What are the three categories of Mintzberg's Managerial Roles?
Informational, Interpersonal, and Decisional.
Name one role under the Informational category in Mintzberg's Managerial Roles.
Mintzberg's Managerial Roles

What are the three categories of Mintzberg's Managerial Roles?

Informational, Interpersonal, and Decisional.

Mintzberg's Managerial Roles

Name one role under the Informational category in Mintzberg's Managerial Roles.


Mintzberg's Managerial Roles

What is another role under the Informational category?


Mintzberg's Managerial Roles

What role in the Informational category acts as a spokesperson?


Mintzberg's Managerial Roles

What is one role under the Interpersonal category?


Sources of Power in Leadership

What is Referent Power?

Power based on personal characteristics and charisma.

Organizational Planning Process

What is the fifth step in the organizational planning process?

Monitor and learn.

Matrix Approach in Organizational Structure

What does the matrix approach combine in organizational structure?

Aspects of both functional and divisional structures simultaneously.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What is the primary role of a manager according to Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory?

To remove dissatisfiers by providing hygiene factors to meet basic needs.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What is the second approach to job design for motivation?

Job Rotation.

Henri Fayol's Administrative Principles

What is the principle of Unity of Command?

Every employee should receive orders from only one superior.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What is the first approach to job design for motivation?

Job Simplification.

Matrix Approach in Organizational Structure

How does the functional hierarchy of authority operate in a matrix structure?

It runs vertically, providing traditional control within functional departments.

Sources of Power in Leadership

What type of individuals often gain power by showing initiative and interest in learning?

People who work beyond undesirable but important projects.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What is the fourth approach to job design for motivation?

Job Enrichment.

Matrix Approach in Organizational Structure

What makes the matrix structure unique?

Dual lines of authority.

Henri Fayol's Administrative Principles

What does the principle of subordination of individual interests to the general interest entail?

The interests of any one employee or group should not take precedence over the interests of the organization as a whole.

Sources of Power in Leadership

How do leaders use power?

As a means of attaining group goals through compatibility and downward influence.

Matrix Approach in Organizational Structure

What is a challenge faced by two-boss employees in a matrix structure?

They must resolve conflicting demands from their matrix bosses.

Matrix Approach in Organizational Structure

Who is responsible for one side of the matrix?

The matrix boss, who is either the product or functional boss.

Matrix Approach in Organizational Structure

What is a common problem in meetings within the Matrix Approach?

There are often more discussions than actions, leading to inefficiency.

Sources of Power in Leadership

What is Legitimate Power?

Power that comes from a formal position within the organization.

Sources of Power in Leadership

What is Personal Power in leadership?

It refers to soft, personal characteristics and interpersonal relationships.

Sources of Power in Leadership

What is Expert Power?

Power resulting from a person's special knowledge or skill.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What are hygiene factors according to Herzberg?

Factors that can lead to dissatisfaction if not addressed, such as salary and work conditions.

Mintzberg's Managerial Roles

What is one role under the Decisional category?


Henri Fayol's Administrative Principles

What is the significance of initiative according to Fayol?

Employees allowed to originate and carry out plans will exhibit high levels of engagement.

Matrix Approach in Organizational Structure

What is a key feature of the matrix approach?

It has dual lines of authority.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What does Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs propose?

Humans are motivated by multiple needs existing in a hierarchical order.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What do hygiene factors relate to in Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory?

Lower-order needs, including working conditions, pay, security, company policies, supervisors, and interpersonal relationships.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

Which needs take priority in Maslow's hierarchy?

Lower-order needs must be satisfied before higher-order needs are activated.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

How do employees feel towards work when hygiene factors are good?

Employees are neutral toward work.

Mintzberg's Managerial Roles

What does a Disseminator do in Mintzberg's Managerial Roles?

Forwards information to other organization members, sends memos and reports, and makes phone calls.

Mintzberg's Managerial Roles

What is the function of a Spokesperson in Mintzberg's Managerial Roles?

Transmits information to outsiders through speeches, reports, and memos.

Mintzberg's Managerial Roles

What is the role of an Entrepreneur in Mintzberg's Managerial Roles?

To initiate improvement projects, identify new ideas, and delegate idea responsibility to others.

Sources of Power in Leadership

What is Reward Power?

The authority to reward others.

Organizational Planning Process

What is the third step in the organizational planning process?

Plan operations.

Organizational Planning Process

What is the fourth step in the organizational planning process?

Execute the plan.

Mintzberg's Managerial Roles

What is the role of a figurehead in Mintzberg's Interpersonal Roles?

Performs ceremonial and symbolic duties such as greeting visitors and signing legal documents.

Henri Fayol's Administrative Principles

What does Unity of Direction entail?

The organization should have a single plan of action or goal to guide managers.

Henri Fayol's Administrative Principles

What is the principle of Remuneration?

Workers must be paid a fair wage for their services.

Organizational Planning Process

What is the first step in the organizational planning process?

Translate the plans into tactical plans and objectives.

Organizational Planning Process

What is developed to visualize the strategy in the organizational planning process?

A strategy map.

Organizational Planning Process

What type of plans are created to address unexpected events?

Contingency plans and scenarios.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What is job rotation?

It involves moving employees from one job to another to provide variety and stimulation.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What did Frederick Herzberg assert about work characteristics?

He asserted that characteristics associated with dissatisfaction are different from those related to satisfaction.

Organizational Planning Process

What is the focus of the operations planning phase?

Define operational goals and plans.

Henri Fayol's Administrative Principles

What is the principle of unity of command?

One superior should give orders to avoid confusion.

Organizational Planning Process

What type of goals are set to encourage high performance?

Stretch goals.

Sources of Power in Leadership

What is Reward Power?

Authority to reward others.

Organizational Planning Process

What is the primary purpose of the organizational planning process?

To set objectives and determine a course of action for achieving those objectives.

Mintzberg's Managerial Roles

What is the function of a liaison in Mintzberg's Interpersonal Roles?

Maintains information links both inside and outside the organization using email, phone calls, and meetings.

Henri Fayol's Administrative Principles

What is the principle of stability of tenure of personnel?

Management should provide orderly personnel planning and ensure that replacements are available to fill vacancies.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What should managers use to meet higher-level needs according to Herzberg?

Motivators to propel employees toward achievement and satisfaction.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What is the third approach to job design for motivation?

Job Enlargement.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

Do good hygiene factors cause satisfaction or motivation?

No, they remove dissatisfaction but do not cause satisfaction or motivation.

Henri Fayol's Administrative Principles

What are the five management functions identified in administrative principles?

Planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What control do employees have in job design?

Control over resources necessary for the job, decision-making on how to do the work, and setting their own work pace.

Henri Fayol's Administrative Principles

What does the principle of equity emphasize?

Managers should be kind and fair to their subordinates.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What happens when motivating factors are present in the workplace?

Workers are highly motivated and satisfied.

Henri Fayol's Administrative Principles

What is meant by unity of direction?

All activities aimed at the same objective should be directed by one manager.

Organizational Planning Process

What is the first step in the organizational planning process?

Develop the plan.

Mintzberg's Managerial Roles

What role in the Interpersonal category serves as a connector?


Mintzberg's Managerial Roles

Name a role in the Decisional category that deals with disturbances.

Disturbance Handler.

Organizational Planning Process

What does decentralized responsibility mean in the context of planning?

Distributing decision-making authority across various levels of the organization.

Organizational Planning Process

What type of reviews are conducted to assess operational effectiveness?

Operational reviews.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

Why is feedback important in job design?

Feedback helps employees understand their performance and areas for improvement, enhancing motivation.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What needs are fulfilled after physiological needs in Maslow's Hierarchy?

Safety needs, which include security and protection from physical and emotional harm.

Henri Fayol's Administrative Principles

What is the first principle of Henri Fayol's Administrative Principles?

Division of work, which increases output by making employees more efficient.

Matrix Approach in Organizational Structure

What does the divisional hierarchy in a matrix approach provide?

Coordination across departments.

Matrix Approach in Organizational Structure

What does the matrix structure establish?

A formal chain of command for both functional and divisional relationships.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What are the five basic human needs in Maslow's hierarchy?

Physiological needs, safety needs, belongingness needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

How does job simplification affect motivation?

It can lead to boredom and dissatisfaction due to routine and repetitive tasks.

Sources of Power in Leadership

What is information power?

Power derived from access to information and control over its distribution.

Matrix Approach in Organizational Structure

How does the Matrix Approach foster better communication?

Employees from different functional areas work together on projects, enhancing collaboration across the organization.

Matrix Approach in Organizational Structure

What is a significant disadvantage of the Matrix Approach?

Frustration and confusion can arise from the dual chain of command, leading to significant problems.

Matrix Approach in Organizational Structure

What issues can arise due to high conflict in the Matrix Approach?

High conflict between the two sides of the matrix can lead to lost time in meetings.

Sources of Power in Leadership

What is Position Power?

Authority derived from the organization.

Henri Fayol's Administrative Principles

What does the scalar chain principle refer to?

A top-down hierarchy in the organization.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What are the five levels of Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

Physiological, Safety, Love/Belonging, Esteem, Self-Actualization.

Mintzberg's Managerial Roles

Name a role in the Interpersonal category that involves leading others.


Mintzberg's Managerial Roles

What is the role in the Decisional category that involves negotiation?


Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What model is associated with job characteristics?

Job Characteristics Model.

Organizational Planning Process

What tool is used to assess performance in the organizational planning process?

Performance dashboards.

Organizational Planning Process

What is the purpose of holding planning reviews?

To monitor progress and learn from the planning process.

Henri Fayol's Administrative Principles

What is the scalar chain in management?

A line of authority from top management to the lowest ranks.

Organizational Planning Process

What are the key components of the organizational planning process?

Strategy, tactics, meetings, presentation, negotiation, power actions, and results.

Organizational Planning Process

What should be developed in the organizational planning process?

Plans that define mission and vision.

Mintzberg's Managerial Roles

What interests does a Negotiator represent?

Departmental interests.

Sources of Power in Leadership

How does being part of a network of relationships affect power?

People in a network of relationships have greater power.

Henri Fayol's Administrative Principles

What does the administrative principles approach focus on?

The total organization rather than the individual worker.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What is the fifth approach to job design for motivation?

Job Characteristics Model.

Mintzberg's Managerial Roles

What is the role of a Monitor in Mintzberg's Managerial Roles?

To seek and receive information, scan periodicals and reports, and maintain personal contacts.

Henri Fayol's Administrative Principles

Who identified the 14 principles of management?

Henri Fayol.

Organizational Planning Process

What should be selected to measure progress in the planning process?

Measures and targets.

Matrix Approach in Organizational Structure

What role does the top leader play in a matrix structure?

Oversees both the product and functional chains of command and is responsible for the entire matrix.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What is the primary focus of motivation theories?

Understanding what drives individuals to act and perform.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What does Herzberg's two-factor theory distinguish between?

Motivators and hygiene factors.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What are examples of motivators in Herzberg's theory?

Achievement, recognition, responsibility, and growth.

Sources of Power in Leadership

What is Expert Power?

Power resulting from a person's special knowledge or skill.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

Who conducted research on job redesign?

Hackman and Oldham.

Organizational Planning Process

What is the first step in the organizational planning process?

Execute the plan.

Organizational Planning Process

What are the key steps involved in the organizational planning process?

Setting objectives, analyzing the environment, developing strategies, and implementing plans.

Henri Fayol's Administrative Principles

What does centralization refer to in Henri Fayol's principles?

The degree to which subordinates are involved in decision making.

Mintzberg's Managerial Roles

What responsibilities does a leader have in Mintzberg's Interpersonal Roles?

Directs and motivates subordinates; trains, counsels, and communicates with them.

Mintzberg's Managerial Roles

What is the role of a Decisional Allocator in Mintzberg's Managerial Roles?

To decide who gets resources, schedule, budget, and set priorities.

Henri Fayol's Administrative Principles

What does the principle of authority entail in Fayol's Administrative Principles?

Managers must be able to give orders, and authority gives them the right to do so.

Mintzberg's Managerial Roles

What does a Negotiator do in Mintzberg's Managerial Roles?

Represents the department during negotiations of union contracts, sales, purchases, and budgets.

Henri Fayol's Administrative Principles

What is the principle of discipline in Fayol's Administrative Principles?

Employees must obey and respect the rules that govern the organization.

Henri Fayol's Administrative Principles

What does 'esprit de corps' refer to in management?

Promoting team spirit to build harmony and unity within the organization.

Organizational Planning Process

What is essential to set during the organizational planning process?


Matrix Approach in Organizational Structure

In a matrix approach, how are relationships structured?

They run horizontally for divisional and vertically for functional.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What happens when hygiene factors are poor?

Work becomes dissatisfying.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What does job enrichment incorporate?

High-level motivators including job responsibility, recognition, and opportunities for growth, learning, and achievement.

Matrix Approach in Organizational Structure

What does the success of the matrix structure depend on?

The abilities of people in key matrix roles.

Henri Fayol's Administrative Principles

What is the principle of order in Henri Fayol's administrative principles?

People and materials should be in the right place at the right time.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What is the main idea behind Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory?

Two different factors influence work motivation and employee behavior at work.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What are Herzberg's motivators related to?

Higher-order needs, including achievement, recognition, responsibility, the work itself, and opportunities for personal growth.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What does Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory aim to explain?

It aims to explain the different factors that lead to job satisfaction and dissatisfaction.

Henri Fayol's Administrative Principles

What does the division of work principle emphasize?

Job specialization to increase output.

Organizational Planning Process

What is an important aspect of planning for emergencies?

Crisis planning.

Mintzberg's Managerial Roles

What does a Disturbance Handler do in Mintzberg's Managerial Roles?

Takes corrective action during disputes or crises, resolves conflict among subordinates, and adapts to environmental crises.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

Who developed the hierarchy of needs theory?

Abraham Maslow.

Sources of Power in Leadership

What is Legitimate Power?

Power derived from a formal position within an organization.

Organizational Planning Process

What is the second step in the organizational planning process?

Translate the plan.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What is job simplification?

It improves task efficiency by reducing the number of tasks performed by workers.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What is job enlargement?

A job design that combines a series of tasks into one broader job to provide employees with variety and challenge.

Matrix Approach in Organizational Structure

What is a key advantage of the Matrix Approach?

Shared resources, including personnel and equipment, can be utilized across multiple projects, reducing redundancy and promoting efficient use.

Organizational Planning Process

What is identified to enhance decision-making in the planning process?

Intelligent teams.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What is the purpose of job rotation?

To offer cross-training and periodic shifting from one task to another.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What personal benefits do employees experience from job design?

Personal growth and career development.

Sources of Power in Leadership

What are the five important potential sources of power in organizations?

1) Position Power, 2) Legitimate Power, 3) Reward Power, 4) Coercive Power, 5) Expert Power, 6) Referent Power.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What is the effect of the absence of motivating factors according to Herzberg?

It removes satisfaction but does not cause dissatisfaction.

Sources of Power in Leadership

What are the five important potential sources of power in organizations?

1. Personal Power 2. Legitimate Power 3. Reward Power 4. Coercive Power 5. Expert Power 6. Referent Power

Sources of Power in Leadership

What is Coercive Power?

Authority to punish or reprimand.

Sources of Power in Leadership

What is Coercive Power?

The authority to punish or reprimand.

Organizational Planning Process

Why is environmental analysis important in the organizational planning process?

It helps identify opportunities and threats that can impact the organization's success.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What are the five levels of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?

Physiological, Safety, Love/Belonging, Esteem, and Self-Actualization.

Sources of Power in Leadership

What is Referent Power?

Power based on personal characteristics that inspire admiration or respect.

Organizational Planning Process

How does implementation fit into the organizational planning process?

It involves putting the developed plans into action to achieve the set objectives.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What is the base level of Maslow's Hierarchy?

Physiological needs, which include basic survival needs like food, water, and shelter.

Mintzberg's Managerial Roles

What role in the Decisional category involves resource allocation?

Resource Allocator.

Organizational Planning Process

What type of plans are referred to as single-use plans?

Plans designed for a specific purpose or project.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What is job design?

The process of organizing tasks, duties, and responsibilities into a productive unit of work.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?

A psychological theory that categorizes human needs into a five-tier model, often depicted as a pyramid.

Organizational Planning Process

What management approach is associated with the organizational planning process?

Management by objectives.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What is job redesign?

Altering jobs to increase both the quality of employees' work experience and their productivity.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

How does job design relate to motivation?

Effective job design can enhance employee motivation by increasing job satisfaction and engagement.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What is the third level of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?

Love and Belonging needs, which involve emotional relationships and connections with others.

Organizational Planning Process

What role does strategy development play in the organizational planning process?

It outlines how the organization will achieve its objectives and respond to environmental factors.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What role does autonomy play in job design?

Autonomy allows employees to have control over their work, which can boost motivation.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What is the highest level of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?

Self-Actualization, which is the realization of personal potential and self-fulfillment.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What are key elements of job design that can influence motivation?

Task variety, autonomy, feedback, and significance.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What is the significance of task variety in job design?

Task variety can prevent monotony and keep employees engaged, leading to higher motivation.

Motivation Theories: Maslow and Herzberg

What needs are associated with self-esteem in Maslow's Hierarchy?

Esteem needs, which include self-respect, recognition, and respect from others.

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