What documents must be lodged with the Registrar for company registration according to section 13 of the Companies Act, 2015?
An application for registration of the company, a memorandum of association in the prescribed form and authenticated by each subscriber, and a copy of the proposed articles of association.
Under what circumstances may a company be compelled to change its registered name?
If the name misleads or is likely to mislead the public in material particulars.
Incorporation and Registration Procedures

What documents must be lodged with the Registrar for company registration according to section 13 of the Companies Act, 2015?

An application for registration of the company, a memorandum of association in the prescribed form and authenticated by each subscriber, and a copy of the proposed articles of association.

Change of Company Name

Under what circumstances may a company be compelled to change its registered name?

If the name misleads or is likely to mislead the public in material particulars.

Change of Company Name

Does a change of name affect a company's legal status or obligations?

No, a change of name does not affect the company's status, legal rights, or obligations, nor does it invalidate any legal proceedings by or against it.

Company Name Registration and Restrictions

What powers does the Cabinet Secretary have under section 55 of the 2015 Act?

The Cabinet Secretary has the power to exempt a private limited liability company from using 'limited' or 'ltd' as part of its registered name, subject to conditions specified in Regulations.

Formation of Companies

What happens if a body of persons associates in a joint undertaking without incorporation and registration under the Companies Act, 2015?

The association would be deemed to constitute a partnership within the meaning of the Partnerships Act, 2012.

Change of Company Name

Can the address of a company's registered office change?

Yes, the address of the registered office of a company is liable to change from time to time at the discretion of the company. The change takes effect upon registration of the requisite notice with the Registrar.

Incorporation and Registration Procedures

What particulars are prescribed by regulation 6 for the purposes of section 14(2)(c)?

Regulation 6 prescribes the following particulars: (a) voting rights that attach to the shares; (b) rights to dividends or distributions attached to the shares; (c) any right to participate in a return of capital; (d) whether the shares will be redeemed or may be redeemed at the option of the company or the shareholder; and (e) any terms or conditions relating to the shares.

Company Name Registration and Restrictions

What types of names are prohibited from registration under the Companies Act and its regulations?

Names that are offensive, closely resemble existing companies or public authorities, or consist of unauthorized abbreviations, initials, symbols, signs, or characters are prohibited from registration.

Formation of Companies

What is required for the formation of a company according to section 11(1) of the Companies Act, 2015?

A company may be formed by one or more persons who subscribe their names to a memorandum of association and comply with the requirements of sections 13 to 16.

Change of Company Name

Can a company change its name voluntarily?

Yes, a company may change its name at any time in accordance with the procedure set out in section 63 of the Act.

Legal Requirements for Registration

What does the Companies Act, 2015 prohibit regarding the registration of companies?

The Act prohibits the registration of a company set up with the intention of pursuing an unlawful object.

Change of Company Name

What must the Registrar do upon receiving a notice of change of a company's name?

The Registrar must enter the new name on the register and issue a new certificate of incorporation if the new name complies with the Act and the company's articles of association.

Change of Company Name

What is required for a company to avail itself of the privileges of section 55?

The company must restrict its objects to promoting commerce, art, science, religion, charity, or any other useful object beneficial to the public, resolve to apply its incomes to promoting its objects, prohibit payment of dividends to its members, and obtain a special resolution and approval of the Cabinet Secretary.

Company Name Registration and Restrictions

What must the name of a private limited company include?

The name of a private limited company must end with 'limited' or the abbreviation 'ltd'.

Company Name Registration and Restrictions

What additional approval is required for registering a company name that suggests a connection with the state or public entities?

The Registrar's approval is required for registering a company name that would likely give the impression of a connection with the state, national or county government, any state corporation, organ or agency, or any public entity or authority established under any written law.

Change of Company Name

What action can the Registrar take if a company's name is misleading?

The Registrar may direct the company to change its name.

Incorporation and Registration Procedures

What must the application for registration contain in addition to the memorandum and articles of association?

The application for registration must contain or be accompanied by: (a) a statement of capital and the initial shareholding (for companies with share capital); (b) a statement of guarantee (for companies limited by guarantee); (c) a statement of the proposed officers of the company together with their written consent to act; and (d) additional documents specified in Regulations.

Incorporation and Registration Procedures

What is the Registrar mandated to do under section 17 of the Act when the statutory requirements are met?

The Registrar is mandated to register the company and issue a certificate of incorporation under the hand and seal of the Registrar.

Regulatory Compliance and Offenses

What actions can lead to the revocation of a company's license under section 55?

Actions include carrying on any business other than promoting charitable or non-profit-making objects, applying profits or income otherwise than in promoting such objects, or paying a dividend to any of its members.

Company Name Registration and Restrictions

For how long can a reserved company name remain in force?

A reserved company name remains in force for a period of thirty days or for such extended period not exceeding sixty days, as the Registrar may allow for a special reason.

Change of Company Name

Within what time frame must a company comply with a direction to change its name under section 60(1)(b)?

Within six weeks or within such extended period as the Registrar may specify.

Legal Requirements for Registration

What must a company state in every document it issues?

A company is required to state the address of its registered office in every document issued by the company.

Change of Company Name

What was the court's decision in the case of Association of Certified Public Accountants of Britain v Secretary of State for Trade and Industry?

The court confirmed the direction by the Secretary of State to change the association's name as it was likely to mislead the public.

Incorporation and Registration Procedures

What is the effect of registration of a company under the Companies Act?

The effect of registration is that the subscribers to the memorandum and other members become a body corporate by the name stated in the certificate of incorporation, and the company becomes a distinct legal entity with legal capacity and power to conduct its business.

Legal Requirements for Registration

What must every company have according to the Companies Act?

Every company must have a registered office to which all communication and notices may be addressed and at which civil process relating to any legal proceedings may be served upon the company, its directors, or principal officers.

Memorandum and Articles of Association

What must the statement of capital and initial shareholdings include according to section 14(3) of the Act?

The statement of capital and initial shareholdings must include the name and address of each subscriber to the memorandum of association.

Company Name Registration and Restrictions

What must promoters do before lodging their application for registration?

Promoters must conduct a search in the Register of Companies to ascertain whether there is an existing company with a similar name.

Company Name Registration and Restrictions

Under what circumstances can the Registrar direct a company to change its name according to section 60(1)(a)?

The Registrar can direct a company to change its name if misleading information was given for the purposes of the company's registration by a particular name.

Regulatory Compliance and Offenses

What constitutes an offense under section 60 of the Company Law?

Giving a misleading indication of the nature of a company's activities that is likely to cause harm to the public.

Model Articles of Association

What are some of the provisions included in the model articles for a public company limited by shares?

Directors' powers and responsibilities, appointment and retirement of directors, company secretary, decision-taking by members, voting at general meetings, restriction on members' rights, application of rules to class meetings, shares, interests in shares, dividends and other distributions, transfer and transmission of shares and other marketable securities, capitalisation of profits, communications to and by company, and administrative arrangements for the effective management of the company's affairs.

Liability of Company Members

What does section 15 require in the case of a company limited by guarantee?

Section 15 requires the return of the Statement of guarantee, which must disclose the identity and address of each subscriber and contain an undertaking to contribute to the company's assets to discharge debts, defray liquidation costs, and adjust the rights of the contributories.

Company Name Registration and Restrictions

What is the time limit for the Registrar to give a direction under section 60(1)?

A direction under section 60(1) is not valid unless given in writing within five years of the company's registration.

Company Name Registration and Restrictions

What is the purpose of reserving a company name?

Reserving a company name prevents the registration of companies with similar names that could cause confusion among the public.

Company Name Registration and Restrictions

What criteria does Regulation 12 of the Companies (General) Regulations, 2015 prescribe for determining if a name is offensive or undesirable?

Regulation 12 prescribes that a name is offensive or undesirable if it includes words like 'co-operative', 'society', or 'trade union', among other criteria.

Incorporation and Registration Procedures

What details must the statement of capital and initial shareholding disclose according to Section 14(2) of the Act?

The statement must disclose: (a) the total number of shares to be taken on formation by the subscribers to the memorandum; (b) the aggregate nominal value of those shares; (c) particulars of the various classes of shares and the interests attached to each class; (d) the total number of each class of shares and their aggregate nominal value; and (e) the amount to be paid up and the amount (if any) to be unpaid on each share.

Company Name Registration and Restrictions

What must an application for registration of a company disclose?

An application for registration of a company must disclose the name with which the company is proposed to be registered.

Company Name Registration and Restrictions

What authority does section 58 grant the Registrar regarding company names?

Section 58 empowers the Registrar to direct a company to change its name within twelve months of its registration if it is the same or too similar to an already-registered company.

Regulatory Compliance and Offenses

What is the maximum fine for an offense under section 60 of the Company Law?

A fine not exceeding two hundred thousand shillings.

Change of Company Name

What recourse does an aggrieved company have if directed to change its name under section 60?

The company has the right to apply to the Court to quash the direction.

Model Articles of Association

What are the different types of model articles available under the Companies Act, 2015?

The Third Schedule contains model articles for public companies limited by shares, the Fourth Schedule for private companies limited by shares, and the Fifth Schedule for companies limited by guarantee.

Liability of Company Members

When does liability under the guarantee apply to each member of a company limited by guarantee?

Liability under the guarantee applies to each member only if the company is liquidated during their membership or within twelve months after they cease to be a member.

Company Name Registration and Restrictions

Under what conditions can a private limited company be exempted from using 'limited' or 'ltd' in its name?

The Cabinet Secretary may exempt a private limited company from using 'limited' or 'ltd' if it is formed for promoting commerce, art, science, religion, charity, or any other useful object, and intends to apply its profit in promoting its objects without paying dividends to its members.

Company Name Registration and Restrictions

What is the role of the Registrar under section 48(1) of the Companies Act?

The Registrar may, on written application, reserve a name pending registration of a company or a change of name by a company.

Model Articles of Association

What option do subscribers have regarding the articles of association under section 21 of the Companies Act, 2015?

Subscribers may elect to adopt or submit to the default application of the model articles of association.

Incorporation and Registration Procedures

What must the application for registration disclose according to section 13(1) of the Companies Act, 2015?

The proposed name of the company and the proposed location of the registered office of the company.

Incorporation and Registration Procedures

What information must the certificate of incorporation state according to section 18?

The certificate of incorporation must state the name and registered number of the company, the date of its incorporation, whether the company is limited or unlimited, and whether it is a private or public company.

Change of Company Name

What happens if a company registered under section 55 changes its objects in a way that derogates from the provisions of the Act?

The company will be disentitled from the exclusion of the word 'limited' in its name, resulting in the revocation of the license, and it will be required to comply with the provisions of section 54.

Regulatory Compliance and Offenses

What are the consequences of inappropriate use of company type or legal form in a company's name?

Inappropriate use of company type or legal form constitutes an offense, making the company and its defaulting officers liable to criminal sanctions under the Act.

Company Name Registration and Restrictions

What does section 57(1) of the Act prohibit regarding company names?

Section 57(1) of the Act prohibits the registration of a company by a name that is similar to another name appearing in the index of company names.

Company Name Registration and Restrictions

What are some restrictions on company names under the Act?

Company names must not suggest association with the State or its agencies, foreign governments, county governments, or registered trademarks without consent. They must not be offensive, undesirable, or contrary to public interest.

Company Name Registration and Restrictions

Does the inclusion of the word 'limited' or the abbreviation 'ltd' in a company's name affect its legal status, rights, or obligations?

No, the inclusion of the word 'limited' or the abbreviation 'ltd' in a company's name does not affect its legal status, rights, or obligations.

Company Name Registration and Restrictions

What must the name of a public limited company include?

The name of a public limited company must end with 'public limited company' or the abbreviation 'p.l.c.' or 'plc'.

Change of Company Name

What conditions must be met for a private limited liability company to change its name without adding the word 'limited'?

The conditions include proving to the satisfaction of the Registrar and the Cabinet Secretary that the company's objects are restricted to those specified in Regulations, the company applies its profits to promoting its objects, is prohibited from paying dividends to its members, and requires all its assets to be transferred to another body with similar objects or promoting charity upon winding-up.

Memorandum and Articles of Association

What must be incorporated in the memorandum and articles of association when a company is granted a license of exemption?

The license of exemption may be granted subject to conditions and regulations that must be incorporated in the memorandum and articles of association as the Cabinet Secretary sees fit.

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