What type of behavioral change might clients seek?
Reduce frequency of use in psychotropic drugs.
How does unconditional positive regard affect clients' self-regard?
It helps develop clients' positive self-regard.
Types of Goals for Clients

What type of behavioral change might clients seek?

Reduce frequency of use in psychotropic drugs.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

How does unconditional positive regard affect clients' self-regard?

It helps develop clients' positive self-regard.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What determines human behavior according to psychodynamics and psychoanalysis?

Irrational forces, unconscious motivations, and biological and instinctual drives.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What is the first category of analytic approaches in therapy?

Force / Wave.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

How does empathic understanding affect clients' emotional experiences?

It helps them feel more deeply and intensely.

Therapeutic Goals and Client Growth

What attitude should clients have towards their experiences in therapy?

An openness to experience.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

Name a key characteristic of contemporary counseling models.

They often integrate multiple therapeutic techniques to tailor treatment to individual clients.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

What skill is enhanced by listening more accurately to clients?

The development of 'self-empathy' and the ability to empathize with others.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

How do therapists serve in the process of client change?

They use themselves as instruments of the client's change.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

How do contemporary counseling models differ from traditional models?

They emphasize a more holistic and client-centered approach.

Negotiating Goals with Clients

What role does identifying needs and wants play in goal setting?

It serves as a vital prelude to the process of negotiating goals.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What are analytic approaches in therapy?

Therapeutic methods that focus on exploring unconscious processes and past experiences.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What does Interpretation involve in psychoanalytic therapy?

The therapist provides insights into the client's thoughts and behaviors to facilitate understanding.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What was the growing interest among counselors in the 1960s and 1970s?

A 'third force' in therapy as an alternative to psychoanalytic and behavioral approaches.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What is one common goal of contemporary counseling models?

To promote personal growth and self-awareness in clients.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

How does congruence impact the counselor's responses?

It increases the quality of the counselor's responses towards the client.

Evaluation and Measuring Progress

What outcomes should be evaluated in the evaluation process?

Intermediate and final outcomes.

Evaluation and Measuring Progress

What is the purpose of developing a five- or seven-point scale with a client?

To represent varying levels of internal states from absence to maximal intensity of feelings or thoughts.

Therapeutic Goals and Client Growth

What state must the client be in for therapeutic change to occur?

The client must be in a state of incongruence, being vulnerable, or anxious.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What is transference in psychoanalysis?

The projection of feelings and attitudes from one person onto the therapist, often reflecting past relationships.

Therapeutic Goals and Client Growth

What quality must the therapist possess in the relationship?

The therapist must be congruent or integrated.

Genograms as Assessment Tools

What is one specific tool mentioned for assessment in social work?


Therapeutic Goals and Client Growth

What is a key therapeutic goal related to client self-perception?

Encouraging clients to become increasingly actualized.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What does a pitch deck typically include?

A presentation that outlines a business idea or project.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

What is the goal of using accurate empathic understanding in therapy?

To encourage clients to get closer to themselves.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

Who developed Person-Centered Therapy?

Carl Rogers.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

What are the three therapist attributes in person-centered therapy?

Congruence, unconditional positive regard, and accurate empathic understanding.

Contracting in Social Work Practice

What is the purpose of contracting in social work?

To specify goals to be accomplished and the means of accomplishing them.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What are the key psychosexual stages in human development?

They evolve through the first 6 years of life.

Goal Setting in Social Work

How should goals align with the agency's mission?

Goals must be consistent with the functions of the agency.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

How does Person-Centered Therapy view the client?

As the expert on their own life and experiences.

Types of Goals for Clients

What is an example of a cognitive goal for clients?

Increase in positive self-talk.

Genograms as Assessment Tools

How do diagrammatic aids benefit social workers in case recording?

They can significantly shorten the traditional narrative case recording.

Goal Setting in Social Work

What is the primary purpose of goals in social work?

To specify what clients wish to accomplish and facilitate achievement of desired outcomes.

Types of Goals for Clients

What is an example of an interpersonal behavior goal?

Engage others in conversation.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

What does the therapist provide to facilitate client exploration?

A safe environment.

Goal Setting in Social Work

What is an example of a positive goal statement?

Increasing family members’ awareness of one another’s strengths and increasing the frequency of positive messages.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What is the focus of SOWK2107 Foundation of Social Work Practice I?


Negotiating Goals with Clients

What do goals inherently reflect in a client's life?

Desired changes that correspond to wants and needs identified during initial contact.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

What is the primary aim of the person-centered approach in therapy?

To help the client achieve greater independence and integration.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What is regression in the context of ego defense mechanisms?

Adopting behaviors from an earlier period of development.

Types of Goals for Clients

What is the focus for change in individual clients?

Intrapersonal subsystems and the client's interaction with the social and physical environment.

Genograms as Assessment Tools

What is a genogram?

A type of family tree.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What does the 4th category of human experience include?

The spiritual dimension, in addition to mental, behavioral, and emotional aspects.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

Which philosophies influence the 4th category of human experience?

Eastern or Asian as well as Western religious philosophies.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

Which counseling model is introduced in Session 5?

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What is the unconscious?

A part of the mind that stores all experiences, memories, and repressed materials.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

What is the purpose of unconditional positive regard in therapy?

To create a growth-promoting and comfortable environment for clients to explore without fear of criticism and rejection.

Genograms as Assessment Tools

What does a genogram provide?

An immediate visual representation of the individual or family being assessed.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

What does affirming clients' sense of worth and value achieve?

It enhances their self-esteem and self-acceptance.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

Who developed Client-Centered Therapy?

Carl Rogers.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What is the origin of the Second or Behavioral Force?

It emerged in the U.S.A. from scientific studies on the learning process.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

Who is the instructor for SOWK2107?

Choi Wai Man, Anna, Ph.D.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What is often included at the end of a pitch deck?

A thank you slide.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What therapeutic approach is included in the session?


Therapeutic Goals and Client Growth

How does the person-centered approach help clients with their problems?

By enabling them to better cope with current and future problems.

Genograms as Assessment Tools

How does using a genogram benefit service users?

It helps in forming constructive working alliances and encourages motivation to work with the social worker.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

Who is known for cognitive-behavior therapy?

Albert Ellis.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What do slips of the tongue reveal?

They can reveal unconscious thoughts or feelings.

Genograms as Assessment Tools

What effect can the interactive nature of constructing a genogram have on service users?

It may help reduce nervousness and anxiety by providing a focus of attention.

Genograms as Assessment Tools

What is the purpose of tools and diagrammatic aids in social work assessment?

To gather and represent data for initial and ongoing assessment.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

What is Person-Centered Therapy?

A therapeutic approach developed by Carl Rogers that emphasizes the importance of the client's perspective and experience.

Evaluation and Measuring Progress

What is a method for measuring progress?

Using self-administered scales.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What is the primary focus of contemporary counseling models?

To address the diverse needs of clients using various therapeutic approaches.

Evaluation and Measuring Progress

What are overt behaviors?

Observable behaviors that can be counted in frequency.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

What is the primary focus of Person-Centered Expressive Arts Therapy?

Using various artistic forms for growth, healing, and self-discovery.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

What are the core conditions of Person-Centered Therapy?

Empathy, unconditional positive regard, and congruence.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What are the three systems that make up personality?

The id, the ego, and the superego.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

What is the focus of Person-Centered Therapy?

The client's perspective and experiences.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

What is meant by unconditional positive regard?

Acceptance and caring towards the client.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What concepts are included in the structure of personality?

Consciousness, the unconscious, anxiety, and ego-defense mechanisms.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

What are the goals of Expressive Arts Therapy?

Growth, healing, and self-discovery.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What concept did Freud introduce regarding children and sexuality?

Infantile sexuality, suggesting that sexual instincts can be discerned from birth.

Genograms as Assessment Tools

What symbol represents a male in a genogram?

A square.

Evaluation and Measuring Progress

How can covert behaviors be measured?

Through constructing self-anchoring scales that denote various levels of an internal state.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

How does projection function as a defense mechanism?

Perceiving that others have those characteristics or behaviors that you find unacceptable in yourself.

Types of Goals for Clients

What is an emotional goal that clients might aim for?

Reduce depressive mood.

Goal Setting in Social Work

What is an example of a negative goal statement?

Reduce the incidence of criticism among family members.

Types of Goals for Clients

What aspects do goals in social work typically focus on?

Situations, statuses, behaviors, and attitudes that are the target of change.

Goal Setting in Social Work

What is the focus of Session 5?

Change-oriented Strategies I.

Goal Setting in Social Work

How should goals be stated according to the guidelines?

In positive terms that emphasize growth.

Evaluation and Measuring Progress

What are baseline measures used for in evaluation?

To analyze either overt or covert behaviors.

Goal Setting in Social Work

What is one of the key components discussed in Session 5?

Goal Setting.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What are action therapies?

Therapies that include behavioral and cognitive-behavioral approaches.

Goal Setting in Social Work

What should you avoid when selecting goals?

Agreeing to goals about which you have major reservations.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

In the person-centered approach, what is the focus of therapy?

On the person, not on the person’s presenting problem.

Goal Setting in Social Work

What is the main theme of Session 5 in SOWK2107?

Change-oriented Strategies I: Introduction.

Genograms as Assessment Tools

How many generations can a genogram describe?

Two or three generations.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

What does congruence in therapy increase?

Trust in the client-therapist relationship.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What is the purpose of a pitch deck?

To persuade investors or stakeholders to support a business idea.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What does identification involve in ego defense mechanisms?

Taking on character traits of another person to reduce self-hatred.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What is the primary focus of psychoanalytic therapy?

To explore unconscious processes and unresolved conflicts.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

In which decade did Carl Rogers begin developing Person-Centered Therapy?

The early 1940s.

Genograms as Assessment Tools

Who usually constructs the family genogram?

The client and the worker jointly.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

What does congruence refer to in person-centered therapy?

Genuineness or realness of the therapist.

Evaluation and Measuring Progress

When are baseline measurements obtained?

Before change-oriented interventions are implemented.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What is repression in the context of ego defense mechanisms?

Ego censoring painful experiences by excluding them from conscious awareness.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What does psychodynamic therapy emphasize in client relationships?

The importance of the therapeutic relationship and transference.

Therapeutic Goals and Client Growth

What is essential for clients to develop trust in?

Trust in themselves.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

What artistic forms are utilized in Expressive Arts Therapy?

Movement, drawing, painting, sculpting, music, writing, and improvisation.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What historical significance does the psychodynamic approach hold?

It was the first major theoretical development in therapy.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

What is a key outcome of person-centered therapy?

Clients tend to behave in ways that are more genuine to themselves.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What does 'The end' signify in a presentation?

The conclusion of the pitch or presentation.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

What cognitive processes does empathic understanding facilitate in clients?

Clients' cognitive processes and emotional self-regulation.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

What kind of environment does congruence provide for clients?

Support, trust, and caring, allowing them to take risks.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What does denial involve as a defense mechanism?

Pretending that something undesirable is not really happening.

Therapeutic Goals and Client Growth

What type of evaluation should clients rely on?

An internal source of evaluation.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

What are Rogers's basic assumptions about people in person-centered therapy?

People are essentially trustworthy and have the potential to understand themselves and resolve their own problems.

Therapeutic Goals and Client Growth

What is the aim of therapy according to the person-centered approach?

To assist clients in their growth process.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

How does congruence affect the therapy process?

It makes the therapy work more effectively.

Goal Setting in Social Work

In what terms should goals be stated?

In positive terms that emphasize growth.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What is the focus of the Oral phase in psychosexual development?

Seeking love and nurturing, developing trust.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What perspective examines the effects of social-political context?

Systems perspectives.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What is reality anxiety?

Fear of danger from the external world, proportionate to the degree of real threat.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

What is a key principle of Person-Centered Therapy?

Unconditional positive regard.

Evaluation and Measuring Progress

What are covert behaviors in the context of evaluation?

Troubling thoughts or feelings, such as irrational fears or depressed states.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

What does congruence allow clients to do?

Drop their pretense and be real.

Evaluation and Measuring Progress

How do goals assist in monitoring progress?

They help social workers and clients monitor their progress.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

How do clients' experiences change as person-centered therapy progresses?

They become more open to their experiences.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What type of approaches does the 'third force' in therapy represent?

Experiential and relationship-oriented approaches.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What is the goal of psychodynamic therapy?

To increase self-awareness and understanding of the influence of the past on present behavior.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What is displacement in terms of defense mechanisms?

Transferring feelings and behaviors to a substitute object.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What are the three main aspects influenced by counseling theories?

Goals of counseling, therapeutic relationship, and techniques or methods.

Negotiating Goals with Clients

What is important to do when defining goals?

Define goals explicitly.

Types of Goals for Clients

What goal is aimed at improving parenting abilities?

Improve parenting skills.

Genograms as Assessment Tools

What symbol is used to represent a divorce in a genogram?

A double diagonal line through the marriage line.

Genograms as Assessment Tools

What happened to the biological father of the 10-year-old boy?

He died in 1981.

Negotiating Goals with Clients

How should goals be prioritized during negotiation?

Rank goals according to clients’ priorities.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What does the Id represent in Freud's model?

The primal, instinctual part of the mind.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What role does the Ego play in Freud's model?

It mediates between the Id and the Superego.

Goal Setting in Social Work

What is a key characteristic that goals must have?

Goals must be feasible.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

According to Erikson, what takes place together during development?

Psychosexual growth and psychosocial growth.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What is the focus of Freud's latency phase (ages 6-12)?

Strengthening gender identity.

Goal Setting in Social Work

What is essential to consider when determining clients' unmet needs and wants?

The developmental stage of the individual, couple, or family.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

Who is the key figure associated with the psychodynamic approach?

Sigmund Freud.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What is a powerful form of identification when encountering authority figures?

Identification with the aggressor.

Negotiating Goals with Clients

Why is translating complaints and problems into needs and wants helpful for clients?

It helps clients focus on their specific needs and wants rather than just the troubling behaviors of others.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What qualifications does Anna Choi hold?

R.S.W., Accredited Family Mediator (HKMAAL), Approved Counseling Supervisor (HKPCA).

Evaluation and Measuring Progress

How can clients provide baseline measurements?

By making retrospective estimates or by obtaining data before the next session.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What is a key technique used in psychoanalytic therapy?

Free association.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

From where did the psychodynamic approach emerge?

Clinical practice in Europe.

Negotiating Goals with Clients

What is the first step in the process of negotiating goals with clients?

Determine clients’ readiness for goal negotiation.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What is the relationship between behavioral therapies and cognitive-behavioral therapies?

Cognitive-behavioral therapies emerged from general behavior theory.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What do experiential and relationship-oriented therapies emphasize?

The importance of personal experience and the therapeutic relationship.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What is Dream Analysis in the context of psychoanalysis?

A technique that explores the symbolic meaning of dreams to uncover unconscious thoughts.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What is established during the Phallic phase?

The foundation of sexual identity.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What principle governs the Id?

The pleasure principle, which aims at reducing tension, avoiding pain, and gaining pleasure.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What occurs during the Latency phase?

Strengthening of gender identity.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

Where does the Id operate within the mind?

At the unconscious level.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What is the focus of the Genital phase?

Sex drive, reworking of prior conflicts, and mature sense of personal identity.

Genograms as Assessment Tools

What is the age of the boy from the wife's former marriage?

10 years old.

Therapeutic Goals and Client Growth

What is achieved through feelings and memories in psychoanalytic therapy?


Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What do feminist approaches in therapy emphasize?

The impact of gender and social context on mental health and well-being.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What do counseling theories provide that influences practice?

Central values and key concepts.

Genograms as Assessment Tools

What are tool and diagrammatic aids to assessment?

Visual tools like charts and diagrams that help in understanding client situations.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What does the Superego represent?

The moral conscience and societal rules.

Goal Setting in Social Work

Give an example of an overt behavioral change goal.

John will get out of bed when he hears the alarm and prepare for getting to school on time.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

Who developed the psychosocial perspective that extends Freud's ideas?

Erik Erikson.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What is the main issue addressed in Freud's anal phase (ages 1-3)?

Issues of autonomy and self-control, particularly during toilet training.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What psychosocial conflict occurs during preschool age according to Erikson?

Initiative versus guilt.

Goal Setting in Social Work

What is one purpose of setting goals in the helping process?

To ensure that social workers and clients are in agreement about outcomes.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What do transpersonal approaches consider in human development?

The context of the surroundings, such as family systems.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What causes anxiety according to Huprich (2008)?

Conflicts between the id (unconscious) and the superego (socially appropriate behavior rules).

Goal Setting in Social Work

How do goals contribute to the helping process?

They provide direction, focus, and continuity, preventing wandering.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

What is the focus of Person-Centered Therapy?

The client's feelings and experiences.

Goal Setting in Social Work

What is the difference between negative and positive goal statements?

Negative statements focus on what should be avoided, while positive statements emphasize growth and desired outcomes.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What age range corresponds to the Anal phase?

1 to 3 years.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

What ability do clients develop regarding others in person-centered therapy?

They are able to understand and accept others.

Goal Setting in Social Work

How can expressing goals in terms of needs and wants affect clients?

It enhances their motivation to work toward goal attainment.

Therapeutic Goals and Client Growth

What willingness should clients have for personal development?

A willingness to continue growing.

Types of Goals for Clients

What is an example of a goal related to emotional management?

Gain increased control over emotions.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What is moral anxiety?

Fear of one’s own conscience, often leading to guilt when acting contrary to one's moral code.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What is the focus of the existential approach in therapy?

Understanding the individual's experience and the search for meaning.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

What are some effects of incongruence?

Low self-worth, helplessness, confusion, and maladjustment.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What are action therapies?

Therapeutic approaches that focus on taking action to change behavior and achieve goals.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What are the two main focuses of experiential and relationship-oriented therapies?

Human experience and relationships.

Therapeutic Goals and Client Growth

What is the purpose of probing into the past in psychoanalytic therapy?

For self-understanding (residues).

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

At what age does the Genital phase begin?

At age 12 and continues into adulthood.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What therapy is associated with Carl Rogers?

Person-Centered Therapy.

Genograms as Assessment Tools

When did the 45-year-old husband divorce his former wife?

In 1980.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What is the function of the Superego?

To inhibit the impulses of the Id.

Goal Setting in Social Work

What should goals for involuntary clients include?

Motivational congruence.

Goal Setting in Social Work

What types of changes should goals specify?

Both overt and covert changes.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What is the focus of Freud's psychosexual stage during the first year of life?

Oral phase: seek love & nurturing, develop trust.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What is the focus of Freud's genital phase (ages 12-18)?

Sex drive, reworking of prior conflicts, mature sense of personal identity.

Evaluation and Measuring Progress

What is the first component fundamental to the process of evaluation?

Identification of the specific problem or behavior to be changed.

Genograms as Assessment Tools

What is a genogram used for in social work?

To form a working relationship with service users.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

Who is associated with behavior therapy?

Arnold A. Lazarus.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

How are dreams related to the unconscious?

Dreams are symbolic representations of unconscious needs, wishes, and conflicts.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What is the technique of Free Association in psychoanalysis?

A method where clients speak freely about their thoughts and feelings without censorship.

Contracting in Social Work Practice

What does an initial contract represent in social work?

An agreement that guides social workers and clients in their joint efforts to achieve specified goals and objectives.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

Which department is associated with SOWK2107?

Department of Social Work and Social Administration.

Therapeutic Goals and Client Growth

What is one of the primary therapeutic goals in psychoanalytic therapy?

To raise the unconscious to conscious.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What is neurotic anxiety?

Fear that instincts will get out of hand and lead to punishment for socially unacceptable behavior.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What does the psychodynamic approach emphasize regarding early experiences?

The impact of early childhood experiences on adult difficulties.

Negotiating Goals with Clients

What should be explained to clients regarding goals?

The purpose and function of goals.

Goal Setting in Social Work

What is the primary purpose of setting goals?

To provide direction and focus for clients.

Therapeutic Goals and Client Growth

What does psychoanalytic therapy suggest about behavior?

Behavior is based on reality rather than on instinct.

Genograms as Assessment Tools

What does a vertical line connecting two symbols indicate in a genogram?

It indicates a parent-child relationship.

Negotiating Goals with Clients

What should be determined about the goals during negotiation?

The feasibility of goals and discuss their potential benefits and risks.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

Why is it important to appreciate multiple counseling theories?

To recognize what each theory offers and its limitations.

Evaluation and Measuring Progress

What methods are used for evaluating and measuring progress?

Regular assessments, feedback sessions, and outcome measurements.

Genograms as Assessment Tools

How are adopted children represented in a genogram?

By a bracket around the child symbol.

Goal Setting in Social Work

What is a goal related to disciplining children?

Consistently apply new ways of disciplining children, such as utilizing 'time out' and increasing positive feedback.

Genograms as Assessment Tools

What is a genogram?

A visual representation of family relationships and dynamics.

Goal Setting in Social Work

What are overt behavioral changes?

Changes that may be observed by others and are precisely measurable.

Goal Setting in Social Work

What are covert changes?

Changes that may be recorded and are measurable only by the client.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What psychosocial conflict occurs during adolescence according to Erikson?

Identity versus role confusion.

Contracting in Social Work Practice

What does a contract clarify in the context of social work?

The role of the participants and the conditions under which assistance is provided.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

What is the belief in the client's capacity for self-healing in person-centered therapy?

Clients can achieve self-directed growth through a specific kind of therapeutic relationship.

Evaluation and Measuring Progress

What type of goals should be set in the evaluation process?

Specific, measurable, and feasible goals.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What is rationalization in ego defense mechanisms?

Justifying a situation by making up rational reasons to explain irrational behavior.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

Which therapy emphasizes the client's perspective?

Person-centered therapy.

Goal Setting in Social Work

What role do goals play in strategy development?

They facilitate the development and selection of appropriate strategies and interventions.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What does sublimation refer to in ego defense mechanisms?

Converting unacceptable or forbidden impulses into socially acceptable behavior.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What is reaction formation?

Repressing an unacceptable impulse and replacing it with its opposite, like replacing hate with love.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What key issue is addressed during the Anal phase?

Issues of autonomy and self-control, including toilet training.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

How do the therapist's attitudes affect clients in person-centered therapy?

Clients become less defensive and more open, leading to pro-social and constructive behaviors.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

What must therapists be willing to do in their relationship with clients?

Be real and authentic.

Genograms as Assessment Tools

What does the dotted circle in a genogram represent?

The boundary of a reconstituted family.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

What is not the aim of therapists in relation to their clients?

To conduct, regulate, or control the client.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

How does incongruence affect an individual's functioning?

It leads to a lower ability to function.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What does Freud's iceberg model represent?

The relationship between consciousness and the unconscious.

Therapeutic Goals and Client Growth

What type of regard must the therapist have for the client?

Unconditional positive regard.

Goal Setting in Social Work

What is an example of a positive goal statement for marital partners?

Eliminate conflict between marital partners.

Goal Setting in Social Work

How should disagreements be addressed according to the guidelines?

Communicate specific disagreements promptly and address them in a constructive manner.

Goal Setting in Social Work

What must goals relate to for voluntary clients?

The desired results sought by the clients.

Genograms as Assessment Tools

What significant family event occurred with the 20-year-old daughter?

She has a one-year-old daughter, making the 45-year-old man a grandfather.

Contracting in Social Work Practice

What time-related elements should be included in a social work contract?

Time frame, frequency, and length of sessions.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What psychosocial conflict is associated with school age in Erikson's theory?

Industry versus inferiority.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

How does person-centered therapy contrast with many other therapeutic theories?

It emphasizes the client's self-healing capacity rather than the therapist's techniques as the primary agents of change.

Evaluation and Measuring Progress

What is important to match in the evaluation process?

Goals and measurement procedures.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

What is accurate empathic understanding?

The ability to deeply grasp the subjective experience of the client.

Contracting in Social Work Practice

At what phase does contracting occur in social work?

It is the culmination of the assessment phase and the introduction of the change-oriented phase.

Evaluation and Measuring Progress

What should be maintained during the evaluation process?

A systematic record of relevant information.

Therapeutic Goals and Client Growth

How does psychoanalytic therapy aim to strengthen the individual?

By strengthening the ego.

Therapeutic Goals and Client Growth

What is the first condition for therapeutic change?

Two persons are in psychological contact.

Types of Goals for Clients

What goal focuses on improving interpersonal relationships?

Improve social relations.

Genograms as Assessment Tools

How is a marriage represented in a genogram?

By a horizontal line connecting a male and female symbol.

Types of Goals for Clients

Which goal aims to boost an individual's self-esteem?

Enhance self-confidence.

Genograms as Assessment Tools

Is the construction of a genogram a complex task?

No, it is a fairly simple task but can be a powerful process.

Evaluation and Measuring Progress

Give an example of a self-anchoring scale for anxiety.

1. Least anxious (calm, relaxed) to 7. Most anxious (cannot concentrate or sit still).

Negotiating Goals with Clients

What is the process of negotiating goals?

Collaborating with clients to agree on realistic and achievable goals.

Genograms as Assessment Tools

What does a dashed line represent in a genogram?

A non-biological or step relationship.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

Which therapy is associated with Fritz Perls?

Gestalt Therapy.

Genograms as Assessment Tools

How many daughters does the 45-year-old husband have with his former wife?

Two daughters (ages 20 and 18).

Goal Setting in Social Work

What is a negative goal statement regarding discipline?

Decrease the use of physical punishment.

Goal Setting in Social Work

What should goals be commensurate with?

The knowledge and skills of the practitioner.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What is the main task at each stage of life according to Erikson?

Establishing equilibrium between ourselves and our social world.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What psychosocial conflict is associated with young adulthood in Erikson's theory?

Intimacy versus isolation.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

What attitudes are important for creating a therapeutic climate for growth?

Belief in the inner resources of the client.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What role does cultural competence play in contemporary counseling models?

It is essential for understanding and addressing the unique backgrounds of clients.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What type of counseling is influenced by feminist perspectives?

Feminist counseling.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

What does Person-Centered Therapy emphasize in the therapeutic relationship?

Empathy and authenticity.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What did Freud identify as the most important force in adult life?

Sexual energy (libido).

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

What is incongruence in an individual?

A discrepancy between their self-perception and reality.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What aspects of life does the psychodynamic approach focus on?

Personal and social adjustment.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

What type of acceptance do clients achieve in person-centered therapy?

Greater acceptance of themselves and integration of conflicting feelings.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

What do clients explore more freely in a person-centered therapy environment?

A wider range of beliefs and feelings.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What do transpersonal approaches in therapy involve?

Exploring spiritual aspects and higher states of consciousness.

Goal Setting in Social Work

What is a key guideline for stating goals?

Goals should be stated in positive terms that emphasize growth.

Negotiating Goals with Clients

What role does the client have in committing to goals?

Assist client to make a choice about committing themselves to specific goals.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What does the Superego represent?

A person's moral code and ideals, striving for perfection.

Types of Goals for Clients

What goal addresses conflict resolution among peers?

Resolve conflict when interacting with peers.

Types of Goals for Clients

What goal emphasizes constructive expression of emotions?

Express anger in a constructive manner.

Contracting in Social Work Practice

What interventions should be specified in a social work contract?

Interventions or techniques to be employed.

Goal Setting in Social Work

Give an example of a covert change goal.

Increasing positive thoughts about school.

Person-Centered Therapy Principles

What is a key aspect of a therapist's presence with clients?

To be present and accessible, focusing on their immediate experience.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

How does psychoanalytic therapy view human behavior?

As influenced by unconscious motives and childhood experiences.

Genograms as Assessment Tools

What can the process of constructing a genogram help service users identify?

Family relationship patterns and difficult areas in their family history.

Evaluation and Measuring Progress

What function do goals serve in evaluating effectiveness?

They serve as outcome criteria in evaluating the effectiveness of specific interventions and the helping process.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What does the analysis of resistance refer to in psychoanalytic therapy?

Examining the client's reluctance to discuss certain topics as a way to understand underlying issues.

Types of Goals for Clients

What are the different types of goals in social work?

Short-term, long-term, process, and outcome goals.

Therapeutic Goals and Client Growth

What aspect of childhood does psychoanalytic therapy focus on restructuring?

Childhood experience.

Goal Setting in Social Work

What is involved in selecting and defining goals?

Identifying client needs and ensuring goals are specific and measurable.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

How is the analysis of transference used in therapy?

It helps to understand the client's relational patterns and emotional responses.

Types of Goals for Clients

What goal encourages participation in group activities?

Increase social participation in a group context.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What does each counseling theory have regarding human nature?

Its own underlying worldview or philosophy.

Therapeutic Goals and Client Growth

What is necessary for the therapist to communicate to the client?

The therapist's empathic understanding and unconditional positive regard.

Genograms as Assessment Tools

What symbol indicates a deceased individual in a genogram?

A diagonal line through the symbol.

Types of Goals for Clients

What goal involves assessing job-training skills?

Complete job-training skills assessment.

Contracting in Social Work Practice

How should progress be monitored according to a social work contract?

Means of monitoring progress should be specified.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

How many stages of development did Erikson propose?

Eight stages.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What psychosocial conflict is associated with later life in Erikson's theory?

Integrity versus despair.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What types of materials does the unconscious store?

Experiences, memories, and repressed materials.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What is the Id in the structure of personality?

The original system of personality; primary source of psychic energy and instincts, ruled by the pleasure principle.

Genograms as Assessment Tools

What symbol represents a female in a genogram?

A circle.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What criticism did Freud face regarding his views on sexuality?

He was accused of 'pan-sexualism', tracing all action to sexual instinct.

Genograms as Assessment Tools

What should social workers be mindful of during the genogram construction process?

The varied emotions that may arise and the need to be sensitive to clients' feelings.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

How did Freud define sexuality?

As any form of pleasure that derives from the body.

Genograms as Assessment Tools

How many children does the 45-year-old man have in the household?

Three children (ages 3, 1, and 10).

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What is the role of the Ego in personality structure?

It governs, controls, and regulates the personality, maintaining contact with the external world of reality.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What is the focus of systems approaches in therapy?

Understanding individuals within the context of their relationships and systems.

Therapeutic Goals and Client Growth

What understanding must the therapist experience regarding the client?

Empathic understanding of the client’s internal frame of reference.

Contracting in Social Work Practice

What is the purpose of contracting in social work?

To establish clear expectations and responsibilities between the client and the social worker.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

How are experiential and relationship-oriented therapies also described?

As existential and humanistic.

Contracting in Social Work Practice

What roles should be defined in a social work contract?

The roles of the participants.

Contracting in Social Work Practice

What housekeeping items should be addressed in a social work contract?

Beginning date, provisions for canceling or changing sessions, and financial arrangements.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What psychosocial conflict occurs during infancy according to Erikson?

Trust versus mistrust.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What psychosocial conflict is associated with early childhood in Erikson's theory?

Autonomy versus shame.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What psychosocial conflict occurs during middle age according to Erikson?

Generativity versus stagnation.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What do theories of counseling influence?

The practice of counseling, including goals, therapeutic relationships, and techniques used.

Negotiating Goals with Clients

How should goals be selected when working with involuntary clients?

Jointly select appropriate goals.

Evaluation and Measuring Progress

What does a self-anchoring scale range from?

From total absence of the troubling feeling or thought to maximal intensity.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What is a common misconception about counseling theories?

That one theory reflects 'the whole truth' or has 'all the answers'.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

Who is regarded as the father of modern counseling practice?

Carl Rogers.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What principle does the Ego operate under?

The reality principle, which seeks a balance between the Id and the Superego.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

Which part of Freud's model is considered the conscious mind?

The tip of the iceberg.

Contracting in Social Work Practice

What should contracts in social work include regarding goals?

Goals to be accomplished, ranked by priority and related to identified concerns.

Genograms as Assessment Tools

What is the age of the former wife’s current husband?

44 years old.

Contracting in Social Work Practice

What stipulations should be included for contract adjustments?

Stipulations for renegotiating the contract.

Overview of Contemporary Counseling Models

What does Erikson's theory emphasize in development?

The psychosocial aspects of development beyond early childhood.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What is the focus of Freud's phallic phase (ages 3-6)?

Foundation of sexual identity.

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Psychodynamics

What are the three components of Freud's personality structure?

Id, Ego, and Superego.

Types of Goals for Clients

Which goal focuses on enhancing communication within a marriage?

Improve marital communication.

Therapeutic Goals and Client Growth

What did Rogers hypothesize about the conditions for therapeutic change?

No other conditions are necessary; these core conditions are both necessary and sufficient for change.

Goal Setting in Social Work

How should goals be defined?

In explicit and measurable terms.

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