Which branch of zoology studies the functions of living organisms? A) Genetics B) Physiology C) Parasitology D) Ethology E) Ecology
B) Physiology Explanation: Physiology is the branch of biology that deals with the functions and activities of living organisms and their parts, encompassing all physical and chemical processes.
Which of the following kingdoms is characterized by prokaryotic cells? A) Fungi B) Plantae C) Animalia D) Monera E) Protista
D) Monera Explanation: The kingdom Monera is distinguished by its prokaryotic cell type, which lacks a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles, setting it apart from the other kingdoms that consist of eukaryotic cells.
14 subdivisions of zoology

Which branch of zoology studies the functions of living organisms?
A) Genetics
B) Physiology
C) Parasitology
D) Ethology
E) Ecology

B) Physiology
Explanation: Physiology is the branch of biology that deals with the functions and activities of living organisms and their parts, encompassing all physical and chemical processes.

What are the different Kingdoms and who found it

Which of the following kingdoms is characterized by prokaryotic cells?
A) Fungi
B) Plantae
C) Animalia
D) Monera
E) Protista

D) Monera
Explanation: The kingdom Monera is distinguished by its prokaryotic cell type, which lacks a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles, setting it apart from the other kingdoms that consist of eukaryotic cells.

What are the different Kingdoms and who found it

What type of cell organization is found in the kingdom Animalia?
A) Cellular
B) Tissue
C) Tissue/Organ/Organ System
D) Multicellular
E) Non-cellular

C) Tissue/Organ/Organ System
Explanation: The kingdom Animalia is characterized by a tissue/organ/organ system organization, allowing for complex structures and functions.

Evolutionary Theory and Natural Selection

What does the term 'evolution' refer to in zoology?
A) The classification of living organisms
B) The chemical processes in living organisms
C) The origin and differentiation of animal life
D) The study of insects
E) The study of animal behavior

C) The origin and differentiation of animal life
Explanation: Evolution pertains to the origin and differentiation of animal life, emphasizing the processes that lead to the development of new species through natural selection and genetic variation.

Overview of Zoology

Which of the following best describes Zoology?
A) The study of plant life
B) A branch of biology dealing with animals
C) A field focused exclusively on genetics
D) A discipline that ignores animal behavior
E) A study limited to extinct species

B) A branch of biology dealing with animals
Explanation: Zoology is defined as a branch of biology that involves the scientific study of animals, including their classification, evolution, and interactions with their environments.

What are the different Kingdoms and who found it

Which of the following statements is true regarding the presence of a nuclear membrane in the five kingdoms?
A) Present in all kingdoms
B) Absent in Monera and Archaea
C) Present in Monera and Archaea
D) Absent in all kingdoms
E) Present only in Animalia

B) Absent in Monera and Archaea
Explanation: The nuclear membrane is absent in the kingdoms Monera and Archaea, which are prokaryotic, while it is present in the eukaryotic kingdoms.

Modern Classification Systems in Biology

What significant distinction did Edouard Chatton make in his classification?
A) Between mammals and reptiles
B) Between unicellular and multicellular organisms
C) Between prokaryotes and eukaryotes
D) Between terrestrial and aquatic animals
E) Between vertebrates and invertebrates

C) Between prokaryotes and eukaryotes
Explanation: Edouard Chatton distinguished organisms based on the presence or absence of a distinct nucleus, categorizing them into prokaryotes (without nucleus) and eukaryotes (with nucleus).

Branches of Zoology and Their Specializations

What is a key characteristic of fungi?
A) They are autotrophic
B) They reproduce by spores
C) They have no cell walls
D) They are motile
E) They perform photosynthesis

B) They reproduce by spores
Explanation: Fungi are known for reproducing by spores and are unable to produce their own food, relying on organic chemicals for energy.

Modern Classification Systems in Biology

What modern classification system is used in Zoology today?
A) Three Kingdoms
B) Five Kingdoms
C) Seven Kingdoms
D) Two Kingdoms
E) Ten Kingdoms

B) Five Kingdoms
Explanation: Modern biology classifies living things into five Kingdoms, one of which is Animalia, showing the advancement in the classification of organisms.

What are the different Kingdoms and who found it

Which kingdom is known for being autotrophic and having cell walls made of cellulose?
A) Fungi
B) Animalia
C) Plantae
D) Protista
E) Archaea

C) Plantae
Explanation: The kingdom Plantae is characterized by its autotrophic nature and cell walls made of cellulose, enabling these organisms to perform photosynthesis.

Cell Biology: Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Cells

What are the two main types of prokaryotic organisms?
A) Eukaryota and Plantae
B) Fungi and Animalia
C) Bacteria and Archaebacteria
D) Protista and Chromista
E) Viruses and Parasites

C) Bacteria and Archaebacteria
Explanation: Prokaryotic organisms are classified into two main groups: bacteria and archaebacteria, which are characterized by their lack of a defined nucleus.

What are the different Kingdoms and who found it

What is the primary characteristic of extremophiles found in the Archaea kingdom?
A) They can survive in extreme environments
B) They are autotrophic
C) They have a complex cell wall
D) They are multicellular
E) They lack nucleic acids

A) They can survive in extreme environments
Explanation: Extremophiles are organisms in the Archaea kingdom that thrive in extreme environments, such as high salinity or high temperatures.

Cell Biology: Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Cells

Which of the following is TRUE about eukaryotic cells?
A) They lack a nucleus
B) They have membrane-enclosed organelles
C) They divide by binary fission
D) They have smaller ribosomes
E) They do not have a plasma membrane

B) They have membrane-enclosed organelles
Explanation: Eukaryotic cells are characterized by the presence of membrane-enclosed organelles, such as lysosomes, Golgi complex, ER, mitochondria, and chloroplasts.

Definition of Science and Technology

What is the primary component of the cell wall in fungi?
A) Cellulose
B) Chitin
C) Peptidoglycan
D) Protein
E) Lipids

B) Chitin
Explanation: The cell wall of fungi is primarily composed of chitin, which is different from the cellulose found in plant cell walls.

Branches of Zoology and Their Specializations

Which of the following is NOT a branch of zoology?
A) Entomology
B) Herpetology
C) Biochemistry
D) Ichthyology
E) Mammalogy

C) Biochemistry
Explanation: While biochemistry is related to life sciences, it is not a branch of zoology. The other options are specific branches focused on studying different animal groups.

14 subdivisions of zoology

Parasitology studies which of the following?
A) The behavior of animals
B) Distribution of animal species
C) Animals that live on or in other animals
D) Functions of cells
E) Growth of embryos

C) Animals that live on or in other animals
Explanation: Parasitology is concerned with the study of parasites, their hosts, and the ecological relationships between them.

Branches of Zoology and Their Specializations

What is the primary mode of movement for organisms in the kingdom Protista?
A) By diffusion
B) By cilia, flagella, or pseudopods
C) By muscle contraction
D) By exoskeleton movement
E) By photosynthesis

B) By cilia, flagella, or pseudopods
Explanation: Organisms in the kingdom Protista are motile primarily through structures like cilia, flagella, or pseudopods, which enable them to move within their environments.

Historical Contributions of Aristotle to Zoology

How did Aristotle classify animals?
A) Based on their habitat
B) Into plants and animals
C) By their color
D) According to their size
E) By their reproductive methods

B) Into plants and animals
Explanation: Aristotle's early classifications divided all living things into two categories: plants and animals, laying the groundwork for future biological classification systems.

Branches of Zoology and Their Specializations

What is recognized as one of the branches of Zoology by the International Society of Zoological Sciences?
A) Mathematics
B) Taxonomy
C) Astronomy
D) Geography
E) Literature

B) Taxonomy
Explanation: The International Society of Zoological Sciences recognizes Taxonomy (classification) as one of the branches of zoology among other fields.

14 subdivisions of zoology

Cytology primarily deals with which of the following?
A) Study of animal behavior
B) Structure and function of cells
C) Distribution of animal species
D) Relationships between organisms and their environment
E) Growth and development of embryos

B) Structure and function of cells
Explanation: Cytology focuses on the structures and functions within cells, including their multiplication, life history, and associated problems.

Cell Biology: Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Cells

What is the size range of prokaryotic cells?
A) 0.2 - 2.0 µm
B) 10 - 100 µm
C) 1 - 10 µm
D) 5 - 50 µm
E) 20 - 200 µm

A) 0.2 - 2.0 µm
Explanation: Prokaryotic cells typically have a diameter size range of 0.2 to 2.0 micrometers, which is significantly smaller than that of eukaryotic cells.

Cell Biology: Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Cells

What is the primary component of the bacterial cell wall?
A) Cellulose
B) Chitin
C) Peptidoglycan
D) Protein
E) Lipid

C) Peptidoglycan
Explanation: The bacterial cell wall is mainly composed of peptidoglycan, which provides structural support and protection to the cell.

14 subdivisions of zoology

What is paleontology primarily concerned with?
A) The study of animal behavior
B) The study of the history of life on Earth based on fossils
C) The classification of living organisms
D) The study of chemical processes in living organisms
E) The study of genetic variation among populations

B) The study of the history of life on Earth based on fossils
Explanation: Paleontology focuses on remnants, footprints, and bite marks to study the history of life on Earth, revealing how organisms have changed over time through fossil evidence.

14 subdivisions of zoology

What does Embryology focus on in the study of zoology?
A) Behavior of animals
B) Development of new individuals
C) Genetic variation
D) Study of parasites
E) Distribution of species

B) Development of new individuals
Explanation: Embryology studies the growth and development of new individuals within the egg or the mother, including the development of gametes and congenital disorders.

What are the different Kingdoms and who found it

Which kingdom is known for having multicellular organisms with a cell wall made of cellulose?
A) Monera
B) Fungi
C) Plantae
D) Animalia
E) Protista

C) Plantae
Explanation: The Plantae kingdom is known for multicellular organisms that possess a cell wall made of cellulose, which is a defining characteristic of plants.

Modern Classification Systems in Biology

Who proposed the 5 Kingdom System of classification?
A) Herbert Faulkner Copeland
B) Robert Whittaker
C) Carl Woese
D) Louis Pasteur
E) Gregor Mendel

B) Robert Whittaker
Explanation: Robert Whittaker is known for proposing the 5 Kingdom System of classification, which categorizes life into five distinct kingdoms.

Modern Classification Systems in Biology

What classification system did Carolus Linnaeus propose?
A) 3-Kingdom System
B) 2-Kingdom System
C) 5-Kingdom System
D) 4-Domain System
E) 6-Kingdom System

B) 2-Kingdom System
Explanation: Carolus Linnaeus proposed a 2-Kingdom System that classified living organisms into Plants and Animals, which was foundational for modern taxonomy.

Definition of Science and Technology

What is the primary focus of Technology?
A) To discover the workings of nature
B) To classify all animals
C) To create reproducible methods and processes
D) To study animal behavior
E) To analyze genetic traits

C) To create reproducible methods and processes
Explanation: Technology is concerned with developing reproducible methods and processes derived from empirical know-how or scientific knowledge, aiming at improving goods and services.

What are the different Kingdoms and who found it

Which kingdom includes heterotrophic organisms that may be saprophytic or parasitic?
A) Monera
B) Protista
C) Fungi
D) Plantae
E) Animalia

C) Fungi
Explanation: The Fungi kingdom includes heterotrophic organisms that obtain nutrients through saprophytic or parasitic means, distinguishing them from autotrophic kingdoms.

What are the different Kingdoms and who found it

Which type of lipid linkage is found in the kingdom Archaea?
A) Ester
B) Ether
C) Both Ester and Ether
D) None
E) Glycerol-3-Phosphate

B) Ether
Explanation: The kingdom Archaea is characterized by ether linkages in its lipids, which is a key distinguishing feature compared to the ester linkages found in other kingdoms.

14 subdivisions of zoology

What is the primary focus of Histology?
A) Study of animal behavior
B) Microstructure of tissues
C) Growth and development of embryos
D) Heredity and variation
E) Distribution of animal species

B) Microstructure of tissues
Explanation: Histology involves the scientific study of the microstructure of tissues, examining the fine details of biological cells and tissues using microscopes.

Definition of Science and Technology

Which type of nutrition involves organisms that depend on other organisms for food?
A) Autotrophic
B) Heterotrophic
C) Chemosynthetic
D) Photosynthetic
E) Saprophytic

B) Heterotrophic
Explanation: Heterotrophic organisms depend on other organisms for their food, contrasting with autotrophic organisms that can produce their own energy.

Branches of Zoology and Their Specializations

Which of the following is NOT a specialization within Zoology?
A) Arachnology
B) Cetology
C) Mycology
D) Herpetology
E) Ornithology

C) Mycology
Explanation: Mycology is the study of fungi, not animals, making it irrelevant to the specializations within Zoology which include Arachnology, Cetology, Herpetology, and Ornithology.

What are the different Kingdoms and who found it

Which domain of life includes salt-loving microbes?
A) Eukaryota
B) Bacteria
C) Archaea
D) Protista
E) Fungi

C) Archaea
Explanation: The domain Archaea includes extremophiles such as salt-loving microbes (halophiles), which thrive in high-salinity environments.

14 subdivisions of zoology

What does Ecology study in zoology?
A) Microstructure of tissues
B) Distribution of animal species
C) Relations of organisms to their environment
D) Functions of living organisms
E) Genetic variation

C) Relations of organisms to their environment
Explanation: Ecology examines the relationships between organisms and their environment, ranging from individual organisms to entire ecosystems.

Definition of Science and Technology

What is the definition of Science?
A) A static system of unchangeable concepts
B) A dynamic system of verifiable concepts and methods
C) A collection of random facts
D) A subjective interpretation of natural phenomena
E) A system focused solely on technology

B) A dynamic system of verifiable concepts and methods
Explanation: Science is described as a dynamic, cumulative system of concepts, principles, and methods that seeks to describe, understand, and predict natural phenomena.

Cell Biology: Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Cells

What type of cell division do prokaryotic cells undergo?
A) Mitosis
B) Meiosis
C) Binary fission
D) Budding
E) Fragmentation

C) Binary fission
Explanation: Prokaryotic cells reproduce primarily through binary fission, a simple process of cell division that results in two identical daughter cells.

What are the different Kingdoms and who found it

Which kingdom includes multicellular consumers?
A) Plantae
B) Protista
C) Fungi
D) Animalia
E) Monera

D) Animalia
Explanation: The kingdom Animalia consists of multicellular organisms that are primarily consumers, obtaining energy by consuming other organisms.

14 subdivisions of zoology

What does the branch of Morphology study in zoology?
A) Functions within cells
B) Behavior of animals
C) Form and structure of organisms
D) Development of embryos
E) Genetic variation

C) Form and structure of organisms
Explanation: Morphology is concerned with the study of the form and structure of organisms, focusing on their specific structural features.

14 subdivisions of zoology

What is the focus of Zoogeography?
A) Study of animal behavior
B) Distribution of animals in space
C) Functions of cells
D) Growth of embryos
E) Heredity in organisms

B) Distribution of animals in space
Explanation: Zoogeography is concerned with the geographic distribution of animal species, studying how they are spread across different areas.

Definition of Science and Technology

What does biochemistry study?
A) The classification of animals
B) The chemistry of life
C) The evolutionary interrelationships among animal groups
D) The study of insects
E) The study of fossils

B) The chemistry of life
Explanation: Biochemistry involves the study of chemical compounds and processes that are vital to living organisms, focusing on the chemical basis of life.

14 subdivisions of zoology

What is the main subject of Genetics in zoology?
A) Study of animal behavior
B) Environmental relations
C) Heredity and variation
D) Structure of tissues
E) Distribution of animals

C) Heredity and variation
Explanation: Genetics focuses on the processes of heredity and variation in living organisms, including the molecular structure and function of genes.

14 subdivisions of zoology

What does Ethology focus on?
A) Genetic inheritance
B) Development of embryos
C) Animal behavior under natural conditions
D) Structure of tissues
E) Distribution of species

C) Animal behavior under natural conditions
Explanation: Ethology is the scientific and objective study of animal behavior, particularly how it functions as an evolutionarily adaptive trait.

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