How is the Saudi-led coalition intervention in Yemen justified?
It has been justified as supporting a legitimate government but has also exacerbated the conflict.
What challenges did UN peacekeeping forces face in South Sudan?
They were often criticized for being ineffective at protection, experiencing peacekeeper abuse, and having a slow response.
Regional Stability in the Balkans

How is the Saudi-led coalition intervention in Yemen justified?

It has been justified as supporting a legitimate government but has also exacerbated the conflict.

Post-Conflict Reconstruction

What challenges did UN peacekeeping forces face in South Sudan?

They were often criticized for being ineffective at protection, experiencing peacekeeper abuse, and having a slow response.

Legality of Military Interventions

What was the justification for the US-led coalition attacking Iraq from 2003 to 2011?

The US justified the invasion by claiming the regime possessed WMD and had links to al-Qaeda, implicating it in the 9/11 attacks.

Humanitarian Crisis

How has poverty contributed to the rise of Boko Haram in Nigeria?

Extreme poverty makes individuals more susceptible to extremist ideologies, facilitating Boko Haram's recruitment.

International Law Implications

What does the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) principle entail?

It states that sovereignty is a responsibility, and intervention is required when states fail to protect their citizens.

Humanitarian Crisis

What were the Oslo Accords in the context of the Israel-Palestine conflict?

They were a series of agreements mediated by the US aimed at addressing the conflict and promoting human rights.

Humanitarian Crisis

What is the purpose of humanitarian intervention?

To promote democracy, peace, and regional stability.

Humanitarian Crisis

What social factors have inhibited development in South Sudan?

Divided lawmakers, societal conflict among major cultures, rebel groups fighting the state, and widespread famine have all inhibited development.

NATO Intervention

What sanctions did the League of Arab States impose on the Assad regime?

They imposed sanctions and proposed a peace plan to address the conflict.

International Law Implications

What geopolitical rivalry is involved in the conflict in Yemen?

The conflict involves a rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran, with Saudi Arabia intervening to prevent Iranian influence.

Sustainability and Wellbeing

What are the three pillars of sustainable development?

Social, economic, and environmental development.

Regional Stability in the Balkans

What challenges does the African Union face in acting effectively?

Dependence on foreign aid, domination by a few states, and difficulties of unity due to regional divisions and competing national interests.

Regional Stability in the Balkans

What motivated Russia's annexation of Crimea?

Strategic control over the Black Sea and demonstrating regional dominance to counter Western influence in Ukraine.

Regional Stability in the Balkans

What is Boko Haram's primary objective in Nigeria?

Boko Haram aims to establish an Islamic state governed by Sharia law and forbids Western education.

Regional Stability in the Balkans

What was the consequence of the US troop withdrawal in Afghanistan?

The replacement government became dependent on US troops and peacekeepers, leading to a lack of force when they pulled out.

Post-Conflict Reconstruction

What was the role of the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL)?

UNAMSIL was deployed to assist peacekeeping and oversee disarmament, implementing the peace agreement.

Humanitarian Crisis

What does the Gini coefficient measure?

The Gini coefficient measures income distribution, with a value closer to 0 indicating more equal income distribution.

Post-Conflict Reconstruction

What was the outcome of the first peaceful election in Sierra Leone?

It was held in 2007, marking a significant step towards stability after the civil war.

Impact on International Relations

What is the purpose of NAFTA?

To create economic partnerships for economic growth.

Humanitarian Crisis

What role does Amnesty International play in the Rohingya crisis?

It advocates and raises awareness, documenting the crisis and amplifying calls for sanctions.

Post-Conflict Reconstruction

What significant resource did South Sudan retain after gaining independence from Sudan in 2011?

South Sudan retained 75% of the oil reserves, providing substantial resource capital for development.

Humanitarian Crisis

What is the role of the Free Syrian Army and the Syrian National Coalition in the Syrian conflict?

They unify efforts against the Assad regime and are recognized by external actors as the legitimate representatives of the Syrian people.

Humanitarian Crisis

What distinguishes greed from grievance in conflicts?

Greed is opportunistic, while grievance stems from deeper inequalities.

Humanitarian Crisis

What impact has FARC had on Colombian society?

Internal displacement of Colombians, refugees to neighboring countries, and economic strain.

Humanitarian Crisis

How has FARC controlled the illegal drug trade in Colombia?

By providing revenue and power, while rural communities suffering from social and economic inequality became a source of support.

Legality of Military Interventions

How did the international community initially deal with the Taliban in Afghanistan?

They did not engage with the Taliban directly but instead neutralized them, resulting in minimal peace.

Humanitarian Crisis

What role has the UN played in the Yemeni conflict?

The UN has attempted peace talks, mediation, ceasefires, and humanitarian efforts to address the conflict.

Post-Conflict Reconstruction

What was the primary goal of the UN Mission in Liberia (UNMIL)?

To monitor the ceasefire following the Liberian Civil War and support humanitarian assistance, promote security reform, and implement the peace process, including elections in 2005.

Post-Conflict Reconstruction

What significant achievement did UNMIL accomplish in terms of disarmament?

UNMIL disarmed about 100,000 combatants and secured about 21,000 weapons, greatly aiding in keeping the peace.

Impact on International Relations

What was the outcome of economic sanctions against Iran?

They compelled compliance with international nuclear standards but led to suffering among citizens and intensified anti-Western sentiment.

Precedents for Future Interventions

What was the purpose of the 2015/14 Minsk agreement/protocol?

It aimed for a temporary peace process but illustrated the challenges of implementing ceasefires and negotiating political solutions.

Humanitarian Crisis

What was a significant consequence of conflict on development?

Conflict destroys the fabric of society, erodes trust, and makes the state unattractive for investment and trade.

Humanitarian Crisis

What criticism has been directed at the World Bank's poverty line?

It has been criticized for being too low and not reflecting the needs of individuals in different countries.

Humanitarian Crisis

What negative aspect was associated with the Nike factories in Bangladesh?

Poor working conditions and child labor, highlighted by the collapse of a building that killed many workers.

Humanitarian Crisis

What are the causes of FARC's violent protests in Colombia?

Historical inequalities of wealth.

Humanitarian Crisis

What methods does FARC use in its operations?

Guerrilla warfare, kidnappings, and drug trafficking.

Post-Conflict Reconstruction

What was a significant outcome of the 2016 peace deal with FARC?

It granted FARC permanent parliamentary seats, diminishing the legitimacy of political violence in favor of democracy.

International Law Implications

What role does the IMF play in countries facing crises?

It lends to countries, promoting economic reform but with conditional loans, transparency issues, and perceived western bias.

Impact on International Relations

What consequences did the annexation of Crimea have?

Significant sanctions from the EU, USA, and increased security tensions through NATO's presence in Eastern Europe.

International Law Implications

What was the goal of the Montreal Protocol?

To phase out CFCs, which has been highly successful.

International Law Implications

What are the requirements defined by the Montevideo Convention?

Defined territory, permanent population, effective government, and the ability to enter into international relations.

Humanitarian Crisis

What does the Occupy movement advocate for?

Pure democracy, the power of social media, and financial transparency.

Humanitarian Crisis

What role did the UN play in the Syrian conflict?

The UN's role included providing humanitarian aid, peacekeeping attempts, and facilitating political negotiations.

NATO Intervention

What was the main reason for NATO's intervention in Kosovo in 1999?

NATO intervened in Kosovo primarily due to ethnic cleansing occurring in the region.

Precedents for Future Interventions

What precedent did NATO's intervention in Kosovo set?

It set a precedent for future military interventions that bypass the UN Security Council.

Post-Conflict Reconstruction

What was the outcome of NATO's intervention in Libya?

The intervention led to the toppling of Gaddafi's regime but resulted in chaos and civil war, raising questions about long-term planning.

Humanitarian Crisis

What were the main causes of Hezbollah protests?

The main causes of Hezbollah protests were Shi’a marginalization and state-sponsored terrorism supported by Iran.

Impact on International Relations

What was the impact of external support in the Syrian conflict?

External support from countries like Iran and Russia helped sustain the Assad regime against US and UK-backed opposition.

Legality of Military Interventions

What criticism was directed at NATO's intervention in Libya?

NATO was accused of focusing on regime change rather than protecting citizens, which some viewed as a form of US-backed imperialism.

Legality of Military Interventions

What significant action did NATO take during its intervention in Kosovo?

NATO undertook a bombing campaign, which raised questions about the legality of bypassing the UN Security Council.

Humanitarian Crisis

What was a significant consequence of the Syrian conflict?

The Syrian conflict exemplified the inconsistency in applying the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) doctrine.

Humanitarian Crisis

What methods did Hezbollah use in their operations?

Hezbollah employed guerilla warfare, social services in hospitals and schools, and general terrorism.

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