What must prospective shareholders be aware of regarding the promoter's interests?
Prospective shareholders must be informed of the promoter's interests before becoming members of the company.
What is the consequence of a promoter's failure to disclose an interest in property sold to the company?
Such failure renders the contract voidable, and the company may rescind the contract.
Disclosure Obligations of Promoters

What must prospective shareholders be aware of regarding the promoter's interests?

Prospective shareholders must be informed of the promoter's interests before becoming members of the company.

Duties and Responsibilities of Promoters

What is the consequence of a promoter's failure to disclose an interest in property sold to the company?

Such failure renders the contract voidable, and the company may rescind the contract.

Duties and Responsibilities of Promoters

What does the term 'promoter' signify according to Lord Bowen J?

The term 'promoter' signifies one of business usage, summarizing various business operations familiar in the commercial world that lead to the creation of a company.

Articles of Association as a Contract

What is the effect of articles of association on the company and its members?

The articles bind the company and each member in the same manner and to the same extent as a contract, excluding all others.

Legal Implications of Company Constitution

What is the implication of having directors appointed by vendors?

Directors appointed by vendors are not considered an independent Board, affecting the effectiveness of disclosures.

Articles of Association as a Contract

What did the case of Wood v Odessa Waterworks Co. illustrate about articles of association?

It illustrated that articles constitute a contract not only between shareholders and the company but also among individual shareholders.

Articles of Association as a Contract

What principle was illustrated in Eley v Positive Government Security Life Assurance Co. Ltd?

The principle that articles of association create a covenant between members, and a non-member cannot sue to enforce an agreement made by members.

Duties and Responsibilities of Promoters

What is the role of a promoter in relation to a proposed company?

A promoter engages in activities such as recruiting shareholders, appointing the first directors, acquiring business assets, and negotiating preliminary business contracts on behalf of the proposed company.

Personal Liability of Promoters

What did the court rule in Phonogram Ltd v Lane regarding personal liability?

The court held that Mr. Lane's signature 'for and on behalf of' the company did not sufficiently exclude him from personal liability to repay the money, as there was no clear and express exclusion of liability.

Rights and Liabilities of Company Members

Can a member enforce rights from the articles in a capacity other than that of a member?

No, a member cannot enforce rights conferred by the articles in any capacity other than as a member.

Pre-Incorporation Contracts

What is the legal effect of a contract purportedly made by a company before its incorporation?

Such a contract has no legal effect and cannot be enforced by or against the company.

Personal Liability of Promoters

What does section 44(1) of the 2015 Act state about promoters' liability?

Section 44(1) states that promoters remain personally liable for pre-incorporation contracts, but not in the capacity of an 'agent'.

Rights and Liabilities of Company Members

What rights do members have regarding the enforcement of the articles?

Members may sue the company and vice versa to enforce and restrain breaches of the regulations contained in the articles.

Duties and Responsibilities of Promoters

What happens if a promoter fails to disclose his interest in a transaction?

If disclosure is not made, the company may affirm the contract and sue the promoter for an account and payment of profits.

Fiduciary Duties of Promoters

What distinguishes an independent Board of Directors in relation to promoters?

An independent Board is distinguished by its members being aware of the promoters' property, being competent judges, and capable of impartial judgment.

Duties and Responsibilities of Promoters

What must a promoter disclose to avoid liability under the Companies Act?

A promoter must disclose his interests and obtain approval from the initial members of the company.

Personal Liability of Promoters

What is the implication of the case Kelner v Baxter regarding promoters' liability?

In Kelner v Baxter, it was determined that promoters can be held personally liable for contracts made on behalf of a company that was not yet formed.

Duties and Responsibilities of Promoters

What is required for a person assisting promoters to claim remuneration for services?

They may sue for remuneration under an express or implied contract of agency or for services containing an undertaking to pay.

Personal Liability of Promoters

What is the personal liability of promoters in relation to pre-incorporation contracts?

Promoters can be personally liable for obligations undertaken in contracts made on behalf of a company that does not yet exist unless there is an express agreement stating otherwise.

Personal Liability of Promoters

What is the personal liability of promoters regarding pre-incorporation contracts?

Promoters are personally liable for all pre-incorporation contracts made for the benefit of their unformed company, regardless of their capacity or subjective beliefs.

Pre-Incorporation Contracts

Can a company adopt or ratify a contract made before its incorporation?

No, a company cannot adopt or ratify a contract made before its incorporation as it was non-existent at that time.

Pre-Incorporation Contracts

What is ratification in the context of company law?

Ratification occurs when a company signifies its intention to confirm or adopt a contract made on its behalf by its promoters before incorporation, but it cannot ratify pre-incorporation contracts.

Personal Liability of Promoters

What was the outcome of Newborne v Sensolid regarding agents and unincorporated companies?

It was held that an agent had no right to sue personally under a contract made in the name of an unincorporated company that was not in existence at the time of signing.

Legal Implications of Company Constitution

What does Section 30(1) of the Companies Act state about the company's constitution?

It states that the company's constitution binds the company and its members to the same extent as if they had covenanted to observe it.

Pre-Incorporation Contracts

What happens to legal costs incurred before a company's incorporation?

The person cannot sue the company to recover expenses incurred before its incorporation, as the company has not yet been formed.

Pre-Incorporation Contracts

Can a company ratify a pre-incorporation contract?

No, a company cannot ratify a pre-incorporation contract because it was made before the company came into existence, and any attempt to do so has no legal consequence regarding the promoter's personal liability.

Personal Liability of Promoters

What must be done to recover amounts owed by promoters before the dissolution of a company?

Action to recover the amount must be instituted before the company's dissolution, as the promoter's liability terminates after dissolution.

Fiduciary Duties of Promoters

What is the nature of the fiduciary duty of promoters?

The fiduciary duty of promoters involves acting loyally and in good faith towards the company, prioritizing its interests over their own.

Legal Implications of Company Constitution

What is the nature of the articles of association according to Sear v Frank F Scott (London) Ltd?

The articles of association become a contract between the company and its members, characterized as a statutory contract with distinctive features.

Duties and Responsibilities of Promoters

What is the definition of a promoter in the context of company formation?

A promoter is defined as a person engaged in the formation or floatation of a company, excluding those whose professional services are engaged in the process.

Pre-Incorporation Contracts

What principle was established in the case of Kelner v Baxter?

The principle established is that if a contract is signed by someone as an 'agent' without a principal existing at the time, the contract is inoperative unless binding on the signer.

Duties and Responsibilities of Promoters

What happens to the liability of promoters before the incorporation of the company?

Before incorporation, promoters are not deemed to be in partnership unless they jointly buy property with the intention of selling it at a profit to the company they form.

Judicial Precedents in Company Law

What principle was reaffirmed in Lagunas Nitrate Co. v Lagunas Syndicate?

The principle that lack of independence of the Board is not sufficient grounds for rescinding a sale by such directors or their agents.

Personal Liability of Promoters

Can a promoter sue a company for obligations undertaken on its behalf before incorporation?

No, a promoter cannot sue the company for obligations undertaken before its incorporation as there is no principal in relation to whom they act as agent.

Rights and Liabilities of Company Members

What can a member petition the court for?

A member can petition the court for relief if the company's affairs are being conducted in a manner that is unfairly prejudicial to their interests.

Duties and Responsibilities of Promoters

What must a promoter do to retain profits from a transaction involving the company?

A promoter must make full disclosure to the company of his personal interest in the transaction and all material facts before the completion of the transaction.

Duties and Responsibilities of Promoters

What remedies are available to a company against a promoter for breach of duty?

Remedies include an action for damages in fraud, negligent misrepresentation, or breach of duty.

Personal Liability of Promoters

How can promoters avoid personal liability in contracts?

Promoters can avoid personal liability if the exclusion of personal liability is clearly expressed in the contract.

Duties and Responsibilities of Promoters

What are the duties of a promoter in relation to a company in formation?

A promoter has fiduciary duties to act in the best interests of the company and its future shareholders, ensuring transparency and avoiding conflicts of interest.

Legal Implications of Company Constitution

What becomes the company's constitution upon registration?

The articles of association become the company's constitution, forming a binding contract between the members.

Rights and Liabilities of Company Members

What happens if a member's rights or interests are not expressly set out in the articles?

The courts may recognize these rights or interests as enforceable against the company, provided they are not the subject of a written contract.

Fiduciary Duties of Promoters

What fiduciary duties do promoters have?

Promoters occupy a position of trust and are required to disclose all personal interests that might conflict with the interests of the company.

Duties and Responsibilities of Promoters

What happens to the role of a promoter once a governing body of directors is formed?

Once a governing body of directors is formed, the functions of the promoter come to an end.

Judicial Precedents in Company Law

What was established in Hickman v Kent regarding articles of association?

It was established that no article can constitute a contract between a company and a third person, and rights in the articles can only be enforced by members.

Pre-Incorporation Contracts

Are companies generally liable for the incorporation expenses incurred by promoters?

As a general rule, companies are not liable to pay promoters' incorporation expenses unless expressly empowered to do so.

Legal Implications of Company Constitution

What change did the Companies Act, 2015 introduce regarding the objects of a company?

The Act no longer requires the objects of a company to be specified in its memorandum; they are deemed unrestricted unless stated otherwise in the articles.

Fiduciary Duties of Promoters

What was the outcome of the case involving Leeds and Hanley Theatre of Varieties regarding promoters' fiduciary duties?

The promoters were held liable for breach of fiduciary duty for not disclosing their profit and interest in the property sold to the company.

Personal Liability of Promoters

What does Section 44(1) of the Companies Act, 2015 state regarding contracts made on behalf of a company?

It states that a contract made by a person purporting to act for the company is binding on that person personally, as the company was not yet formed.

Duties and Responsibilities of Promoters

When must a promoter disclose his interests in a transaction?

Disclosure must be made before the completion of the transaction out of which the profit is made or anticipated.

Personal Liability of Promoters

What happens to a promoter's liability in case of insolvency?

An adjudication order does not extinguish the promoter's liability for secret profits, and the company may prove in his bankruptcy.

Fiduciary Duties of Promoters

How does the relationship between promoters and the company differ from that of trustees and beneficiaries?

Promoters are not trustees in the ordinary sense; their relationship is not that of trustee and beneficiary, but they do hold property in trust for the company.

Duties and Responsibilities of Promoters

Who is excluded from the definition of a promoter?

Persons whose professional services, such as counsel, accountants, or printers of prospectuses, are engaged in the incorporation process are excluded from the definition of a promoter.

Duties and Responsibilities of Promoters

Can a promoter sue another promoter for remuneration for services without an express contract?

No, in the absence of an express contract, one promoter may not sue another for remuneration for services.

Articles of Association as a Contract

What is the significance of the articles of association regarding preliminary expenses?

It is immaterial if the articles state the company shall defray preliminary expenses, as a company cannot be bound by undertakings made before its existence.

Fiduciary Duties of Promoters

In Gluckstein v Barnes, what was the issue with the property sale to the newly formed company?

The syndicate sold the property at a profit without disclosing the discount they received, leading to a claim for repayment of the concealed amount.

Legal Implications of Company Constitution

What happens to rights and obligations of a company before its incorporation?

A company acquires rights and obligations only upon incorporation; no rights or obligations exist from actions taken before incorporation.

Rights and Liabilities of Company Members

Can a non-member sue to enforce a provision in a company's articles?

No, a non-member cannot sue to enforce any provision in the articles, even if it confers a benefit to them.

Legal Implications of Company Constitution

Can the court rectify the articles of association if they do not reflect the concurrent intention of the members?

No, the court has no power to rectify the articles even if they do not accord with the members' concurrent intention.

Disclosure Obligations of Promoters

What was established in the case of Erlanger v New Sombrero Phosphate Co. regarding promoter disclosure?

The case established that promoters must disclose any profits they are making from transactions involving the company, as failure to do so can lead to legal consequences.

Duties and Responsibilities of Promoters

What is the legal position of promoters regarding agency among themselves?

Promoters are not agents for each other and are not liable for each other's acts at common law.

Duties and Responsibilities of Promoters

When does a person become a promoter of a company?

A person may become a promoter either before or after the company's incorporation, regardless of being a director.

Duties and Responsibilities of Promoters

What are the general duties of a promoter?

The general duties of a promoter include preparing necessary documents for incorporation, such as the memorandum and articles of association.

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