allows only a narrow fraction of the spectrum to reach the sample cuvette.

Beer's Law and Absorbance

What is absorption spectroscopy preferred for?

Absorption spectroscopy is preferred for solutions with absorbance values of less than 2.0.

Wavelength and Energy Relationships

What is the relationship between wavelength, frequency, and energy?

Wavelength is inversely related to frequency and energy; the shorter the wavelength, the higher the frequency and energy, and vice versa.

Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry

What should be done with glassware that fails Class A tolerance?

Any glassware that fails to fulfill the Class A tolerance should be discarded.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is the function of the disposable tip in an Air Displacement Pipette?

The disposable tip in an Air Displacement Pipette is a one-time use polypropylene tip that is attached to the pipette barrel to prevent contamination and ensure accurate sample transfer.

Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry

What is the purpose of didymium or holmium oxide filters?

Didymium or holmium oxide filters are used to check wavelength accuracy as part of wavelength quality assurance calibration.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is a Volumetric Pipette?

A Volumetric Pipette is designed for nonviscous fluids, is self-draining, and leaves a small amount in the tip that should not be blown out.

Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry

What is the absorption peak of didymium glass?

Didymium glass has an absorption peak around 600 nm.

Sources of Errors in Automated Systems

What is carry over contamination?

Carry over contamination refers to the unintended transfer of substances from one sample to another, which can lead to inaccurate results in automated systems.

Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry

What is the significance of holmium oxide in spectrophotometry?

Holmium oxide has multiple absorption peaks, with a sharp peak at 360 nm, used for wavelength accuracy verification.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What is a Photodiode?

A Photodiode is a light detector that is not as sensitive as a Photomultiplier Tube (PMT) but offers excellent linearity, measuring light at multiple wavelengths and detecting lower amounts of light. It is particularly useful as a simultaneous multichannel detector.

Principles of Spectrophotometry

What is Spectrophotometric measurement?

Spectrophotometric measurement is the measurement of light intensity in a narrower wavelength.

Wavelength and Energy Relationships

What is Light Energy?

Light Energy is the form of energy that is visible to the human eye and is responsible for the sense of sight.

Types of Spectrophotometers

What is a Single-beam Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer?

A Single-beam Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer is an analytical instrument that measures the concentration of elements in a sample by detecting the absorption of light at specific wavelengths by free atoms in the gaseous state.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is an Air Displacement Pipette?

An Air Displacement Pipette is a type of pipette that uses air pressure to aspirate and dispense liquid, relying on a piston mechanism to create a vacuum.

Analytical Methods in Clinical Chemistry

What is Chemiluminescence?

Chemiluminescence is a principle where a chemical reaction yields an electronically excited compound that emits light as it returns to its ground state or transfers its energy to another compound, which then produces an emission.

Analytical Methods in Clinical Chemistry

What is the purpose of a reflectometer?

A reflectometer is used to measure analytes by quantifying the amount of light reflected by a liquid sample dispensed onto a grainy or fibrous solid support.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is the definition of lambda in volume measurements?

Lambda is equivalent to 1 microliter (0.001 mL).

Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry

What are the two types of thermometers mentioned?

The two types of thermometers are Total immersion (used in freezers and refrigerators) and Partial immersion (used in water baths and heating blocks).

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What is the major advantage of a Discrete Analyzer?

The major advantage of a Discrete Analyzer is its random access capability, which allows for STAl samples to be easily tested.

Beer's Law and Absorbance

What is the impact of stray light at high-analyte concentrations?

Stray light is the most common cause of loss of linearity at high-analyte concentration.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is an Air Displacement Pipette?

An Air Displacement Pipette is a type of pipette that relies on a piston for suction creation to draw the sample into a disposable tip, where the piston does not come in contact with the liquid.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What is a Photomultiplier Tube (PMT)?

The Photomultiplier Tube (PMT) is the most sensitive photodetector, which begins its response when incoming photons strike a photocathode.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What mixing methods are used in Discrete Analyzers?

Mixing methods used in Discrete Analyzers include magnetic driven teflon stirring bars, forceful dispensing, magnetic stirring bars, rotating paddles, and ultrasonic energy.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What happens when intense light is applied to a Photomultiplier Tube (PMT)?

Intense light causes irreversible damage to the photoelectric surface of the Photomultiplier Tube (PMT), limiting its use to measuring low power radiation.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is a To Deliver (TD) Pipette?

A To Deliver (TD) Pipette is designed to deliver the exact amount it holds into a container without blowing out, and it drains by gravity, with the desired volume obtained when draining stops.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What is the light source used in Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry?

The light source used in AAS is a hollow-cathode lamp.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What is the strain point of Pyrex Borosilicate Glass?

The strain point of Pyrex Borosilicate Glass is 515° C.

Types of Spectrophotometers

What is Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS)?

AAS is a technique that is more sensitive than Flame Emission Photometry (FEP), known for its accuracy, precision, and specificity.

Sources of Errors in Automated Systems

What is sample evaporation?

Sample evaporation is the loss of liquid from a sample due to vaporization, which can alter the concentration and affect the accuracy of the results.

Types of Spectrophotometers

What is the function of a Deuterium lamp?

A Deuterium lamp is routinely used to provide UV radiation in analytic spectrometers.

Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry

What is the pH difference between detergent-contaminated water and appropriate grade water?

Detergent-contaminated water has a more alkaline pH compared to the pH of appropriate grade water.

Analytical Methods in Clinical Chemistry

What is the application of Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry?

AAS is used for the measurement of unexcited trace metals, such as calcium and magnesium.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What is the purpose of rectangular racks or carousels in automation?

Rectangular racks or carousels are utilized as sample containers or stations in the loading zone of modular platforms.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What is the Entrance Slit in a spectrophotometer?

The Entrance Slit minimizes unwanted or stray light and prevents the entrance of scattered light into the monochromator system.

Wavelength and Energy Relationships

What is the relationship between wavelength and energy described by?

The relationship between wavelength and energy (E) is described by Planck's formula.

Beer's Law and Absorbance

What is Absorbance (A)?

Absorbance (A) is the amount of light absorbed by a solution, which is proportional to the inverse log of transmittance and mathematically derived from % T using the formula A = abc = 2 - log%T.

Types of Spectrophotometers

What is a Photocell?

A Photocell is a basic photodetector composed of selenium on a plate of iron covered with a transparent layer of silver, typically having maximum sensitivity at about 550 nm.

Analytical Methods in Clinical Chemistry

What is the Schales and Schales method used for?

It is a chloride test method used in volumetric analysis.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What is the role of the sample holder in a spectrophotometer?

The sample holder is where the sample is placed for analysis, ensuring it is positioned correctly in the path of the light beam.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What is Bandpass in the context of spectrophotometry?

Bandpass is the total range of wavelengths transmitted by the spectrophotometer.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What does the radiation detector do in a spectrophotometer?

The radiation detector measures the intensity of light that passes through the sample, converting it into an electrical signal.

Beer's Law and Absorbance

What is the requirement for accurate absorbance measurement related to bandpass?

Accurate absorbance measurement requires a bandpass less than 1/5 the natural bandpass of the spectrophotometer.

Analytical Methods in Clinical Chemistry

What is Chemiluminescence?

A method used to differentiate two compounds that have excitation reactions at the same wavelength but emit at different wavelengths, known for its high sensitivity.

Principles of Spectrophotometry

What is the principle of turbidimetry?

Turbidimetry determines the amount of light blocked by particulate matter in a turbid solution, depending on specimen concentration and particle size.

Analytical Methods in Clinical Chemistry

What is Chemiluminescence Immunoassay (CLIA)?

A method that utilizes chemiluminescence for immunoassays, widely used for its high sensitivity in various applications.

Principles of Spectrophotometry

What factors does turbidimetry depend on?

Turbidimetry depends on specimen concentration and particle size.

Analytical Methods in Clinical Chemistry

What is a Continuous Flow Analyzer?

A Continuous Flow Analyzer is a laboratory instrument that maintains the required temperature of a reaction to allow complete color development, controls reaction rates by temperature, and can perform batch analysis.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is the calibrating medium for TC pipettes?

The calibrating medium for TC (To Contain) pipettes is mercury.

Analytical Methods in Clinical Chemistry

What is the role of a heating bath in a Continuous Flow Analyzer?

The heating bath maintains the required temperature of the reaction to allow complete color development.

Analytical Methods in Clinical Chemistry

What methods verify the accuracy and precision of pipette volumes?

Gravimetric and spectrometric methods are used to verify the accuracy and precision of pipette volumes.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is a Graduated or Measuring Pipette?

A pipette with graduations along its length, allowing for precise measurement of liquid volumes.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What is the Reagent System and Delivery in Automated Analysis?

The process of providing the necessary reagents to the analytical system for the chemical reactions.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What is the Separation and Incubation step in Automated Analysis?

The process where the mixture is allowed to separate and incubate for a specific time to facilitate reactions.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What is Signal Processing and Data Handling in Automated Analysis?

The step where the measured signals are processed and data is managed for interpretation.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is a Kirk and Overflow Pipette?

A type of pipette used for transferring liquids, designed to allow for overflow to ensure accurate measurement.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What is the stable source of radiant energy in a spectrophotometer?

A stable source of radiant energy provides the necessary light for the spectrophotometer to analyze samples.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is a Blow-out Pipette?

A Blow-out Pipette is a type of pipette that has continuous etched rings on top or near the mouthpiece, allowing for the exact volume to be obtained when the last drop is blown out. This type of pipette is not rinsed out.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What is a Discrete Analyzer?

A Discrete Analyzer is a type of laboratory equipment that allows for the random access testing of samples, utilizing various mixing methods such as magnetic stirring bars and ultrasonic energy.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What are Chemiluminescence Immunoassays?

A detection method that uses the light emitted during a chemical reaction to quantify the presence of specific antigens or antibodies.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

How does a Continuous Flow Analyzer perform analysis of samples?

It performs analysis through sequential testing in a single or multiple parallel channel configuration, conducting the same group of tests on each sample regardless of the tests ordered.

Principles of Spectrophotometry

What is Fluorescence?

Fluorescence is the light emission from a single excited state.

Components of Spectrophotometers

How do Filters produce monochromatic light?

Filters produce monochromatic light based on the principle of constructive interference of waves, where light waves enter one side of the filter and are reflected at the second surface.

Principles of Spectrophotometry

What is Phosphorescence?

Phosphorescence is the light emission from an excited triplet state.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What are prisms in the context of spectrophotometry?

Prisms are wedge-shaped pieces of glass, quartz, or sodium chloride that can be rotated to allow only the desired wavelength to pass through an exit slit, refracting light as it enters the denser material.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What is the function of the light source in a Spectrophotometer?

The light source provides the necessary light for the analysis, typically using a lamp that emits a specific wavelength range.

Principles of Spectrophotometry

What is the principle of NEPHELOMETRY?

It determines the amount of scattered light by particulate matter suspended in a turbid solution.

Components of Spectrophotometers

Why should a Photomultiplier Tube (PMT) never be exposed to room light?

A Photomultiplier Tube (PMT) should never be exposed to room light because it will be damaged.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What type of photodetector is used in NEPHELOMETRY?

Photomultiplier tube.

Types of Spectrophotometers

What is the primary use of a Tungsten light bulb?

A Tungsten light bulb is commonly used as a light source in the visible and near infrared region.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

How does a Centrifugal Analyzer transfer reagents and samples?

It uses the acceleration and deceleration of the rotor to transfer the reagents and sample from one chamber to another.

Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry

What is the purpose of routine maintenance in Quality Assurance of Spectrophotometers?

Routine maintenance involves regular checks and servicing of the spectrophotometer to prevent errors and ensure optimal performance, thereby supporting quality assurance.

Sources of Errors in Automated Systems

What does presence of clot refer to in automated systems?

Presence of clot refers to the formation of solid masses in a liquid sample, which can obstruct flow and lead to erroneous measurements in automated analysis.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What role does an atomizer play in AAS?

An atomizer, such as a nebulizer or graphite furnace, is used to convert ions to atoms in Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry.

Analytical Methods in Clinical Chemistry

What is an advantage of using a Continuous Flow Analyzer?

It assists laboratories that need to process several samples using the same test or procedure.

Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry

What is required for reliable results in a Centrifugal Analyzer?

For reliable results in a Centrifugal Analyzer, each cuvette should be uniformly matched with each other.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What is the primary use of a Xenon lamp?

A Xenon lamp is primarily used as a light source for ultraviolet (UV) light.

Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry

What is the Blanking Technique?

The Blanking Technique is a process used to correct for artifactual absorbance readings in spectrophotometry, often involving blanking procedures or dual-wavelength methods.

Types of Spectrophotometers

What are examples of Line Sources used in spectrophotometry?

Examples of Line Sources include mercury and sodium vapor lamps for UV and visible regions, and hollow cathode lamps used in atomic absorption spectroscopy.

Beer's Law and Absorbance

What happens to absorbance values higher than 2.0?

Absorbance values higher than 2.0 may yield unreliable results and cause a deviation from Beer's law, resulting in bending of the linear plot.

Sources of Errors in Automated Systems

What is the purpose of aspirating a wash solution between pipetting cycles?

To reduce carryover contamination by cleaning the pipette tip between samples.

Types of Spectrophotometers

What is a Continuum Source?

A Continuum Source is a type of light source that emits radiation with varying intensity and is widely used in laboratories.

Wavelength and Energy Relationships

What is the infrared region (IR)?

The infrared region (IR) encompasses wavelengths longer than 700 nm.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is a volumetric pipette?

A volumetric pipette is a type of pipette designed to deliver a precise volume of liquid, typically used for measuring and transferring specific volumes in laboratory settings.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What are holographic gratings?

Holographic gratings are special types of diffraction gratings that utilize holography to create the grooves, enhancing the resolution and performance of spectrophotometers.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What components are used in fluorometry for wavelength selection?

Fluorometry uses two monochromators, which can be filters, prisms, or gratings, to select the wavelength that is best absorbed by the solution.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What are Automatic macro or micropipettes?

Automatic macro or micropipettes are devices used to accurately dispense specific volumes of liquid, either in large or small quantities.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What is a Photomultiplier tube?

A type of photodetector used in luminometers for detecting light emitted during chemiluminescence.

Analytical Methods in Clinical Chemistry

What types of samples are typically measured using turbidimetry?

Turbidimetry is used for measuring abundant large particles, such as proteins and bacterial suspensions.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What are the factors for choosing a light source in spectrophotometry?

Factors include range, spectral distribution within the range, source of radiant production, stability of radiant energy, and temperature.

Principles of Spectrophotometry

At what angle is light scattered by particles typically measured in NEPHELOMETRY?

Typically at an angle of 15 to 90 degrees to the beam incident on the cuvette.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What is the major advantage of using a Centrifugal Analyzer?

The major advantage of using a Centrifugal Analyzer is its capability for batch analysis, allowing for multiple samples to be processed simultaneously in a discrete-batch type system.

Sources of Errors in Automated Systems

What is a disadvantage of Continuous Flow Analyzers?

A disadvantage is the potential for carry-over contamination and continuous waste of reagents.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What type of light does a Hydrogen lamp produce?

A Hydrogen lamp is used as a light source for ultraviolet (UV) light.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What does LIS Support refer to in Automated Analysis?

The integration of Laboratory Information Systems to support data management and reporting.

Principles of Spectrophotometry

What is Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS)?

AAS is a technique that measures the light absorbed by atoms that have been dissociated from their chemical bonds and are in an unexcited, ground state.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What are examples of Borosilicate Glass?

Examples of Borosilicate Glass include Pyrex and Kimax glassware.

Types of Spectrophotometers

What are examples of Continuum Sources?

Examples of Continuum Sources include tungsten, deuterium, and xenon lamps.

Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry

What is the purpose of pre soaking glassware in soapy water?

Pre soaking glassware in soapy water helps to loosen and remove contaminants before further cleaning.

Analytical Methods in Clinical Chemistry

What is Flame Emission Photometry (FEP)?

Flame Emission Photometry (FEP) is a method that measures the light emitted by a single atom burned in a flame, used for the measurement of excited ions such as sodium and potassium.

Principles of Spectrophotometry

What does the measurement of light reduction in turbidimetry indicate?

The measurement of light reduction in turbidimetry indicates particle formation.

Principles of Spectrophotometry

What is the principle of Flame Emission Photometry?

The principle of Flame Emission Photometry is the excitation of electrons from a lower to a higher energy state.

Wavelength and Energy Relationships

What factors does light scattering in NEPHELOMETRY depend on?

Wavelength and particle size.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What serves as the light source in Flame Emission Photometry?

In Flame Emission Photometry, the flame serves as the light source and also acts as the cuvette.

Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry

What cleaning solution is recommended for glassware?

Acid dichromate and nitric acid are recommended cleaning solutions for glassware.

Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry

What is the significance of performance verification in Quality Assurance for Spectrophotometers?

Performance verification involves testing the spectrophotometer against known standards to confirm its accuracy and reliability, which is a key component of quality assurance.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What is the wavelength range of a Deuterium lamp?

A Deuterium lamp operates at a wavelength of 165 nm, primarily used for ultraviolet (UV) light.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What role does centrifugal force play in a Centrifugal Analyzer?

Centrifugal force in a Centrifugal Analyzer is utilized for bubbling air and mixing samples effectively.

Types of Spectrophotometers

What are Photodetectors?

Photodetectors are devices that convert light into an electrical signal, used in various applications including spectroscopy and imaging.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is the function of the plunger in a micropipette?

The plunger is used to aspirate and dispense liquid by creating a vacuum and releasing it.

Types of Spectrophotometers

What is a Photomultiplier Tube (PMT)?

A Photomultiplier Tube is a highly sensitive light detector that amplifies the signal produced by incident photons through a series of dynodes.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What are the proper usage guidelines for a To Deliver (TD) Pipette?

The proper usage guidelines for a To Deliver (TD) Pipette include holding it vertically with the tip against the side of the container and ensuring that the tip does not touch the accumulating liquid.

Sources of Errors in Automated Systems

What types of interferences can affect Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry?

Interferences in AAS can be chemical, matrix (differences in viscosity), and ionization.

Analytical Methods in Clinical Chemistry

What is the use of NEPHELOMETRY?

For measuring the amount of antigen-antibody complexes (proteins).

Components of Spectrophotometers

What is the role of the primary filter in fluorometry?

The primary filter or excitation monochromator selects the wavelength that is best absorbed by the solution to be measured.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What does it mean that a Centrifugal Analyzer is a 'run-based' system?

It means that once the batch testing or measurement has started, the process cannot be interrupted.

Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry

How does documentation contribute to Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry?

Documentation provides a record of calibration, maintenance, and performance checks, which is essential for tracking the reliability and accuracy of spectrophotometric measurements.

Sources of Errors in Automated Systems

What are reusable probes?

Reusable probes are instruments used to transfer samples that can be used multiple times, but may introduce contamination or errors if not properly cleaned between uses.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What are TC Pipettes?

Pipettes that are calibrated to contain a specific volume, often made of glass and used for volumes less than 1 mL.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What are RBC and WBC Pipettes?

Pipettes specifically designed for counting red blood cells (RBC) and white blood cells (WBC) in blood samples.

Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry

How does bandpass affect spectral purity in a spectrophotometer?

The spectral purity of the spectrophotometer is reflected by the bandpass; the narrower the bandpass, the greater the resolution.

Principles of Spectrophotometry

How does fluorometry measure light intensity?

Fluorometry measures the amount of light intensity present over a zero background.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What role does the monochromator play in a Spectrophotometer?

The monochromator isolates specific wavelengths of light from the light source to be directed towards the sample.

Analytical Methods in Clinical Chemistry

What are the uses of Chemiluminescence?

Used for autoantibody testing, measurement of hormones, drugs, vitamins, tumor markers, forensic analysis, microbial and infectious disease marker studies, and toxicology.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What is Specimen Preparation and Identification in Automated Analysis?

The initial step where samples are prepared and accurately identified before analysis.

Wavelength and Energy Relationships

What is Planck's constant?

Planck's constant is a fundamental constant valued at 6.626 x 10^-27 erg sec, used in the calculation of photon energy.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What is the function of the detector in a Spectrophotometer?

The detector measures the intensity of light that passes through the sample and converts it into an electrical signal.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is a mechanical pipette?

A mechanical pipette is a manually operated pipette that uses a plunger mechanism to draw and dispense liquid, often used for routine laboratory tasks.

Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry

What solution is used to compare the reproducibility of brands of pipette tips?

A 0.1% phenol red solution in distilled water is utilized to compare the reproducibility of brands of pipette tips.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is a Mohr Pipette?

A self-draining pipette without graduations to the tip, calibrated between two marks.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What is the function of a Lobar (silicone carbide) light source?

A Lobar (silicone carbide) is used as a light source for infrared (IR) radiation.

Sources of Errors in Automated Systems

Why should disposable plastic pipette tips be used to transfer each sample?

To minimize the risk of carryover contamination from previous samples.

Wavelength and Energy Relationships

What does Planck's formula E = hv represent?

Planck's formula E = hv describes the relationship between the energy of a photon (E) and its frequency (v), where h is Planck's constant.

Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry

What role does calibration play in Quality Assurance for Spectrophotometers?

Calibration is the process of adjusting the spectrophotometer to ensure its measurements are accurate and corresponds to known standards, which is crucial for maintaining quality assurance.

Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry

Why is it important to perform multiple rinses with appropriate grade water?

Multiple rinses with appropriate grade water ensure that all detergent residues and contaminants are completely removed from the glassware.

Analytical Methods in Clinical Chemistry

What does Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry measure?

AAS measures the light absorbed by atoms that have been dissociated by heat.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is the design requirement for a To Deliver (TD) Pipette?

A To Deliver (TD) Pipette is designed to meet the requirements of Class A-type pipettes.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What is the function of the secondary filter in fluorometry?

The secondary filter or emission monochromator prevents the incident light from striking the photodetector.

Sources of Errors in Automated Systems

What is inadequate sample?

Inadequate sample refers to a situation where the volume or quality of the sample is insufficient for accurate analysis, potentially leading to unreliable results.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is a positive displacement pipette?

A positive displacement pipette is a type of pipette that uses a piston to directly contact the liquid, making it suitable for viscous or volatile liquids.

Analytical Methods in Clinical Chemistry

Why are lanthanum or strontium chloride added to samples in AAS?

Lanthanum or strontium chloride is added to samples to form stable complexes with phosphate, enhancing the accuracy of the analysis.

Types of Spectrophotometers

What are examples of Continuous Flow Analyzers?

Examples include the Simultaneous Multiple Analyzer (SMA) and Technicon.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is pipette classification?

Pipette classification refers to the categorization of pipettes based on their design, function, and volume capacity, which helps in selecting the appropriate pipette for specific laboratory tasks.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

How does the volume adjustment dial work in a micropipette?

The volume adjustment dial allows the user to set the desired volume of liquid to be aspirated or dispensed.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What are the main types of pipettes?

The main types of pipettes include air displacement pipettes, positive displacement pipettes, and electronic pipettes, each designed for different applications and precision requirements.

Components of Spectrophotometers

How does a Continuous Flow Analyzer mix samples and reagents?

It uses a glass coil inserted into the flow path to mix the sample and reagents.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What does the readout device do in a Spectrophotometer?

The readout device displays the results of the analysis, often in terms of absorbance or transmittance.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is a Serological Pipette?

A blow-out pipette with graduations to the tip, used for measuring and transferring liquids.

Analytical Methods in Clinical Chemistry

What are some uses of turbidimetry?

Turbidimetry is used for protein measurements, detecting bacterial growth in broth cultures, antimicrobial testing, and detecting clot formation.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is a Bacteriologic Pipette?

A specialized pipette used for transferring small volumes of liquid in microbiological applications.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is a Sahli-Hellige Pipette?

A type of pipette used for measuring hemoglobin concentration in blood samples.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What is the purpose of the sample holder in a Spectrophotometer?

The sample holder is designed to securely hold the sample solution in the path of the light beam for analysis.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is a micropipette?

A micropipette is a precision instrument used to measure and transfer very small volumes of liquid, typically in the microliter range, commonly used in molecular biology and biochemistry.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What occurs during the Specimen Measurement and Delivery phase in Automated Analysis?

The phase where the prepared specimens are measured and delivered to the analytical system.

Types of Spectrophotometers

What type of radiation does a Xenon discharge lamp produce?

A Xenon discharge lamp produces a continuous source of radiation that covers both the UV and the visible range.

Types of Spectrophotometers

What instruments are used for quantitation by turbidimetry?

Solutions requiring quantitation by turbidimetry are measured using visible photometers or visible spectrophotometers.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What is a Mercury arc light source used for?

A Mercury arc is used as a light source for both visible and ultraviolet (UV) light.

Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry

How do ultrasonic cleaners assist in cleaning glassware?

Ultrasonic cleaners help remove debris coating the surfaces of glass or plasticware through high-frequency sound waves that create cavitation bubbles.

Analytical Methods in Clinical Chemistry

Can Continuous Flow Analyzers perform batch analysis?

Yes, Continuous Flow Analyzers can perform batch analysis.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What type of radiation does a Merst glower emit?

A Merst glower emits infrared (IR) radiation.

Types of Spectrophotometers

What is a Photodiode?

A Photodiode is a semiconductor device that converts light into an electrical current, commonly used in optical communication and sensing applications.

Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry

How do neutral density filters and dichromate solution contribute to spectrophotometry?

Neutral density filters and dichromate solution are used to verify linearity in spectrophotometric measurements.

Types of Spectrophotometers

What is a Charge-Coupled Device (CCD)?

A Charge-Coupled Device is an electronic light sensor that captures images by converting light into electronic signals, widely used in cameras and spectrometers.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What is a Centrifugal Analyzer?

A Centrifugal Analyzer is a laboratory instrument that uses centrifugal force to mix samples and perform analyses, often in a batch analysis format.

Types of Spectrophotometers

What is a Silicon Photodetector?

A Silicon Photodetector is a type of photodetector made from silicon, known for its efficiency in detecting visible light and near-infrared radiation.

Analytical Methods in Clinical Chemistry

What method is used in Flame Emission Photometry?

The method used in Flame Emission Photometry is the Indirect Internal Standard Method.

Sources of Errors in Automated Systems

What does flickering light indicate in Flame Emission Photometry?

Flickering light indicates changes in the fuel reading of the instrument in Flame Emission Photometry.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is a Lang-Levy Pipette?

A pipette designed for measuring blood cell counts, specifically for red blood cells.

Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry

What is the significance of not needing an internal standard in AAS?

In AAS, an internal standard is not needed because changes in aspiration have little effect on the number of ground state atoms.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is the role of the pipette tip in a micropipette?

The pipette tip is the disposable part that comes into contact with the liquid, ensuring contamination-free transfer.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is an air displacement pipette?

An air displacement pipette is a type of pipette that uses a piston to create a vacuum, drawing liquid into a disposable tip, commonly used for aqueous solutions.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is an electronic pipette?

An electronic pipette is a battery-operated pipette that automates the process of liquid handling, allowing for precise volume adjustments and reducing user fatigue.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What happens during the Chemical Reaction Phase in Automated Analysis?

The phase where samples and reagents are mixed together to initiate the chemical reactions.

Types of Pipettes and Their Uses

What is an electronic pipette?

An electronic pipette is a motorized pipette that allows for programmable dispensing and can improve accuracy and reduce user fatigue during repetitive tasks.

Types of Spectrophotometers

Can you name examples of Centrifugal Analyzers?

Examples of Centrifugal Analyzers include Cobas-Bio (Roche) and IL Monarch.

Components of Spectrophotometers

What is the function of a chopper in AAS?

A chopper is used to modulate the light source in Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry.

Quality Assurance in Spectrophotometry

What is the role of the internal standard in Flame Emission Photometry?

The internal standard, such as Lithium or Cesium, corrects variations in flame and atomizer characteristics during measurement.

Automation in Laboratory Analysis

What occurs during the Measurement Phase in Automated Analysis?

The phase where the analytical system measures the results of the chemical reactions.

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