Why should the outline form extend around the cusps in tooth preparation?
To conserve tooth structure and prevent the internal line angles from approaching the pulp horns too closely.
What are the key components of initial tooth preparation?
Establishing the outline form, maintaining a specified, limited depth, and providing resistance and retention forms.
Tooth Preparation Techniques for Class I Amalgam

Why should the outline form extend around the cusps in tooth preparation?

To conserve tooth structure and prevent the internal line angles from approaching the pulp horns too closely.

Initial Clinical Procedures for Amalgam Restoration

What are the key components of initial tooth preparation?

Establishing the outline form, maintaining a specified, limited depth, and providing resistance and retention forms.

Tooth Preparation Techniques for Class I Amalgam

What should be the cavosurface angle in amalgam preparation?

90 - 100 degrees.

Contraindications for Amalgam Use

Why is amalgam contraindicated in esthetically prominent areas of posterior teeth?

Because amalgam is not esthetically pleasing.

Indications for Amalgam Use

In which areas of the mouth is amalgam not typically used?

Highly esthetic areas of the mouth.

Initial Clinical Procedures for Amalgam Restoration

What is the proper depth to establish when the bur enters the pit during Class I occlusal tooth preparation?

1.5 mm, measured from the central fissure, which is one half the length of the cutting portion of the bur.

Resistance and Retention Forms in Amalgam Preparation

What feature in amalgam preparation helps in providing retention form besides occlusal convergence?

Proximal dovetails.

Instruments Used in Amalgam Preparation

What tool is used in enameloplasty to remove developmental faults?

The side of a flame-shaped diamond stone.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Amalgam

How does the tooth preparation for an amalgam restoration compare to composite or GIC restorations in terms of conservativeness?

Amalgam restorations require less conservative tooth preparation compared to composite or GIC restorations.

Initial Clinical Procedures for Amalgam Restoration

What is the benefit of enameloplasty in terms of tooth structure?

It frequently reduces the need for further extension into the fissures with the No. 245 bur, thereby conserving tooth structure.

Indications for Amalgam Use

What size of restorations is amalgam indicated for?

Moderate to large restorations.

Initial Clinical Procedures for Amalgam Restoration

How should the bur be oriented during a punch cut in Class I occlusal tooth preparation?

The bur's long axis should parallel the long axis of the tooth crown.

Tooth Preparation Techniques for Class I Amalgam

What are the possible Class I outline shapes for the mandibular 1st premolar?

A. Snake eye shape, B. Butterfly shape.

Tooth Preparation Techniques for Class I Amalgam

What should the outline form for the Class I occlusal amalgam tooth preparation include?

Only the faulty, defective occlusal pits and fissures.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Amalgam

What are some advantages of using amalgam for dental restorations?

Ease of use, simplicity of the procedure, low cost, and can be placed where isolation is compromised.

Indications for Amalgam Use

When is amalgam indicated for restorations that extend onto the root surface?

When the restoration extends onto the root surface.

Final Tooth Preparation and Base Application

What are the final procedures in cleaning and inspecting the prepared tooth?

The final procedures include cleaning and inspecting the prepared tooth to ensure it is free of debris and properly shaped.

Initial Clinical Procedures for Amalgam Restoration

What is the first step in the initial clinical procedures for amalgam restoration?

Local anesthesia, if required.

Tooth Preparation Techniques for Class I Amalgam

What is the strongest and ideal enamel margin made up of?

Full-length enamel rods resting on sound dentin.

Initial Clinical Procedures for Amalgam Restoration

What is the definition of initial tooth preparation?

Establishing the outline form by extending the external walls to sound tooth structure, while maintaining a specified, limited depth and providing resistance and retention forms.

Tooth Preparation Techniques for Class I Amalgam

How should the outline form be extended into the marginal ridges during tooth preparation?

Minimally, only enough to include the defect without removing dentinal support.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Amalgam

What is a major aesthetic disadvantage of amalgam restorations?

Amalgam restorations have an unaesthetic appearance.

Initial Clinical Procedures for Amalgam Restoration

Which pit should be entered first when the pits are equally faulty?

The distal pit, as it provides increased visibility for the mesial extension.

Tooth Preparation Techniques for Class I Amalgam

What is the Class I outline shape for the mandibular 1st molar?

Bat shape.

Material Properties of Amalgam

What makes amalgam easy to use in dental procedures?

Amalgam is easy to manipulate and place into cavities, making it a convenient material for dentists.

Tooth Preparation Techniques for Class I Amalgam

What is the Class I outline shape for the mesial cavity of the maxillary 1st molar?

Kidney shape.

Material Properties of Amalgam

Why is amalgam less susceptible to moisture contamination compared to other materials?

Amalgam is less affected by moisture during placement, which helps ensure a durable and reliable restoration.

Resistance and Retention Forms in Amalgam Preparation

What is the purpose of occlusal convergence in amalgam preparation?

To provide retention form by ensuring the facial and lingual walls converge occlusally.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Amalgam

Why is the tooth preparation for an amalgam restoration considered more complex?

Because it requires more intricate techniques compared to a composite restoration.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Amalgam

How does the ease of placing and contouring amalgam compare to composite restorations?

Placing and contouring of amalgam restorations are generally easier than that for composite restorations.

Contraindications for Amalgam Use

Why are small-to-moderate Class I and II restorations that cannot be well isolated contraindicated for amalgam use?

Because excessive salivation can interfere with the placement and setting of amalgam.

Tooth Preparation Techniques for Class I Amalgam

How should the bur's orientation and depth be maintained during the preparation?

Extend the preparation mesially following the DEJ, creating a flat pulpal floor.

Class I Amalgam Overview

What surfaces are involved in a Class I amalgam restoration according to G.V. Black's classification?

Occlusal surface of posterior teeth, occlusal two-thirds of the facial and lingual surface of molars, and lingual surfaces of maxillary anterior teeth.

Tooth Preparation Techniques for Class I Amalgam

What should be avoided in the marginal outline of the Class I occlusal amalgam tooth preparation?

Sharp angles.

Tooth Preparation Techniques for Class I Amalgam

What does a 90-degree cavosurface angle provide in amalgam restoration?

A 90-degree joint between tooth structure and amalgam.

Tooth Preparation Techniques for Class I Amalgam

What should be maintained while extending the preparation distofacially or distolingually?

The bur's orientation and depth.

Tooth Preparation Techniques for Class I Amalgam

Why is it important to extend the outline to include fissures in tooth preparation?

To place the margins on relatively smooth, sound tooth structure.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Amalgam

Why is amalgam preferred in situations where isolation is compromised?

Because it can be placed even when isolation is compromised.

Tooth Preparation Techniques for Class I Amalgam

What should be avoided to prevent undermining during the preparation?

Undermining the marginal ridge.

Initial Clinical Procedures for Amalgam Restoration

What is the first step in Class I occlusal tooth preparation?

Entering the deepest or most carious pit with a punch cut using the No. 245 carbide bur at high speed with air-water spray.

Resistance and Retention Forms in Amalgam Preparation

Why is a depth of 1.5 mm important in resistance form?

It results in adequate thickness of the restoration, providing resistance to fracture and wear.

Contraindications for Amalgam Use

Why are small Class VI restorations contraindicated for amalgam use?

Because these restorations are typically small and do not require the strength provided by amalgam.

Material Properties of Amalgam

What are the key material qualities and properties of amalgam?

Strength, longevity, ease of use, clinically proven success, and less susceptibility to moisture contamination.

Tooth Preparation Techniques for Class I Amalgam

What should be done when the central fissure has minimal caries?

One pass along the fissure at the prescribed depth provides the desired minimal width to the isthmus.

Tooth Preparation Techniques for Class I Amalgam

What is the Class I outline shape for the mandibular 2nd molar?

Plus shape.

Final Tooth Preparation and Base Application

When is pulp protection indicated during final tooth preparation?

Pulp protection is indicated when there is a risk of pulp exposure or damage.

Material Properties of Amalgam

What does 'clinically proven success' mean in the context of amalgam?

It means that amalgam has a long history of successful use in dental restorations, supported by clinical studies and evidence.

Final Tooth Preparation and Base Application

What tool is used to insert RMGI during base application?

A Williams periodontal probe is used to insert RMGI.

Initial Clinical Procedures for Amalgam Restoration

What is recommended for isolation during initial clinical procedures for amalgam restoration?

Rubber dam.

Initial Clinical Procedures for Amalgam Restoration

What is enameloplasty?

Eliminating the developmental fault by removing it with the side of a flame-shaped diamond stone, leaving a smooth surface.

Resistance and Retention Forms in Amalgam Preparation

What is the purpose of a flat pulpal floor in resistance form?

To resist forces directed in the long axis of the tooth and provide a strong, stable seat for the restoration.

Resistance and Retention Forms in Amalgam Preparation

Why is minimal extension of external walls important in resistance form?

It reduces the weakening of the tooth.

Indications for Amalgam Use

What type of occlusal contacts make amalgam a suitable choice for restorations?

Heavy occlusal contacts.

Material Properties of Amalgam

Why is strength an important property of amalgam?

Strength ensures that the amalgam can withstand the forces of chewing and biting without breaking.

Tooth Preparation Techniques for Class I Amalgam

What should be the minimum distance from the margin of the extension to the proximal surface for molars?

2 mm.

Instruments Used in Amalgam Preparation

What is the characteristic of the sides of a No. 245 bur?

The sides are slightly convergent toward the shank.

Tooth Preparation Techniques for Class I Amalgam

In which directions should the preparation be extended to include any fissures that radiate from the pit?

Distofacially or distolingually.

Initial Clinical Procedures for Amalgam Restoration

Why is it important to extend the external walls to sound tooth structure during initial tooth preparation?

To ensure the outline form is established on a solid and healthy foundation.

Resistance and Retention Forms in Amalgam Preparation

What is the sufficient depth required for resistance form in amalgam restoration?

1.5 mm.

Tooth Preparation Techniques for Class I Amalgam

What is the Class I outline shape for maxillary premolars?

Butterfly shape.

Material Properties of Amalgam

How does the longevity of amalgam benefit dental restorations?

Longevity means that amalgam restorations can last many years, reducing the need for frequent replacements.

Tooth Preparation Techniques for Class I Amalgam

What should be the minimum distance from the margin of the extension to the proximal surface for premolars?

Not less than 1.6 mm or two diameters of the end of the No. 245 bur.

Instruments Used in Amalgam Preparation

What is the purpose of the occlusal convergence produced by the No. 245 bur?

It provides adequate retention form for the tooth preparation.

Tooth Preparation Techniques for Class I Amalgam

What is the ideal width of the isthmus in a Class I amalgam preparation?

No more than the diameter of the bur or ¼ of the intercuspal distance.

Tooth Preparation Techniques for Class I Amalgam

What is the Class I outline shape for the mandibular 2nd premolar?

Y shape.

Instruments Used in Amalgam Preparation

For what type of amalgam preparations is the No. 330 bur indicated?

For the most conservative amalgam preparations.

Final Tooth Preparation and Base Application

What is the first step in the final tooth preparation for amalgam restoration?

Removal of remaining defective enamel and infected dentin on the pulpal floor.

Final Tooth Preparation and Base Application

What is the recommended base thickness for moderately deep excavations?

A base thickness of 0.5 to 0.75 mm is indicated for moderately deep excavations.

Instruments Used in Amalgam Preparation

What is the recommended bur for amalgam preparation with a head length of 3 mm and a tip diameter of 0.8 mm?

A No. 245 bur.

Instruments Used in Amalgam Preparation

How do the slightly rounded corners of the No. 245 bur benefit the tooth?

They produce slightly rounded internal line angles that render the tooth more resistant to fracture from occlusal force.

Instruments Used in Amalgam Preparation

What is the No. 330 bur?

A smaller and pear-shaped version of the No. 245 bur.

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