What is a criticism of modern psychology according to some perspectives?
Many believe that modern psychology has the wrong approach.
What are the three ways current psychology explains behavior when contexts are not visible?
1. Study neurophysiology. 2. Build abstract models and simulations. 3. Use common language to describe internal events.
History of Psychology

What is a criticism of modern psychology according to some perspectives?

Many believe that modern psychology has the wrong approach.

Inside vs. Outside Perspectives

What are the three ways current psychology explains behavior when contexts are not visible?

1. Study neurophysiology. 2. Build abstract models and simulations. 3. Use common language to describe internal events.

Inside vs. Outside Perspectives

How does the 'outside' approach explain behavior?

The 'outside' approach explains behavior by observing what is in a person's environments, including social, societal, and cultural factors.

Social Contexts in Perception

What is the significance of what everyone draws?

What everyone draws can reflect common cultural themes, shared experiences, or individual perspectives influenced by social contexts.

Social and Community Behaviors

What social aspect is mentioned as being ignored in the discussion of triangle representation?

There is an ignored social context present that is suggested to be important.

Gestalt Psychology Critique

Why do people say they 'see' a triangle when only bits of black lines are on the physical retina?

People perceive a triangle due to their experience or consciousness interpreting the visual information, demonstrating the concept of 'psycho-physical parallelism'.

Social Contexts in Perception

What aspect of saying 'triangle' is emphasized in the text?

Saying 'A triangle' is about your social environment, which was ignored by Gestaltists.

Social Contexts in Perception

What is the ambiguity in the expression 'I see a triangle'?

It implies a hallucination.

Social and Community Behaviors

What contexts are emphasized in this course that shape people's actions and thoughts?

The social and cultural contexts, particularly the discursive, language, or conversational contexts.

History of Psychology

What critique is suggested regarding traditional psychology methods?

The text questions whether we have looked hard enough and analyzed enough in psychology.

Inside vs. Outside Perspectives

What does the 'inside' approach in current psychology focus on?

The 'inside' approach focuses on brain processes, cognitive processes, psychological states, or the mind.

Qualitative Research Methods

Why are alternative research methods important according to the course aims?

They are commonly needed for employment in research jobs.

Inside vs. Outside Perspectives

What do 'inside' psychologists believe about explaining people's actions?

They believe that there is not enough in the world to explain what people do, and that it must be constructed in the head.

Social and Community Behaviors

What is one alternative approach to mainstream psychology discussed in the course?

A contextual approach to understanding human behavior.

Qualitative Research Methods

What type of research methods are emphasized for contextual research?

Qualitative methodologies.

Social Contexts in Perception

How does social context influence perception according to the text?

Social context can shape responses, such as saying 'I see a triangle,' depending on the situation.

History of Psychology

What is the primary focus of psychology according to the text?

Psychology is the study of how we construct 'things' in the head.

Social Contexts in Perception

What do you see? Quickly say out loud!

This phrase prompts immediate observation and verbal expression of one's thoughts or perceptions.

Contextual Approaches in Psychology

What is emphasized as a limitation in understanding behaviors in mental health discussions?

The limitation is invoking 'internal' processes that cannot be observed when the reasons for someone's actions are unclear.

Social Contexts in Perception

Who argues that the expressions about seeing and experiencing a triangle are wrong?

Psychologists like J.J. Gibson.

Ecological Psychology

What do current psychologies argue about the representation of a triangle in the brain?

Current psychologies argue that we must construct a triangle somewhere in the brain, as what is in the environment is not a full triangle.

History of Psychology

Why is it beneficial to learn a little history of psychology?

Learning the history of psychology enhances knowledge beyond textbooks and provides context for current psychological approaches.

Gestalt Psychology Critique

What did Gestalt psychology criticize about mainstream psychology?

Gestalt psychology criticized that behavior depends more on the environment than just being a 'stimulus' built from sensations.

Social Contexts in Perception

What should you do during the first demo?

Say out loud quickly what you see on the next slide.

Social Contexts in Perception

How do you explain people saying that they 'see' or 'experience' a triangle by the environment or social contexts?

People's perception of shapes, like a triangle, can be influenced by their environment and social contexts. The context in which they observe the shape can affect their interpretation and understanding, leading them to 'see' or 'experience' it differently based on cultural or situational factors.

Social Contexts in Perception

What does the expression 'I experience a triangle' assume?

It assumes that the experience is internal to the individual.

Inside vs. Outside Perspectives

What does behavior encompass according to the text?

Behavior encompasses actions, talking, thinking, and feeling.

Language and Social Interaction

How do you explain ‘seeing’ a triangle by the environment?

Seeing a triangle involves social use of language shaped by external contexts, rather than just a report of perception.

Social and Community Behaviors

What is the significance of contextual approaches in studying psychology?

Contextual approaches are important as they help understand social, community, and societal behaviors, and they are used in fields like social anthropology, sociolinguistics, and sociology.

Inside vs. Outside Perspectives

What is the first way current psychology explains behavior?

Study neurophysiology, which promises to provide answers.

Contextual Approaches in Psychology

What skill will be trained in the course regarding people's worlds?

The course will train participants to observe people's worlds or contexts more effectively.

Language and Social Interaction

What is the difference in the use of the word ‘see’?

There are two different uses of the word ‘see’: one as a direct perception and the other as a social report influenced by language and context.

Social and Community Behaviors

What are some examples of social and community behaviors?

Compete, cooperate, bond, bully, manage a self-image, share, agree, argue, distance, pay a salary, reciprocate, hedge, protect, help, go to work, complain, control, support, conflict, give, take, apologize, be polite, be rude, be humorous, entertain, distract, tell or act out stories, induce positive and negative emotions, show off, act humble.

Social Contexts in Perception

What is a common social response when asked, 'How are you?'

99% of the time, the response is 'Fine thanks, how are you?' even if the person is not okay.

Inside vs. Outside Perspectives

What is the third way current psychology explains behavior?

Use everyday language to describe internal events such as drives and feelings.

Gestalt Psychology Critique

What do we perceive when looking at 4 black lines on a white background according to Gestalt psychology?

We perceive a triangle instead of just seeing 4 black lines.

Social Contexts in Perception

What is suggested about the environment's sufficiency in representing a triangle?

It is questioned whether there is enough in the environment to represent a triangle or if we have not looked hard enough at all contexts.

Inside vs. Outside Perspectives

What are the two main approaches in psychology?

The two main approaches in psychology are 'inside' and 'outside'.

Inside vs. Outside Perspectives

What is the second way current psychology explains behavior?

Build abstract models and simulations of possible mental processes.

Social and Community Behaviors

What does Skinner's contingency learning approach highlight?

Skinner's contingency learning approach, while limited, includes the effects we have on our worlds and how those effects in turn affect us.

Social Contexts in Perception

What is the first step in the demo process?

Get a pen and some paper ready.

Social Contexts in Perception

What is the counterargument to the view of 'inside' psychologists?

The counterargument is that we have not looked hard enough and that there is much that is hidden, especially in the social world.

History of Psychology

What concept did Titchener and Wundt propose regarding the relationship between brain, senses, and consciousness?

They proposed the idea of 'psycho-physical parallelism', suggesting that brain and senses work together with consciousness or experience.

Social Contexts in Perception

What hidden social context is often ignored by Gestalt theorists?

The context of a doctor asking about someone's well-being, which shapes the response.

Social Contexts in Perception

What aspect of research does the point about saying 'a triangle' ignore?

It is ignored in all questionnaire research.

Social Contexts in Perception

What do 99% of people say regarding a geometric shape?

A triangle

Gestalt Psychology Critique

Where does this organizing into bigger units (i.e., a triangle) occur?

1. Inside the head (there is not enough in the environment to explain filling in the lines). 2. In the environment or the person’s world or field (there is plenty in the environment, you are not looking hard enough; hint: there are two behaviors).

Contextual Approaches in Psychology

What do contextual approaches in psychology focus on?

They explain behaviors by considering what is in the person's worlds, including social, societal, economic, and cultural environments.

Ecological Psychology

How does the environment influence a person's actions according to J.J. Gibson's approach?

J.J. Gibson's approach of 'direct perception' suggests that we do not need to build a representation of the world in our heads; rather, the environment shapes what we do directly.

Social Contexts in Perception

Which expression is considered more accurate than the others?

'I say a triangle' is much closer to the truth.

Social and Community Behaviors

What types of behaviors are primarily focused on in the course?

Social and community behaviors.

Gestalt Psychology Critique

According to Gestalt psychology, how does behavior occur?

Gestalt psychology argues that behavior occurs in 'bigger units', rather than solely from sensations on the retina.

Language and Social Interaction

What is the significance of discourse analysis in psychology?

Discourse analysis examines how language and communication shape social interactions and perceptions, highlighting the context of these interactions.

Social Contexts in Perception

What assumption does 'My consciousness is of a triangle' carry?

It also assumes that the consciousness is internal to the individual.

Social Contexts in Perception

What is the focus of social contextual analysis as mentioned in BEHL 2006?

Social contextual analysis focuses on understanding behaviors within their social contexts, emphasizing the interplay between individuals and their environments.

Ecological Psychology

What is Roger Barker's contribution to ecological psychology?

Roger Barker's approach emphasizes the importance of the environment or life world in shaping human behavior.

Qualitative Research Methods

What type of questions will participants learn to ask in the course?

Participants will learn to ask good research questions about people's contexts.

Study Smarter, Not Harder
Study Smarter, Not Harder