What is the oxidised substance in the reaction involving magnesium?
Magnesium, Mg.
What does magnesium gain in the oxidation process?
Oxidation and Reduction Definitions

What is the oxidised substance in the reaction involving magnesium?

Magnesium, Mg.

Oxidation and Reduction Definitions

What does magnesium gain in the oxidation process?


Oxidation and Reduction Definitions

What is the reduced substance in the reaction involving carbon dioxide?

Carbon dioxide, CO2.

Oxidation and Reduction Definitions

What does carbon dioxide lose in the reduction process?


Oxidising and Reducing Agents

What is the oxidising agent in the reaction?

Carbon dioxide, CO2.

Oxidising and Reducing Agents

What is the reducing agent in the reaction?

Magnesium, Mg.

Balanced Chemical Equations

What is the balanced chemical equation for the reaction between copper(II) oxide and carbon?

CuO + C → Cu + CO.

Oxidation and Reduction Definitions

What type of reaction occurs when a reactant loses hydrogen?

Oxidation reaction.

Oxidation and Reduction Definitions

What type of reaction occurs when a reactant gains hydrogen?

Reduction reaction.

Oxidation and Reduction Definitions

What is an example of a reaction that does not involve oxygen?

The reaction between hydrogen sulfide, H2S, and chlorine, Cl2.

Standard Electrode Potential

How is the standard electrode potential of an electrode system determined?

By measuring the difference in electrode potential between two half-cells.

Oxidation and Reduction Definitions

What is the reduced substance in the reaction involving H2S and Cl2?

Chlorine, Cl2.

Oxidation Numbers

What is the oxidation number of fluorine?

Always -1.

Standard Electrode Potential

What is the purpose of platinum(IV) oxide (PtO2) in the standard hydrogen electrode?

To increase the surface area of platinum to adsorb hydrogen gas, allowing closer contact with hydrogen ions in the solution.

Oxidation Numbers

What is the typical oxidation number of elements in Group 17 in a compound?

Normally -1.

Oxidising and Reducing Agents

What is the relationship between the reactivity of halogens and their ability to accept electrons?

The more reactive the halogen, the easier it is for the halogen to accept an electron.

Laboratory Activities for Redox Reactions

What materials are used in the laboratory activity for investigating redox reactions?

Sulphuric acid, iron(II) sulphate, acidified potassium manganate(VII), and sodium hydroxide.

Electron Transfer in Redox Reactions

What happens during the reaction involving electropositive metals?

Electrons are transferred from the metal atom to the metal ion.

Reducing Agents

What characterizes metals at the top of the electrochemical series?

They are stronger reducing agents.

Oxidising and Reducing Agents

What is the oxidising agent in the reaction involving H2S and Cl2?

Chlorine, Cl2.

Standard Electrode Potential

What is the standard electrode potential value for magnesium (Mg)?

E0 = -2.38 V.

Oxidation Numbers

What happens to the oxidation number of iron(II) ion, Fe²⁺ when it is converted to iron(III) ion, Fe³⁺?

The oxidation number increases from +2 to +3.

Oxidising and Reducing Agents

What characterizes metal ions at the bottom of the electrochemical series?

They are stronger oxidising agents.

Oxidation and Reduction Definitions

What is the charge of Fe²⁺ and Fe³⁺?

Fe²⁺ has a charge of +2 and Fe³⁺ has a charge of +3.

Laboratory Activities for Redox Reactions

What is the first step in setting up the experiment with carbon electrodes?

Connect the carbon electrodes to the galvanometer using connecting wires.

Oxidation and Reduction Definitions

What occurs during an oxidation reaction?

A reactant loses electrons.

Laboratory Activities for Redox Reactions

What solutions are used in the experiment with the carbon electrodes?

Iron(II) sulphate (FeSO4) and acidified potassium manganate(VII) (KMnO4).

Oxidation and Reduction Definitions

What is the half equation for the oxidation of iron(II) ions?

Fe²⁺ (aq) → Fe³⁺ (aq) + e⁻

Standard Electrode Potential

What are the standard conditions for measuring standard electrode potential?

1.0 mol dm−3 ion concentration, 1 atm gas pressure, 25 °C temperature, and using platinum as an inert electrode.

Oxidising and Reducing Agents

Which halogens are considered stronger oxidising agents?

Halogens located at the top of Group 17.

Oxidation Numbers

In the reaction between carbon and oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, what happens to the oxidation number of carbon?

The oxidation number of carbon increases.

Standard Electrode Potential

What is the role of the zinc plate in the half-cell setup?

It acts as the electrode.

Oxidation and Reduction Definitions

What role does oxygen play in a redox reaction involving magnesium?

Oxygen gains electrons and acts as an oxidising agent.

Standard Electrode Potential

What can be determined based on the values of standard electrode potentials?

The oxidising agent and reducing agent.

Balanced Chemical Equations

What is the half equation for the oxidation of magnesium?

Mg → Mg²⁺ + 2e⁻.

Laboratory Activities for Redox Reactions

What is the expected outcome of the laboratory activity?

To construct a table recording observations and inferences from the experiments.

Oxidising and Reducing Agents

What is the half equation for Chlorine water as an oxidising agent?

Cl₂ + 2e⁻ → 2Cl⁻

Electron Transfer in Redox Reactions

What concept do chemists use to explain redox reactions since the discovery of electrons?

The concept of electron transfer.

Laboratory Activities for Redox Reactions

What is the aim of Laboratory Activity 1A?

To investigate oxidation and reduction reactions in terms of electron transfer at a distance.

Oxidation and Reduction Definitions

How are oxidation and reduction defined in terms of oxidation numbers?

Oxidation occurs when the oxidation number increases; reduction occurs when the oxidation number decreases.

Standard Electrode Potential

What is electrode potential?

The potential difference produced when an equilibrium is established between a metal and its ions in a half-cell.

Standard Electrode Potential

What does the standard electrode potential, E0, measure?

The tendency of a substance to accept or donate electrons.

Balanced Chemical Equations

What is the overall ionic equation for the redox reaction in Laboratory Activity 1A?

5Fe²⁺ + MnO₄⁻ + 8H⁺ → 5Fe³⁺ + Mn²⁺ + 4H₂O

Balanced Chemical Equations

What is the reduction half equation for copper in a redox reaction?

Cu2+(aq) + 2e− → Cu(s).

Laboratory Activities for Redox Reactions

What should be observed after dipping the electrodes into the solutions?

The direction of the deflection of the galvanometer needle.

Balanced Chemical Equations

What is the half equation for the reduction of oxygen?

O₂ + 4e⁻ → 2O²⁻.

Standard Electrode Potential

How are the standard electrode potential values arranged in Table 1.7?

From the most negative to the most positive.

Displacement Reactions

What happens when zinc, Zn is added to copper(II) nitrate, Cu(NO₃)₂ solution?

Zinc displaces copper, resulting in the formation of solid copper and a decrease in the blue color of the solution.

Laboratory Activities for Redox Reactions

What is the aim of the laboratory activity described?

To investigate a redox reaction in the displacement of metal from its salt solution.

Electron Transfer in Redox Reactions

What does the deflection of the galvanometer needle indicate?

That there is a transfer of electrons from the reducing agent to the oxidising agent.

Oxidising and Reducing Agents

What does a more negative E0 value indicate about a substance?

It indicates a stronger reducing agent.

Oxidation and Reduction Definitions

What is the oxidised substance in the reaction involving H2S and Cl2?

Hydrogen sulphide, H2S.

Electron Transfer in Redox Reactions

What is the limitation of the electron transfer concept in redox reactions?

It is limited to reactions associated with ionic compounds.

Oxidation and Reduction Definitions

What color change occurs when iron(II) sulfate solution is oxidized?

The green color of iron(II) sulfate changes to brown.

Oxidation Numbers

Under what condition can chlorine, bromine, and iodine have a positive oxidation number?

When they are bound to a more electronegative element, such as oxygen.

Oxidation and Reduction Definitions

What happens to magnesium in a redox reaction?

Magnesium loses electrons and acts as a reducing agent.

Standard Electrode Potential

What is the standard electrode potential value for copper (Cu)?

E0 = +0.34 V.

Balanced Chemical Equations

What is the half equation for the oxidation of bromide ions?

2Br⁻ (aq) → Br₂ (aq) + 2e⁻.

Displacement Reactions

How does the reactivity of halogens change down Group 17?

The reactivity of halogens decreases down Group 17.

Balanced Chemical Equations

What is the half equation for the reduction of chlorine molecules?

Cl₂ (aq) + 2e⁻ → 2Cl⁻ (aq).

Oxidation and Reduction Definitions

How is Mg(NO3)2 named according to IUPAC nomenclature?

Magnesium nitrate.

Electron Transfer in Redox Reactions

How is magnesium oxide, MgO, formed?

When electrons are transferred from a metal to a non-metal.

Oxidation Numbers

What is the oxidation number of oxygen in magnesium oxide, MgO?


Oxidising and Reducing Agents

What does a more positive E0 value indicate about a substance?

It indicates a stronger oxidising agent.

Displacement Reactions

Will the reaction occur between Mg(s) and Cu2+(aq)?

Yes, the reaction will occur because Mg is a stronger reducing agent than Cu2+.

Balanced Chemical Equations

What is the overall chemical equation for the reaction between potassium bromide and chlorine?

2KBr(aq) + Cl₂(aq) → Br₂(aq) + 2KCl(aq).

Electrochemical Series

What is the relationship between the position of metals in the electrochemical series and their electropositivity?

More electropositive metals are located at higher positions in the electrochemical series.

Standard Electrode Potential

What is the standard reference electrode used to measure standard electrode potential?

The standard hydrogen electrode.

Electron Transfer in Redox Reactions

What is the electron transfer process when iron(II) ion, Fe²⁺ is oxidised to iron(III) ion, Fe³⁺?

Iron(II) ion, Fe²⁺ releases an electron to produce iron(III) ion, Fe³⁺.

Oxidising and Reducing Agents

What is the reducing agent in the reaction involving H2S and Cl2?

Hydrogen sulphide, H2S.

Oxidation Numbers

What is the oxidation number of hydrogen in a compound?

Normally +1, except in metal hydrides where it is -1.

Balanced Chemical Equations

What is the oxidation half equation for zinc in a redox reaction?

Zn(s) → Zn2+(aq) + 2e−.

Oxidation Numbers

What is the oxidation number of oxygen in a compound?

Normally -2, except in peroxides where it is -1.

Oxidation and Reduction Definitions

What occurs during a reduction reaction?

A reactant gains electrons.

Oxidation and Reduction Definitions

How many electrons are involved in the reduction of MnO₄⁻?

5 electrons are involved.

Oxidising and Reducing Agents

What is the relationship between the E0 value of magnesium and its strength as a reducing agent?

The more negative E0 value of magnesium indicates it is a stronger reducing agent.

Oxidation Numbers

What is the oxidation number of bromine in bromate(V) ion, BrO3−?


Oxidising and Reducing Agents

What is an oxidising agent?

A substance that oxidises other substances and is reduced in a redox reaction.

Oxidising and Reducing Agents

What is the half equation for Potassium iodide as a reducing agent?

2I⁻ → I₂ + 2e⁻

Electrochemical Series

How is the electrochemical series arranged?

According to the standard electrode potential, E0, from most negative to most positive.

Balanced Chemical Equations

What is the total charge balance for the oxidation of Fe²⁺?

Total charge = +2 on both sides.

Oxidation Numbers

What is the oxidation number of hydrogen in hydrogen chloride, HCl?


Standard Electrode Potential

What does a more negative standard electrode potential value indicate about a substance?

It has a greater tendency to release electrons and is easier to undergo oxidation.

Oxidation and Reduction Definitions

What is the IUPAC name for KMnO4?

Potassium manganate(VII).

Oxidation and Reduction Definitions

What are the oxidised and reduced substances in the experiment?

Oxidised substance: Fe2+; Reduced substance: MnO4−.

Electron Transfer in Redox Reactions

What is the direction of electron flow in the experiment?

From the reducing agent (negative terminal) to the oxidising agent (positive terminal).

Oxidation Numbers

What are transition elements known for in terms of oxidation numbers?

They normally exhibit more than one oxidation number in their compounds.

Oxidation Numbers

What is the oxidation number for Group 1 elements in compounds?


Standard Electrode Potential

Why does zinc become the negative terminal in the electrochemical cell?

Because zinc has a greater tendency to release electrons compared to hydrogen.

Standard Electrode Potential

What does a more negative E0 value indicate about a metal?

It indicates that the metal is a stronger reducing agent.

Oxidation and Reduction Definitions

What is the half equation for the reduction of manganate(VII) ions?

MnO₄⁻ (aq) + 8H⁺ (aq) + 5e⁻ → Mn²⁺ (aq) + 4H₂O (l)

Redox Reactions

Why is freshly prepared iron(II) sulphate, FeSO₄ solution used in the experiment?

It ensures the presence of Fe²⁺ ions for the redox reaction.

Oxidising and Reducing Agents

Why does copper (Cu) not undergo oxidation?

Because it is a weaker reducing agent than magnesium (Mg).

Laboratory Activities for Redox Reactions

What reagent can verify the presence of iron(III) ion, Fe³⁺?

Potassium thiocyanate (KSCN) can be used.

Oxidising and Reducing Agents

What is the trend in the strength of halogens as oxidising agents?

Halogens become less effective as oxidising agents as you move down the group.

Redox Reactions

What color change occurs when potassium bromide solution is mixed with chlorine water?

The color changes from colorless to brown.

Oxidation Numbers

What does the Roman numeral (II) indicate for iron compounds?

The oxidation number of Fe is +2.

Balanced Chemical Equations

What is the overall reaction for the combustion of magnesium?

2Mg(s) + O2(g) → 2MgO(s).

Oxidation Numbers

What is the oxidation number of oxygen in hydrogen peroxide, H2O2?


Balanced Chemical Equations

What are the products of the reaction CuO(s) + H2(g) → Cu(s) + H2O(l)?

Copper (Cu) and water (H2O).

Laboratory Activities for Redox Reactions

What role does sulphuric acid (H2SO4) play in the experiment?

It acts as an electrolyte separating the two solutions.

Oxidising and Reducing Agents

What is the half equation for Acidified hydrogen peroxide?

H₂O₂ + 2H⁺ + 2e⁻ → 2H₂O

Oxidation Numbers

What does the Roman numeral (III) indicate for chromium compounds?

The oxidation number of chromium is +3.

Oxidising and Reducing Agents

What is the half equation for Bromine water as an oxidising agent?

Br₂ + 2e⁻ → 2Br⁻

Standard Electrode Potential

What is the E0 value of Cu2+ + 2e− ⇌ Cu?

+0.34 V.

Displacement Reactions

What occurs in the displacement reaction between copper and silver nitrate?

Cu(s) + 2AgNO3(aq) → Cu(NO3)2(aq) + 2Ag(s).

Oxidation Numbers

What is the sum of oxidation numbers in a compound?

It is zero.

Displacement Reactions

What is the principle behind the displacement of a halogen?

A more reactive halogen can displace a less reactive halogen from its halide solution.

Oxidising and Reducing Agents

What happens to halide ions as their position in Group 17 decreases?

They become stronger reducing agents and more easily release electrons.

Oxidation Numbers

In the same reaction, what happens to the oxidation number of oxygen?

The oxidation number of oxygen decreases.

Oxidation and Reduction Definitions

What color change occurs when acidified potassium manganate(VII) solution is reduced?

The purple color of acidified potassium manganate(VII) changes to colorless.

Standard Electrode Potential

How are half-cell equations written in the standard electrode potential series?

All half-cell equations are written as reduction.

Oxidation Numbers

What is the oxidation number of chlorine in potassium chlorate(I), KClO?


Oxidising and Reducing Agents

What is the reduced substance in the reaction between carbon and oxygen?

Oxygen (O2).

Oxidising and Reducing Agents

What is the half equation for Acidified potassium dichromate(VI)?

Cr₂O₇²⁻ + 14H⁺ + 6e⁻ → 2Cr³⁺ + 7H₂O

Oxidation and Reduction Definitions

What does electropositivity refer to?

The tendency of atoms to release electrons to form cations.

Oxidising and Reducing Agents

What is the role of acidified potassium manganate(VII) in the reaction?

It acts as an oxidizing agent.

Electron Transfer in Redox Reactions

What is the negative terminal in a redox reaction?

The electrode where electrons are released.

Oxidation and Reduction Definitions

What is the IUPAC name for Fe(NO3)3?

Iron(III) nitrate.

Displacement Reactions

Will the reaction occur between Cu(s) and Zn2+(aq)?

No, the reaction will not occur because Cu is a weaker reducing agent than Zn2+.

Balanced Chemical Equations

What are the products of the reaction Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) → MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)?

Magnesium chloride (MgCl2) and hydrogen gas (H2).

Oxidation Numbers

What is the oxidation number of hydrogen in sodium hydride, NaH?


Oxidising and Reducing Agents

What is the significance of comparing E0 values of different substances?

It helps determine whether a substance acts as an oxidising agent or a reducing agent.

Oxidation Numbers

What is the oxidation number for a monoatomic ion?

It is equal to the charge of the ion.

Standard Electrode Potential

What does a voltmeter reading of 0.76 V indicate in the context of the zinc electrode?

It shows the electrode potential of zinc, indicating that zinc has a greater tendency to release electrons compared to hydrogen.

Oxidation Numbers

What is the oxidation number of carbon in the carbonate ion (CO₃²−)?


Oxidising and Reducing Agents

What role does bromine water, Br₂ play in the experiment?

Bromine water acts as an oxidising agent.

Displacement Reactions

What happens when chlorine water is added to potassium bromide?

Chlorine displaces bromine from the potassium bromide solution.

Oxidation and Reduction Definitions

What does IUPAC nomenclature indicate about metals with only one oxidation number?

They do not need Roman numerals in their naming.

Redox Reactions

What is produced when magnesium combusts in oxygen?

Magnesium oxide, MgO.

Oxidising and Reducing Agents

What is the role of iron(II) sulfate in the reaction?

It acts as a reducing agent.

Oxidising and Reducing Agents

Why is Ag+ considered a stronger oxidising agent than Ag?

Ag+ has a more positive E0 value, making it easier to receive electrons.

Laboratory Activities for Redox Reactions

What is the significance of adding sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to the iron(II) sulphate solution?

To verify the product formed after the reaction.

Oxidising and Reducing Agents

What is a reducing agent?

A substance that reduces other substances and is oxidised in a redox reaction.

Laboratory Activities for Redox Reactions

What materials are used in the laboratory activity?

Magnesium ribbon, lead plate, copper plate, and various nitrate solutions.

Electron Transfer in Redox Reactions

What must be the same in the half equations for a redox reaction?

The number of electrons in the equations must be the same.

Standard Electrode Potential

How is the standard electrode potential series arranged?

In ascending order from the most negative to the most positive E0 values.

Balanced Chemical Equations

What is the overall ionic equation for the reaction that takes place?

Electrons move from iron(II) ion (Fe2+) to acidified manganate(VII) ion (MnO4−).

Oxidation and Reduction Definitions

What happens to zinc, Zn during the displacement reaction?

Zinc is oxidised to form zinc ion, Zn²⁺, releasing two electrons.

Oxidation and Reduction Definitions

What is the IUPAC name for K2Cr2O7?

Potassium dichromate(VI).

Oxidising and Reducing Agents

What is the half equation for Reactive metals like zinc?

Zn → Zn²⁺ + 2e⁻

Standard Electrode Potential

What is the standard electrode potential, E0, of the hydrogen electrode?

0.00 V.

Standard Electrode Potential

What is the standard electrode potential, E0, for the zinc half-cell?

E0 = -0.76 V.

Oxidising and Reducing Agents

What is the oxidised substance in the reaction between carbon and oxygen?

Carbon (C).

Oxidising and Reducing Agents

What is the half equation for Acidified potassium manganate(VII)?

MnO₄⁻ + 8H⁺ + 5e⁻ → Mn²⁺ + 4H₂O

Balanced Chemical Equations

What is the overall chemical equation for the reaction between zinc and copper(II) nitrate?

Zn(s) + Cu(NO3)2(aq) → Zn(NO3)2(aq) + Cu(s).

Laboratory Activities for Redox Reactions

What is the purpose of leaving the apparatus set-up for 30 minutes?

To allow time for the reactions to occur and observe any color changes.

Laboratory Activities for Redox Reactions

Why must the carbon electrode not touch the layer of sulphuric acid?

To prevent unwanted reactions and ensure accurate measurements.

Oxidising and Reducing Agents

What is the relationship between the E0 values of Cu and Mg regarding their reducing and oxidising strengths?

Cu has a more positive E0 value than Mg, making it a weaker reducing agent compared to Mg.

Redox Reactions

What happens to the color of chlorine water when it reacts?

It changes from greenish yellow to colorless.

Balanced Chemical Equations

What is the redox reaction involving ammonia and copper oxide?

2NH3(g) + 3CuO(s) → N2(g) + 3Cu(s) + 3H2O(l).

Balanced Chemical Equations

What is the total charge balance for the reduction of MnO₄⁻?

Total charge = +2 on both sides.

Redox Reactions

What is the observation when copper(II) ion, Cu²⁺ is reduced?

The blue color of the solution becomes paler and solid copper is deposited.

Standard Electrode Potential

What is the E0 value of Ag+?

+0.80 V.

Standard Electrode Potential

What is the E0 value of Mg2+?

-2.38 V.

Oxidising and Reducing Agents

Which is a stronger reducing agent: Cu or Ag?

Copper (Cu) is a stronger reducing agent compared to silver (Ag).

Standard Electrode Potential

What is the half equation for the hydrogen half-cell?

2H+(aq) + 2e− ⇌ H2(g)

Oxidising and Reducing Agents

What does the E0 value of Ag indicate about its ability to act as an oxidising agent?

Silver ion (Ag+) is a stronger oxidising agent than copper(II) ions (Cu2+).

Oxidation Numbers

What does the oxidation number represent?

The charge of the elements in a compound based on electron transfer.

Displacement Reactions

What can be concluded about the displacement reaction between copper (Cu) and magnesium ion (Mg2+)?

The displacement reaction does not occur because Cu is a weak reducing agent and Mg2+ is a weak oxidising agent.

Laboratory Activities for Redox Reactions

What reagent can verify the presence of iron(II) ion, Fe²⁺?

Potassium permanganate (KMnO₄) can be used.

Oxidising and Reducing Agents

What happens to halide ions as you move down Group 17?

Halide ions become better reducing agents as you move down the group.

Redox Reactions

What does the color change in potassium bromide solution indicate?

Bromine, Br₂, is formed as bromide ions are oxidized.

Oxidation and Reduction Definitions

What is the IUPAC name for Fe(NO3)2?

Iron(II) nitrate.

Oxidising and Reducing Agents

What is the half equation for Iron(II) sulphate as a reducing agent?

Fe²⁺ → Fe³⁺ + e⁻

Electron Transfer in Redox Reactions

What is the positive terminal in a redox reaction?

The electrode where electrons are accepted.

Oxidation Numbers

What is the oxidation number of manganese in MnO2?


Standard Electrode Potential

What is the significance of the E0 value in determining whether a reaction will occur?

The E0 value indicates the strength of oxidising and reducing agents, helping to predict reaction feasibility.

Standard Electrode Potential

How is the standard electrode potential value, E0, of zinc determined?

By using a half-cell with a zinc electrode in a solution of 1.0 mol dm−3 zinc ions, connected to a standard hydrogen electrode.

Standard Electrode Potential

What is the standard hydrogen electrode composed of?

A platinum electrode dipped in an acid containing 1.0 mol dm−3 hydrogen ions and hydrogen gas at 1 atm pressure.

Standard Electrode Potential

What is the E0 value of Ag+ + e− ⇌ Ag?

+0.80 V.

Standard Electrode Potential

What is the half equation for the oxidation reaction at the zinc electrode?

Zn(s) → Zn2+(aq) + 2e−.

Oxidation Numbers

What is the oxidation number for elements in Group 13?


Balanced Chemical Equations

What should be included in the discussion of the laboratory activity?

Oxidation and reduction half equations, overall ionic equation, and identification of oxidised and reduced substances.

Displacement Reactions

What observation indicates a displacement reaction when iodine is added to potassium bromide?

No color change occurs, indicating no displacement reaction takes place.

Standard Electrode Potential

What does a more positive standard electrode potential value indicate about a substance?

It has a greater tendency to accept electrons and is easier to undergo reduction.

Standard Electrode Potential

How can the standard electrode potential value, E0, be used?

To determine which substance will undergo oxidation or reduction and the strength of oxidising or reducing agents.

Oxidation Numbers

What is the oxidation number for all elements in their elemental form?


Oxidising and Reducing Agents

What is the half equation for Sulphur dioxide as a reducing agent?

SO₂ + 2H₂O → SO₄²⁻ + 4H⁺ + 2e⁻

Oxidation Numbers

What is the oxidation number of sulfur in sulfur trioxide (SO₃)?


Oxidation Numbers

What is the oxidation number for elements in Group 2?


Standard Electrode Potential

What is the function of a salt bridge in the standard electrode potential setup?

To maintain electrical neutrality by allowing the flow of ions between the two half-cells.

Oxidation Numbers

What is the significance of Roman numerals in IUPAC nomenclature?

They indicate the oxidation number of metals in their compounds.

Oxidation Numbers

What is the oxidation number of Copper(II) ion (Cu²+)?


Oxidising and Reducing Agents

What happens to silver ion (Ag+) during the reduction process?

It has a greater tendency to receive electrons to form silver atom (Ag).

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