What is values pluralism?
Values pluralism refers to the condition where several values may be equally correct and fundamental, yet in conflict with each other, leading to diverse interpretations and applications in public administration and governance.
How has the concept of 'Participation' evolved over time?
The concept of participation has expanded from indirect participation through voting to include direct participatory mechanisms for expressing political voice in administrative decision-making.
Values Pluralism in Public Administration

What is values pluralism?

Values pluralism refers to the condition where several values may be equally correct and fundamental, yet in conflict with each other, leading to diverse interpretations and applications in public administration and governance.

Public Values Frames: Political, Legal, Organizational, Market

How has the concept of 'Participation' evolved over time?

The concept of participation has expanded from indirect participation through voting to include direct participatory mechanisms for expressing political voice in administrative decision-making.

Conceptual Distinctions in Public Values

What distinguishes values from public values?

Values are complex personal judgments based on knowledge and emotional reactions, while public values provide normative consensus about citizens' rights, obligations, and the principles on which governments should operate.

Creating Public Value and Preventing Public Values Failure

What does public values failure mean?

Public values failure occurs when the principles that guide public administration are not upheld, leading to negative outcomes for the community and undermining trust in public institutions.

Bureaucratic Ethos vs. Democratic Ethos

What is the core content value of the Organizational Values Frame?

The core content value of the Organizational Values Frame is administrative efficiency, supported by values such as specialization, expertise, merit, formalization, organizational loyalty, and political neutrality.

Public Values Frames: Political, Legal, Organizational, Market

What are the four primary public values frames in public administration?

The four primary public values frames are political, legal, organizational, and market, each shaped by core content values and guided by prevailing rationality and dominant methods.

Public Values Frames: Political, Legal, Organizational, Market

What is the significance of 'Civic Education' in public administration?

Civic education is intrinsic to the notion of participation, emphasizing the government's responsibility to promote and maintain informed citizenry engaged in governance.

Public Values Frames: Political, Legal, Organizational, Market

What is Procedural Due Process?

Procedural Due Process is the principle that the government must respect the legal rights owed to a person according to the law, ensuring fundamental fairness and protecting individuals from arbitrary or unconstitutional harm.

Public Values Frames: Political, Legal, Organizational, Market

What are public values frames?

Public values frames are open structures that provide a lens for viewing public administration and governance, shaping the interpretation and negotiation of meanings related to policy and administrative issues.

Bureaucratic Ethos vs. Democratic Ethos

What is democratic ethos?

Democratic ethos is an intellectual framework in public administration that prioritizes democratic values, including participation, accountability, and public interest, contrasting with bureaucratic ethos.

Methods of Public Administration

What is functional rationality?

The logical organization of tasks into smaller units to achieve efficiency, often used to structure hierarchies based on Weber's ideal type.

Content Values and Rationality in Public Administration

What is the role of rationality in public values frames?

Rationality refers to how reason is exercised to reach conclusions about issues, influenced by beliefs that guide systematic decision-making processes within public values frames.

Creating Public Value and Preventing Public Values Failure

What is the definition of public value in public administration?

Public value refers to an appraisal of what is created and sustained by government on behalf of the public, focusing on the worth of government actions and outcomes.

Creating Public Value and Preventing Public Values Failure

What is the significance of creating public value?

Creating public value involves generating benefits for the public through effective governance and administration, ensuring that the needs and interests of the community are met.

Creating Public Value and Preventing Public Values Failure

What are the implications of values pluralism in public administration?

Values pluralism complicates public administration by creating challenges in achieving consensus among politicians and administrators, often resulting in ambiguous legislation and conflicting signals.

Methods of Public Administration

What are some methods associated with the market values frame?

Methods associated with the market values frame include zero-based budgeting, management by objectives, privatization, downsizing, and quality management, all aimed at enhancing efficiency and competitiveness.

Legal Values Frame

What is the Incorporation Doctrine?

The Incorporation Doctrine is a legal doctrine that includes most provisions of the Bill of Rights into the Fourteenth Amendment's due process clause, protecting individual substantive rights from state government infringement.

Public Values Frames: Political, Legal, Organizational, Market

What are market values in public administration?

Market values in public administration refer to principles such as cost-savings, cost-efficiency, productivity, flexibility, innovation, and customer service that emphasize efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery.

Public Values Frames: Political, Legal, Organizational, Market

How do public values relate to governance?

Public values shape the normative standards and principles that guide government actions and policies, influencing the relationship between citizens and the state.

Public Values Frames: Political, Legal, Organizational, Market

What is substantive rationality in the political frame?

Substantive rationality is used to determine a social group's goals, values, and ideals, engaging in reasoning that is deductive, dialectical, and deontological.

Public Values Frames: Political, Legal, Organizational, Market

What are 'Content Values' in the political frame of public administration?

Content values in the political frame include participation, representation, political responsiveness, liberty, and equality, which shape the political landscape and decision-making processes.

Bureaucratic Ethos vs. Democratic Ethos

What does democratic ethos encompass?

Democratic ethos embraces values such as constitutionalism, citizenship, public interest, social equity, and justice, ensuring continuity through deductive, dialectic, and deontological reasoning.

Public Values Frames: Political, Legal, Organizational, Market

What are the four frames of public values?

The four frames of public values are political, legal, organizational, and market, each encompassing distinct content values, rationalities, and methods.

Creating Public Value and Preventing Public Values Failure

What is the significance of creating public value?

Creating public value is essential for ensuring that public services are oriented toward local needs, authorized by service users, and evaluated based on their results.

Public Values Frames: Political, Legal, Organizational, Market

What is the significance of equality in democracy?

Equality originated to ensure fairness at the ballot box and took on moral significance as an instrument facilitating self-respect and self-realization, preventing serious inequality that denies individuals the chance for self-control and cooperative management in democratic justice.

Methods of Public Administration

What is the role of empiricism in public administration?

Empiricism and the scientific method are prioritized for analyzing problems and issues, emphasizing rigorous mathematical and statistical applications in the field.

Legal Values Frame

What are individual substantive rights?

Individual substantive rights refer to rights embodied in interpretations of the Bill of Rights and the Fourteenth Amendment, including freedoms such as speech, press, assembly, and equal protection under the law.

Public Values Frames: Political, Legal, Organizational, Market

What are 'Nodal Values' in public administration?

Nodal values are values that are connected to a large number of related values, indicating their central role in shaping public administration and governance.

Content Values and Rationality in Public Administration

What is instrumental rationality?

Instrumental rationality is a mode of reasoning that focuses on the most efficient or cost-effective means to achieve a specific end, without reflecting on the value of that end.

Legal Values Frame

What is the role of law as a formal framework in public administration?

Law as a formal framework establishes the rules of the game and creates a legal zone of discretion within which administrators operate, aiming to prevent administrative abuses.

Conceptual Distinctions in Public Values

What are public values?

Public values refer to the principles and standards that guide the behavior and decision-making processes within public administration and governance.

Public Values Frames: Political, Legal, Organizational, Market

What does Equity represent in the legal frame?

Equity stands for the value of fairness in the results of conflicts between private parties and the government, opposing arbitrary treatment and encompassing the constitutional requirement of equal protection.

Public Values Frames: Political, Legal, Organizational, Market

What is the term 'Public Administration' defined as?

Public administration is ultimately a problem in political theory, focusing on the responsibility and responsiveness of administrative agencies and bureaucracies to elected officials in a democracy.

Public Values Frames: Political, Legal, Organizational, Market

What is the 'science of administration'?

A guiding principle for public administrators aimed at achieving objective and efficient performance in government duties, focusing on what government can do effectively and efficiently.

Public Values in Administration

What are public values?

Public values are fundamental principles that guide and justify the behavior of individuals, governments, and societies, which can vary significantly across different contexts and issues.

Public Values Frames: Political, Legal, Organizational, Market

What does 'Participation' signify in the context of democracy?

Participation signifies both a value embedded with notions such as self-control and human dignity, and a method by which democracy generates political representation and responsiveness.

Creating Public Value and Preventing Public Values Failure

What is public values failure?

Public values failure occurs when neither the market nor the public sector provides goods and services required to achieve core public values.

Bureaucratic Ethos vs. Democratic Ethos

What is bureaucratic ethos?

Bureaucratic ethos is a framework in public administration that emphasizes values such as efficiency, efficacy, expertise, loyalty, and hierarchy, often guiding administrators' actions and decisions.

Public Values Frames: Political, Legal, Organizational, Market

What are the four public values frames for administration and governance?

The four public values frames are political, legal, organizational, and market.

Values Pluralism in Public Administration

What is values pluralism in public administration?

Values pluralism in public administration acknowledges that multiple values can coexist and influence decision-making, requiring a balance among them.

Bureaucratic Ethos vs. Democratic Ethos

What is the democratic ethos?

The democratic ethos emphasizes values such as participation, accountability, and responsiveness in public administration, contrasting with the bureaucratic ethos.

Bureaucratic Ethos vs. Democratic Ethos

What is the definition of bureaucratic ethos?

Bureaucratic ethos refers to a management-centered concept of public value that emphasizes authority, chain of command, and market values, often in tension with traditional bureaucratic values.

Public Values Frames: Political, Legal, Organizational, Market

What does 'efficiency' represent in the organizational frame?

Efficiency is considered the primary value in the organizational frame of public administration, emphasizing the need for optimal performance at minimal cost.

Conceptual Distinctions in Public Values

What are value conflicts?

Value conflicts refer to the disagreements that arise among public values or values-sets, particularly in public policy and management, where no single value can dominate to create consensus.

Methods of Public Administration

What is Legal Rationality?

Legal Rationality is a mode of reasoning in legal decision-making that involves clarifying issues, determining applicable legal rules, elucidating relevant facts, analyzing rule application, and explaining outcomes.

Public Values Frames: Political, Legal, Organizational, Market

What is the Weberian model of bureaucracy?

An intellectual development that established values such as hierarchy, specialization, expertise, merit, formalization, and political neutrality in public administration.

Public Values Frames: Political, Legal, Organizational, Market


An acronym that stands for Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Reporting, and Budgeting, highlighting the functional elements of a chief executive's work with efficiency as a core theme.

Public Values Frames: Political, Legal, Organizational, Market

What are democratic liberties?

Democratic liberties are civil, religious, and economic freedoms that protect elected officials from prosecution based on their ideas and allow political factions to form and exercise voting rights against politicians.

Bureaucratic Ethos vs. Democratic Ethos

What is the Politics-Administration Dichotomy?

The Politics-Administration Dichotomy is the concept advocated by Woodrow Wilson that calls for the separation of political and administrative matters to enhance the efficiency and integrity of public administration.

Bureaucratic Ethos vs. Democratic Ethos

What is the bureaucratic ethos?

The bureaucratic ethos refers to the values and principles that prioritize efficiency, order, and adherence to rules within public administration.

Content Values and Rationality in Public Administration

What is the significance of content values in public administration?

Content values are the constellation of associated public values that form the foundation of a frame, providing the standards to be achieved through actions in public administration.

Methods of Public Administration

What does 'running government like a business' entail?

'Running government like a business' involves shifting focus from policy to measurable performance, moving away from traditional bureaucracies to more flexible units, and emphasizing cost-cutting and self-regulation.

Creating Public Value and Preventing Public Values Failure

What is the significance of managerialism in public administration?

Managerialism signifies a shift in public administration towards adopting business-like practices and principles, emphasizing efficiency and effectiveness in response to economic and social challenges.

Methods of Public Administration

What is the significance of classifying public values?

Classifying public values helps in understanding and addressing the complexities of values plurality in public administration, providing frameworks for administrators to navigate conflicting values.

Public Values Frames: Political, Legal, Organizational, Market

What distinguishes market values from organizational values?

While often conflated under bureaucratic ethos, market values and organizational values are distinct public values frames, each with its own focus and implications for public management.

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