What is the appropriate operational definition of wellness?
Wellness is the state of well-being of the participants in Zumba on their physical health.
Which reasons support the behavior change approach?
1. Views health as property of individuals; 2. Sees people as having the capacity to change their lifestyle; 3. Assumes that if people do not act on their health, they suffer the consequences.
Health Education and Behavior Change

What is the appropriate operational definition of wellness?

Wellness is the state of well-being of the participants in Zumba on their physical health.

Health Education and Behavior Change

Which reasons support the behavior change approach?

1. Views health as property of individuals; 2. Sees people as having the capacity to change their lifestyle; 3. Assumes that if people do not act on their health, they suffer the consequences.

Patient Assessment and Care Planning

After her operation, which parts of the body does Aurora need to improve healing through physical activity?

1. Skeletal; 2. Integumentary.

Ethical Decision-Making in Nursing

What is the first step in ethical decision-making?

Identify and clarify the ethical problem.

Health Education and Behavior Change

Which strategies are appropriate for adult parents in health education? Select all that apply.

C. 1, 2, 4 (Role playing, Group sharing, Return demonstration)

Patient Safety and Infection Control

What is a goal related to improving navigation within the healthcare facility?

Develop clean and simple signage for directions.

Quality Documentation in Nursing

Which university is associated with the document?

Angeles University Foundation.

Nursing Interventions for Specific Conditions

Which of the following is a dependent nursing intervention for client Simon?

Administer Paracetamol every 4 hours.

Patient Safety and Infection Control

What is the most number of nurses that can team up to turn Mr. BC every two hours?

D. Three.

Patient Assessment and Care Planning

Who initiates isotonic exercises such as range of motion exercises?

A. patient.

Quality Documentation in Nursing

Who is associated with NP1-NP3?

Julianne Anika C. Lupisan.

Health Education and Behavior Change

What does the educational approach NOT aim to do?

Help people make an impulsive choice.

Patient Assessment and Care Planning

Who should the nurse collaborate with for immediate intubation equipment?

C. anesthesia department.

Patient Assessment and Care Planning

What are the benefits of range of motion exercises?

1. Improve circulation + muscle strength; 2. Prevent joint stiffness + contractures; 3. Restore full ROM.

Patient Assessment and Care Planning

When doing a range of motion exercise, what should the nurse observe in Aurora?

B. Color of the skin - Circulation.

Nursing Interventions for Specific Conditions

If Ben cannot sleep immediately, what can the nurse provide?

A. A glass of warm milk.

Nursing Interventions for Specific Conditions

What is Nurse Chard’s PRIORITY INTERVENTION for Client Arvie during an asthma attack?

C. Place him in a comfortable environment.

Quality Documentation in Nursing

What is the last recall listed in the contents?

Recalls 7 NP5.

Research in Nursing Practice

In a cause-and-effect relationship, which is the independent variable?

A. Population.

Health Education and Behavior Change

What is the behavior change approach in health education?

It encourages parents to adopt healthy behaviors that will lead to improved health.

Patient Assessment and Care Planning

Who is the best person to help wheel Mr. BC to the dialysis unit?

D. nurse aide.

Research in Nursing Practice

In the study titled 'Effects of Zumba as a form of exercise in promoting wellness among health providers,' what is the independent variable?

C. Zumba.

Patient Assessment and Care Planning

What is client Simon's temperature in Fahrenheit if Nurse Celine reports it as 101.3F?


Quality Documentation in Nursing

Who downloaded the document?

Pauline Michaela Orozco.

Health Education and Behavior Change

What is the BEST question to ask to start a health education class and encourage parent participation?

D. 'What food do you usually prepare for your kids' lunch?'

Research in Nursing Practice

In the same study, what is the dependent variable?

B. Wellness.

Patient Safety and Infection Control

How often should clients at risk be re-assessed?

B. Daily basis – 24-48 hrs after admission; status changes.

Patient Assessment and Care Planning

Which patient is at risk for health complications related to weight?

C. A seventy one year old who is 5 ft 4 inches (160 cm), weighs 120 lb (55 kg), and carries most of the weight in the thighs.

Patient Assessment and Care Planning

What should Nurse Claire first assess when a patient has not lost weight for a month?

A. Ask the patient whether there have been any recent changes in exercise or diet patterns.

Health Education and Behavior Change

What should health education for Emma include?

1. Responding to the urge to defecate and establishing a daily pattern; 2. Role of dietary fiber and fluid in maintaining bowel function.

Nursing Interventions for Specific Conditions

What is an independent nursing intervention to reduce the temperature of client Simon?

Monitor temperature regularly, offer cold drinking water frequently, provide tepid sponge bath, encourage wearing loose cotton clothing.

Patient Safety and Infection Control

What is the BASIC precaution in the hospital for isolation?

C. private room placement.

Ethical Decision-Making in Nursing

What ethical concept applies to Thea's case regarding her pregnancy?

A. Bioethics – ethics related to life.

Patient Assessment and Care Planning

What is the first step Nurse Adam should take when admitting Esther?

Get the vital signs.

Quality Documentation in Nursing

What is the starting page for Recalls 7 NP2?

Page 25.

Nursing Licensure and Legal Responsibilities

What is the first step after passing the Nursing Licensure Examination according to the Philippine Nursing Law?

A. Take the oath of the profession before the Professional Regulatory Board of Nursing.

Nursing Licensure and Legal Responsibilities

Which body can revoke or suspend Leah’s certificate of registration/professional license?

A. Professional Regulatory Board of Nursing.

Nursing Interventions for Specific Conditions

What will Leah initially be required to utilize in rendering care to her clients?

D. Nursing process.

Ethical Decision-Making in Nursing

What is Nurse Tara's ethical obligation regarding client information?

To keep information about the client’s illness and treatment confidential.

Patient Assessment and Care Planning

What type of bowel sound indicates hyperactivity and diarrhea?

A. loud and gurgling sound – Hyperactive; Diarrhea.

Nursing Licensure and Legal Responsibilities

Who among the following cannot initiate intravenous infusion?

C. nursing aide.

Quality Documentation in Nursing

Is Studocu sponsored or endorsed by any college or university?


Patient Safety and Infection Control

Which of the following is NOT included in airborne precautions?

A. positioning and draping of patients.

Health Education and Behavior Change

What is the goal of the educational approach in Nurse Victoria's classes?

To provide information and develop the necessary skills.

Health Education and Behavior Change

Which aspect is NOT included in the educational approach to health education?

D. Behavioral

Nursing Licensure and Legal Responsibilities

What should Nurse Leah refresh herself on after passing the Nursing Licensure Examination?

The law that governs the practice of nursing in the Philippines.

Patient Safety and Infection Control

What is a goal to prevent medication errors?

Prevent high concentration drug errors.

Quality Documentation in Nursing

What platform is mentioned for accessing the document?


Patient Assessment and Care Planning

What important data should Nurse Adam consider if thinking of a urinary problem?

Presence of blood in the urine - Hematuria.

Health Education and Behavior Change

What is the appropriate response to client Simon's difficulty adjusting to hot temperatures after stabilization?

People from cold regions have more brown adipocytes.

Patient Assessment and Care Planning

What important data should Nurse Adam ask to consider a surgical problem?

Fever - Infection.

Research in Nursing Practice

What is the research design of the study?

A. quasi-experimental – Control, Manipulation.

Health Education and Behavior Change

What is the role of exercise and activity in maintaining bowel function?

Exercise and activity help promote regular bowel movements and prevent constipation.

Management of Chronic Conditions

What might be a reason for a patient to stop losing weight after consistent progress?

The patient may have reached a temporary weight loss plateau.

Patient Safety and Infection Control

What practice is essential upon entering a hospital to reduce infection risk?

Mandatory hand washing.

Quality Documentation in Nursing

What is the title of the document mentioned?

Recalls 7 Ratio Complete BS Nursing.

Patient Assessment and Care Planning

What is the main purpose of range of motion exercises for Aurora after her mastectomy?

B. prevent contracture deformity of the muscle of the right arm and chest.

Patient Assessment and Care Planning

What is the appropriate nursing diagnosis for Ben?

C. Disturbed sleep pattern related to school problem.

Patient Assessment and Care Planning

What vital sign should Nurse Chard monitor and report to the physician?

Respiratory rate.

Quality Documentation in Nursing

Why is quality documentation and reporting important in nursing?

To enhance efficient, individualized patient care.

Quality Documentation in Nursing

What should a nursing record contain according to Nurse Tara?

Descriptive, objective observations about what the nurse sees, hears, feels, and smells.

Quality Documentation in Nursing

Who is associated with NP3-NP5?

Pamella M. Cordero.

Nursing Interventions for Specific Conditions

What is the purpose of the cool sponge bath given to Simon?

A. Alleviating discomforts of client Simon.

Ethical Decision-Making in Nursing

What is the second step in helping Thea make an ethical decision?

2. Make decision.

Patient Safety and Infection Control

Which nursing goal involves creating a clean and orderly environment?

Create a clean, orderly environment for the patient.

Ethical Decision-Making in Nursing

What realization did Thea have after analyzing Nurse Zenaida's advice?

The value of life and family.

Patient Safety and Infection Control

What practice can improve the safety of medication administration?

Improve safety administration of medicines.

Patient Assessment and Care Planning

Who is responsible for morning care in a hospital setting?

C. staff nurse – carrying out orders, medications.

Nursing Interventions for Specific Conditions

What is a good example of isotonic exercise for Aurora’s arm, EXCEPT __________?

D. closing and opening hand.

Nursing Interventions for Specific Conditions

What simple nursing intervention can help Ben go to sleep?

B. Light should be dimmed at specific time.

Patient Assessment and Care Planning

What regulatory function of the hypothalamus is described by client Simon's severe chilly sensation?

Heat production - chills, shivering, increased BMR, vasoconstriction of the peripheries.

Patient Assessment and Care Planning

What should Nurse Adam ask to consider a gynecological problem?

Date of last menstrual period.

Health Education and Behavior Change

What important health teaching should Nurse Chard provide before client Arvie’s discharge?

To watch out for climate change and unnecessary exposure to elements that trigger asthma attacks.

Nursing Licensure and Legal Responsibilities

Which part of the Nursing Law should Leah focus on for safe practice as a novice nurse?

A. Scope of Nursing Practice.

Ethical Decision-Making in Nursing

What is the initial advice given by Nurse Zenaida to patient Thea?

Advise her that as a minor, her parents should be duly informed about her pregnancy.

Therapeutic Communication Techniques

What is a true statement regarding the use of humor in nursing?

Humor is used to build rapport.

Patient Safety and Infection Control

What is an important practice for proper waste management in a healthcare setting?

Proper garbage disposal.

Quality Documentation in Nursing

What does NP1 refer to in the contents?

Recalls 7 NP1.

Patient Safety and Infection Control

When should Nurse Celine wash her hands to prevent spreading infection?

B. before and after performing procedures and in between patient care.

Ethical Decision-Making in Nursing

Which ethical concept emphasizes duty and rationality?

B. Deontology.

Nursing Licensure and Legal Responsibilities

Which Nursing Practice Standard should NOT be followed according to Nurse Amy?

Risk elements should not be modified.

Quality Documentation in Nursing

What should be included when documenting medication administration?

Any preliminary observations, patient’s response, and nursing measures taken for negative responses.

Ethical Decision-Making in Nursing

What does the term 'values clarification' refer to?

A psychotherapy technique to increase awareness of how values affect life.

Therapeutic Communication Techniques

What does asking an open-ended question like 'What can we do to help you?' allow?

It allows the patient to elaborate on their response.

Therapeutic Communication Techniques

What type of feedback should be provided while listening to a patient?

Well-timed and content-focused.

Nursing Interventions for Specific Conditions

What is the MOST APPROPRIATE nursing diagnosis for Emma’s case?

A. risk of constipation related to lifestyle.

Patient Education and Health Promotion

Where should the nozzle of the nebulizer be positioned during inhalation?

Mainly near his nose and mouth.

Nursing Interventions for Specific Conditions

What is a cause of altered respiratory function during an asthmatic attack?

Increased airway resistance.

Quality Documentation in Nursing

Which statement reflects accurate documentation of Darren's intake?

Darren’s intake during the shift is 360 ml.

Nursing Licensure and Legal Responsibilities

What Nursing Republic Act should Nurse Leah refer to?

D. RA 9173.

Patient Safety and Infection Control

What is an appropriate nursing goal for a safe environment related to patient safety?

Reduce the risk for patient harm resulting from falls.

Patient Safety and Infection Control

What is important for the safe and correct use of pharmaceutical agents?

Understanding dosages, potential side effects, and interactions with other medications.

Ethical Decision-Making in Nursing

What term describes Patient Thea’s decision regarding her pregnancy?


Patient Safety and Infection Control

What is the recommended frequency for turning patients to prevent bedsores?

Every 2 hours.

Ethical Decision-Making in Nursing

What is the last step in the ethical decision-making process?

Act and assess the outcomes of decisions.

Patient Safety and Infection Control

The nursing process helps understand challenges in nursing care of clients at risk for which condition EXCEPT?

C. Restraint

Nursing Licensure and Legal Responsibilities

Who has legitimate access to the patient's record?

The primary nurse and attending doctor.

Patient Safety and Infection Control

What is the best help the nurse can provide for Alex's sleep?

D. Tone down nurse’s voice.

Ethical Decision-Making in Nursing

What is the first step in helping Thea make an ethical decision?

1. Gather data.

Patient Assessment and Care Planning

What are the two important laboratory examinations for validating Nurse Adam's presumptions?

Urinalysis and CBC.

Quality Documentation in Nursing

What should Nurse Tara document in the discharge plan?

Needs for referrals, client’s involvement in the care plan, and patient’s goals or expected outcomes.

Therapeutic Communication Techniques

What is the best question to ask Ben to find out the cause of his sleep disturbance?

B. 'Is there something or anyone who is bothering you in school?'

Patient Safety and Infection Control

What practice should Nurse Celine implement to prevent infectious agents?

Clean the room with antiseptic solutions.

Therapeutic Communication Techniques

What is the best sequence of communication techniques during an assessment interview?

Begin with giving a broad opening and move to asking focused questions.

Therapeutic Communication Techniques

What is the purpose of active listening in nursing?

To recognize the issue that is most important to the client.

Patient Safety and Infection Control

When a patient is placed on bed rest, which part of the body must the nurse watch most closely?

The nurse must monitor for pressure ulcers, particularly on bony prominences.

Patient Assessment and Care Planning

What should Nurse Alma NOT ask when assessing Emma?

B. Cultural beliefs.

Health Education and Behavior Change

Which interventions can the nurse advise Emma to resolve constipation?

A. 1, 2, & 3 (Encourage increased fiber in diet, Encourage physical activity and regular exercise, Regular time for elimination).

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