Which bone forms by intramembranous ossification from tissues of the first pharyngeal arch?
What is the relationship between the ileum and the cecum?
The lumen of the ileum opens into the cecum.
Cranial Nerves and Brain Anatomy

Which bone forms by intramembranous ossification from tissues of the first pharyngeal arch?


Cecum and Large Intestine Anatomy

What is the relationship between the ileum and the cecum?

The lumen of the ileum opens into the cecum.

Motivation and Reward Structures in the Brain

Which structure is associated with motivation and reward?

Frontal lobe.

Cecum and Large Intestine Anatomy

What is unique about the cecum in relation to the large intestine?

It is the only part of the large intestine that is suspended by a mesentery.

Muscle Response to Temperature

Which muscles contract in response to temperature change?
A) Ampula
B) Dartos m.
C) Median septum
D) Cremaster m.
E) Dartos and cremaster mm.

E) Dartos and cremaster mm.
Explanation: Both the dartos and cremaster muscles respond to temperature changes by contracting to regulate the temperature of the testes.

Spermatic Cord Components

Which of the following is NOT part of the spermatic cord?


Cecum and Large Intestine Anatomy

In which quadrant of the abdomen is the cecum located?

Upper right quadrant.

Cranial Nerves and Brain Anatomy

Which of the following is NOT a content of the posterior mediastinum?

Left coronary a.

Portal Vein Formation

Which vessel contributes to the formation of the portal vein?
A) Superior mesenteric v.
B) Right renal v.
C) Testicular v.
D) Inferior rectal v.
E) Inferior vena cava

A) Superior mesenteric v.
Explanation: The superior mesenteric vein is one of the major contributors to the formation of the portal vein, which carries blood from the gastrointestinal tract to the liver.

Thoracic Inlet Structures

Which structure does NOT pass through the thoracic inlet?
A) Apices of the lungs
B) Common carotid artery
C) Trachea
D) Phrenic nerves
E) Bronchial arteries

E) Bronchial arteries
Explanation: The bronchial arteries do not pass through the thoracic inlet; they branch off from the aorta and supply the lungs directly.

Renal Anatomy and Function

The renal columns are a component of which part of the kidney?

The renal cortex.

Cecum and Large Intestine Anatomy

Which artery supplies the cecum?

A branch of the inferior mesenteric artery.

Cranial Nerves and Brain Anatomy

Which structure passes immediately anterior to the scalenus medius?

Subclavian a.

Scalp Anatomy and Hematoma Formation

Which scalp layer is the source of copious bleeding from a scalp wound?

Connective tissue layer of scalp.

Cranial Nerves and Brain Anatomy

Which cranial nerve is NOT located on the pons?


Cranial Nerves and Brain Anatomy

What defines the boundary between the superior and inferior mediastinum?

A line projecting from the sternal angle to T4.

Cecum and Large Intestine Anatomy

Which statement about the cecum is TRUE?
A) Is the only part of the large intestine that is suspended by a mesentery
B) Is supplied by a branch of the inferior mesenteric artery
C) Is in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen
D) Is located between the ileum and the jejunum
E) Has the lumen of the ileum opening into it

E) Has the lumen of the ileum opening into it
Explanation: The cecum is the first part of the large intestine and receives the ileum's contents, making option E the correct statement.

Muscle Response to Temperature

Which muscles contract in response to temperature change?

Dartos and cremaster muscles.

Embryonic Remnants in Adult Anatomy

What is the remnant of the umbilical vein of the embryo?

Ligamentum teres hepatis.

Cranial Nerves and Brain Anatomy

Which muscle does NOT contribute to the floor of the posterior triangle of the neck?

Semispinalis m.

Thoracic Inlet Structures

Which structure does NOT pass through the thoracic inlet?

Bronchial arteries.

Portal Vein Formation

Which vessel contributes to the formation of the portal vein?

Superior mesenteric vein.

Scalp Anatomy and Hematoma Formation

Where does a subdural hematoma result from blood collecting?

Between the arachnoid and the dura mater.

Gut Blood Supply and Innervation

The boundary between the superior and inferior mediastinum is defined as a line projecting from the sternal angle to:
A) C6-C7
B) C7
C) T2
D) T4
E) T6

D) T4
Explanation: The boundary between the superior and inferior mediastinum is defined by a line projecting from the sternal angle to the T4 vertebra.

Cranial Nerves and Brain Anatomy

Which neck fascia invests the thyroid gland?

Visceral layer of the pretracheal fascia.

Scalp Anatomy and Hematoma Formation

Which muscle is responsible for raising the eyebrows?


Gut Blood Supply and Innervation

Which of the following is NOT a content of the posterior mediastinum?
A) Thoracic aorta
B) Thoracic duct
C) Left coronary a.
D) Azygos v.
E) Sympathetic trunk

C) Left coronary a.
Explanation: The left coronary artery is not found in the posterior mediastinum; it is primarily associated with the heart.

Gut Blood Supply and Innervation

Which of the following statements about the gut is UNTRUE?
A) The forgut parasympathetic fibers are conveyed by the vagus n.
B) The hindgut parasympathetic fibers are conveyed by S2-4.
C) The midgut's blood supply comes from the superior mesenteric a.
D) The hindgut's blood supply comes from the inferior mesenteric a.
E) The celiac trunk supplies forgut and midgut organs

E) The celiac trunk supplies forgut and midgut organs
Explanation: The celiac trunk primarily supplies the forgut, while the midgut is supplied by the superior mesenteric artery, making option E the incorrect statement.

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