What does TOSL stand for?
Total Open Space within Lot.
What does the Architectural Code of the Philippines regulate?
It regulates the design, construction, and occupancy of buildings.
Total Open Space within Lot (TOSL)

What does TOSL stand for?

Total Open Space within Lot.

Architectural Code of the Philippines

What does the Architectural Code of the Philippines regulate?

It regulates the design, construction, and occupancy of buildings.

Allowable Maximum Building Footprint (AMBF)

What does AMBF 2 represent?

The area left on the lot minus the setbacks.

Allowable Maximum Building Footprint (AMBF)

What does PSO stand for in the context of AMBF?

Percentage of Site Occupancy.

Architectural Code of the Philippines

What are the key components of the Architectural Code of the Philippines?

Building safety, accessibility, and environmental sustainability.

Total Open Space within Lot (TOSL)

What does TOSL stand for?

Total Open Space within Lot.

Building Height Limit (BHL)

What does BHL stand for?

Building Height Limit.

Building Height Limit (BHL)

What is the purpose of the Building Height Limit (BHL)?

To regulate the maximum height of buildings/structures based on their proposed use or occupancy.

Percentage of Site Occupancy (PSO)

At what level is the PSO measured?

At the ground floor/grade level.

Allowable Maximum Building Footprint (AMBF)

What is the maximum portion of the lot that can be occupied by a building at grade level?

The Allowable Maximum Building Footprint (AMBF).

Percentage of Site Occupancy (PSO)

What does PSO stand for?

Percentage of Site Occupancy.

Building Height Limit (BHL)

From where is the Building Height Limit (BHL) generally measured?

From the established grade line to the topmost portion of the proposed building.

Maximum Allowable Construction Area (MACA)

What is included in the Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA)?

Gross floor area (GFA), enclosed support areas, and all usable horizontal areas attached to the building.

Allowable Maximum Building Footprint (AMBF)

How is the area of the AMBF measured?

From the outermost face of the exterior walls of the proposed building/structure.

Total Open Space within Lot (TOSL)

What does TOSL stand for?

Total Open Space within Lot.

Minimum Requirements for Group A Dwellings

What is the minimum live load requirement for the second floor of Group A dwellings?

At least 150 kg per sq.m.

Development Controls (DC)

What does MACA stand for?

Maximum Allowable Construction Area.

Architectural Code of the Philippines

What is the purpose of the Architectural Code of the Philippines?

To establish standards and guidelines for architectural practice in the Philippines.

Architectural Code of the Philippines

What is the purpose of the Architectural Code of the Philippines?

To establish standards and guidelines for architectural practice in the Philippines.

Maximum Allowable Construction Area (MACA)

What does Gross Floor Area (GFA) include?

Total floor space within the perimeter of the permanent external building walls, including office areas, residential areas, corridors, lobbies, and mezzanine levels.

Architectural Code of the Philippines

What are the key components of the Architectural Code of the Philippines?

Building safety, accessibility, and environmental considerations.

Architectural Code of the Philippines

Who is responsible for enforcing the Architectural Code of the Philippines?

The National Building Code and local government units.

Architectural Code of the Philippines

How does the Architectural Code of the Philippines impact urban planning?

It guides the development and zoning of urban areas.

Maximum Allowable Construction Area (MACA)

Which multiplier numbers are excluded from the TGFA calculation?

3, 5, 12, 18, and 30 (representing the number of storeys/floors).

Minimum Requirements for Group A Dwellings

What is the minimum sanitation requirement for Group A dwellings?

Every dwelling must have at least one sanitary toilet and adequate washing and drainage facilities.

Total Open Space within Lot (TOSL)

Which rules of the IRR of the NBCP reference TOSL?

Rule VII and VIII.

Total Open Space within Lot (TOSL)

What is the significance of TOSL in building regulations?

It determines the amount of open space required within a lot.

Architectural Code of the Philippines

What does the Architectural Code of the Philippines regulate?

It regulates the design, construction, and occupancy of buildings.

Architectural Code of the Philippines

Who is responsible for enforcing the Architectural Code of the Philippines?

The National Building Code and local government units.

Architectural Code of the Philippines

What are the key components of the Architectural Code of the Philippines?

Building regulations, zoning laws, and design standards.

Allowable Maximum Building Footprint (AMBF)

What are the three ways to determine the AMBF?

1. Based on Rule VIII Table VIII.1 [PSO], 2. Based on Rule VIII Tables VIII.2 and VIII.3 [setbacks, yards, and courts], 3. Based on applicable stipulations of the Fire Code.

Total Open Space within Lot (TOSL)

What is the formula for calculating TOSL?

TOSL = ISA + USA, expressed as a percentage of the Total Lot Area (TLA).

Unpaved Surface Area (USA)

How is USA expressed in relation to the lot?

As a percentage of the Total Lot Area (TLA).

Minimum Requirements for Group A Dwellings

What are the stair requirements for Group A dwellings?

Stairs must be at least 750 mm in clear width, with a rise of 200 mm and a minimum run of 200 mm.

Total Open Space within Lot (TOSL)

What does TOSL stand for?

Total Open Space within Lot.

Percentage of Site Occupancy (PSO)

How is PSO related to AMBF?

It is a quantity related to the Allowable Maximum Building Footprint.

Allowable Maximum Building Footprint (AMBF)

What is the formula for calculating AMBF?

AMBF = x (Total Lot Area).

Building Height Limit (BHL)

Which sections of the IRR of the NBCP reference the Building Height Limit?

Rule VII and VIII.

Maximum Allowable Construction Area (MACA)

What types of areas are covered under TGFA?

Covered areas used for parking, driveways, services, and utilities.

Impervious Surface Area (ISA)

What does Impervious Surface Area (ISA) refer to?

The percentage of the maximum allowable floor area of paved, tiled, or hardscaped surfaces at ground level outside the main building.

Architectural Code of the Philippines

What are the key components of the Architectural Code of the Philippines?

Building safety, accessibility, and environmental sustainability.

Development Controls (DC)

Which rules reference Development Controls in the NBCP?

Rule VII and VIII of the IRR of the NBCP.

Maximum Allowable Construction Area (MACA)

What does MACA exclude in its calculation?

The Unpaved Surface Area (USA).

Development Controls (DC)

What does TGFA stand for?

Total Gross Floor Area.

Total Open Space within Lot (TOSL)

What does TOSL stand for?

Total Open Space within Lot.

Allowable Maximum Building Footprint (AMBF)

What does AMBF stand for?

Allowable Maximum Building Footprint.

Architectural Code of the Philippines

What is the purpose of the Architectural Code of the Philippines?

To establish standards and guidelines for architectural practice in the Philippines.

Architectural Code of the Philippines

What is the purpose of the Architectural Code of the Philippines?

To establish standards and regulations for architectural practice in the Philippines.

Development Controls (DC)

What does the Total Lot Area (TLA) refer to?

The total area of the lot or property on which a building stands.

Allowable Maximum Building Footprint (AMBF)

Which rules reference the Allowable Maximum Building Footprint?

Rule VII and VIII of the IRR of the NBCP.

Development Controls (DC)

What do Development Controls help determine?

The development potential and/or the carrying capacity of all lots and proposed developments.

Maximum Allowable Construction Area (MACA)

How is MACA calculated?

MACA = PSO + ISA, expressed as a percentage of the total Lot Area (TLA).

Minimum Requirements for Group A Dwellings

What must electrical installations conform to in Group A dwellings?

The requirements of the Philippine Electrical Code.

Building Height Limit (BHL)

How is the Building Height Limit (BHL) determined?

After the application of other development controls and certain parameters.

Percentage of Site Occupancy (PSO)

What does PSO express?

The percentage of the maximum allowable enclosed floor area of any building at the ground floor in relation to the Total Lot Area.

Architectural Code of the Philippines

What does the Architectural Code of the Philippines regulate?

It regulates the design, construction, and occupancy of buildings.

Allowable Maximum Building Footprint (AMBF)

What does AMBF stand for?

Allowable Maximum Building Footprint.

Maximum Allowable Construction Area (MACA)

What do the percentages in Table VII.1 represent?

The percentages of the Total Lot Area (TLA) used to determine the Allowable Maximum TGFA.

Impervious Surface Area (ISA)

How is ISA considered in relation to open space?

ISA is considered an open space and may be combined with Unpaved Surface Area (USA) to meet total open space requirements.

Total Open Space within Lot (TOSL)

What is the relationship between PSO, TOSL, and total lot area?

PSO + TOSL = 100%.

Total Open Space within Lot (TOSL)

Which rules reference the Total Open Space within Lot (TOSL)?

Rule VII and VIII of the IRR of the NBCP.

Minimum Requirements for Group A Dwellings

What are the mechanical requirements for Group A dwellings?

Systems and equipment installations must comply with the Philippine Mechanical Engineering Code.

Architectural Code of the Philippines

Where can the Architectural Code of the Philippines be accessed?

At the link: https://united-architects.org/assets/files/media-files/Architectural%20Code.pdf

Total Open Space within Lot (TOSL)

What is the significance of TOSL in building regulations?

It defines the required open space within a lot.

Allowable Maximum Building Footprint (AMBF)

What are Tables VIII.2 and VIII.3 used for?

They provide information on setbacks, yards, and courts.

Allowable Maximum Building Footprint (AMBF)

Where can you find the Maximum Allowable PSO in relation to AMBF?

In Rule VIII Table VIII.1.

Architectural Code of the Philippines

How does the Architectural Code of the Philippines impact urban planning?

It provides guidelines for sustainable and organized urban development.

Impervious Surface Area (ISA)

What types of areas are included in the Maximum Allowable ISA?

Patios, grade level terraces, driveways, walks, parking areas, and similar built-up areas.

Impervious Surface Area (ISA)

What does the term 'impervious' in ISA signify?

It indicates that paved surfaces do not allow water percolation into the soil and do not allow the soil to breathe.

Total Open Space within Lot (TOSL)

What is the minimum requirement for Total Open Space within Lot (TOSL)?


Development Controls (DC)

What does USA stand for?

Unpaved Surface Area.

Architectural Code of the Philippines

Who is responsible for enforcing the Architectural Code of the Philippines?

Local government units and the National Building Code of the Philippines.

Percentage of Site Occupancy (PSO)

What is the formula for calculating PSO?

PSO = (AMBF in sq.m.) / (Total Lot Area in sq.m.)

Architectural Code of the Philippines

Who is responsible for enforcing the Architectural Code of the Philippines?

The National Building Code and local government units.

Maximum Allowable Construction Area (MACA)

What does Section 705.2 of the NBCP IRR address?

TGFA limitation and its calculation based on Total Lot Area (TLA).

Architectural Code of the Philippines

Who is responsible for enforcing the Architectural Code of the Philippines?

Local government units and relevant national agencies.

Architectural Code of the Philippines

How does the Architectural Code of the Philippines impact urban planning?

It provides guidelines that influence land use and building density.

Development Controls (DC)

What does AMBF stand for?

Allowable Maximum Building Footprint.

Minimum Requirements for Group A Dwellings

What is the requirement for entrances and exits in Group A dwellings?

There must be at least one entrance and one exit.

Allowable Maximum Building Footprint (AMBF)

What is the formula to calculate AMBF?

AMBF = min(AMBF 1, AMBF 2).

Architectural Code of the Philippines

What is the purpose of the Architectural Code of the Philippines?

To establish standards and guidelines for architectural practice in the Philippines.

Maximum Allowable Construction Area (MACA)

What should the GFA of a building not exceed?

The prescribed FLAR multiplied by the Total Lot Area (TLA).

Architectural Code of the Philippines

What is one key requirement of the Architectural Code of the Philippines?

Compliance with safety, health, and environmental standards.

Allowable Maximum Building Footprint (AMBF)

What does the AMBF exclude?

Provisions for courts at grade level.

Total Open Space within Lot (TOSL)

What does TOSL stand for?

Total Open Space within Lot.

Minimum Requirements for Group A Dwellings

What is the wind load requirement for roofs in Group A dwellings?

At least 120 kg per sq.m. for vertical projections.

Development Controls (DC)

What is the Floor to Lot Area Ratio (FLAR)?

The ratio between the Gross Floor Area (GFA) of a building and the Total Lot Area (TLA) of the property.

Maximum Allowable Construction Area (MACA)

What does TGFA stand for?

Total Gross Floor Area.

Architectural Code of the Philippines

What does the Architectural Code of the Philippines aim to ensure?

Safety, health, and welfare of the public in building design and construction.

Architectural Code of the Philippines

What is the purpose of the Architectural Code of the Philippines?

To establish standards and guidelines for architectural practices in the Philippines.

Unpaved Surface Area (USA)

What is Unpaved Surface Area (USA)?

The portion of the lot that remains unpaved and is reserved for softscaping or planting.

Development Controls (DC)

What does PSO stand for?

Percentage of Site Occupancy.

Development Controls (DC)

What does FLAR stand for?

Floor to Lot Area Ratio.

Architectural Code of the Philippines

How does the Architectural Code of the Philippines affect urban planning?

It provides guidelines for land use and building development.

Minimum Requirements for Group A Dwellings

What are the foundation requirements for Group A dwellings?

Footings must be at least 250 mm thick and 600 mm below the surface, sufficient to support the load.

Unpaved Surface Area (USA)

Can USA be combined with ISA?

Yes, to satisfy the Total Open Space within Lot (TOSL) requirements.

Development Controls (DC)

What does TOSL stand for?

Total Open Space within Lot.

Architectural Code of the Philippines

What does the Architectural Code of the Philippines regulate?

It regulates the design, construction, and occupancy of buildings.

Development Controls (DC)

What are Development Controls (DC)?

A set of interacting regulations concerning the physical utilization of a lot and the planning/design of spaces or the use/occupancy of a building/structure.

Maximum Allowable Construction Area (MACA)

What does MACA stand for?

Maximum Allowable Construction Area.

Total Open Space within Lot (TOSL)

Where can minimum requirements for TOSL be found?

Section 803.4.

Minimum Requirements for Group A Dwellings

What is the minimum live load requirement for the first floor of Group A dwellings?

At least 200 kg per sq.m.

Development Controls (DC)

What does ISA stand for?

Impervious Surface Area.

Development Controls (DC)

What does BHL stand for?

Building Height Limit.

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Study Smarter, Not Harder