Where should a nasal tube be correctly placed in cattle?
In the ventral meatus.
What are the characteristics of the nostrils in pigs?
Pigs have small nostrils on a flat mobile snout that are highly sensitive.
Nasal Cavity Landmarks

Where should a nasal tube be correctly placed in cattle?

In the ventral meatus.

Species-Specific Nasal Structures

What are the characteristics of the nostrils in pigs?

Pigs have small nostrils on a flat mobile snout that are highly sensitive.

Anatomy of the Nasal Cavities

What bone is contained in the snout of pigs?

The rostral bone is contained in the snout of pigs.

Functions of the Nasal Cavity

What are the functions of the nasal cavity related to air preparation?

The nasal cavity moistens, warms, filters particles, and traps particles in mucus which are then swallowed.

Anatomy of the Nasal Cavities

What nerve innervates the muscles responsible for nostril dilation in horses?

The facial nerve.

Nasal Epithelium and Glandular Structures

What type of epithelium is found in the nostrils of cattle?

Stratified cornified epithelium

Nasal Epithelium and Glandular Structures

What types of glands are found in the lamina propria of the nasal cavity?

Mucous and serous glands.

Species-Specific Nasal Structures

What are the three types of conchae found in the nasal cavity of birds?

Rostral concha, middle concha, caudal concha.

Nasal Cavity Landmarks

What is the location of the tube in the ventral meatus?

The tube is located in the ventral meatus of the nasal cavity.

Olfactory Structures and Function

What are the non-motile structures in the olfactory region called?

Cilia-like structures.

Histology of Nasal Mucosa

What covers most parts of the nasal cavity?

Respiratory mucosa covers most parts of the nasal cavity.

Nasal Conchae and Meatus

What are the three separate passages that the nasal conchae divide the nasal cavity into?

Dorsal, ventral, and middle meatus.

Histology of Nasal Mucosa

What type of epithelium is found in the vestibule of the nasal cavity?

Stratified squamous epithelium

Histology of Nasal Mucosa

What type of epithelium lines the respiratory region of the nasal cavity?

Respiratory epithelium

Nasal Epithelium and Glandular Structures

What are the thin-walled veins in the nasal cavity referred to?

Cavernous bodies.

Olfactory Structures and Function

What do olfactory receptors detect?


Olfactory Structures and Function

What type of cells are found in the olfactory region?

Olfactory cells.

Functions of the Nasal Cavity

What are the four main functions balanced in the nasal cavity?

Airflow resistance, defence mechanisms, warming and moistening function, and olfaction.

Species-Specific Nasal Structures

How does the nasal cavity structure vary between species?

It varies considerably; for example, horses have a simple structure while dogs have a complex structure.

Nasal Cavity Landmarks

What is the nasal vestibule?

The opening of the nasal cavity.

Anatomy of the Nasal Cavities

How is the nasal cavity divided?

<p>The nasal cavity is divided into left and right sides by the nasal septum. Further divided by nasal conchae </p>

Nasal Cavity Landmarks

What surrounds the nostrils of cattle?

Smooth hairless nasolabial plate

Olfactory Structures and Function

What organ is associated with olfaction in the nasal cavity?

Vomeronasal organ

Nasal Cavity Landmarks

What is the function of the dorsal meatus in horses?

The dorsal meatus leads to the olfactory mucosa.

Nasal Epithelium and Glandular Structures

What are the glands called that are associated with the nasolabial area in cattle?

Nasolabial glands

Olfactory Structures and Function

What role does the vomeronasal organ play?

It may play a role in pheromone detection.

Nasal Cavity Landmarks

What structure is found axially in the nasal cavity?

Nasal septum.

Nasal Epithelium and Glandular Structures

What type of epithelium is found in the respiratory system?

<p>Pseudostratified, ciliated and columnar epithelium with goblet cells.</p>

Olfactory Structures and Function

Which cranial nerve is associated with the olfactory region?

Cranial nerve I (Olfactory nerve).

Histology of Nasal Mucosa

What are the components of the mucosa in the nasal cavity?

The mucosa consists of epithelium and lamina propria.

Anatomy of the Nasal Cavities

What is the extent of the nasal cavity?

The nasal cavity extends from the nostrils to the cribiform plate of the ethmoid bone.

Nasal Cavity Landmarks

What are the paired caudal openings of the nasal cavity called?


Nasal Cavity Landmarks

What is the singular form of choanae?


Nasal Conchae and Meatus

To which bone are the dorsal and middle conchae attached?

Ethmoid bone.

Species-Specific Nasal Structures

What are the nostrils also known as?


Nasal Cavity Landmarks

What bones are located dorsally in nasal osteology?

Nasal bones

Olfactory Structures and Function

What are ethmoturbinates and where do they extend from?

Ethmoturbinates extend rostrally from the ethmoid bone.

Nasal Epithelium and Glandular Structures

What do nasal glands in dogs secrete into the nasal vestibule?

Nasal gland secretions.

Species-Specific Nasal Structures

What characterizes the nostrils of horses?

They have distensible nostrils.

Airflow Dynamics in the Nasal Cavity

What anatomical alignment aids airflow in horses?

Flow is aided by a straighter head-neck-thorax alignment.

Nasal Cavity Landmarks

Where is the incorrect placement of a nasal tube in cattle?

In the middle meatus.

Functions of the Nasal Cavity

What is the primary function of the muscles of the nostrils in horses?

Nostril dilation.

Nasal Conchae and Meatus

What are the nasal conchae covered by?

Nasal mucosa

Species-Specific Nasal Structures

How does the complexity of the nasal meatus differ between horses and dogs?

It is simple in horses and more complex in dogs.

Nasal Conchae and Meatus

What are nasal conchae?

Scrolls of turbinate bone covered in mucosa that further increase nasal surface area.

Olfactory Structures and Function

What role does the olfactory epithelium play in the nasal cavity?

The caudal regions of the turbinates are covered by olfactory epithelium, which is involved in the sense of smell.

Nasal Cavity Landmarks

What are the dorsal borders of the nasal cavity?

Nasal bones.

Nasal Cavity Landmarks

How many nasal meatus are present in horses?

<p>There are four nasal meatus in horses. (dorsal, middle, common, ventral) </p>

Species-Specific Nasal Structures

What anatomical structures are found in the canine and equine skulls related to the nasal cavity?

Nasal conchae are present in both canine and equine skulls.

Nasal Cavity Landmarks

Which bones are located laterally to the nasal cavity?

Incisive bone and maxilla.

Nasal Cavity Landmarks

Which nasal meatus connects to the paranasal sinuses in horses?

The middle meatus connects to the paranasal sinuses.

Species-Specific Nasal Structures

What are the two types of nostrils found in horses?

Ventral 'true' nostril and dorsal 'false' nostril.

Nasal Cavity Landmarks

What is the common meatus in horses?

The common meatus is one of the four nasal meatus, but its specific function is not detailed.

Nasal Cavity Landmarks

Where is the vomeronasal organ located?

It is contained within the hard palate.

Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS)

What is external nasal aperture stenosis?

External nasal aperture stenosis is a condition characterized by the narrowing of the external openings of the nasal cavity, which can lead to breathing difficulties.

Anatomy of the Nasal Cavities

Which muscles are involved in nostril dilation in horses?

<p>Levator nasolabialis (biggest muscle), Caninus, and Transversus nasi (Between two nostrils - pull axial part together)</p>

Nasal Conchae and Meatus

How are the nasal conchae structured?

They consist of long thin bone coiled up like a paper roll.

Histology of Nasal Mucosa

What type of epithelium is associated with the olfactory region of the nasal cavity?

Olfactory epithelium

Species-Specific Nasal Structures

What surrounds the nostrils?

Hairless skin

Nasal Epithelium and Glandular Structures

What type of epithelium covers the ethmoturbinates?

The ethmoturbinates are covered with respiratory epithelium.

Nasal Cavity Landmarks

Which bone is found caudally in the nasal structure?

Ethmoidal bone

Nasal Cavity Landmarks

What does the ventral meatus lead to in horses?

The ventral meatus leads to the pharynx.

Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS)

What is Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS)?

A condition affecting flat-faced breeds of cats and dogs characterized by anatomical abnormalities that obstruct airflow.

Airflow Dynamics in the Nasal Cavity

What is a significant feature of horses' nostrils that improves airflow?

Horses have a significant ability to distend their nostrils.

Nasal Conchae and Meatus

What are the types of nasal conchae mentioned?

Dorsal concha, Middle concha, Ventral concha.

Species-Specific Nasal Structures

How do the lengths of the middle concha differ among species?

Short in horse and pig, longer in dogs and ruminants.

Functions of the Nasal Cavity

How does the nasal cavity function as a heat exchanger for the brain?

Airflow cools venous blood, and the subsequent countercurrent flow with arteries cools arterial blood going to the brain.

Nasal Cavity Landmarks

What structure's opening is contained in the nasal vestibule?

The opening of the nasolacrimal duct.

Olfactory Structures and Function

Which part of the nasal cavity contains olfactory epithelium?

Caudodorsal part of the ethmoidal conchae

Species-Specific Nasal Structures

What type of cartilage is absent in the horse's nasal structure?

No ventral nasal cartilage.

Nasal Cavity Landmarks

What forms the ventral border of the nasal cavity?

Hard palate.

Species-Specific Nasal Structures

Why do horses have less complex turbinates?

Horses are obligate nasal breathers and have less complex turbinates to reduce airflow resistance.

Olfactory Structures and Function

What do the ethmoturbinates contain besides respiratory epithelium?

The ethmoturbinates also contain olfactory sensory neurones.

Airflow Dynamics in the Nasal Cavity

How does sniffing affect airflow in relation to the ethmoturbinates?

Sniffing alters the normal airflow to bring the air into contact with the ethmoturbinates.

Olfactory Structures and Function

What behavior is associated with the vomeronasal organ's function?

Lip curling, known as the Flehmen response.

Nasal Epithelium and Glandular Structures

What type of epithelium is found in the nasal cavity?

Respiratory epithelium

Species-Specific Nasal Structures

In which species is the opening of the nasolacrimal duct especially visible on the ventral surface of the nasal vestibule?

In horses.

Nasal Cavity Landmarks

What bones are located ventrally in nasal osteology?

Palatine bones

Nasal Cavity Landmarks

What is located rostrally to the nasal cavity?

Nares (nostrils).

Airflow Dynamics in the Nasal Cavity

What percentage of airflow resistance is caused by the nasal cavity, pharynx, and larynx?

They cause more than 60% of airflow resistance.

Nasal Cavity Landmarks

What divides the nasal plate in dogs and cats?

The nasal plate is divided by the median groove, known as the philtrum.

Airflow Dynamics in the Nasal Cavity

What is the formula for calculating airflow resistance?

Resistance = length / radius^4, meaning that halving the radius increases resistance by 16 times.

Nasal Epithelium and Glandular Structures

What type of glands create moisture in the nostrils of cattle? What is the name of the type of mucous / fluid produced?

<p>Nasolabial glands. Serous </p>

Species-Specific Nasal Structures

What shapes do the alar cartilages form in horses?

Comma shaped nostrils.

Histology of Nasal Mucosa

What is the layer of connective tissue beneath the respiratory epithelium called? What other structures are present?

<p>Lamina propria. Capillary net, nasal glands, venous cavernous bodies, artery </p>

Nasal Cavity Landmarks

What is the axial structure in nasal osteology?

Nasal septum

Anatomy of the Nasal Cavities

Which artery supplies the muscles involved in nostril dilation in horses?

The facial artery.

Nasal Conchae and Meatus

What is the singular form of 'conchae'?


Anatomy of the Nasal Cavities

What supports the nostrils?

Nasal cartilages

Nasal Epithelium and Glandular Structures

What is the primary type of epithelium found in the nasal cavity?

Respiratory epithelium

Olfactory Structures and Function

What is the vomeronasal organ?

An accessory olfactory sense organ contained within the hard palate, featuring unique chemoreceptors distinct from other olfactory organs.

Nasal Cavity Landmarks

What is the name of the bone layer that covers the nasal cavity?


Functions of the Nasal Cavity

What is the significance of the vascular nature of the nasal conchae?

The highly vascular nature of the nasal conchae helps in warming and humidifying the air.

Nasal Epithelium and Glandular Structures

What is the source of secretions in the nasal plate of dogs and cats?

Secretions come from the lateral nasal gland.

Nasal Cavity Landmarks

Which bones are found laterally in the nasal structure?

Incisive bones and Maxilla

Anatomy of the Nasal Cavities

To what are the nasal cartilages attached?

Nasal septum

Nasal Cavity Landmarks

What is the caudal boundary of the nasal cavity?


Species-Specific Nasal Structures

Describe the location and structure of dorsal 'false' nostril in horses

<p>Skin lined diverticulum, within nasoincisive notch </p>

Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS)

What are common anatomical features associated with BOAS in flat-faced breeds?

<p>Stenotic nares (short nose holes), elongated and thickened soft palate, enlarged tongue, and narrow trachea.</p>

Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS)

How does BOAS affect the quality of life in affected animals?

<p>It leads to increased breathing noise, coughing, shortness of breath, sleep apnoea, and exercise intolerance.</p>

Nasal Cavity Landmarks

What is a notable feature of the middle meatus in cattle?

<p>Cattle have a very small middle meatus. Much larger ventral meatus</p>

Nasal Epithelium and Glandular Structures

What is the transition area from integument (skin) to mucous membrane in the nasal cavity called?



Describe the nares of birds

<p>Slit-like openings (except diving birds eg gannets) with operculum (overhanging bony flap) </p>


Five functions of respiratory epithelium

<p>Regulation of air flow by erectile tissue. Cleaning (cilia), humidification (evaporation), warming (variable blood perfusion), protecting reflexes (sneeze reflex) </p>

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