What is the worst mistake a boss can make according to John Ashcroft?
Not to say well done.
What should a reward system support in an organization?
The firm's strategy and performance in ways that pursue strategic objectives.
Importance of Employee Recognition

What is the worst mistake a boss can make according to John Ashcroft?

Not to say well done.

Importance of Employee Recognition

What should a reward system support in an organization?

The firm's strategy and performance in ways that pursue strategic objectives.

Impact of Employee Satisfaction on Performance

How do certain behaviors contribute to an organization beyond productive output?

These behaviors help the organization function smoothly and make managers’ lives easier.

Importance of Employee Recognition

What should managers consider as key motivating factors for employees?

Culture, benefits, the nature of work, and possibly other factors.

Expectancy Theory of Motivation

What is instrumentality in the context of expectancy theory?

Instrumentality is the perceived likelihood that performance will be followed by a particular outcome.

Expectancy Theory of Motivation

What are some potential outcomes of high sales performance in a contest?

Potential outcomes include competitive victory, a free trip to Hawaii, feelings of achievement, recognition from the boss, status throughout the company, and resentment from other salespeople.

Impact of Employee Satisfaction on Performance

What are some causes of a dissatisfied workforce?

Lack of recognition, poor management, and unmet needs.

Reinforcement and Reward Systems

What is the law of effect formulated by Edward Thorndike?

The law of effect states that behavior followed by positive consequences is likely to be repeated.

Understanding Individual Needs in the Workplace

What are the five levels of needs in Maslow's hierarchy?

1. Physiological (food, water, sex, and shelter). 2. Safety or security (protection against threat and deprivation). 3. Social or belongingness (friendship, affection, and love). 4. Esteem or ego (independence, achievement, freedom, status, and recognition). 5. Self-actualization (realizing one’s full potential, becoming everything one is capable of being).

Expectancy Theory of Motivation

In a competition among salespeople, who is likely to be more motivated and why?

Top performers are likely to be more motivated because they have higher expectancies, believing their efforts can help them win the competition.

Goal Setting Principles for Motivation

How should performance be assessed when employees do not meet stretch goals?

Assessment should be based on performance improvement, comparison with others, and the progress made, rather than punishing employees for not meeting stretch goals.

Importance of Employee Recognition

What are the five general categories of behaviors that managers need to motivate in employees?

Managers need to motivate employees to (1) join the organization, (2) remain in the organization, (3) attend to work activities, (4) perform effectively, and (5) exhibit good citizenship.

Managing Mistakes and Feedback

How should managers react to mistakes made by employees?

Managers should appreciate employees for honestly delivering bad news and treat failures as learning opportunities rather than punishments.

Reinforcement and Reward Systems

What should be ensured to make performance instrumental toward positive outcomes?

Good performance should be followed by personal recognition, praise, and favorable outcomes to reinforce motivation.

Goal Setting Principles for Motivation

What can individual performance goals create in a team environment?

Individual performance goals can create competition and reduce cooperation, thereby hurting the group.

Goal Setting Principles for Motivation

What should be established if cooperation is important in a team?

Performance goals should be established for the team.

Expectancy Theory of Motivation

What is expectancy in the context of expectancy theory?

Expectancy is people's perceived likelihood that their efforts will enable them to attain their performance goals.

Goal Setting Principles for Motivation

What is the importance of setting work-related goals for motivating employees?

Setting work-related goals is a common and effective approach to motivating employees, as it energizes them and directs their thoughts and behaviors toward achieving specific outcomes.

Goal Setting Principles for Motivation

What are some types of goals that can be set to motivate employees?

Goals can be set for performance quality and quantity, as well as behavioral goals such as cooperation or teamwork.

Goal Setting Principles for Motivation

What are the three elements to include in a personal statement of purpose for goal setting?

An inspiring distant vision, a mid-distant goal, and near-term objectives.

Expectancy Theory of Motivation

What must be high for motivation to be high according to expectancy theory?

Expectancy, instrumentalities, and total valence of all outcomes must all be high.

Expectancy Theory of Motivation

What is valence in the context of expectancy theory?

Valence is the value the person places on the outcome, which can be positive or negative.

Expectancy Theory of Motivation

What can lead to low motivation despite high expectancy and instrumentality?

If individuals do not want the outcomes or believe negative outcomes outweigh the positive, motivation can be low.

Managing Mistakes and Feedback

What should managers consider when providing feedback?

Managers should consider all potential causes of poor performance, pay full attention when employees ask for feedback, and provide constructive feedback.

Goal Setting Principles for Motivation

What are stretch goals?

Stretch goals are ambitious objectives set to challenge employees and encourage higher performance levels.

Goal Setting Principles for Motivation

What is a principle for setting goals that motivate employees?

Setting clear and achievable goals.

Understanding Individual Needs in the Workplace

What is Maslow's need hierarchy commonly represented as?

A pyramid, where lower needs must be satisfied before higher needs.

Importance of Employee Recognition

What is one of a manager's most important responsibilities regarding employees?

Motivating employees is one of a manager’s most important, and most complex, responsibilities.

Impact of Employee Satisfaction on Performance

What does James Goodnight attribute the organization’s success to?

He attributes it to its employees and its culture.

Reinforcement and Reward Systems

How does Salesforce motivate its employees beyond work?

Salesforce offers perks like paying employees to volunteer and matching their contributions to charities, along with wellness programs.

Understanding Individual Needs in the Workplace

Which theories help in understanding people's needs?

Maslow’s hierarchy, Alderfer’s ERG theory, and McClelland’s needs.

Fairness and Equity in Motivation

Why do managers sometimes fail in applying motivation principles?

Managers often fail to apply, and even mismanage, the most basic motivation principles, leading to inconsistent performance.

Fairness and Equity in Motivation

Why is it important for managers to create an environment that attracts and energizes employees?

Creating such an environment helps to ensure that employees commit to the organization and remain loyal, countering the notion that loyalty is dead.

Designing Motivating Jobs

What type of work environment does Goodnight advocate for?

A culture of trust with challenging work.

Reinforcement and Reward Systems

What happens to motivation when punishment is applied?

Motivation to repeat the behavior that led to the punishment will drop.

Understanding Individual Needs in the Workplace

What does Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory emphasize?

Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory emphasizes the distinction between hygiene factors that prevent dissatisfaction and motivators that enhance job satisfaction.

Designing Motivating Jobs

How can job rotation, enlargement, and enrichment impact employee motivation?

These job design strategies can enhance employee engagement and satisfaction by providing variety and opportunities for skill development.

Reinforcement and Reward Systems

What is a potential issue with punishing employees for absenteeism?

It may encourage employees to use up all their allowable absences before returning to work.

Expectancy Theory of Motivation

What are the implications of expectancy theory for managers?

Managers should understand that employees are motivated by the belief that their efforts will lead to desired performance and outcomes.

Expectancy Theory of Motivation

How does high expectancy affect motivation compared to low expectancy?

High expectancies create higher motivation than low expectancies; individuals with high expectancy are more likely to put in effort towards their goals.

Understanding Individual Needs in the Workplace

What does Google emphasize to create a motivating team culture?

Google emphasizes 'psychological safety,' allowing employees to ask questions, share ideas, and take risks without fear of failure.

Understanding Individual Needs in the Workplace

How do individual needs affect behavior in the workplace?

The extent to which and the ways in which a person’s strongest needs are met or not met at work affect his or her behavior on the job.

Understanding Individual Needs in the Workplace

What is motivation in the context of workplace behavior?

Motivation refers to forces that energize, direct, and sustain a person’s efforts, influencing all observable behavior except involuntary reflexes.

Understanding Individual Needs in the Workplace

What role do managers play in addressing individual needs?

Managers who properly apply goal-setting, reinforcement, and expectancy theories create essential motivating elements in the work environment.

Goal Setting Principles for Motivation

Can goal setting be applied to any job?

Yes, goal setting works for any job where individuals have control over their performance.

Goal Setting Principles for Motivation

What should managers focus on to increase employee performance?

Managers should focus on motivating employees to work hard towards achieving performance goals, ensuring they have adequate ability, understanding of the job, and access to necessary resources.

Managing Mistakes and Feedback

How can feedback be provided to employees?

Feedback can be provided through statistics on work influenced by the employee, direct customer feedback, or regular ongoing feedback from managers.

Impact of Employee Satisfaction on Performance

How can stock options for CEOs negatively impact a company?

They can motivate short-term gains in stock prices but hurt the company in the long run.

Reinforcement and Reward Systems

How can managers effectively reward good performance?

By providing timely and appropriate recognition.

Understanding Individual Needs in the Workplace

How do individual needs affect behavior in the workplace?

They influence how employees respond to motivation strategies.

Goal Setting Principles for Motivation

What can managers do to meet earnings estimates set by Wall Street analysts?

Managers may manipulate the numbers or initiate whispering campaigns to persuade analysts to lower their estimates.

Reinforcement and Reward Systems

What unusual method did a sales manager use to motivate employees?

The sales manager gave the person with the worst sales performance a live goat for the weekend.

Goal Setting Principles for Motivation

What does the acronym SMART stand for in goal setting?

SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-based, and Time-specific.

Goal Setting Principles for Motivation

What are stretch goals and how do they differ from regular goals?

Stretch goals are exceptionally demanding targets that may seem impossible but can lead to significant achievement. They can be vertical (aligned with current activities) or horizontal (focused on professional development).

Importance of Employee Recognition

What does Goodnight say is the foundation of a strong, innovative business?

Engaged and inspired employees.

Expectancy Theory of Motivation

What is the primary purpose of expectancy theory in management?

Expectancy theory helps managers identify key leverage points for influencing motivation.

Understanding Individual Needs in the Workplace

What distinguishes SAS as a great workplace?

SAS emphasizes appreciating employee contributions, building trust, and empowering decision-making, which fosters a positive culture.

Reinforcement and Reward Systems

What are the two types of reinforcement that can motivate employees?

Positive and negative reinforcement.

Reinforcement and Reward Systems

Why is it important to reward the right things in feedback?

It is important to reward the right things because failing to do so can lead to violations of this principle, which can negatively impact employee motivation.

Understanding Individual Needs in the Workplace

What mindset should one adopt regarding feedback?

One should think that it is important to know about their performance and behavior, as it helps identify needs and create new opportunities.

Expectancy Theory of Motivation

What key beliefs affect people’s motivation?

Beliefs about their abilities and the outcomes of their efforts.

Designing Motivating Jobs

What is one way to create jobs that motivate?

Designing jobs that provide autonomy and challenge.

Impact of Employee Satisfaction on Performance

What might be a negative consequence of the sales manager's motivational strategy?

Some good employees may be motivated to quit the company.

Reinforcement and Reward Systems

What is positive reinforcement?

Positive reinforcement involves applying a positive consequence that increases the likelihood of repeating the behavior that led to it.

Goal Setting Principles for Motivation

What is the ultimate goal of motivating employees according to the chapter?

To get them to work hard and perform at their best levels.

Reinforcement and Reward Systems

What nonmonetary rewards do innovative managers use to motivate employees?

Innovative managers use rewards such as intellectual challenge, meaningful responsibilities, autonomy, recognition, and greater influence over decisions.

Goal Setting Principles for Motivation

How can setting unprecedented goals impact personal achievement?

It can push a person to reach a higher level of achievement.

Goal Setting Principles for Motivation

What is the importance of setting goals for oneself?

It serves as a powerful tool for self-management and helps in creating a clear direction.

Goal Setting Principles for Motivation

What does SMART stand for in goal setting?

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound.

Expectancy Theory of Motivation

What is the relationship between effort and performance in motivation?

The effort-to-performance link suggests that the amount of effort an employee puts in directly influences their performance outcomes.

Understanding Individual Needs in the Workplace

What is one of the key behaviors managers need to motivate in people?

Identifying the kinds of behaviors that need motivation.

Managing Mistakes and Feedback

What role does feedback play in managing mistakes?

Providing constructive feedback helps employees learn from their mistakes and improve their performance, fostering a growth mindset.

Managing Mistakes and Feedback

How can managers unintentionally extinguish desired behaviors?

By not giving compliments, forgetting to say thanks, or setting impossible performance goals.

Goal Setting Principles for Motivation

What is a common practice in big law firms regarding performance goals?

Lawyers keep detailed records of their time and are rewarded for billing a certain number of billable hours per year.

Understanding Individual Needs in the Workplace

What is one key task for managers to achieve enduring performance and success?

Managers must motivate the workforce.

Importance of Employee Recognition

Who is recognized for his lifetime dedication to employee support and development?

James Goodnight, the founder and CEO.

Goal Setting Principles for Motivation

How do meaningful goals enhance motivation?

Meaningful goals that appeal to people's higher values and purposes add extra motivating power, making employees feel their work is important.

Goal Setting Principles for Motivation

What role do transformational leaders play in goal setting?

Followers of transformational leaders view their work as more important and aligned with their personal goals, enhancing motivation compared to followers of transactional leaders.

Impact of Employee Satisfaction on Performance

What does it mean for employees to exhibit good citizenship in the workplace?

Good citizenship means contributing above and beyond the call of duty by doing extra things that help the company.

Fairness and Equity in Motivation

Why should managers be careful when applying consequences?

Consequences should match what employees find desirable or undesirable.

Understanding Individual Needs in the Workplace

What is the effect of praising multitasking in employees?

It may unintentionally reinforce inefficiency and failure to think deeply about problems.

Goal Setting Principles for Motivation

What is a better approach if people lack relevant ability and knowledge?

It might be better to urge them to do their best or to set a goal to learn rather than a goal to achieve a specific performance level.

Understanding Individual Needs in the Workplace

What happens to a need once it is satisfied according to Maslow?

It is no longer a powerful motivator.

Goal Setting Principles for Motivation

What characteristics make performance goals motivating for employees?

Motivating performance goals should be acceptable to employees, not conflict with personal values, and be challenging yet attainable. They should also be specific regarding target and time frame.

Expectancy Theory of Motivation

What are the two key beliefs in expectancy theory that link effort to performance and performance to outcomes?

The two key beliefs are expectancy, which links effort to performance, and instrumentality, which links performance to outcomes.

Reinforcement and Reward Systems

Can you give examples of positive reinforcers?

Examples include a boss thanking an employee, letters of commendation, favorable performance evaluations, and pay raises.

Reinforcement and Reward Systems

What is negative reinforcement?

Negative reinforcement involves removing or withholding an undesirable consequence to encourage improved performance.

Understanding Individual Needs in the Workplace

How does Menlo Innovations empower its employees during meetings?

Employees can call for companywide meetings by shouting, 'Hey, Menlo!', prompting everyone to stop and listen.

Designing Motivating Jobs

What is the benefit of paired employees at Menlo Innovations according to CEO Richard Sheridan?

Paired employees can ask each other questions while working, which increases quality and creativity.

Managing Mistakes and Feedback

What impact does punishment have on motivation in the workplace?

Inappropriate punishment can create a climate of fear, causing employees to focus on short-term issues rather than long-term goals.

Goal Setting Principles for Motivation

Why should one not just try hard or hope for the best when it comes to personal goals?

Because setting clear goals provides a structured approach to achieving desired outcomes.

Providing Feedback

What daily practice does Richard Sheridan implement at Menlo Innovations?

At 10:30 every morning, employees must talk about their day when Sheridan passes the Viking helmet.

Goal Setting Principles for Motivation

What is a potential negative outcome of setting specific performance goals?

Goals can generate manipulative game-playing and unethical behavior.

Reinforcement and Reward Systems

What is extinction in the context of behavior management?

Withdrawing or failing to provide a reinforcing consequence, leading to reduced motivation.

Understanding Individual Needs in the Workplace

What needs do people focus on when they struggle to survive?

Physical and safety needs.

Understanding Individual Needs in the Workplace

What do labor unions negotiate for that relates to Maslow's lower-level needs?

Higher wages, benefits, safety standards, and job security.

Expectancy Theory of Motivation

What did Steve Wozniak say about motivation?

Steve Wozniak stated that motivation 'is worth more than knowledge' and that motivated individuals are likely to find ways to achieve their goals.

Importance of Employee Recognition

How does Kazoo's app contribute to employee motivation?

Kazoo's app empowers employees to recognize one another’s contributions and hard work, promoting real-time, meaningful recognition.

Understanding Individual Needs in the Workplace

How does a supportive environment affect employees according to Goodnight?

It makes them feel more connected and inspired to make a difference.

Expectancy Theory of Motivation

What is one way to increase expectancies in the workplace?

Provide a work environment that facilitates good performance and set realistically attainable performance goals.

Understanding Individual Needs in the Workplace

Why is it important to identify positively valence outcomes?

Understanding what people want from work helps in recognizing their needs and improving motivation.

Importance of Employee Recognition

What does Ralph Waldo Emerson say is the reward of a thing well done?

To have done it.

Managing Mistakes and Feedback

What should individuals do when receiving feedback?

Individuals should not ignore feedback, actively seek it, and avoid negative emotions such as anger or defensiveness.

Fairness and Equity in Motivation

What is the significance of assessing equity in the workplace?

Assessing equity ensures that employees perceive fairness in their treatment and rewards, which is crucial for maintaining motivation.

Goal Setting Principles for Motivation

How can productivity goals negatively impact employees?

Productivity goals may cause employees to neglect other important things such as learning, tackling new projects, or developing creative solutions.

Goal Setting Principles for Motivation

What can happen when people are falling just short of reaching their goals?

They are more likely to act unethically than those who are trying to do their best without specific performance goals.

Goal Setting Principles for Motivation

What should a manager do to motivate creativity alongside productivity?

Establish creativity goals along with productivity goals for individuals or brainstorming teams.

Impact of Employee Satisfaction on Performance

What is the impact of employee satisfaction on performance?

Higher employee satisfaction typically leads to improved performance, as satisfied employees are more engaged and productive.

Fairness and Equity in Motivation

How do people assess fairness in the workplace?

By comparing their inputs and outcomes to those of others.

Understanding Individual Needs in the Workplace

In modern Western workplaces, which needs become important once physiological and safety needs are satisfied?

Social, ego, and self-actualization needs.

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