What type of sugar declarations were used in the analysis mentioned?
On-pack total sugars declarations, which include sugars from fruit, vegetables, and milk.
What does the Family Food Survey measure in the UK?
The Family Food Survey measures UK household food and drinks purchases, used as a proxy for consumption.
Sugar Reduction Strategies

What type of sugar declarations were used in the analysis mentioned?

On-pack total sugars declarations, which include sugars from fruit, vegetables, and milk.

Evaluation of Dietary Guidelines and Consumer Awareness

What does the Family Food Survey measure in the UK?

The Family Food Survey measures UK household food and drinks purchases, used as a proxy for consumption.

Sugar Reduction Strategies

What happens when sugar is replaced in dry foods such as breakfast cereals?

Sugar is replaced by other ingredients that also contribute energy, so calorie contribution is unlikely to fall substantially.

Sugar Reduction Strategies

What did a recent meta-analysis report about the use of low-calorie sweeteners?

It reported that the use of low-calorie sweeteners does not increase energy intake or body weight compared to sugar-sweetened or non-caloric alternatives.

Effects of Portion Size on Dietary Intake

What are some examples of food companies taking steps to reduce portion size?

Examples include calorie caps on confectionery and smaller bag sizes for savoury snacks.

Public Health Campaigns and Marketing Strategies

What is a popular food marketing channel that influences preference for high-sugar products?

TV advertising remains a popular food marketing channel and has the potential to influence preference for high-sugar products.

Evaluation of Dietary Guidelines and Consumer Awareness

What do the data on food and drink purchases in UK households not measure?

The data do not measure what people are actually eating.

Evaluation of Dietary Guidelines and Consumer Awareness

What is the purpose of comparing current food and drink purchases with the proportions suggested by the Eatwell Guide?

To provide reliable information on trends and evaluate how well current consumption aligns with dietary guidelines.

Public Health Campaigns and Marketing Strategies

When did the campaign to encourage UK consumers to reduce their intake of salt begin?


Sugar Reduction Strategies

Does Public Health England support the view that sugar is addictive like some drugs?

No, Public Health England reported that evidence does not support this view.

Effects of Portion Size on Dietary Intake

What example is given to illustrate the potential impact of capping portion sizes?

The reduction in size of some chocolate bars to limit calories per bar.

Government-Led Dietary Initiatives

What dietary components have campaigns aimed to increase?

Campaigns have aimed to increase intakes of fruits, vegetables, and fish.

Evaluation of Dietary Guidelines and Consumer Awareness

What percentage of respondents in the FSA's ‘Food and You’ survey said that eating fruit and vegetables was very or fairly important?


Socioeconomic Factors in Dietary Choices

How much did the average household spend on food and drink per week in 2012, and how much of this was avoidable waste?

£66 per week, with £9 being avoidable waste.

Socioeconomic Factors in Dietary Choices

What percentage of the avoidable food waste was fresh fruit, vegetables, and salad?

20% of the avoidable food waste.

Evaluation of Dietary Guidelines and Consumer Awareness

What percentage of adults are reaching the 5-A-DAY target according to the NDNS?

30% of adults.

Evaluation of Dietary Guidelines and Consumer Awareness

What survey monitors food consumption in the UK and calculates average nutrient intakes?

The UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS).

Sugar Reduction Strategies

What did Public Health England publish in October 2015 regarding sugar reduction?

A report on the evidence for action on sugar reduction, advising on actions that could be implemented.

Public Health Campaigns and Marketing Strategies

What was the percentage of adults in 2009 who claimed to have made a special effort to reduce salt in their diet?


Public Health Campaigns and Marketing Strategies

What is considered the more likely explanation for the reduction in salt intake?

Reformulation of food products

Government-Led Dietary Initiatives

What are government-led initiatives designed to encourage?

Government-led initiatives are designed to encourage appropriate dietary patterns and to promote positive behaviour change.

Sugar Reduction Strategies

How does Public Health England propose to limit the marketing and advertising of high-sugar food and drink products?

Significantly reduce opportunities to market and advertise high-sugar food and drink products to children and adults across all media, including digital platforms and through sponsorship.

Cultural Influences on Dietary Behavior

What factors are also important in influencing dietary behavior besides government initiatives?

Cultural factors, attitudes to environmental issues, sustainable sourcing of foods, education, and income are also important.

Government-Led Dietary Initiatives

What percentage of respondents in the Food and You survey mentioned that eating more fruit and vegetables is important for a healthy lifestyle?

99% of respondents mentioned that eating more fruit and vegetables is important for a healthy lifestyle.

Government-Led Dietary Initiatives

What trend did the Family Food Survey reveal about fruit and vegetable purchases from 1975 to 2014?

The Family Food Survey revealed that fruit and vegetable purchases rose until peaking around 2005-2006, then declined, with overall purchases being 10% lower in 2014 than at their peak in 2007.

Impact of Food Pricing on Consumption

When did a more pronounced decline in energy intakes start, according to survey data?

A more pronounced decline in energy intakes started in 2007 when food prices rose.

Evaluation of Dietary Guidelines and Consumer Awareness

What is increasingly recognized about achieving positive dietary change?

It is increasingly recognized that there is no silver bullet in achieving positive dietary change.

Evaluation of Dietary Guidelines and Consumer Awareness

What supported the review of the UK Eatwell Guide?

The review was supported by consumer research to review various aspects of the visual presentation.

Sugar Reduction Strategies

Why is it challenging to reduce sugar in baked goods like biscuits?

Because sugar plays functional and structural roles in baked goods.

Sugar Reduction Strategies

What do randomised controlled trials suggest about replacing sugar-sweetened foods and drinks with low-calorie sweeteners?

They suggest that it can be useful in weight management.

Effects of Portion Size on Dietary Intake

What are some possible interventions to reduce portion size mentioned in the review?

Possible interventions include regulations and legislative frameworks, voluntary agreements with the food industry, reducing default serving sizes of energy-dense foods and drinks, providing smaller plates, and various 'choice architecture' interventions in restaurants and supermarkets.

Public Health Campaigns and Marketing Strategies

How does promotion impact high-sugar food preference, purchase, and consumption?

Promotion can impact high-sugar food preference, purchase, and consumption, with current evidence strongly focused on children.

Government-Led Dietary Initiatives

Which dietary change has been particularly successful according to the text?

Salt reduction and increasing fruit and vegetable intake have been particularly successful.

Evaluation of Dietary Guidelines and Consumer Awareness

What was the purpose of the Food Standards Agency's (FSA's) ‘Food and You’ survey conducted in 2011?

To understand whether food-based dietary advice influenced eating behaviour.

Fiscal Policies and Food Taxation

What price increase does Public Health England suggest for high-sugar products?

A price increase of a minimum of 10–20% on high-sugar products through the use of a tax or levy, such as on full-sugar soft drinks.

Evaluation of Dietary Guidelines and Consumer Awareness

How many 5-A-DAY portions of fruit and vegetables were estimated to be provided by the wasted food?

More than 13 billion 5-A-DAY portions.

Impact of Food Pricing on Consumption

How much more would a typical household have to spend annually to buy their promoted items at full price?

A typical household would have to spend 16% more, or an extra £630 a year.

Public Health Campaigns and Marketing Strategies

By how many portions per day did the 5-A-DAY programme increase fruit and vegetable consumption between 2002 and 2006?

Between 0.2 and 0.7 portions per day, with an average of 0.3 portions.

Public Health Campaigns and Marketing Strategies

What do current regulations prevent regarding character branding?

Current regulations prevent the use of character branding to market high-sugar foods to young school-age children.

Nutrition Labelling and Consumer Choice

How does nutrition labeling influence consumer choices?

Nutrition labeling provides consumers with information about the nutritional content of foods, which can guide them in making healthier choices.

Socioeconomic Factors in Dietary Choices

What does the Health Survey for England suggest about the relationship between income and obesity?

There is a social gradient to obesity, with those in the lowest income households and most deprived areas being most likely to be obese.

Sugar Reduction Strategies

What was the conclusion of Public Health England's secondary analysis of NDNS data regarding sugar content reduction?

A 50% reduction in the average sugar content of key food groups would reduce mean sugar intake to about 9% of energy for adults and about 10% for teenagers and children.

Evaluation of Dietary Guidelines and Consumer Awareness

What recent review has taken place regarding the UK Eatwell Guide?

A review of the UK Eatwell Guide has taken place in light of new UK recommendations on carbohydrates, particularly sugars and fibre.

Government-Led Dietary Initiatives

What historical example demonstrates the UK's effort to ensure national nutrition during a crisis?

The policy put in place during World War II in the UK to help ensure the nation's nutrition.

Sugar Reduction Strategies

Is there strong evidence that taste preference for sugar can be adapted over time?

No, there is currently limited evidence in this area of research.

Effects of Portion Size on Dietary Intake

What did Hollands et al. (2015) find regarding the effect of portion size on consumption?

Hollands et al. (2015) found that the effect of portion size on consumption may be moderated by the type of food, specifically characterized by the 'healthiness' and energy density of the food.

Fiscal Policies and Food Taxation

What is one potential policy measure being discussed in the UK to reduce free sugars intake?

Food taxation, particularly in relation to sugars and sugars-sweetened beverages.

Fiscal Policies and Food Taxation

What was the estimated reduction in the number of obese adults in the UK from a 20% tax on sugars-sweetened soft drinks?

1.3% (or 180,000 people).

Impact of Food Pricing on Consumption

What is consistently cited as a key driver of food choice according to Defra (2014)?


Public Health Campaigns and Marketing Strategies

Why is understanding the impacts of new digital marketing strategies essential?

Understanding the impacts of new digital marketing strategies is essential because they differ from traditional marketing strategies and introduce new concerns that may require additional regulatory consideration.

Sugar Reduction Strategies

What standards does Public Health England propose to adopt and monitor across the public sector?

The government buying standards for food and catering services to ensure the provision and sale of healthier food and drinks in hospitals, leisure centres, and other related settings.

Government-Led Dietary Initiatives

What was the decline in vegetable and fruit purchases from their peak in 2007 to 2014?

Vegetable purchases fell by 5.2% and fruit purchases (including fruit juice) fell by 14%.

Socioeconomic Factors in Dietary Choices

What were the main difficulties reported by respondents when trying to eat more healthily?

The cost of eating more healthily (12%) and time constraints (8%).

Impact of Food Pricing on Consumption

What has been the trend in the amount of food eaten out since 2001?

It has declined.

Public Health Campaigns and Marketing Strategies

How is character branding used in marketing high-sugar foods to young children?

Character branding can be an effective strategy to market high-sugar foods to young children.

Effects of Portion Size on Dietary Intake

What potential change in average daily energy intake from food could result if the effect of portion size is maintained over time?

It would equate to around a 12–16% change in average daily energy intake from food.

Impact of Food Pricing on Consumption

What role does food pricing play in consumer food choices?

Food pricing can significantly impact consumer food choices, with higher prices potentially deterring the purchase of healthier options and lower prices encouraging the consumption of less healthy foods.

Sugar Reduction Strategies

What did Public Health England (2015) emphasize about the effectiveness of single actions in reducing sugar intakes?

Public Health England emphasized that it is unlikely that a single action alone would be effective in reducing sugar intakes.

Sugar Reduction Strategies

What did Public Health England stress as necessary to drive behavior change in reducing sugar levels?

Reducing sugar levels in food and drinks through reformulation and portion size reduction.

Sugar Reduction Strategies

What is the estimated reduction in total sugars per person per day if promotions in higher sugar categories are reduced to zero?

An average of about 7.4 g of total sugars a day per person.

Sugar Reduction Strategies

What types of sugars are excluded from the definition of added sugars?

Lactose naturally present in milk and milk products, and sugars contained within the cellular structure of foods (particularly fruits and vegetables).

Sugar Reduction Strategies

When was the UK government's childhood obesity plan published?

In the summer of 2016.

Effects of Portion Size on Dietary Intake

What effect does reducing portion size have on food and non-alcoholic beverage consumption?

Reducing portion size can contribute to meaningful reductions in the quantities of food and non-alcoholic beverages selected and consumed, at least in the short term.

Effects of Portion Size on Dietary Intake

What role was emphasized in England in October 2015 for reducing energy intake?

The role of portion size manipulation, alongside product reformulation.

Government-Led Dietary Initiatives

Which dietary components have campaigns focused on reducing?

Campaigns have focused on reducing intakes of saturated fat, salt, and most recently sugars.

Public Health Campaigns and Marketing Strategies

Why are digital marketing strategies considered potentially influential?

Digital marketing strategies are considered potentially influential due to their highly immersive and interactive nature.

Government-Led Dietary Initiatives

What is the 5-A-DAY campaign and when was it started?

The 5-A-DAY campaign was started in the 1990s by the Department of Health to promote the consumption of more fruits and vegetables.

Public Health Campaigns and Marketing Strategies

What is the current state of evidence regarding the diet- and health-related impacts of sponsorship as a marketing strategy?

There is a lack of evidence regarding the diet- and health-related impacts of sponsorship as a marketing strategy, despite many high-profile sponsorship deals in the UK.

Evaluation of Dietary Guidelines and Consumer Awareness

What were the main reasons respondents gave for changing their diet according to the FSA's ‘Food and You’ survey?

To lose or maintain weight (33%) and to be more healthy (18%).

Impact of Food Pricing on Consumption

What happened to the overall purchases of fruit and vegetables between 2010 and 2013?

They reduced, but consumers spent somewhat more on fresh and processed fruit and vegetables.

Impact of Food Pricing on Consumption

How can price discounting affect the sales of less healthy food?

Price discounting can promote the sales of less healthy food.

Public Health Campaigns and Marketing Strategies

How can supermarket placement influence high-sugar purchases?

Supermarket placement may influence high-sugar purchases, but evidence is limited and lacks further detail on consequential health and behavioural impacts.

Government-Led Dietary Initiatives

How do government policies impact dietary behavior?

Government policies can shape dietary behavior through regulations, subsidies, and public health initiatives aimed at promoting healthier eating habits.

Public Health Campaigns and Marketing Strategies

What are public health campaigns and how do they affect dietary behavior?

Public health campaigns are initiatives designed to educate and motivate the public to adopt healthier eating habits, often through media, community programs, and policy changes.

Sugar Reduction Strategies

What strategies are used to reduce sugar consumption?

Strategies to reduce sugar consumption include reformulating products to contain less sugar, implementing sugar taxes, and running public health campaigns to raise awareness about the health risks of excessive sugar intake.

Sugar Reduction Strategies

What would be the impact of a 50% reduction in sugar content on the intake of 'free' sugars?

It would bring intakes of 'free' sugars close to the previous recommendation of 10% of total dietary energy, but still twice the new <5% energy recommendation.

Public Health Campaigns and Marketing Strategies

What does Box 24.2 summarize?

Findings for a number of marketing approaches derived from the Public Health England analysis published in 2015.

Sugar Reduction Strategies

How do the sugar intakes of teenagers and young adults compare to the UK Department of Health's recommendation?

Their intakes are three times the 5% energy recommendation.

Government-Led Dietary Initiatives

What are the '8 Tips for Healthy Eating' and who promotes them?

The '8 Tips for Healthy Eating' are guidelines promoted by Public Health England to encourage healthy eating habits.

Public Health Campaigns and Marketing Strategies

What was the reduction in daily salt intake in the UK from 2000-2001 to 2014?

From 9.5 g to 8.0 g per day

Public Health Campaigns and Marketing Strategies

What was the mean estimated daily intake of salt for men and women in 2014?

9.1 g per day for men and 6.8 g per day for women

Effects of Portion Size on Dietary Intake

What did Hollands et al. (2015) find about the effectiveness of initiatives that aim to educate people about appropriate portion sizes?

They found only limited and equivocal evidence for the effectiveness of such initiatives.

Fiscal Policies and Food Taxation

What did economic modelling by Briggs et al. (2013) investigate regarding a 20% tax on sugars-sweetened soft drinks?

The potential impact on purchase and consumption levels, energy intake, body weight, and obesity prevalence in the UK.

Public Health Campaigns and Marketing Strategies

What does independent research suggest about current UK broadcast regulations regarding unhealthy food advertising?

Independent research suggests that current UK broadcast regulations are not strong enough to reduce children's exposure to unhealthy food advertising.

Impact of Food Pricing on Consumption

What recent focus has been placed on influencing dietary choices?

Recent focus has been placed on the price of food and drinks, promotions, advertising, portion size, and healthier options.

Evaluation of Dietary Guidelines and Consumer Awareness

According to the FSA's ‘Food and You’ survey, what percentage of respondents correctly stated that the maximum daily intake of salt for an adult was 6 g?


Impact of Food Pricing on Consumption

Which food items saw an increase in purchases between 2007 and 2013?

Butter and eggs.

Sugar Reduction Strategies

What type of training does Public Health England recommend for those influencing food choices?

Accredited training in diet and health for individuals in the catering, fitness, and leisure sectors, and others within local authorities.

Public Health Campaigns and Marketing Strategies

What is the purpose of social and health marketing campaigns like the UK's Change4Life?

The purpose is to promote healthy eating and healthy lifestyles.

Impact of Food Pricing on Consumption

Since when have eggs been on a short-term upwards trend in purchases?

Since 2010.

Impact of Food Pricing on Consumption

What was the estimated increase in food and drink purchases due to promotions?

It was estimated that 22% more food and drink was purchased as a result of promotions.

Impact of Food Pricing on Consumption

According to the Family Food Survey, what was the impact of these trends in purchases on total energy intake from all food and drink?

There was a decline in total energy intake from all food and drink.

Public Health Campaigns and Marketing Strategies

What activities were included in the 5-A-DAY local community initiative?

Home delivery services, improving transport to local markets, voucher schemes, media campaigns, growing and cookery skills, and promoting networking among existing healthy food groups.

Effects of Portion Size on Dietary Intake

What was the effect of offering larger sized portions, packages, or tableware according to the Cochrane review?

People consistently ate more food or drank more non-alcoholic drinks when offered larger sized portions, packages, or tableware than when offered smaller sized versions.

Effects of Portion Size on Dietary Intake

Why is portion size important in dietary intake?

Portion size is important because larger portions can lead to increased calorie intake, while smaller portions can help control calorie consumption and promote healthier eating habits.

Socioeconomic Factors in Dietary Choices

What percentage of men and women on low income were found to be overweight or obese?

62% of men and 63% of women.

Sugar Reduction Strategies

What positive changes to the food environment did Public Health England recommend?

Positive changes such as public-sector food procurement, provision, and sales of healthier foods, along with information and education to support healthier choices.

Evaluation of Dietary Guidelines and Consumer Awareness

What does the comparison of food and drink purchases in UK households with the Eatwell Guide recommendations suggest?

It suggests that UK households are not purchasing foods in line with the proportions of the Eatwell Guide, with starchy foods and fruit and vegetables representing a smaller proportion than recommended and foods and drinks high in fat and/or sugars much higher than recommended.

Sugar Reduction Strategies

What was the energy recommendation for sugar intake adopted by the UK Department of Health in 2015?

The recommendation was that sugar intake should be 5% of energy intake.

Sugar Reduction Strategies

What legal constraint affects the use of artificial sweeteners in soft drinks?

Energy content has to be reduced by at least 30% before artificial sweeteners can be used.

Effects of Portion Size on Dietary Intake

What factors did the Cochrane review find no evidence of affecting the impact of portion size on consumption?

The Cochrane review found no evidence that the effects of exposure to different portion sizes varied between men and women, with different body mass index (BMI), or between those with different baseline levels of dietary restraint, dietary disinhibition, or hunger.

Effects of Portion Size on Dietary Intake

What potential reduction in energy intake did Hollands et al. (2015) estimate could result from eliminating larger portion sizes?

Up to 16% in adults.

Sugar Reduction Strategies

What action does Public Health England propose to reduce and rebalance price promotions in retail outlets?

Reduce and rebalance the number and type of price promotions in all retail outlets, including supermarkets, convenience stores, and the out-of-home sector.

Sugar Reduction Strategies

What regulatory framework is suggested for defining high-sugar foods?

The Ofcom nutrient profiling model, which would benefit from being reviewed and strengthened.

Impact of Food Pricing on Consumption

How much higher were food prices in 2013 compared to 2007 in real terms?

12% higher.

Fiscal Policies and Food Taxation

How might fiscal policies influence dietary behavior?

Fiscal policies such as taxation may influence purchasing and consumption behavior.

Nutrition Labelling and Consumer Choice

What has become a legal requirement in Europe to support consumer choice?

Nutrition labelling has become a legal requirement in Europe.

Impact of Food Pricing on Consumption

What percentage of food and drink expenditure in Britain is accounted for by price promotions?

Price promotions account for 40% of food and drink expenditure in Britain.

Evaluation of Dietary Guidelines and Consumer Awareness

What percentage of boys and girls aged 11–18 years are reaching the 5-A-DAY target?

10% of boys and 7% of girls.

Sugar Reduction Strategies

What percentage of 'sugars' taken home was an incremental consequence of purchases being on promotion over the 2-year study period?

8.7% of 'sugars' taken home was an incremental consequence of purchases being on promotion.

Cultural Influences on Dietary Behavior

In what ways can cultural influences affect dietary choices?

Cultural influences can affect dietary choices through traditional eating habits, social norms, and cultural beliefs about food and health.

Socioeconomic Factors in Dietary Choices

How do the intakes of saturated fat, non-milk extrinsic sugars, and sodium in people on low income compare to recommended levels?

Intakes were above recommended levels but were not significantly different from the general population.

Evaluation of Dietary Guidelines and Consumer Awareness

What has the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) suggested about recent trends in nutrient intakes?

Saturated fat, sodium, and non-milk extrinsic sugars intakes have fallen, although they are still above recommended levels.

Government-Led Dietary Initiatives

What is the Eatwell Guide and what has it been used for in the UK?

The Eatwell Guide is a food-based dietary guideline that describes the proportions that different food groups should contribute to the diet. It has been widely used in schools and is accompanied by other messages to promote healthy eating.

Public Health Campaigns and Marketing Strategies

Which department took over the responsibility for salt reduction in 2009?

The Department of Health

Public Health Campaigns and Marketing Strategies

What strategy is suggested to be more effective than encouraging widespread changes in consumer behavior?

The strategy of ‘health by stealth’

Fiscal Policies and Food Taxation

What is a potential effect of food taxes besides raising tax revenues?

Changing behaviour within populations.

Socioeconomic Factors in Dietary Choices

What is highlighted as a key to reducing health inequalities in the report?

Tackling the social gradient in health behaviours.

Public Health Campaigns and Marketing Strategies

What is the current focus of research on digital marketing strategies?

Current research on digital marketing strategies focuses on advergaming, which significantly influences intake of, or preference for, high-sugar foods in school-age children.

Sugar Reduction Strategies

What term has recently replaced 'non-milk extrinsic sugars'?

'Free sugars' has recently replaced 'non-milk extrinsic sugars'.

Socioeconomic Factors in Dietary Choices

What trend in fibre intake has been observed since 2010?

Fibre intakes have declined since 2010.

Impact of Food Pricing on Consumption

What trend was observed in the purchases of carcase meat, meat products, potatoes, bread, and beverages since at least 2010?

A clear short-term downward trend.

Government-Led Dietary Initiatives

What trend does the Health Survey for England show regarding fruit and vegetable consumption by adults?

The Health Survey for England shows that fruit and vegetable consumption by adults peaked in 2006 and has dropped since.

Sugar Reduction Strategies

What percentage of total sugars purchases were estimated to be accounted for by promotions?

Promotions were estimated to account for 35% of total sugars purchases.

Effects of Portion Size on Dietary Intake

What should be considered when altering portion size to influence sugar intake?

It is important to consider the impact of possible counter marketing or compensatory behaviours to any size regulation.

Socioeconomic Factors in Dietary Choices

What are some key factors in the wider environment that influence dietary behavior?

Key factors include government policies, cultural influences, food pricing, nutrition labeling, public health campaigns, portion sizes, fiscal policies, socioeconomic status, and sugar reduction strategies.

Socioeconomic Factors in Dietary Choices

Which foods are people on low income less likely to eat according to the survey?

Wholemeal bread and vegetables.

Sugar Reduction Strategies

What approach did Public Health England suggest would be more effective in reducing sugar intake?

A broad, structured approach involving restrictions on price promotions and marketing, product reformulation, portion size reduction, and price increases on less healthy products.

Socioeconomic Factors in Dietary Choices

What is the difference in disability-free life expectancy between the richest and poorest neighborhoods according to the Marmot review?

The difference in disability-free life expectancy is 17 years.

Government-Led Dietary Initiatives

What are some dietary changes recommended to increase fibre intake and reduce saturated fat intake?

Choosing wholegrains or potatoes with skins to increase fibre intake, choosing lean cuts of meat and reduced-fat dairy foods to reduce saturated fat intake, and checking food labels.

Sugar Reduction Strategies

What program does Public Health England propose for sugar reduction in everyday food and drink products?

A broad, structured, and transparently monitored programme of gradual sugar reduction in everyday food and drink products, combined with reductions in portion size.

Impact of Food Pricing on Consumption

What were some of the food items households tended to 'trade down' on between 2007 and 2013?

Cereals, biscuits and cakes, pork, fish, butter, sweets, and chocolates.

Effects of Portion Size on Dietary Intake

What were the most common dietary changes reported by respondents in the FSA's ‘Food and You’ survey?

Eating more fruit and vegetables (28%) and eating smaller portions of food (25%).

Socioeconomic Factors in Dietary Choices

How do fruit and vegetable purchases differ between lower income households and the average household?

In lower income households, purchases are typically lower, averaging 3.0 5-A-DAY portions per day compared to 3.9 for the average household.

Evaluation of Dietary Guidelines and Consumer Awareness

What percentage of respondents in the FSA's ‘Food and You’ survey reported having made a change to their diet in the previous 6 months?


Public Health Campaigns and Marketing Strategies

What was the purpose of the 5-A-DAY local community initiative funded in 2003?

To address local barriers and contribute to increasing consumption of fruit and vegetables, increase awareness and knowledge, change attitudes and beliefs, and increase access to fruit and vegetables.

Effects of Portion Size on Dietary Intake

What did the Cochrane review by Hollands et al. (2015) conclude about portion size?

The review concluded that efforts to reduce the size, availability, and appeal of larger sized portions, packages, and tableware have the potential to reduce the amounts of food selected and consumed.

Socioeconomic Factors in Dietary Choices

What types of foods and drinks do people on low income tend to consume more of?

Soft drinks (not diet drinks), processed meats, whole milk, and sugar.

Socioeconomic Factors in Dietary Choices

What percentage of women in the lowest income households were obese according to the Health Survey for England?

31% of women in the lowest income households were obese.

Socioeconomic Factors in Dietary Choices

What is the relationship between income and fruit and vegetable consumption according to the Health Survey for England?

Higher consumption of fruits and vegetables is associated with higher income. For example, 30% of men and 35% of women in the highest income quintile consumed five or more portions on the previous day, compared to 19% of men and 23% of women in the lowest quintile.

Impact of Food Pricing on Consumption

What is needed to understand the broader implications of discounting on dietary intake?

More research is required to understand the broader implications of discounting on overall dietary intake and impact across different demographic groups.

Effects of Portion Size on Dietary Intake

What was the size of the effect of portion size on food and drink consumption?

The size of the effect was judged to be small to moderate among both children and adults.

Socioeconomic Factors in Dietary Choices

What does the Low Income Diet and Nutrition Survey provide evidence on?

The eating habits, nourishment, and nutrition-related health of people on low income in the UK.

Fiscal Policies and Food Taxation

What are fiscal policies and how do they relate to food taxation?

Fiscal policies related to food taxation involve the use of taxes and subsidies to influence the affordability and consumption of certain foods, often to promote healthier eating habits.

Evaluation of Dietary Guidelines and Consumer Awareness

How are dietary guidelines evaluated for their effectiveness?

Dietary guidelines are evaluated through research and surveys that assess consumer awareness, understanding, and adherence to the guidelines, as well as their impact on public health outcomes.

Public Health Campaigns and Marketing Strategies

What was the outcome of the 5-A-DAY local community initiative in terms of awareness and consumption levels?

It resulted in greater levels of improvement in awareness and understanding of the issues and implications of eating fruit and vegetables than in improvements in overall consumption levels.

Socioeconomic Factors in Dietary Choices

How do the diets of people on low incomes compare to the general population according to the Low Income Diet and Nutrition Survey?

For many foods, the types and quantities eaten by people on low income appeared similar to those of the general population.

Socioeconomic Factors in Dietary Choices

How do socioeconomic factors influence dietary choices?

Socioeconomic factors such as income, education, and access to resources can greatly influence dietary choices, with lower socioeconomic status often linked to poorer diet quality.

Socioeconomic Factors in Dietary Choices

What did the Marmot review of health inequalities in England report about life expectancy differences?

There is a 7-year difference in life expectancy between those living in the richest neighborhoods versus those in the poorest.

Socioeconomic Factors in Dietary Choices

How does the obesity rate among children aged 2-15 years compare between the lowest and highest income households?

22% of boys and 21% of girls in the lowest income households were obese, compared to 7% of boys and 6% of girls in the highest income households.

Study Smarter, Not Harder
Study Smarter, Not Harder