What does IANG stand for?
Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates.
What type of employment does IANG cater to?
Employment as professionals.
Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (IANG)

What does IANG stand for?

Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates.

Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (IANG)

What type of employment does IANG cater to?

Employment as professionals.

General Immigration Requirements for HKSAR

What is the purpose of the Admission Scheme for the Second Generation of Chinese Hong Kong Permanent Residents?

To set out entry arrangements for persons wishing to enter HKSAR for employment.

Entry of Dependants under TTPS

How is the length of stay for dependants linked?

It is normally linked to that of their sponsors.

Entry of Dependants under TTPS

What must applicants admitted under IANG do regarding their dependants?

They may apply to bring their spouse or legally recognized partner and unmarried dependent children under 18.

Entry of Dependants under TTPS

What is required for civil partnerships and unions to be recognized?

They must be legally and officially recognized in the places of celebration.

Eligibility Criteria for TTPS

Where must applicants be born to qualify for the Scheme?

Applicants must be born overseas, not in the Mainland, HKSAR, Macao SAR, or Taiwan.

General Immigration Requirements for HKSAR

What services are provided under the Admission Scheme?

Visas and entry permits for employment in HKSAR.

General Immigration Requirements for HKSAR

Who processes and determines all applications?

The Immigration Department.

Entry of Dependants under TTPS

What happens if there is a change in circumstances affecting sponsorship?

It may result in loss of sponsorship for the applicant.

Entry of Dependants under TTPS

Who is excluded from the entry arrangement for dependants under IANG?

Former Mainland Chinese residents in Macao SAR with identity cards for less than seven years.

Eligibility Criteria for QMAS

What is the minimum age requirement for applicants under the Scheme?

Applicants must be aged 18 or above.

Eligibility Criteria for QMAS

Are successful applicants required to have a job offer before entering Hong Kong under QMAS?

No, they are not required to have secured a job offer before entry.

Top Talent Pass Scheme (TTPS)

What is the initial stay duration granted to successful TTPS applicants?

24 months on time limitation only without other conditions of stay.

Eligibility Criteria for TTPS

Who may need to have their overseas academic qualifications assessed?

Applicants claiming non-local academic qualifications.

Eligibility Criteria for TTPS

What financial requirement must applicants meet?

Applicants must have sufficient financial means to meet living expenses and accommodation in the HKSAR without recourse to public funds.

Entry of Dependants under TTPS

What relationships can persons admitted under TTPS sponsor for entry?

Spouse, same-sex civil partnership, opposite-sex civil partnership, and unmarried dependent children under 18.

Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (IANG)

What is the main focus of the webpage mentioned?

Entry arrangement for non-local graduates wishing to work in HKSAR.

Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (IANG)

How long may non-recent graduates be granted stay in HKSAR?

24 months, with time limitation only and no other conditions of stay.

Eligibility Criteria for IANG

Which nationals are excluded from the IANG?

Nationals of Afghanistan, Cuba, and Korea (Democratic People's Republic of).

Eligibility Criteria for TTPS

What is the age requirement for applicants under the Scheme?

Applicants must be aged between 18 and 40 at the time of application.

Eligibility Criteria for IANG

What is the classification for non-local graduates who apply within six months of graduation?

They are classified as non-local recent graduates.

Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (IANG)

What can non-local recent graduates do if they have not yet secured their graduation results?

They may apply for an extension of stay to wait for the results.

Eligibility Criteria for QMAS

What character requirement must applicants meet?

Applicants should not have any criminal record or adverse immigration record.

Eligibility Criteria for TTPS

What is required for Category B applicants under TTPS?

Degree graduates from eligible universities with at least three years of work experience over the past five years.

Entry of Dependants under TTPS

What criteria must be met for a dependant's application to be favorably considered?

Proof of a genuine relationship, no known record against the dependant, and the sponsor's ability to support the dependant.

Entry of Dependants under TTPS

What is the minimum age for dependent children to be eligible for entry under the scheme?

Under the age of 18.

Entry of Dependants under TTPS

What types of relationships are recognized for bringing dependants under QMAS?

Same-sex civil partnerships, same-sex civil unions, same-sex marriages, opposite-sex civil partnerships, and opposite-sex civil unions that are legally recognized.

Categories of Applicants under TTPS

What do the terms 'civil partnership' and 'civil union' refer to?

Legal institutions akin to spousal relationships in marriage.

Categories of Applicants under TTPS

What features characterize legally recognized relationships?

Governed by legislation, require registration, evidenced by written instrument, and mutual commitment.

General Immigration Requirements for HKSAR

Where can one apply for entry visas or permits for HKSAR?

Through the 'Apply Now' section on the relevant webpage.

Entry of Dependants under TTPS

Are dependants prohibited from taking up employment or studies in HKSAR?

No, they are not prohibited from taking up employment or studies.

Eligibility Criteria for TTPS

Who is eligible to apply under the Scheme for the Second Generation of Chinese Hong Kong Permanent Residents?

Persons who are the second generation of emigrated Chinese Hong Kong permanent residents from overseas.

Eligibility Criteria for IANG

What is the definition of non-local students?

Persons entering the HKSAR for education with a student visa or entry permit issued by the Director of Immigration.

Quality Migrant Admission Scheme (QMAS)

What is the objective of the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme (QMAS)?

To attract highly skilled or talented persons to settle in Hong Kong to enhance its economic competitiveness.

Eligibility Criteria for TTPS

Is a job offer required to apply for the TTPS?

No, applicants are not required to have secured a job offer upon application.

Eligibility Criteria for TTPS

Who qualifies as non-local students?

Persons entering the HKSAR for education with a student visa or entry permit issued by the Director of Immigration.

Entry of Dependants under TTPS

Which nationals are mentioned as having specific conditions for dependants?

Nationals of Afghanistan and Korea (Democratic People's Republic of).

Eligibility Criteria for QMAS

What discretion does the Director of Immigration have regarding applications?

The Director can award points and approve or refuse applications without giving reasons.

General Immigration Requirements for HKSAR

What are the normal immigration requirements for TTPS applicants?

Holding a valid travel document, clear criminal record, no security concerns, and no likelihood of becoming a burden on HKSAR.

Processing Times for Visa Applications

How long does it take to process applications for non-local non-recent graduates?

Four weeks upon receipt of all required documents.

Eligibility Criteria for TTPS

Who is eligible under the Admission Scheme for the Second Generation?

Persons who are the second generation of Chinese Hong Kong Permanent Residents.

Eligibility Criteria for IANG

What are GBA campus graduates eligible for under the IANG?

They can apply to come and work in the HKSAR.

General Immigration Requirements for HKSAR

Who reserves the discretion to refuse any application?

The Director of Immigration.

Eligibility Criteria for TTPS

What must applicants submit to verify their academic qualifications?

Verification proof issued by a third-party credential verification organization or the awarding institution.

Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (IANG)

What is the duration of stay granted to non-local recent graduates in HKSAR?

24 months, on time limitation only.

Eligibility Criteria for QMAS

What financial requirement must applicants demonstrate?

Applicants must show they can support themselves and their dependants without public assistance.

Points-based Selection Mechanism for QMAS

What are the two points-based tests under the QMAS?

The General Points Test and the Achievement-based Points Test.

Eligibility Criteria for TTPS

Which nationalities are not applicable under the Scheme?

Nationals of Afghanistan, Cuba, and Korea (Democratic People's Republic of) are not applicable.

Entry of Dependants under TTPS

How is the length of stay for dependants typically determined?

It is linked to that of their sponsors.

Entry of Dependants under TTPS

Who can applicants bring as dependants under the Scheme?

Applicants can bring their spouse, same-sex partner, or unmarried dependent children under 18.

Eligibility Criteria for TTPS

What types of income are considered for the annual income requirement?

Taxable employment or business income, including salary, allowances, stock options, and profits from self-owned companies.

Processing Times for Visa Applications

What can affect the processing time of applications?

Circumstances of individual applications and the number of applications received.

Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (IANG)

What is the purpose of the Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (IANG)?

To set out the entry arrangement for persons wishing to enter/stay in HKSAR for employment as professionals.

Eligibility Criteria for TTPS

What is the significance of the term 'Second Generation' in the Admission Scheme?

It refers to the children of Chinese Hong Kong Permanent Residents.

Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (IANG)

What is required for GBA campus non-recent graduates to work in HKSAR?

They must secure an offer of employment upon application.

General Immigration Requirements for HKSAR

What are the general immigration requirements for working in HKSAR?

Holding a valid travel document, having a clear criminal record, and not being a burden on HKSAR.

Eligibility Criteria for IANG

Is the IANG quota-free and sector-specific?

No, the IANG is quota-free and non-sector specific.

Entry of Dependants under TTPS

What criteria must be met for the admission of a dependant under IANG?

Proof of a genuine relationship, no known record against the dependant, and the sponsor must support the dependant's living standards.

Eligibility Criteria for IANG

What qualifications must nationals of Laos, Nepal, and Vietnam have to apply under the IANG?

They must have obtained an undergraduate or higher qualification in a full-time locally-accredited program in Hong Kong or be GBA campus graduates.

Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (IANG)

Are non-local recent graduates required to secure an offer of employment upon application to stay and work in HKSAR?

No, they are not required to have secured an offer.

Top Talent Pass Scheme (TTPS)

What is the purpose of the Top Talent Pass Scheme (TTPS)?

To attract top talents with rich work experience and good academic qualifications to explore opportunities in Hong Kong.

Eligibility Criteria for TTPS

Who is not eligible to apply for the TTPS?

Nationals of Afghanistan, Cuba, and Korea (Democratic People's Republic of).

Entry of Dependants under TTPS

What types of relationships are excluded from the definition of civil partnerships?

De facto spouses, partners in cohabitation, fiancé/fiancée, etc.

Eligibility Criteria for TTPS

What educational background is typically required for applicants?

A good education background, normally a first degree, or good technical qualifications and relevant experience may also be accepted.

Entry of Dependants under TTPS

What is required for applicants to bring dependants to Hong Kong under QMAS?

Applicants must be capable of supporting and accommodating their dependants financially without relying on public assistance.

Entry of Dependants under TTPS

What is the One-way Permit Scheme related to?

Acquiring residence in the Macao SAR.

Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (IANG)

What classification do GBA campus graduates fall into if they apply beyond six months of graduation?

GBA campus non-recent graduates.

Entry of Dependants under TTPS

Who can persons admitted under the scheme bring with them?

Their spouse, same-sex civil partner, or unmarried dependent children under 18.

Eligibility Criteria for QMAS

What happens if an applicant fails to provide satisfactory supporting documents?

The application will not be processed further and will be refused immediately.

Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (IANG)

What proof can GBA campus recent graduates provide if they have not yet obtained their graduation certificate?

Proof from the institution confirming that they have graduated.

Eligibility Criteria for TTPS

What must overseas Chinese nationals holding PRC passports do to apply for TTPS?

They must have permanent residence overseas or have resided overseas for at least one year before applying.

Processing Times for Visa Applications

What discretion does the Director of Immigration have regarding applications?

The Director reserves the discretion to refuse any application even if it meets all eligibility criteria.

Eligibility Criteria for TTPS

What can lead to loss of sponsorship for dependants?

Change in marriage relationship or death of the sponsor.

Entry of Dependants under TTPS

Are dependants prohibited from employment or studies in HKSAR?

No, they are not prohibited under existing policy.

Eligibility Criteria for TTPS

Are honorary bachelor's degrees accepted for the TTPS eligibility?

No, honorary bachelor's degrees will not be accepted.

Processing Times for Visa Applications

When might longer processing times occur?

During the summer rush period between June and August.

Eligibility Criteria for IANG

What conditions must be met for applications from non-recent graduates to be favorably considered?

The job must be at a level commonly taken up by degree holders and the remuneration package must be at market level.

General Immigration Requirements for HKSAR

Is the approval of applications by the Immigration Department guaranteed?

No, it is entirely discretionary and subject to changes in government policies.

Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (IANG)

What classification do non-local graduates fall into if they apply beyond six months of graduation?

Non-local non-recent graduates.

Entry of Dependants under TTPS

What features characterize legally recognized relationships?

They must be governed by legislation, require registration, be evidenced in a written instrument, and involve mutual commitment.

Eligibility Criteria for TTPS

What is a requirement regarding the applicant's parents?

At least one parent must hold a valid Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card and was a Chinese national settled overseas at the time of the applicant's birth.

Eligibility Criteria for TTPS

What is the requirement for relevant work experience for applicants?

It must be accumulated from full-time employment or self-employment after graduation.

Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (IANG)

What is required for non-local non-recent graduates to return to work in HKSAR?

They must secure an offer of employment upon application.

Eligibility Criteria for TTPS

What is the role of the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications?

To assess claimed overseas academic qualifications at the applicant's expense if necessary.

Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (IANG)

What is the requirement for GBA campus recent graduates applying to work in HKSAR?

They are not required to have secured an offer of employment.

Points-based Selection Mechanism for QMAS

What factors are considered by the Advisory Committee in the selection exercise for QMAS?

Socio-economic needs of Hong Kong, sectoral mix of candidates, and other relevant factors.

Entry of Dependants under TTPS

When should dependant visa applications be submitted?

They should be submitted together with the entry applications of the sponsor.

Processing Times for Visa Applications

What must be received before the Immigration Department starts processing an application?

All required documents and information.

Eligibility Criteria for IANG

Who can apply to stay and work in the HKSAR under the IANG?

Non-local graduates who obtained an undergraduate or higher qualification in a full-time locally-accredited program in Hong Kong.

Entry of Dependants under TTPS

What must dependants continue to meet for extension of stay?

They must continue to meet the eligibility criteria for entry for residence as dependants.

General Immigration Requirements for HKSAR

Can an application be refused even if it meets all eligibility criteria?

Yes, the Director of Immigration can refuse it at their discretion.

Eligibility Criteria for TTPS

What is the basis for the aggregate list of eligible universities?

It is based on the top 100 universities in four designated world university rankings over the past 5 years.

Eligibility Criteria for TTPS

What types of academic qualifications are not accepted from eligible universities?

Qualifications obtained from continuing and professional education arms, branch schools, extension schools, or subsidiary schools.

Eligibility Criteria for TTPS

What is the academic level required for non-local qualifications under the scheme?

Equivalent to locally recognized standards of Bachelor's, Master's, or Doctoral degrees.

Eligibility Criteria for TTPS

What language proficiency is required for applicants?

Applicants must be proficient in written and spoken Chinese (Putonghua or Cantonese) or English.

Eligibility Criteria for QMAS

What language proficiency is required for applicants?

Applicants should be proficient in written and spoken Chinese (Putonghua or Cantonese) or English.

Eligibility Criteria for QMAS

Which nationals are not applicable under the QMAS?

Nationals of Afghanistan, Cuba, and North Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea).

Eligibility Criteria for TTPS

What is the condition for Category C applicants under TTPS?

Degree graduates from eligible universities with less than three years of work experience, subject to an annual quota.

Eligibility Criteria for TTPS

What must applicants for extension of stay continue to meet?

Eligibility criteria for entry for residence as dependants.

Entry of Dependants under TTPS

What is the limit of stay for dependants linked to?

It is normally linked to that of their sponsors.

Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (IANG)

What proof can non-local recent graduates provide to apply for stay and work if they haven't obtained their graduation certificate?

Proof from the institution confirming that they have graduated.

Eligibility Criteria for TTPS

How is graduation counted for eligibility?

By the year of graduation within the past five years.

Eligibility Criteria for TTPS

What are the income requirements for Category A applicants under TTPS?

Annual income reaching HK$2.5 million or above in the year immediately preceding the application.

Eligibility Criteria for QMAS

What is the basic educational qualification required for applicants?

Applicants must have a first degree from a recognized university or tertiary institution.

Points-based Selection Mechanism for QMAS

What is the process for applicants after fulfilling prerequisites under QMAS?

They may choose to be assessed under either the General Points Test or the Achievement-based Points Test.

Processing Times for Visa Applications

What is the typical processing time for visa applications under TTPS?

Four weeks upon receipt of all required documents.

Eligibility Criteria for TTPS

Who is excluded from the entry arrangement under the scheme?

Former Mainland Chinese residents with Macao identity cards for less than seven years and nationals of Afghanistan and North Korea.

Entry of Dependants under TTPS

What criteria must be met for the admission of a dependant?

Proof of a genuine relationship, no known record against the dependant, and the sponsor's ability to support the dependant above subsistence level.

Points-based Selection Mechanism for QMAS

What is the minimum requirement for the General Points Test?

A minimum passing mark must be met.

Processing Times for Visa Applications

What is the typical processing time for IANG applications by non-local recent graduates?

About two weeks upon receipt of all required documents.

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