Why is the increase in growth hormone during fasting not considered a net anabolic event?
It is a compensatory anti-starvation response that shifts fuel substrate use from glucose and amino acids towards lipolysis and ketone production.
How does fasting for 20 hours affect resting energy expenditure and mTOR signaling?
It decreases resting energy expenditure and mTOR signaling.
Growth Hormone and Muscle Growth During Fasting

Why is the increase in growth hormone during fasting not considered a net anabolic event?

It is a compensatory anti-starvation response that shifts fuel substrate use from glucose and amino acids towards lipolysis and ketone production.

Growth Hormone and Muscle Growth During Fasting

How does fasting for 20 hours affect resting energy expenditure and mTOR signaling?

It decreases resting energy expenditure and mTOR signaling.

Diet Adherence and Psychological Factors in IF

What is a key consideration when deciding whether to practice intermittent fasting (IF)?

Ease of diet adherence.

Intermittent Fasting (IF) and Body Composition

What is the overall conclusion about the effects of IF on body recomposition and energy expenditure in strength training individuals?

IF per se provides no body recomposition advantage and does not alter energy expenditure.

Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF) for Fat Loss

What happens to appetite during the cut days themselves?

Appetite during the cut days themselves even decreases.

Growth Hormone and Muscle Growth During Fasting

At what fasting period might muscle growth be adversely affected?

Fasting periods of at least 20 hours.

Growth Hormone and Muscle Growth During Fasting

What do proponents of intermittent fasting often cite as a benefit for muscle growth?

They cite a severalfold increase in growth hormone production during fasting.

Growth Hormone and Muscle Growth During Fasting

What undesirable effect can growth hormone have during fasting?

Growth hormone can drive the insulin resistance many people experience during fasting.

Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF) for Fat Loss

How can PSMF be used to achieve efficient fat loss?

By restricting PSMF periods to outside anabolic windows, one can achieve efficient fat loss with favorable nutrient partitioning.

Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF) for Fat Loss

What should a good PSMF diet include besides protein shakes?

Micronutrition, dietary fiber, and adherence.

Growth Hormone and Muscle Growth During Fasting

What is the potential impact of 20+ hour fasts on muscle mass and fat loss?

They may negatively affect muscle mass and fat loss.

Intermittent Fasting (IF) and Body Composition

What is the general effect of intermittent fasting (IF) on body composition according to the text?

IF per se has minimal effects on body composition; total macronutrient intake is more important.

Intermittent Fasting (IF) and Body Composition

For what purpose is intermittent fasting generally better suited, cutting or bulking?

Cutting, as it tends to unintentionally reduce energy intake.

Growth Hormone and Muscle Growth During Fasting

When do protein breakdown rates start to increase during fasting?

Between 15 and 30 hours of fasting.

Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF) for Fat Loss

Why can't PSMF be sustained in leaner individuals?

In leaner individuals, the cumulative energy deficit becomes too large, leading to excessive muscle loss.

Sex Differences in Intermittent Fasting Compliance

What effect does intermittent fasting (IF) have on glucose tolerance in women?

IF has a detrimental effect on glucose tolerance in women.

Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting vs. Caloric Restriction

What is autophagy?

Autophagy is a cellular protective housekeeping mechanism to eliminate damaged organelles, misfolded proteins, and pathogens.

Effects of Alternate Day Fasting on Strength Training

What is the recommended maximum fasting period for strength trainees to avoid muscle loss?

No more than 16 hours.

Diet Adherence and Psychological Factors in IF

What are some indications for intermittent morning fasting?

Susceptibility to depressive eating and having social meals in the evenings.

Energy Expenditure and Physical Activity Levels in Fasting

Why is increased energy expenditure favorable when cutting?

Because it makes it easier to create an energy deficit and allows for more food and nutrient consumption.

Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF) for Fat Loss

What should the protein intake be during a PSMF period?

Protein should be consumed at the optimal level as normal.

Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting vs. Caloric Restriction

What is the general consensus on the health benefits of intermittent fasting (IF) compared to calorie-matched diets?

IF does not offer clinically significant health benefits independent of calorie restriction.

Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF) for Fat Loss

Why might strength trainees prefer PSMF over complete alternate day fasting?

PSMF allows for large energy deficits outside anabolic windows, freeing up calories to fuel muscle growth during anabolic windows.

Energy Expenditure and Physical Activity Levels in Fasting

How does Ramadan fasting affect physical activity levels?

Ramadan fasting decreases physical activity levels during the day but shifts activity to nighttime, resulting in no significant change in total energy expenditure.

Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF) for Fat Loss

How should dietary fiber intake be managed during a PSMF?

It should still be at or near the targets from the course module on carbohydrates.

Growth Hormone and Muscle Growth During Fasting

What is the relationship between IGF-1 and skeletal muscle growth?

IGF-1 is more directly active in skeletal muscle to produce growth than growth hormone.

Growth Hormone and Muscle Growth During Fasting

What is the effect of fasting-induced growth hormone secretion on muscle protein synthesis?

It does little to increase muscle protein synthesis when fasted, and you remain in negative whole-body protein balance.

Growth Hormone and Muscle Growth During Fasting

What could potentially compensate for the lost anabolic signaling and metabolic activity during fasting?

A super-compensatory anabolic response after fasting.

Diet Adherence and Psychological Factors in IF

What relationship seems to influence someone's tolerance of fasting?

Personality traits.

Sex Differences in Intermittent Fasting Compliance

What effect does intermittent fasting (IF) have on insulin response in men?

IF leads to a decrease in insulin response in men.

Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting vs. Caloric Restriction

Does intermittent fasting benefit our gut microbiota?

No, intermittent fasting does not seem to benefit our gut microbiota, independent of body recomposition.

Circadian Rhythm and Meal Timing

What is a 'zeitgeber' and how does it relate to sleep?

A 'zeitgeber' is a 'time giver' that your body uses to determine when it’s time to go to sleep. Food is a weak zeitgeber compared to light exposure and physical activity level.

Diet Adherence and Psychological Factors in IF

For whom is intermittent morning fasting particularly suitable?

Male office workers.

Sex Differences in Intermittent Fasting Compliance

Do women have different adherence rates on IF and non-IF diets compared to men?

Most studies find that women have similar adherence rates on IF and non-IF diets.

Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting vs. Caloric Restriction

Does fasting promote autophagy more than energy restriction without fasting?

No, fasting does not promote autophagy more than you’d expect from its degree of energy restriction.

Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF) for Fat Loss

What is a plausible explanation for the appetite suppressing effect of PSMFs?

Increased ketone body production.

Diet Adherence and Psychological Factors in IF

What are some contraindications for intermittent morning fasting?

Being active in the morning and susceptibility to impulsive eating.

Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting vs. Caloric Restriction

Is there much to gain from combining ketogenic and intermittent fasting diets?

There may be relatively little to gain from combining them.

Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF) for Fat Loss

What is a Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF)?

A PSMF is a period where regular meal frequency is preserved, but meals are reduced to optimal protein intake with minimal intake of other macros.

Diet Adherence and Psychological Factors in IF

What is a potential downside of alternate day fasting (ADF) diets?

They tend to result in relatively poor long-term adherence.

Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF) for Fat Loss

How does sleep affect appetite after a cut day?

Sleep acts as an almost complete reset of hunger levels after the cut day, with minimal compensation on the days after.

Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting vs. Caloric Restriction

What does the majority of controlled research indicate about intermittent fasting?

It indicates that intermittent fasting has no significant health effects independent of calorie restriction.

Diet Adherence and Psychological Factors in IF

Who might have better diet adherence with intermittent fasting?

Controlled, sedentary men and individuals with low natural appetite during the fasting hours.

Circadian Rhythm and Meal Timing

Does the timing of fasting inherently matter for bodily functions?

No, the timing of fasting does not inherently matter for bodily functions. Intermittent fasting in the morning and evening have the same metabolic effects.

Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting vs. Caloric Restriction

What do ketogenic and intermittent fasting (IF) diets have in common?

They offer similar health benefits.

Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting vs. Caloric Restriction

What consistent health improvement is associated with fat loss diets?

Fat loss diets consistently improve insulin sensitivity.

Diet Adherence and Psychological Factors in IF

What type of people generally thrive on intermittent fasting (IF) diets?

Calm, introverted, cognitive types, such as IT workers.

Sex Differences in Intermittent Fasting Compliance

Are IF diets more popular among men or women?

Anecdotally, IF diets are more popular among men.

Growth Hormone and Muscle Growth During Fasting

What is the recommended fasting period to limit muscle loss and impaired anabolic signaling?

Limit fasting periods to 16 hours.

Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF) for Fat Loss

How does calorie cycling with PSMF phases affect appetite?

Calorie cycling with PSMF phases can help keep appetite in check, as sleep acts as a reset button for appetite.

Sex Differences in Intermittent Fasting Compliance

Who might have worse diet adherence with intermittent fasting?

Women and individuals with poor carb tolerance.

Growth Hormone and Muscle Growth During Fasting

What causes the release of growth hormone during fasting?

Reduced hepatic insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) production, resulting in less negative feedback to the pituitary to produce growth hormone.

Circadian Rhythm and Meal Timing

When do most people experience a natural peak in hunger?

Around 20:00 h.

Diet Adherence and Psychological Factors in IF

What did a 2023 RCT find about time-restricted eating and its effects on quality of life or mood states?

Time-restricted eating did not significantly affect quality of life or mood states compared to regular caloric restriction.

Diet Adherence and Psychological Factors in IF

What is unclear about bulking on an intermittent fasting diet?

Whether bulking on an IF diet is equally effective as with a larger eating window.

Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF) for Fat Loss

What inherent effect does a PSMF have compared to a low-calorie diet?

A PSMF has inherent appetite suppressing effects.

Circadian Rhythm and Meal Timing

How does intermittent fasting affect the biorhythm of melatonin?

The biorhythm of melatonin is unaffected by intermittent fasting when diet composition, light exposure, and physical activity level are taken into account.

Sex Differences in Intermittent Fasting Compliance

For whom is intermittent morning fasting particularly unsuitable?

In-gym personal trainers and overweight women.

Energy Expenditure and Physical Activity Levels in Fasting

What might intermittent morning fasting impair in active individuals?

Energy expenditure.

Growth Hormone and Muscle Growth During Fasting

Why is there nothing anabolic about not eating?

Because your body has no fuel for new protein synthesis.

Diet Adherence and Psychological Factors in IF

Can people adapt to both intermittent fasting and regular breakfast eating?

Yes, many people can get used to both if they do so consistently.

Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting vs. Caloric Restriction

How can intermittent fasting affect insulin sensitivity?

It can be slightly detrimental to someone's insulin sensitivity.

Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF) for Fat Loss

What are some examples of meals in a good PSMF?

Quark with strawberries, zucchini soup with 1% beef meatballs, or white fish and pak choi in soy sauce.

Circadian Rhythm and Meal Timing

Do the data support concerns about intermittent fasting impairing sleep quality?

No, the data do not support any concerns about intermittent fasting impairing sleep quality.

Circadian Rhythm and Meal Timing

What is the key term for most matters related to biorhythm?

Consistency is the key term for most matters related to biorhythm, not the absolute timing itself.

Diet Adherence and Psychological Factors in IF

What condition is associated with no natural hunger in the mornings and poor carbohydrate tolerance?

Pre-metabolic syndrome.

Circadian Rhythm and Meal Timing

Who might have an easier time restricting energy intake with morning intermittent fasting?

People with naturally little hunger in the mornings.

Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF) for Fat Loss

What happens to energy intake the day after a 75% energy deficit 'cut day'?

Ad libitum energy intake only increases by 7% without any increase the day thereafter.

Energy Expenditure and Physical Activity Levels in Fasting

What potential impact does intermittent fasting have on spontaneous physical activity and mental energy levels?

It has the potential to seriously limit spontaneous physical activity and mental energy levels.

Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF) for Fat Loss

What is a good rule of thumb for a sustainable PSMF energy intake according to Menno's experience?

9.7 times the protein intake.

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