User-defined Functions
What is a function in Python?
A block of statements under a name that can execute independently.
User-defined Functions
What are the main purposes of using functions?
To perform specific tasks, divide larger problems into smaller parts, implement code reusability, and improve code readability.
What are built-in functions in Python?
Functions and methods that are provided by Python and are always available.
User-defined Functions
What are user-defined functions in Python?
Functions and methods created by the user.
What is a module in Python?
A grouping of functions, created as a Python (.py) file containing function definitions.
How do you use a module in Python?
By importing the module using the import statement.
What is the syntax for importing a module?
import modulename1 [,modulename2, …]
How do you call a function from a module?
By using the syntax modulename.functionname().
What does importing a module allow you to do?
Access all the functions in the module.
What is the purpose of the math module in Python?
It contains different types of mathematical functions.
User-defined Functions
What is the purpose of the function 'add_cubes'?
To calculate and add the surface area of two cubes.
User-defined Functions
What is the purpose of the provided program?
To check if a 3-digit number is an Armstrong number.
User-defined Functions
What is the output of the Student_info function when called with name='Raju', rollno=111, group='MSDs'?
{'name': 'Raju', 'rollno': 111, 'group': 'MSDs'}
String Operations and Methods
What does the method str1.isupper() check for?
Returns True if the string is non-empty and has all uppercase alphabets or at least one uppercase character with the rest being non-alphabet characters.
String Operations and Methods
What operations can be performed on string data types in Python?
Concatenation, repetition, membership, and slicing.
Commonly Used Modules
What does the len(sys.argv) function return?
The number of command line arguments passed to the program.
String Operations and Methods
What does the join() method do?
It returns a string in which the characters in the string have been joined by a separator.
String Operations and Methods
What is the effect of the lower() method?
It converts all uppercase letters in the string to lowercase.
User-defined Functions
What is an example of an Armstrong number?
153, since 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 = 153.
String Operations and Methods
Can negative indexes be used in string slicing?
Yes, negative indexes can be used for slicing.
String Operations and Methods
What does the 'in' operator do in Python?
It returns True if the first string appears as a substring in the second string, otherwise False.
User-defined Functions
What is the output format of the calcFact() function?
It prints 'Factorial of [num] is [fact]'.
Random Module Functions
What does the random module do?
Generates random numbers.
String Operations and Methods
Provide an example of traversing a string using a while loop.
str1 = 'Hello World!'; index = 0; while index < len(str1): print(str1[index]); index += 1.
User-defined Functions
What is a void function in Python?
A function that does not have a return statement and returns None.
How do you import the math module in Python?
Using the statement 'import math'.
String Operations and Methods
What does str1.replace('o', '*') do?
Replaces all occurrences of 'o' with '*'.
String Operations and Methods
What does it mean that a string is immutable in Python?
It means that the contents of the string cannot be changed after it has been created.
String Operations and Methods
What does the method str1.islower() return?
False if the string contains any uppercase letters or is empty.
String Operations and Methods
What does the method str1.count('Hello') return?
3, indicating the number of occurrences of 'Hello' in the string.
User-defined Functions
What does the nested function 'cube_surfacearea' calculate?
The surface area of a cube given its side length.
What does the len() method return?
It returns the length of the given string.
Variable Scope and Lifetime
What will be printed when accessing 'num1' outside of 'myfunc'?
'Accessing num outside myfunc' will print 5.
User-defined Functions
What is the general syntax for calling a function in Python?
function_name(parameter_1, parameter_2,...)
Statistics Module Functions
How do you import the statistics module?
Using the statement: import statistics.
User-defined Functions
How does the calcFact() function calculate the factorial?
By multiplying 'fact' by each integer from 'num' down to 1 in a loop.
User-defined Functions
What does the 'sumSquares' function calculate?
The sum of the first n natural numbers.
String Operations and Methods
What does the join() string method do?
It returns a string by joining all the elements of an iterable, separated by a string separator.
Commonly Used Modules
What is the purpose of the for loop in the command line arguments example?
To print each command line argument.
String Operations and Methods
What is the default starting index if the first index is not mentioned in slicing?
The slice starts from index 0.
String Formatting and Prototypes
What is the output of the print statements in the provided code?
Raju is 23 years old (three times).
Statistics Module Functions
What does the statistics module provide?
Functions for calculating statistics of numeric data.
String Operations and Methods
What does the upper() method do?
It converts all lowercase letters in the string to uppercase.
Variable Scope and Lifetime
What is a global variable?
A variable defined outside any function or block, accessible in any function defined afterwards.
String Operations and Methods
What is the purpose of slicing in Python?
To access some part of a string or substring.
User-defined Functions
What is the input for the 'sumSquares' function?
An integer value for n, provided by the user.
String Operations and Methods
What happens when the first index is greater than the second index in string slicing?
It results in an empty string.
Random Module Functions
What does random.random() return?
A random real number (float) in the range 0.0 to 1.0.
User-defined Functions
What is the purpose of **kwargs in a Python function?
It allows passing a variable length of keyword arguments.
User-defined Functions
What advantage do keyword arguments provide?
They allow us to ignore the order of arguments.
String Operations and Methods
What is the default step size in string slicing?
The default step size is one.
User-defined Functions
What is the purpose of the user-defined function calcFact()?
To calculate and display the factorial of a number passed as an argument.
User-defined Functions
What does the input function do in the provided code?
It prompts the user to enter a number, which is then converted to an integer.
String Operations and Methods
How do you concatenate two strings in Python?
By using the concatenation operator +.
User-defined Functions
What is the general syntax for defining a function in Python?
def function_name(list_of_parameters): statement_1 statement_2 ...
String Operations and Methods
What is the purpose of the find(str, start, end) method?
It returns the index of the first occurrence of the substring str within the specified range.
User-defined Functions
How do you denote *args in a function definition?
By using an asterisk (*) before the parameter name.
String Operations and Methods
What does str1.lstrip() do?
Removes spaces only on the left side of the string.
User-defined Functions
What defines an Armstrong number?
The sum of cubes of each digit is equal to the number itself.
User-defined Functions
Provide an example of a function without arguments in Python.
def display(): print('Function without arguments') display()
User-defined Functions
What does the function Student_info do with **kwargs?
It prints the keyword arguments passed to it.
Variable Scope and Lifetime
How is the index of the last character in a string represented using negative indexing?
-n, where n is the length of the string.
String Operations and Methods
What does the replace() method do in Python?
It replaces occurrences of a specified substring with another substring.
Random Module Functions
How do you import the random module?
Using the statement: import random.
String Operations and Methods
What does the title() method do?
It returns the string with the first letter of every word in uppercase and the rest in lowercase.
User-defined Functions
What does the 'return' statement do in a function?
It returns values from the function to the caller.
String Operations and Methods
What does the partition() method do?
It partitions the string at the first occurrence of a substring and returns three parts: before the separator, the separator, and after the separator.
User-defined Functions
What happens in a function without parameters and without return value?
There is no data transfer; execution control jumps to the called function and returns to the calling function.
User-defined Functions
What is the purpose of the user-defined function 'addnum'?
To add two numbers and display their sum.
String Operations and Methods
What does the 'not in' operator do in Python?
It returns True if the first string does not appear as a substring in the second string, otherwise False.
Commonly Used Modules
How does Python handle command line arguments?
It stores them in a list using the sys module, accessible via sys.argv.
Variable Scope and Lifetime
How long does a local variable exist?
It exists only until the function executes.
User-defined Functions
What is the formula to find the area of a trapezium?
Area = (1/2) * (a + b) * h, where a and b are the bases and h is the height.
String Operations and Methods
Does the original string change after using the repetition operator?
No, the original string remains the same.
String Operations and Methods
What does the index() method do differently than find()?
It raises an exception if the substring is not found.
User-defined Functions
How do you denote **kwargs in a function definition?
By using a double asterisk (**) before the parameter name.
User-defined Functions
How does the Python interpreter match keyword arguments to parameters?
By using the keyword provided to match with the respective parameter.
String Operations and Methods
What does the capitalize() method do?
It returns a copy of the string with its first character capitalized and the rest lowercased.
User-defined Functions
What inputs does the 'addnum' function require?
Two integers from the user.
Variable Scope and Lifetime
What happens when a global variable is changed?
Any change will impact all functions in the program where that variable can be accessed.
String Operations and Methods
How do you perform slicing on a string in Python?
By specifying an index range using the string variable name followed by square brackets.
String Operations and Methods
What components are specified in slicing to access a substring?
Starting index, ending index, and step.
User-defined Functions
What does *args allow in a Python function?
It allows passing a variable number of non-keyword arguments.
String Operations and Methods
What does the method str1.istitle() check?
Returns True if the string is non-empty and in title case, meaning the first letter of every word is uppercase and the rest are lowercase.
User-defined Functions
What are keyword arguments in Python?
Arguments passed as a value along with the parameter name (kwarg = value).
String Operations and Methods
What does the syntax str1[n:m:k] represent in string slicing?
It means every kth character is extracted from str1 starting from n and ending at m - 1.
String Operations and Methods
What does the method isalnum() check for?
It returns True if the string contains only alphabets or numeric characters.
Variable Scope and Lifetime
What is a global variable?
A variable that has global scope.
How can you get a list of modules available in Python?
By using the statement help('module').
Variable Scope and Lifetime
What does a negative index in Python allow you to do?
Access characters of a string from right to left.
String Operations and Methods
What happens if you try to change the contents of an immutable string in Python?
It would lead to an error.
Variable Scope and Lifetime
What is a local variable?
A variable defined inside a function or block, accessible only within that function or block.
User-defined Functions
What does the function 'area_trapezium' calculate?
It calculates the area of a trapezium using the provided bases and height.
String Operations and Methods
How would you join the string 'HelloWorld!' with a separator ' - '?
'H - e - l - l - o - W - o - r - l - d - !'
User-defined Functions
What are default parameters in Python?
Parameters that have a default value assigned in the function definition.
String Operations and Methods
What does str1.strip() accomplish?
Removes spaces from both the left and right sides of the string.
User-defined Functions
What is the purpose of the function 'student_info'?
To print the roll number, student name, and group of a student.
User-defined Functions
What is the output when the input is 121?
121 is not an Armstrong number.
Statistics Module Functions
What does the function statistics.median(x) return?
The median (middle value) of x.
String Operations and Methods
How can strings be created in Python?
By enclosing characters in single, double, or triple quotes.
Variable Scope and Lifetime
Can the index in Python be an expression?
Yes, it can include variables and operators but must evaluate to an integer.
User-defined Functions
How does the 'sumSquares' function compute the sum?
By iterating through a range from 1 to n and accumulating the sum.
String Operations and Methods
How can you traverse a string using a for loop?
By iterating through each character in the string using a for loop.
User-defined Functions
What is the output of the 'sumSquares' function?
The sum of the first n natural numbers.
User-defined Functions
What is the output of the 'main' function when 'add_cubes(2, 3)' is called?
The surface area after adding two cubes is 66.
String Operations and Methods
What is the purpose of str1.rstrip()?
Removes spaces only on the right side of the string.
String Operations and Methods
What is the output of str1.partition('is') when str1 is 'India is a Great Country'?
('India ', 'is', ' a Great Country')
User-defined Functions
In a function with parameters and without return value, what type of data transfer occurs?
Data transfer occurs from the calling function to the called function (parameters), but not back (no return value).
String Operations and Methods
What is a string in Python?
A sequence of characters enclosed in quotes.
String Operations and Methods
What is indexing in the context of strings?
A technique to access individual characters in a string using their position.
String Operations and Methods
What does the method str1.isspace() return?
True if the string is non-empty and all characters are white spaces.
Commonly Used Modules
What should you save the command line arguments example code as?
Filename.py (e.g., Command.py).
String Operations and Methods
What happens if the second index is not mentioned in string slicing?
The slicing is done till the length of the string.
User-defined Functions
What happens if a function with default parameters is called without providing all arguments?
It executes with the provided values for the arguments and uses default values for any missing arguments.
Statistics Module Functions
What does the function statistics.mean(x) return?
The arithmetic mean of x.
User-defined Functions
How is the 'student_info' function called with keyword arguments?
student_info(name = 'Raju', rollNo = 111, group = 'MSDs').
User-defined Functions
What does the case_conversion function do?
It converts uppercase letters to lowercase and vice versa in a given string.
User-defined Functions
What are the four classifications of functions based on data flow?
1. Function without Parameters and without Return value 2. Function with Parameters and without Return value 3. Function without Parameters and with Return value 4. Function with Parameters and with Return value
User-defined Functions
What does the example function 'largest' do?
It returns the maximum value from the passed numbers.
String Operations and Methods
What does the count() method return?
It returns the number of times a substring occurs in the given string within specified start and end indices.
What does the function math.gcd(x, y) return?
The greatest common divisor of x and y.
String Operations and Methods
What does startswith() return?
True if the string starts with the supplied substring, otherwise False.
String Operations and Methods
What is the difference between lower() and casefold() methods?
casefold() converts more characters into lower case compared to lower().
Statistics Module Functions
What does the function statistics.mode(x) return?
The mode (the most repeated value) of x.
String Operations and Methods
What does it mean to give a step size of -1 in string slicing?
It returns the string in reverse order.
User-defined Functions
What is the output when the input is 407?
407 is an Armstrong number.
What is the purpose of the from statement in Python?
To access only the required functions from a module.
String Formatting and Prototypes
What is the purpose of curly braces {} in f-strings?
They act as placeholders for values to be evaluated.
String Operations and Methods
What type of values can be used as an index in Python strings?
The index must be an integer (positive, zero, or negative).
String Operations and Methods
Are single quotes and double quotes treated the same in Python?
Yes, both are treated the same.
User-defined Functions
What is the purpose of the 'add' function in the example provided?
To take two inputs, add them, and print the result.
Variable Scope and Lifetime
What is the scope of a variable?
The part of the program where a variable is accessible.
Variable Scope and Lifetime
What is a local variable?
A variable that has local scope.
What does the function math.pow(x, y) calculate?
x raised to the power of y.
String Formatting and Prototypes
What is an f-string in Python?
A string formatting method introduced in Python 3.6 that uses an f prefix and {} brackets.
String Operations and Methods
What does the swapcase() method do?
It swaps the case of all characters in the string.
String Formatting and Prototypes
What is the advantage of using f-strings for string formatting?
They are faster, more readable, concise, and less error-prone.
String Operations and Methods
How do you create a string variable in Python?
By assigning a string value to a variable, e.g., str1 = 'Hello World!'