Isotope: Definition, Stabilität, Radioaktivität
What are the natural limits for the number of isotopes in elements?
Elements with small atomic numbers have approximately equal numbers of protons and neutrons, while elements with high atomic numbers have a slight neutron excess to balance the repelling protons.
Atomorbitale: s-Orbitale, p-Orbitale, Form und räumliche Anordnung
What is the characteristic of the 3p or 4p orbitals in terms of charge density?
They have a similar appearance, but the greatest charge density lies further from the atomic nucleus.
Elektronenkonfiguration: Erste zwölf Elemente des Periodensystems
What is the electron configuration of Neon (Ne)?
1s2 2s2 2p6 (full shell).
Elektronenkonfiguration: Erste zwölf Elemente des Periodensystems
What is the Elektronenkonfiguration of an atom based on?
It is based on the atom's atomic number and the occupation of energy levels, following the order of sublevels and the Pauli principle.
Isotope: Definition, Stabilität, Radioaktivität
How are isotopes represented using the notation A Z M?
A represents the mass number, Z represents the atomic number, and M represents the chemical symbol of the element.
Elementarteilchen: Protonen, Neutronen, Elektronen
What is the relative mass of an electron compared to a proton?
An electron possesses only about 1/2000 of the mass of a proton.
Elementarteilchen: Protonen, Neutronen, Elektronen
How can a single light quantum be visualized?
As a particle moving at the speed of light, known as a photon, demonstrating the wave/particle duality of light.
Atomkern und Elektronenhülle
What is the role of atom nuclei in the space between the atomic nucleus and the outer atomic boundary?
They form positively charged mass points in an otherwise nearly empty space, structuring it with their negative charge and defining it outwardly.
Isotope: Definition, Stabilität, Radioaktivität
What are isotopes?
Atoms with the same atomic number but different mass numbers, due to a different number of neutrons.
Atomkern und Elektronenhülle
What is the equation for the energy of quantum radiation?
E = h * v, where h = 6.626 * 10^-34 J * s (Planck constant with the unit Joule * second).
What is the shape of s-orbitals?
They are spherically symmetrical around the atomic nucleus with no preferred direction in three-dimensional space.
Atomkern und Elektronenhülle
What does the energy level diagram of the electron shell depict?
It depicts the energy level scheme of the electron shell with the labeling of the shells and sublevels.
Isotope: Definition, Stabilität, Radioaktivität
What determines whether isotopes are stable or unstable (radioactive)?
The balance between the number of protons and neutrons in the atomic nucleus.
Isotope: Definition, Stabilität, Radioaktivität
What are radioisotopes?
Unstable isotopes that attempt to stabilize by emitting elementary particles.
Elementarteilchen: Protonen, Neutronen, Elektronen
What is the term for the smallest 'elements of individual things' that cannot be further divided?
Atomos (meaning indivisible) as proposed by Leukipp and Demokrit.
Isotope: Definition, Stabilität, Radioaktivität
What is the composition of Tin (Sn)?
It consists of 10 isotopes.
Quantenzahlen: Hauptquantenzahl, Nebenquantenzahl, Magnetquantenzahl, Spinquantenzahl
What is the range of values for the Magnetquantenzahl m?
It ranges from +l to -l (including 0) for each sublevel.
Stoffmenge und Mol: Definition, Avogadro-Konstante, Anwendungen
Why are the exact relative atomic masses of elements needed?
To establish mass balances in chemical reactions.
Aufbau eines Atoms: Atomkern, Elektronenhülle, Schalen
What is the relationship between the size of an atom and its nucleus?
The size of an atom is like that of a large sports hall to a table tennis ball, leaving a lot of space in an atom.
Atomkern und Elektronenhülle
What is the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics?
It states that the position and velocity of an electron cannot be known simultaneously.
What is an atomic orbital?
A space in the electron shell where the probability of finding a specific electron of the atom ranges from 0 to 1.
Chemische Elemente: Definition, Eigenschaften, Isotopenzusammensetzung
What is the isotopic composition of naturally occurring elements on Earth?
It is practically constant, with a defined isotopic abundance.
Quantenzahlen: Hauptquantenzahl, Nebenquantenzahl, Magnetquantenzahl, Spinquantenzahl
What is the Nebenquantenzahl?
It characterizes the different sublevels within a principal energy level for electrons and ranges from l = 0 to l = n - 1 for each shell.
Isotope: Definition, Stabilität, Radioaktivität
Why is the proportion of unstable isotopes expected to decrease in the future?
Due to the high age of the Earth.
Atomkern und Elektronenhülle
What happens when atoms are excited?
Atoms can be transferred from their ground state to an excited state by absorbing energy, and this energy can be released as radiation when the electrons fall back to the original level.
Aufbau eines Atoms: Atomkern, Elektronenhülle, Schalen
What is the composition of an atom's nucleus?
It consists of protons and neutrons.
Aufbau eines Atoms: Atomkern, Elektronenhülle, Schalen
What determines the chemical properties of an element?
The electron shell determines the chemical properties of an element.
Aufbau eines Atoms: Atomkern, Elektronenhülle, Schalen
How is the charge of an atom's nucleus balanced?
By the corresponding number of electrons in the vicinity of the nucleus.
Elementarteilchen: Protonen, Neutronen, Elektronen
What are the three subatomic particles considered in understanding the main properties of atoms?
Protons, Neutrons, Electrons.
Aufbau eines Atoms: Atomkern, Elektronenhülle, Schalen
What is a Linienspektrum and how is it used?
It is a line spectrum that appears after excitation in a spectrometer, and it is used to recognize and differentiate elements.
Atomkern und Elektronenhülle
What are valence electrons?
Electrons located in the outer shell of an atom.
Stoffmenge und Mol: Definition, Avogadro-Konstante, Anwendungen
What does the Avogadro constant indicate?
It indicates how many particles are contained in one mole of substance.
Stoffmenge und Mol: Definition, Avogadro-Konstante, Anwendungen
What is the definition of the Avogadro constant?
It is a natural constant representing the number of atoms in 12 grams of carbon-12.
Aufbau eines Atoms: Atomkern, Elektronenhülle, Schalen
What happens during the formation of a chemical bond or chemical reactions?
During the formation of a chemical bond or chemical reactions, electrons are rearranged.
Atomkern und Elektronenhülle
How is the dual nature of electrons expressed in quantum mechanics?
Electrons are described as both particles and waves.
Elementarteilchen: Protonen, Neutronen, Elektronen
What is the relative mass of a neutron compared to a proton?
Neutron and proton have approximately the same relative mass.
Stoffmenge und Mol: Definition, Avogadro-Konstante, Anwendungen
What is the significance of atoms and elementary particles in relation to the human body?
Atoms form the basis for everything that makes up human existence, including growth, physical and mental activity, intelligence, character, health, and disease.
Einfluss von Elektrosmog auf den menschlichen Körper
What is the impact of electromagnetic fields, such as those from power lines, mobile phone masts, and transmitters, on human health?
They do not change the atoms themselves, but they influence processes involving charges and disrupt the quantum flow.
Stoffmenge und Mol: Definition, Avogadro-Konstante, Anwendungen
How does the Avogadro constant make it easier to describe chemical reactions?
It makes it easier to describe chemical reactions quantitatively because the amount of substance is independent of external parameters like pressure and temperature.
Aufbau eines Atoms: Atomkern, Elektronenhülle, Schalen
What is the function of the electrons in an atom?
They surround the nucleus as a cloud of negative charge.
Aufbau eines Atoms: Atomkern, Elektronenhülle, Schalen
What is the Kernladungszahl (KLZ) of an atom?
It is the sum of protons in the atom's nucleus.
Elementarteilchen: Protonen, Neutronen, Elektronen
What is the absolute charge of an electron and a proton?
Absolute charge of -1.6 * 10^-19 C for an electron and +1.6 * 10^-19 C for a proton.
Atomkern und Elektronenhülle
What is the Hund's rule in electron configuration?
The energetically equivalent p-states (px, py, pz) are initially occupied by a single electron, all with parallel spin, before a second electron with opposite spin is added.
How are p-orbitals oriented around the atomic nucleus?
They are oriented in the shape of a dumbbell along the x-, y-, and z-axes.
Atomorbitale: s-Orbitale, p-Orbitale, Form und räumliche Anordnung
What is the energy level diagram used for?
To indicate the energy of the occupied levels for the electrons of an atom.
Stoffmenge und Mol: Definition, Avogadro-Konstante, Anwendungen
How is the maximum number of electrons for each sublevel and shell derived?
It is derived from the formula 2n^2, where n is the principal quantum number.
Stoffmenge und Mol: Definition, Avogadro-Konstante, Anwendungen
What does one mole of a chemical compound correspond to in grams?
It corresponds to the relative molecular mass in grams.
Aufbau eines Atoms: Atomkern, Elektronenhülle, Schalen
What do electrons do around the atomic nucleus?
Electrons arrange themselves around the nucleus according to fixed rules.
Atomorbitale: s-Orbitale, p-Orbitale, Form und räumliche Anordnung
How are the sublevels within a principal energy level characterized?
By the Nebenquantenzahl l, which can take values from 0 to n - 1 and is represented by the letters s, p, d, and f.
Quantenzahlen: Hauptquantenzahl, Nebenquantenzahl, Magnetquantenzahl, Spinquantenzahl
What is the significance of the Spinquantenzahl for electrons?
It corresponds to the electron's spin direction and can have values of +1/2 or -1/2.
Stoffmenge und Mol: Definition, Avogadro-Konstante, Anwendungen
What is the significance of the known abbreviations in describing small subsets of substance?
They allow the description of small subsets of substance, for example, 1 nmol contains approximately 6 * 10^14 particles of the substance.
Quantenzahlen: Hauptquantenzahl, Nebenquantenzahl, Magnetquantenzahl, Spinquantenzahl
How are the energy levels of electrons distributed in an atom?
The energy levels of electrons are distributed on different energy levels or shells.
Quantenzahlen: Hauptquantenzahl, Nebenquantenzahl, Magnetquantenzahl, Spinquantenzahl
What is the Pauli principle in relation to electrons?
No electron of an atom can have the same set of four quantum numbers as another (Pauli principle).
Stoffmenge und Mol: Definition, Avogadro-Konstante, Anwendungen
What does one mole of an element correspond to in grams?
It corresponds to the relative atomic mass in grams.
Aufbau eines Atoms: Atomkern, Elektronenhülle, Schalen
What is the diameter of an atom's nucleus?
Only 10^-15 meters (1 fm, 1 Femtometer).
Aufbau eines Atoms: Atomkern, Elektronenhülle, Schalen
What does the Massenzahl of an atom indicate?
It indicates the total number of protons and neutrons in the atom's nucleus.
Aufbau eines Atoms: Atomkern, Elektronenhülle, Schalen
What is the diameter of an atom?
About 10^-10 meters (0.1 nm = 100 pm).
Aufbau eines Atoms: Atomkern, Elektronenhülle, Schalen
What is the Ordnungszahl (OZ) of an element?
It is the order number of the elements when atoms are arranged by increasing KLZ.