What should the group do after finding a relevant graph?
Choose one person to present the information from the graph to the class.
Which course does Lecture 5 belong to?
English for Academic Purposes II.
Collaboration in Analyzing Graphs

What should the group do after finding a relevant graph?

Choose one person to present the information from the graph to the class.

Describing Graphs and Charts

Which course does Lecture 5 belong to?

English for Academic Purposes II.

Describing Graphs and Charts

What was the peak consumption of butter and when did it occur?

160 grams in 1986.

Describing Graphs and Charts

What is the main focus of Lecture 5?

Describing charts, tables, and graphs.

Describing Graphs and Charts

What does the line graph illustrate?

The amount of three kinds of spreads (margarine, butter, and low fat/reduced spreads) consumed from 1981 to 2007.

Describing Graphs and Charts

What was the home price in 2005?


Describing Graphs and Charts

What does Task 4 involve?

Analyzing a sample answer and answering specific questions about it.

Use of Verb Tenses in Descriptions

Which verb tense is mainly used in describing charts and graphs?

Present tense, as it describes current data.

Describing Graphs and Charts

What does the second graph represent?

The number of viewers over the months.

Describing Graphs and Charts

What was the viewership of the program in January?

1 million viewers.

Describing Graphs and Charts

Which spread was the most popular at the start of the period?


Assessment Requirements

What does the first assessment of the term require students to describe?

Information presented in a table, chart, or graph.

Task 2 Questions

What are the two questions to be discussed in small groups for Task 2?

1. What are the most important skills for a good writer to have? 2. Which of the four criteria do you find most difficult when writing in English?

Describing Graphs and Charts

What type of data is represented in the first graph mentioned?

House Prices over the years.

Describing Graphs and Charts

What is the first task related to the graph?

To write 150 words describing the graph.

Describing Graphs and Charts

What happened to the viewership from January to March?

It dropped dramatically to 400,000.

Use of Verb Tenses in Descriptions

Is the present tense always used when describing charts and graphs?

Not necessarily; it depends on the context.

Language for Describing Trends

What aspect of language should you look for in the sample answer?

Examples of language used to describe the movement of data.

Organization of Information in Writing

What should you identify about the organization of the sample answer?

How the writer organized the information and the purpose of each paragraph.

Describing Graphs and Charts

How did home prices change from 1970 to 1995?

They began to rise slowly to 600,000.

Assessment Tasks

Match the skill 'Use linkers appropriately' to which assessment criteria?


Comparative Language in Writing

What type of comparisons should you identify in the sample answer?

Examples of language used to show contrast and comparison.

Language for Describing Trends

What vocabulary can be used to describe an increase in consumption?

Words like rise, increase, surge, and growth.

Describing Graphs and Charts

What was the consumption of margarine in the first year?

Approximately 90 grams.

Describing Graphs and Charts

What was the trend for margarine and butter consumption from 1981 to 2007?

The consumption of margarine and butter decreased.

Assessment Requirements

What is the difference between the first assessment of the term and task 1 of the IELTS Test?

The first assessment requires two writing tasks and does not include describing a diagram.

Assessment Criteria

What are the four assessment criteria for the first written assignment?

Content, Organisation, Vocabulary, Grammar.

Describing Graphs and Charts

What was the all-time low for home prices in 1970?


Describing Graphs and Charts

What is the main focus of Lecture 5?

Describing Charts, Tables, and Graphs.

Describing Graphs and Charts

What was the viewership trend from July to December?

It declined steadily to 800,000.

Language for Describing Trends

What adjectives can help describe trends more precisely?

Sharp(ly), dramatic(ally), significant(ly), steady(ily), relative(ly), considerable(ably), slight(ly), gentle(ly), a little, gradual(ly).

Describing Graphs and Charts

What should you consider when describing the graph?

What information stands out, how much detail to give, and how many paragraphs are needed.

Describing Graphs and Charts

What was the peak viewership reached in July?

1.2 million viewers.

Describing Graphs and Charts

What was the consumption trend for low fat and reduced spreads?

It rose from 1996, starting at about 10 grams and reaching a high of just over 80 grams.

Describing Graphs and Charts

What does the term 'fluctuation' refer to in the context of the graph?

Variations in the amount consumed over time.

Describing Graphs and Charts

What happened to the consumption of low fat and reduced spreads in the final years?

It fell slightly to approximately 70 grams in 2007.

Assessment Tasks

What is the purpose of Task 1 in the assessment?

To match skills and strategies to the four assessment criteria.

Assessment Tasks

What is the purpose of Task 2 in the assessment?

To discuss the most important skills for a good writer and the most difficult criteria when writing in English.

Describing Graphs and Charts

What is the main activity described for Student A and Student B?

Drawing a line in the graph that matches the description read by the other student.

Describing Graphs and Charts

What is the optional task for the students if time permits?

To search for a graph related to their report topic and choose appropriate language to describe it.

Describing Graphs and Charts

What was the home price level in 1955?


Language for Describing Trends

What phrases can indicate a downward trend?

To show a downward trend, to hit the lowest point, to reach a trough.

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