What is the conjugate base of HCl?
What is the conjugate base of H₂SO₄?
Examples of Conjugate Acids and Bases

What is the conjugate base of HCl?


Examples of Conjugate Acids and Bases

What is the conjugate base of H₂SO₄?


General Representation of Acid-Base Reactions

What is the general representation of an acid-base reaction?

Acid ⇌ Conjugate Base + H⁺; Base + H⁺ ⇌ Conjugate Acid.

Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs

What are conjugated acids and bases fundamental for?

They provide insight into the behavior of substances in various chemical reactions.

Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs

What is a conjugate acid?

A conjugate acid is formed when a base gains a proton.

Definitions of Acid and Base

What is a base?

A substance that accepts a proton (H⁺) in a chemical reaction.

Acid-Base Equilibria

Why is understanding acid-base equilibria important in chemistry?

It is crucial for predicting the behavior of solutions.

Strength of Acids and Bases

What is the relationship between the strength of acids and their conjugate bases?

Strong acids have weak conjugate bases, while weak acids have strong conjugate bases.

Examples of Conjugate Acids and Bases

What is the conjugate acid of NH₃?


Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs

What is a conjugate base?

A conjugate base is formed when an acid loses a proton.

Applications in Chemistry

How do conjugate acids and bases relate to organic chemistry?

They play a significant role in reaction mechanisms and stability of intermediates.

pKa and pKb Values

What does a lower pKa value indicate?

A stronger acid.

Definitions of Acid and Base

What is an acid?

A substance that donates a proton (H⁺) in a chemical reaction.

pKa and pKb Values

What does a lower pKb value indicate?

A stronger base.

Examples of Conjugate Acids and Bases

What is the conjugate acid of H₂O?


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