What is the Da Vinci Surgical System?
A robotic surgical system used to perform minimally invasive surgeries.
What is teleoperation?
The ability to control a machine or system remotely.
Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

What is the Da Vinci Surgical System?

A robotic surgical system used to perform minimally invasive surgeries.

Teleoperation and Telemedicine Concepts

What is teleoperation?

The ability to control a machine or system remotely.

Teleoperation and Telemedicine Concepts

What is telemedicine?

The use of telecommunications technology to provide medical care remotely.

Motivations for Using Da Vinci Surgical System

Why is the Da Vinci Surgical System needed in healthcare?

To enhance precision and reduce recovery time in surgical procedures.

Challenges and Adoption Issues in Robotic Surgery

What are some controversies surrounding the Da Vinci Surgical System?

Concerns about cost, effectiveness, and potential overuse in surgeries.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

How does the Da Vinci Surgical System work?

It uses robotic arms controlled by a surgeon via a console to perform surgeries.

Advantages and Limitations of Robotic Surgery

How does the Da Vinci Surgical System outperform human doctors?

By providing enhanced precision, reduced tremors, and improved visualization.

Future Directions and Developments in Robotic Surgery

How can we further improve the Da Vinci Surgical System?

By integrating advanced technologies and enhancing training for surgeons.

Hardware Components of Da Vinci System

What is the end effector?

The tip that actually does the job.

Motivations for Using Da Vinci Surgical System

How do Da Vinci surgical systems benefit patients post-surgery?

They provide fast recovery and reduced pain.

Challenges and Adoption Issues in Robotic Surgery

What is a challenge related to the space requirements of robotic surgery?

It occupies a lot of space in the operating room.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

What does 'iterations' refer to in the context of prototype development?

The repeated cycles of design, testing, and refinement.

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

How many degrees of freedom (DOFs) do human hands have?

Human hands have 27 degrees of freedom.

Challenges and Adoption Issues in Robotic Surgery

What is one type of surgery performed using robotic systems?


Challenges and Adoption Issues in Robotic Surgery

What is another type of surgery that robotic systems are used for?

Prostate removals.

Mathematical Prerequisites for Robotic Surgery

What is the World coordinate frame in robotics?

The 3D coordinate frame of the whole workspace, usually detached from the robotic arm, serving as a base reference.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

When was the da Vinci robotic surgical system introduced in Hong Kong's public hospitals?

In 2007.

Visual Feedback and Depth Perception in Surgery

What is the main focus of the introduction on page 6?

How to generate depth perception using a 2D image.

Challenges and Adoption Issues in Robotic Surgery

What is a challenge related to the mechanical parts of robotic surgery?

They are still relatively large and rigid, making it difficult to access and treat previously inaccessible parts of the human body.

Future Directions and Developments in Robotic Surgery

What is a key focus for future directions in surgical training according to Yiming Liu et al.?

Recreating full experiences for surgeons to fully utilize their expertise.

Motivations for Using Da Vinci Surgical System

How long does it typically take to train human surgeons?

Years and even decades.

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

What is the significance of switching Step 1 and Step 2?

It suggests that translation and rotation can be interchanged in the process.

Future Directions and Developments in Robotic Surgery

What is one future direction for robotic surgery mentioned?

Employing untethered end-effectors for extended reach.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

What is the significance of the 1st constructed prototype in history?

It marks the beginning of iterative development in design and engineering.

Motivations for Using Da Vinci Surgical System

What are some challenges faced by human surgeons?

Hand vibration, manual accuracy and precision, human fatigue, shape and size of human hands, and blocked line-of-sight.

Motivations for Using Da Vinci Surgical System

What type of surgeries do Da Vinci systems aim to improve upon?

Open surgeries and laparoscopy.

Mathematical Prerequisites for Robotic Surgery

What does frame transformation refer to?

The process of converting coordinates from one frame to another.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

What is the primary focus of methodologies in research?

To provide a systematic approach to data collection and analysis.

Motivations for Using Da Vinci Surgical System

What is a primary motivation for using Da Vinci surgical systems?

To improve surgical precision and increase the range of motion for the surgeon.

Hardware Components of Da Vinci System

Where are the cameras typically mounted in robotic systems?

In positions that provide optimal views of the workspace.

Future Directions and Developments in Robotic Surgery

What is a recent development in medical technology mentioned?

Computer vision.

Motivations for Using Da Vinci Surgical System

What is a key advantage of training machine surgeons?

It is a scalable process.

Teleoperation and Telemedicine Concepts

What is a key background issue in healthcare that telemedicine addresses?

Uneven distribution of healthcare resources, clustering in big cities.

Visual Feedback and Depth Perception in Surgery

What type of view does the surgeon have during the procedure?

An enhanced view via a high-definition 3D video of the surgical site.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

What is mixed-methods research?

An approach that combines both qualitative and quantitative methodologies.

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

What is the purpose of the inverse kinematic matrices in robotic surgery?

To calculate the angle of motors in each link based on the desired position.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

What technology did the surgeon use while operating the ZEUS system?

Polarising glasses.

Advantages and Limitations of Robotic Surgery

Why are robotic assistants beneficial for specific diseases?

They have specially designed shapes and motions to best suit specific diseases.

Challenges and Adoption Issues in Robotic Surgery

What legal challenge is associated with the Da Vinci Surgical System?

Liability challenges.

Mathematical Prerequisites for Robotic Surgery

How is the angle θ measured in Polar coordinates?

It is measured counterclockwise from the polar axis to the line through the pole.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

What was the annual revenue of Intuitive Surgical in 2020?

4.4 billion USD.

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

What type of joint permits rotation in multiple directions, typically around two axes?

Universal joint.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

In which journal was the study on da Vinci robot-assisted thymectomy published?

Int. J. Med. Robot. Compu. Assist. Surgery.

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

How many degrees of freedom are needed for a rigid object to achieve arbitrary movement in 3D space?

6 degrees of freedom are needed.

Challenges and Adoption Issues in Robotic Surgery

What must robotic surgery demonstrate to justify its adoption?

It needs to offer significantly better outcomes than existing medical protocols.

Challenges and Adoption Issues in Robotic Surgery

In which medical fields is robotic surgery primarily applicable?

Urology, gynecology, and bariatric surgeries.

Future Directions and Developments in Robotic Surgery

What is a potential combination for enhancing robotic surgery?

Combining untethered systems with existing medical imaging modalities besides optical cameras.

Hardware Components of Da Vinci System

What are the master/leader manipulators in the Da Vinci Surgical System?

They are the primary controls used by the surgeon to operate the robotic system.

Motivations for Using Da Vinci Surgical System

What is a bonus advantage of using Da Vinci surgical systems?

Minimized scarring.

Hardware Components of Da Vinci System

What role do connections play in the Da Vinci Surgical System?

They facilitate communication between the master manipulators and the slave manipulators.

Motivations for Using Da Vinci Surgical System

How long does heart surgery usually take?

3 to 6 hours.

Future Directions and Developments in Robotic Surgery

What does 'sole visual feedback' refer to in the context of surgical training?

Relying only on visual cues without other sensory inputs.

Visual Feedback and Depth Perception in Surgery

What type of feedback do humans rely on for tasks?

Visual feedback.

Hardware Components of Da Vinci System

What are slave/follower manipulators?

They are the robotic arms that perform the surgical tasks as directed by the master manipulators.

Mathematical Prerequisites for Robotic Surgery

What does the Base coordinate frame represent?

The 3D coordinate frame attached to the base of the robotic arm, used to describe the mechanical buildup and end-effector.

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

What is the primary focus of kinematics?

The study of motion without considering the forces that cause it.

Future Directions and Developments in Robotic Surgery

What types of signals can be used for actuation and control in untethered systems?

Magnetic field, ultrasound, patterned light, electrical field, and other externally applied signals.

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

What does Degree of Freedom (DOF) refer to?

Independently variable factors affecting the range of states in which a system may exist.

Future Directions and Developments in Robotic Surgery

What type of feedback is emphasized as important besides visual feedback?

Haptic feedback, temperature, vibration, static friction, stress, tension, and tangential force.

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

What are the two main operations mentioned in the text?

Translation and rotation.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

What is the primary goal of the Da Vinci Surgical System?

To translate surgeon’s hand movements into smaller, more precise, and safer movements of tiny instruments within the patient’s body.

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

How many degrees of freedom can a robotic arm have?

Typically 3 to 7 DOF.

Motivations for Using Da Vinci Surgical System

In which areas of surgery has the da Vinci system been widely applied?

General surgery, urology, ENT surgery, paediatric surgery, and gynaecology.

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

What is the significance of the workspace in robotic surgery?

It is the area where the surgical instruments operate.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

When was Intuitive Surgical founded?

In 1995.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

What does the Da Vinci Surgical System translate?

A surgeon’s hand movement at a console in real time to the surgical instruments inside a patient’s body.

Advantages and Limitations of Robotic Surgery

What is the current state of haptic feedback in robotic surgery?

Nearly nil.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

What is the Da Vinci Surgical System?

A robotic surgical system designed to assist surgeons in performing minimally invasive surgeries.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

Approximately how many surgeries had the Da Vinci Surgical System been used in by 2012?

~200,000 surgeries.

Advantages and Limitations of Robotic Surgery

How does the cost of the Versius system compare to the Da Vinci system?

It is cheaper than the Da Vinci system.

Teleoperation and Telemedicine Concepts

What is telemedicine?

The use of telecommunications technology to provide medical care remotely.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

Why is the Da Vinci Surgical System named after Leonardo da Vinci?

Because his study of human anatomy led to the design of the first known robot in history.

Teleoperation and Telemedicine Concepts

What technical issue can arise in telemedicine?

It could run into technical problems.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

On what date was the first procedure with the Mona system performed?

March 3, 1997.

Hardware Components of Da Vinci System

How does the Da Vinci Surgical System work?

It uses robotic arms controlled by a surgeon through a console to perform surgeries with high precision.

Future Directions and Developments in Robotic Surgery

How do robotic surgeons evolve over time?

They continuously evolve and learn from each surgery.

Mathematical Prerequisites for Robotic Surgery

What is the purpose of coordinate frames in robotics?

To define the position and orientation of objects and tools in space.

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

In the context of a robotic arm, what does the number of DOF represent?

The number of independently controllable joints.

Future Directions and Developments in Robotic Surgery

What is the significance of haptic feedback in surgical training?

It provides tactile sensations that are crucial for realistic training.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

Why are methodologies important in scientific studies?

They ensure the reliability and validity of results.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

What are qualitative methodologies?

Approaches that focus on understanding human behavior and experiences.

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

How do kinematics and dynamics differ?

Kinematics deals with motion, while dynamics involves forces and their effects on motion.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

What was the aim of the study on da Vinci robot-assisted thymectomy in China?

To evaluate the experience of da Vinci robot-assisted thymectomy.

Mathematical Prerequisites for Robotic Surgery

How can Cartesian coordinates be generalized?

They can be generalized to create n coordinates for any point in n-dimensional Euclidean space.

Challenges and Adoption Issues in Robotic Surgery

What is a challenge associated with computer vision in medicine?

It is very specific to different diseases.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

What is the name of the company that developed the Da Vinci Surgical System?

Intuitive Surgical.

Challenges and Adoption Issues in Robotic Surgery

What is a major challenge associated with sensing in robotic surgery?

Conventional sensors are delicate, brittle, and not compliant.

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

What is the opposite of a redundant robot?

An under-actuated robot.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

Who conducted the study on da Vinci robot-assisted thymectomy?

Yi Jun et al.

Motivations for Using Da Vinci Surgical System

Why is the Da Vinci Surgical System needed in healthcare?

To enhance precision, reduce recovery time, and minimize surgical complications.

Advantages and Limitations of Robotic Surgery

What is one way robotic surgery can improve treatment consistency?

By standardizing treatment.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

What type of surgeries does Zimmer Biomet's ROSA system carry out?

Minimally invasive brain, spine, and knee surgeries.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

Who founded Computer Motion?

Dr. WANG Yulun in 1990.

Hardware Components of Da Vinci System

What technology allows for switching grip strength without changing graspers in Da Vinci instruments?

Force Bipolar with DualGrip technology.

Teleoperation and Telemedicine Concepts

What working mode does the Da Vinci Surgical System use?

Master-slave or leader-follower teleoperation in real-time.

Hardware Components of Da Vinci System

What do first entry accessories for the Da Vinci X and Xi systems help with?

They streamline the start and make the first access to the abdomen consistent.

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

What is redundancy in the context of robotic arms?

A robotic arm can reach a certain end-effector configuration with different sets of control parameters.

Hardware Components of Da Vinci System

What does Da Vinci Single-Site technology enable?

It allows for single incision at the umbilicus for various surgeries.

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

Which methodology would you use to analyze the trajectory of a moving object?


Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

What is the relationship between translation and rotation in the context of the given equations?

Translation and rotation are combined to determine the overall transformation of the system.

Challenges and Adoption Issues in Robotic Surgery

How many da Vinci surgical systems had been installed in 67 countries by 2021?

Over 5,500.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

What was the first procedure performed using the Mona robotic surgical system?

A cholecystectomy.

Challenges and Adoption Issues in Robotic Surgery

What is a problem related to scaling in robotic surgery?

It complicates the design of the tip of end-effectors.

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

What is the unknown to be determined in this transformation?

The coordinate of point P in the world frame.

Future Directions and Developments in Robotic Surgery

How can we further improve the Da Vinci Surgical System?

By integrating advanced technologies like AI, improving haptic feedback, and enhancing training programs for surgeons.

Hardware Components of Da Vinci System

What types of peripherals are included in the Da Vinci Surgical System?

Cameras and other devices that provide visual feedback and enhance the surgical procedure.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

What unique writing style did Leonardo da Vinci use?

Mirror-image cursive.

Visual Feedback and Depth Perception in Surgery

How does the use of visual feedback in industry robots compare to that in humans?

Industry robots rarely use visual feedback.

Advantages and Limitations of Robotic Surgery

What is one benefit of computer vision in medical applications?

Automatic recognition and labeling.

Visual Feedback and Depth Perception in Surgery

What is depth perception?

The visual ability to perceive the world in 3D and the distance of an object.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

What are quantitative methodologies?

Approaches that emphasize numerical data and statistical analysis.

Challenges and Adoption Issues in Robotic Surgery

What is a financial challenge associated with the Da Vinci Surgical System?

It is expensive to purchase and maintain.

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

What does it mean when the number of controllable joints is greater than the degrees of freedom (DOF)?

It indicates that there are multiple solutions to achieve the same end-effector position.

Advantages and Limitations of Robotic Surgery

What is a key advantage of using robotic assistants in complex surgeries?

They do not get tired during the whole process.

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

Which joint type allows linear movement along an axis?

Prismatic joint.

Mathematical Prerequisites for Robotic Surgery

What defines a point in Polar coordinates?

A point is defined by a chosen pole and a ray from this point taken as the polar axis.

Challenges and Adoption Issues in Robotic Surgery

How do sensors impact the workspace in robotic surgery?

They take up space and hinder end-effectors.

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

Is there any rotation from the world frame to the base frame?

No, there is only translation.

Challenges and Adoption Issues in Robotic Surgery

What market position does Intuitive Surgical hold?


Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

What is the name of the company that created the Da Vinci Surgical System?

Intuitive Surgical.

Mathematical Prerequisites for Robotic Surgery

What is the purpose of the Tip/tool coordinate frame?

It is attached to the end-effector and describes the relationship between the target and the end-effector.

Mathematical Prerequisites for Robotic Surgery

What defines a vector in mathematics?

An object that has both a magnitude and a direction.

Challenges and Adoption Issues in Robotic Surgery

What company raised 195 million euros in September 2019?

CMR Surgical.

Advantages and Limitations of Robotic Surgery

How does computer vision help reduce doctors' workload?

Through automatic imaging enhancing and subroutines.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

In what year was the Da Vinci Surgical System created?

In 2000.

Hardware Components of Da Vinci System

Which surgeries can be performed using the Single-Site technology?

Cholecystectomy, benign hysterectomy, or salpingo-oophorectomy.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

How many patients were involved in the da Vinci robot-assisted thymectomy study?

55 patients.

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

What are the two types of problems in kinematics?

Forward problem and backward (inverse) problem.

Teleoperation and Telemedicine Concepts

How does telemedicine improve emergency response?

It allows for faster response to emergencies.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

What types of surgeries is the Da Vinci Surgical System mostly used for?

Hysterectomies and prostate removals.

Challenges and Adoption Issues in Robotic Surgery

What is a significant challenge in the availability of skilled surgeons?

Skilled surgeons are scarce.

Mathematical Prerequisites for Robotic Surgery

What is the significance of the expression '1/j/sin30'?

It represents a calculation related to the unit vectors and their transformations.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

What is the name of Medtronic's robotic surgical system?


Advantages and Limitations of Robotic Surgery

How do human surgeons' opinions affect treatment?

Human surgeons have subjective opinions, which can lead to variability in treatment.

Hardware Components of Da Vinci System

What are the components of the Hugo system?

An operating console, central tower, and multiple cart-based robotic arms.

Challenges and Adoption Issues in Robotic Surgery

Why was the ZEUS system discontinued?

Following the merger of Computer Motion with Intuitive Surgical in 2003.

Challenges and Adoption Issues in Robotic Surgery

Did the Da Vinci Surgical System go through the rigorous 510(k) process?

No, it did not.

Advantages and Limitations of Robotic Surgery

What is a practical benefit of robotic assistants in terms of maintenance?

They are easy to sterilize and replace.

Hardware Components of Da Vinci System

What is the benefit of using Force Bipolar throughout a surgical case?

It provides added control and nonstop progress.

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

What is the formula to calculate r in spherical coordinates?

r = √(x² + y² + z²).

Challenges and Adoption Issues in Robotic Surgery

What is a significant concern regarding the effectiveness of the Da Vinci Surgical System?

There lacks sufficient evidence to prove a true positive impact over traditional approaches.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

Which company developed the Mona robotic surgical system?

Intuitive Inc.

Challenges and Adoption Issues in Robotic Surgery

What type of problems still exist with the Da Vinci Surgical System?

Technical problems that could lead to fatal outcomes.

Teleoperation and Telemedicine Concepts

What is one benefit of telemedicine regarding transportation?

It minimizes time waste in transportation.

Mathematical Prerequisites for Robotic Surgery

How does changing the tip frame affect the work frame?

Changing the tip frame moves away from the work frame.

Hardware Components of Da Vinci System

How many rotary inputs does the Mona robotic surgical system have?

4 rotary inputs.

Teleoperation and Telemedicine Concepts

What is a challenge faced by telemedicine?

Surgeries are complex.

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

What is a singularity in robotics?

A configuration in which the robot end-effector becomes blocked in certain directions.

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

What must be done after solving the backward problem?

Map the required statuses of each joint to the needed control inputs such as currents, pressure, and voltage levels.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

What was the age of the patient for the first procedure performed with the Mona system?

72 years old.

Hardware Components of Da Vinci System

What is a theoretical controller mentioned in the context of the Mona system?

Head mounted display.

Challenges and Adoption Issues in Robotic Surgery

What was significant about AESOP in the context of surgical robots?

It was the 1st surgical robot to receive FDA clearance in 1994.

Visual Feedback and Depth Perception in Surgery

What are the characteristics of visual feedback mentioned?

Real-time, with magnifications, and with optional medical imaging modalities.

Challenges and Adoption Issues in Robotic Surgery

What do existing optical cameras in computer vision rely on?

Human operators to comprehend the visual information.

Teleoperation and Telemedicine Concepts

What does bi-directional communication refer to in the context of the Da Vinci Surgical System?

It refers to the ability to send and receive information between the surgeon and the robotic system.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

Which hospital was the first in the private healthcare sector in Hong Kong to introduce the latest model of the da Vinci S Robotic Surgical System?

Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital (HKSH) in 2007.

Visual Feedback and Depth Perception in Surgery

Why is visual feedback important for human tasks?

Humans rely heavily on it for almost everything.

Teleoperation and Telemedicine Concepts

Why might traveling to healthcare facilities be undesirable for some patients?

It can be dangerous or undesirable during special periods, like a pandemic.

Mathematical Prerequisites for Robotic Surgery

Why is a shared convention important in robotics?

To better integrate and reuse software components.

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

How do unit vectors behave during pure translation?

Unit vectors do not change during pure translation.

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

What advantage does redundancy provide in robotic motion?

It allows for smoother and more efficient motion from an initial state to a new one.

Teleoperation and Telemedicine Concepts

What is teleoperation?

The remote control of a machine or system, allowing a surgeon to operate from a distance.

Hardware Components of Da Vinci System

How many robotic arms did the ZEUS system have?

3 robotic arms.

Hardware Components of Da Vinci System

What feature was added to the ZEUS system later to enhance its capabilities?

A 7th degree of freedom (DOF).

Challenges and Adoption Issues in Robotic Surgery

What are the training implications for skilled surgeons?

They are time- and money-consuming to train.

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

Which joint type allows for movement in three dimensions, similar to a ball-and-socket joint?

Spherical joint.

Teleoperation and Telemedicine Concepts

What is the difference between telemedicine and teleoperation?

Telemedicine focuses on remote healthcare delivery, while teleoperation involves remote control of surgical instruments.

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

What does dynamics study?

The relationship between motion and the forces affecting it.

Mathematical Prerequisites for Robotic Surgery

What is the formula for calculating the new set of unit vectors?

The new set of unit vectors is calculated using transformations involving angles and magnitudes.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

In what year did the Mona robotic surgical system begin human trials?


Mathematical Prerequisites for Robotic Surgery

What mathematical operation is mentioned in relation to the rotation matrix?

Matrix multiplication.

Hardware Components of Da Vinci System

What is a key feature of the Versius system?

Individual, cart-mounted arms controlled by a surgeon at a 3D high-definition console.

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

Which methodology is essential for understanding how forces affect the movement of a robotic arm?


Advantages and Limitations of Robotic Surgery

In which types of procedures has the Versius system been tested?

Laparoscopic gynecological and upper gastrointestinal procedures.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

Where were all the procedures for the study performed?

At Jinling Hospital in Nanjing, China.

Advantages and Limitations of Robotic Surgery

What procedure did Medtronic's Hugo system perform on a cadaver?

A practice prostatectomy.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

What type of software does the Da Vinci Surgical System use?

Proprietary software.

Challenges and Adoption Issues in Robotic Surgery

What are some controversies surrounding the Da Vinci Surgical System?

Concerns about cost, effectiveness compared to traditional methods, and the learning curve for surgeons.

Mathematical Prerequisites for Robotic Surgery

How are Spherical coordinates derived from Cylindrical coordinates?

By converting the pair of cylindrical coordinates (r, z) to polar coordinates (ρ, φ).

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

What is the significance of having multiple DOF in a robotic arm?

It allows for more complex and versatile movements.

Challenges and Adoption Issues in Robotic Surgery

What is a key requirement for surgeons before using the Da Vinci Surgical System?

Dedicated training.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

What is the name of the first robotic surgical system to move to human trials?

Mona, named after Mona Lisa.

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

What is the term used to describe the number of independent movements a joint can make?

Degree of freedom (DOF).

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

What was Intuitive Surgical's annual revenue in 2022?

6.22 billion USD.

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

What type of joint allows rotation around a single axis?

Revolute joint.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

What was the name of the surgical robot developed by Computer Motion in 1996?


Advantages and Limitations of Robotic Surgery

What are some benefits of haptic feedback in surgery?

Prevents excess forces or torques, protects patients, and makes operations easier for doctors.

Hardware Components of Da Vinci System

What feature allowed for the exchange of instrumentation while maintaining a sterile field?

Exchangeable instrumentation.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

How do methodologies influence research outcomes?

They shape the research design, data collection, and interpretation of results.

Challenges and Adoption Issues in Robotic Surgery

What is required from human doctors in the computer vision process?

To monitor the process and verify the results.

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

Which joint allows movement in two perpendicular axes?

Cylindrical joint.

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

What challenges are associated with the backward problem?

It can have no solution, a unique solution, or multiple solutions, and requires solving the inverse of a matrix.

Mathematical Prerequisites for Robotic Surgery

What is the triple representation in Cylindrical coordinates?

(r, θ, z).

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

What type of transformation occurs from the base frame to the camera frame?

Both translation and a rotation of 30 degrees (counterclockwise in the xy plane).

Future Directions and Developments in Robotic Surgery

What type of research is ongoing in the field of haptic feedback?

Novel sensors based on smart materials and integrated actuators and sensors.

Mathematical Prerequisites for Robotic Surgery

What is the triple representation in Spherical coordinates?

(ρ, θ, φ).

Advantages and Limitations of Robotic Surgery

How does the Da Vinci Surgical System outperform human doctors?

By providing enhanced visualization, precision, and the ability to perform complex maneuvers.

Advantages and Limitations of Robotic Surgery

What is the economic advantage of robotic surgery?

It is cheaper and more accessible.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

How many robotic-assisted surgeries had been performed by the HKU Department of Surgery and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology by July 2011?

Over 500 cases.

Mathematical Prerequisites for Robotic Surgery

What is a matrix?

A rectangular array or table of numbers, symbols, or expressions, arranged in rows and columns.

Mathematical Prerequisites for Robotic Surgery

What are the three mutually orthogonal planes in Cartesian coordinates?

They are used to define the three coordinates of a point as signed distances to each plane.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

What time period did the study on da Vinci robot-assisted thymectomy cover?

From June 2010 to December 2012.

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

What are the assumptions made when converting from Cartesian to spherical coordinates?

The two coordinate frames share the same origin and x, y, z directions.

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

What type of joint combines rotational and translational motion?

Helical joint.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

When was Intuitive Surgical founded?

In 1995.

Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics in Robotics

What does the forward problem involve?

Calculating the position and pose of the end-effector from known statuses of each joint.

Mathematical Prerequisites for Robotic Surgery

What additional coordinate is included in Cylindrical coordinates?

A z-coordinate, which has the same meaning as in Cartesian coordinates.

Challenges and Adoption Issues in Robotic Surgery

What is a limitation of many sensors used in robotic surgery?

They cannot survive sterilization procedures.

Advantages and Limitations of Robotic Surgery

What functionalities did the ZEUS system provide to the surgeon?

Motion scaling and tremor elimination.

Challenges and Adoption Issues in Robotic Surgery

When was the ZEUS system cleared by the FDA?

In 2001.

Advantages and Limitations of Robotic Surgery

What is the approximate cost of the Da Vinci Surgical System?

Around 2 million USD.

Overview of Da Vinci Surgical System

What was the predecessor of the ZEUS surgical robot?


Challenges and Adoption Issues in Robotic Surgery

What is a major reason telemedicine is not widely adopted?

Complexity of surgeries and potential technical issues.

Challenges and Adoption Issues in Robotic Surgery

What legal issues is Intuitive Surgical currently facing?

A number of related lawsuits are underway.

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