Which motor proteins are involved in transporting vesicles from the Golgi apparatus to the plasma membrane?
A. Kinesins
How do white blood cells (WBCs) chase bacteria?
White blood cells chase bacteria by using actin filaments to move towards the bacteria.
Motor Proteins Involved in Cellular Movement

Which motor proteins are involved in transporting vesicles from the Golgi apparatus to the plasma membrane?

A. Kinesins

Mechanism of White Blood Cells Chasing Bacteria

How do white blood cells (WBCs) chase bacteria?

White blood cells chase bacteria by using actin filaments to move towards the bacteria.

Role of Microtubules and Actin in Cell Movement

What is the function of microtubules in intracellular transport?

Microtubules provide tracks for the movement of organelles and vesicles.

Chloroplast Circulation in Plant Cells

What is the primary mechanism for movement inside a plant cell?

Chloroplast circulation.

Comparison of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Flagella

Where are eukaryotic flagella located?


Sperm Cell Swimming Mechanism

What structure in sperm cells is responsible for their movement?

The flagellum is responsible for the movement of sperm cells.

Motor Proteins Involved in Cellular Movement

What type of motor proteins are kinesins associated with?

Microtubule-associated motor proteins.

Comparison of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Flagella

What is the swimming speed of an amoeba in terms of body lengths per second?

1 body length per second.

Overview of Eukaryotic Cell Movement

What type of organism is an amoeba?

Amoeba is a protist.

Comparison of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Flagella

What is the swimming speed of Michael Phelps in terms of body lengths per second?

1 body length per second.

Overview of Eukaryotic Cell Movement

What cellular structures are primarily involved in the movement of an Amoeba?


Transport Vesicle Movement in Cells

What cellular structures are involved in the movement of transport vesicles?

Microtubules and motor proteins such as kinesin and dynein.

Overview of Eukaryotic Cell Movement

Can red blood cells (RBC) move on their own?

No, red blood cells (RBC) are not motile; they are carried by the flow of blood.

Chloroplast Circulation in Plant Cells

What proteins are required for chloroplast circulation in plant cells?

F-Actin and Myosin motor proteins.

Sperm Cell Swimming Mechanism

What proteins are required for sperm cell swimming?

Microtubules and dyneins.

Transport Vesicle Movement in Cells

What is the primary function of transport vesicles in cells?

Transport vesicles move molecules between different compartments within the cell.

Role of Microtubules and Actin in Cell Movement

What role do microtubules play in vesicle transport?

Microtubules provide tracks along which vesicles are transported within the cell.

Sperm Cell Swimming Mechanism

What is the primary mechanism by which sperm cells move?

Sperm cells move primarily through the whipping motion of their flagellum.

Chloroplast Circulation in Plant Cells

What is the process called where chloroplasts move within plant cells?

Chloroplast circulation or cytoplasmic streaming.

Motor Proteins Involved in Cellular Movement

Which motor protein moves along microtubules?

Kinesin and dynein.

Motor Proteins Involved in Cellular Movement

What is the role of motor proteins in cell crawling?

Motor proteins like myosin interact with actin filaments to generate the forces needed for cell movement.

Role of Microtubules and Actin in Cell Movement

What structures are wrapped in the plasma membrane in Fig 6.24?

Several microtubules and dyneins.

Overview of Eukaryotic Cell Movement

What type of movement is exhibited by an Amoeba?

Amoeboid movement.

Overview of Eukaryotic Cell Movement

What is the primary function of pseudopodia in Amoeba?

To facilitate movement and capture food.

Chloroplast Circulation in Plant Cells

What cellular structure is responsible for the movement of chloroplasts within plant cells?

The cytoskeleton, particularly actin filaments.

Motor Proteins Involved in Cellular Movement

What role do motor proteins play in the movement of sperm cells?

Motor proteins, such as dynein, generate the force needed for the flagellum to whip and propel the sperm cell.

Egg Cell Movement Towards Sperm

What is the primary mechanism by which an egg cell moves towards the sperm?

The egg cell moves through the fallopian tube towards the sperm primarily via ciliary action and muscular contractions.

Role of Microtubules and Actin in Cell Movement

How does F-actin contribute to cell movement?

F-actin forms dynamic structures like lamellipodia and filopodia that drive cell movement by polymerizing and depolymerizing.

Comparison of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Flagella

How do cilia compare to flagella?

Cilia are similar to flagella but are shorter and more numerous.

Role of Microtubules and Actin in Cell Movement

What structures are primarily responsible for movement inside an animal cell?

Microtubules and actin filaments.

Sperm Cell Swimming Mechanism

What is chemotaxis in the context of sperm swimming?

Chemotaxis is the movement of sperm in response to hormones.

Sperm Cell Swimming Mechanism

What type of cells can swim?

Motile cells, such as sperm cells, can swim.

Mechanism of White Blood Cells Chasing Bacteria

What is the primary function of white blood cells (WBCs) in the body?

To chase and eliminate bacteria and other pathogens.

Sperm Cell Swimming Mechanism

How does the flagellum of a sperm cell generate movement?

The flagellum generates movement through a series of whip-like motions that propel the sperm forward.

Chloroplast Circulation in Plant Cells

Why do chloroplasts circulate within plant cells?

To optimize light absorption for photosynthesis and to avoid damage from excessive light.

Motor Proteins Involved in Cellular Movement

Which motor protein moves along actin filaments?


Role of Microtubules and Actin in Cell Movement

What are microtubules?

Microtubules are cylindrical structures made of tubulin proteins that are part of the cytoskeleton in eukaryotic cells.

Comparison of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Flagella

How do eukaryotic flagella move?

By bending, not rotating.

Egg Cell Movement Towards Sperm

What type of cells are involved in egg transport in the fallopian tube?

Ciliated cells.

Sperm Cell Swimming Mechanism

What are the two types of sensing mechanisms used by sperm for swimming?

Thermotaxis (warmth) and chemotaxis (hormones).

Overview of Eukaryotic Cell Movement

What is the difference between 'mobile' and 'motile'?

'Mobile' refers to the ability to move or be moved easily, while 'motile' specifically refers to the ability to move spontaneously and actively.

Chloroplast Circulation in Plant Cells

Why is chloroplast circulation important in plant cells?

It helps in optimizing light absorption for photosynthesis.

Testable Content and Diagrams for Lecture

What should be included in the diagrams for Lecture 20?

The proteins responsible for the types of movement described in the lecture.

Mechanism of White Blood Cells Chasing Bacteria

How do white blood cells chase bacteria?

White blood cells chase bacteria through chemotaxis, where they move towards higher concentrations of chemical signals released by bacteria.

Chloroplast Circulation in Plant Cells

How does light intensity affect chloroplast circulation?

Chloroplasts move to areas with optimal light intensity to maximize photosynthesis and minimize damage from excessive light.

Role of Microtubules and Actin in Cell Movement

What proteins are microtubules made of?

Microtubules are made of tubulin proteins.

Sperm Cell Swimming Mechanism

What is an example of a cell that uses eukaryotic flagella for movement?

Sperm cell.

Egg Cell Movement Towards Sperm

Which study discusses the role of ciliated cells in egg transport?

Lyons et al. (2006).

Role of Microtubules and Actin in Cell Movement

What role do actin filaments play in cell movement?

Actin filaments are involved in cell shape changes and motility.

Overview of Eukaryotic Cell Movement

What does it mean if a cell is 'motile'?

It means the cell can move spontaneously and actively.

Mechanism of White Blood Cells Chasing Bacteria

What role do red blood cells (RBCs) play in the body?

They transport oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body and return carbon dioxide to the lungs for exhalation.

Egg Cell Movement Towards Sperm

How does an egg move towards sperm cells?

An egg moves towards sperm cells primarily through the action of cilia and the flow of fluid within the reproductive tract.

Role of Microtubules and Actin in Cell Movement

What are the two main types of protein fibers involved in cell movement?

Microtubules and actin filaments.

Mechanism of White Blood Cells Chasing Bacteria

How do cells recognize particles to engulf during phagocytosis?

Cells recognize particles through receptors that bind to specific molecules on the surface of the target.

Motor Proteins Involved in Cellular Movement

What direction do kinesins move towards on microtubules?

Plus end.

Mechanism of White Blood Cells Chasing Bacteria

What proteins are required for white blood cells to chase bacteria?

G-Actin and F-Actin.

Motor Proteins Involved in Cellular Movement

Which motor proteins are involved in cellular movement?

Kinesin and dynein.

Comparison of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Flagella

How do prokaryotic flagella move?

They rotate.

Comparison of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Flagella

What powers the movement of eukaryotic flagella?


Chloroplast Circulation in Plant Cells

How does the movement of chloroplasts affect photosynthesis?

By positioning chloroplasts to maximize light capture, enhancing photosynthetic efficiency.

Sperm Cell Swimming Mechanism

How does the structure of the flagellum aid in the movement of sperm cells?

The flagellum is composed of microtubules arranged in a '9+2' structure, which allows for flexibility and the generation of whip-like movements.

Chloroplast Circulation in Plant Cells

What cellular structures facilitate the movement of chloroplasts?

The cytoskeleton, particularly actin filaments, facilitates the movement of chloroplasts.

Role of Microtubules and Actin in Cell Movement

What role do actin filaments play in cell crawling?

Actin filaments polymerize to push the cell membrane forward during protrusion.

Role of Microtubules and Actin in Cell Movement

What is F-actin?

F-actin, or filamentous actin, is a polymerized form of G-actin (globular actin) that forms long, thin fibers and is a major component of the cytoskeleton.

Role of Microtubules and Actin in Cell Movement

What role do actin filaments play in Amoeba movement?

Actin filaments help in the extension and retraction of pseudopodia.

Comparison of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Flagella

What powers the movement of prokaryotic flagella?

H+ gradient.

Motor Proteins Involved in Cellular Movement

What motor proteins are involved in the movement of chloroplasts?

Myosin motor proteins.

Mechanism of White Blood Cells Chasing Bacteria

What is a bacterium?

A bacterium is a single-celled microorganism that can cause infections and diseases in the body.

Chloroplast Circulation in Plant Cells

What is the primary function of chloroplasts in plant cells?

Chloroplasts are responsible for photosynthesis, converting light energy into chemical energy.

Overview of Eukaryotic Cell Movement

What is cell crawling?

Cell crawling is a form of cellular movement where cells move by extending and retracting their membrane.

Transport Vesicle Movement in Cells

How do transport vesicles move within cells?

Transport vesicles move with the help of microtubules and kinesin motor proteins.

Role of Microtubules and Actin in Cell Movement

What is the process of G-Actin transforming into F-Actin?

G-Actin polymerizes to form F-Actin.

Egg Cell Movement Towards Sperm

Where are ciliated cells located that aid in egg transport?

In the fallopian tube.

Overview of Eukaryotic Cell Movement

How does an Amoeba form pseudopodia?

By extending and retracting its cytoplasm.

Motor Proteins Involved in Cellular Movement

How do motor proteins facilitate the movement of vesicles?

Motor proteins like kinesin and dynein 'walk' along microtubules, carrying vesicles to their destination.

Comparison of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Flagella

Where are prokaryotic flagella located?


Chloroplast Circulation in Plant Cells

How do chloroplasts circulate in plant cells?

Chloroplasts circulate in plant cells through cytoplasmic streaming, which is driven by the actin-myosin interaction.

Egg Cell Movement Towards Sperm

How do muscular contractions assist in the movement of an egg cell?

Muscular contractions of the fallopian tube walls help push the egg cell towards the sperm.

Mechanism of White Blood Cells Chasing Bacteria

What is phagocytosis?

Phagocytosis is the process by which a cell engulfs large particles or other cells, often to destroy them.

Role of Microtubules and Actin in Cell Movement

What is the difference between G-actin and F-actin?

G-actin is the monomeric form of actin, while F-actin is the polymerized, filamentous form.

Role of Microtubules and Actin in Cell Movement

To what structure are microtubules connected?

Microtubules are connected to the centrosome.

Sperm Cell Swimming Mechanism

How do sperm cells swim towards an egg?

Sperm cells swim towards an egg using microtubules and dyneins.

Comparison of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Flagella

Which option correctly represents a speed of 1 body length per second?

C. 1 bl / second

Sperm Cell Swimming Mechanism

What is thermotaxis in the context of sperm swimming?

Thermotaxis is the movement of sperm in response to warmth.

Sperm Cell Swimming Mechanism

How does flagella bending affect sperm swimming direction?

Good and even flagella bending results in directed movement, while bad or uneven bending results in random movement.

Mechanism of White Blood Cells Chasing Bacteria

Can white blood cells (WBC) move on their own?

Yes, white blood cells (WBC) are motile and can move towards sites of infection.

Comparison of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Flagella

What comparison should be completed for Lecture 20?

The comparison between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic flagella.

Sperm Cell Swimming Mechanism

How do sperm cells swim towards an egg?

Sperm cells swim towards an egg using their flagella, which propels them forward through a whip-like motion.

Egg Cell Movement Towards Sperm

Where does the fertilization of the egg cell typically occur?

Fertilization typically occurs in the fallopian tube.

Mechanism of White Blood Cells Chasing Bacteria

Which cells are primarily involved in phagocytosis?

White blood cells, such as macrophages and neutrophils, are primarily involved in phagocytosis.

Transport Vesicle Movement in Cells

How do transport vesicles move within a cell?

They are transported along microtubules by motor proteins.

Comparison of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Flagella

How do eukaryotic flagella move?

They bend.

Mechanism of White Blood Cells Chasing Bacteria

What is the main difference between red blood cells (RBCs) and white blood cells (WBCs)?

RBCs primarily transport oxygen, while WBCs are involved in the immune response.

Transport Vesicle Movement in Cells

How do transport vesicles move within cells?

Transport vesicles move within cells along microtubules and actin filaments, guided by motor proteins like kinesin and dynein.

Motor Proteins Involved in Cellular Movement

What is the primary function of motor proteins in cellular movement?

Motor proteins convert chemical energy into mechanical work to move along protein fibers.

Role of Microtubules and Actin in Cell Movement

What role do actin filaments play in cell movement?

Actin filaments are involved in various forms of cell movement, including muscle contraction and cell crawling.

Mechanism of White Blood Cells Chasing Bacteria

How do white blood cells (WBCs) move to chase bacteria?

They use a process called chemotaxis, where they move towards higher concentrations of chemical signals released by bacteria.

Overview of Eukaryotic Cell Movement

What is the main topic of Lecture 20?

Eukaryotic cell movement.

Egg Cell Movement Towards Sperm

What role do cilia play in the movement of an egg cell?

Cilia lining the fallopian tubes create a current that helps propel the egg cell towards the sperm.

Role of Microtubules and Actin in Cell Movement

What role do microtubules play in cell movement?

Microtubules provide structural support and serve as tracks for motor proteins like kinesin and dynein.

Role of Microtubules and Actin in Cell Movement

What is the primary function of microtubules in cells?

Microtubules provide structural support, facilitate intracellular transport, and are involved in cell division and movement.

Egg Cell Movement Towards Sperm

How does an egg move towards sperm cells?

Proteins required: Microtubules, Dyneins.

Overview of Eukaryotic Cell Movement

What are the main steps involved in cell crawling?

The main steps are protrusion, attachment, and traction.

Overview of Eukaryotic Cell Movement

How do cells attach to the substrate during cell crawling?

Cells attach to the substrate using focal adhesions, which are complexes of proteins that connect the cell's cytoskeleton to the extracellular matrix.

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