What are the outcomes of globalization?
Outcomes are unevenly distributed, vary across scales, and are differently manifested throughout the world.
What is environmental determinism?
The idea that human behavior is determined by the environment, which has been largely rejected by geographers.
Globalization and Its Impact

What are the outcomes of globalization?

Outcomes are unevenly distributed, vary across scales, and are differently manifested throughout the world.

Human-Environment Interaction Approaches

What is environmental determinism?

The idea that human behavior is determined by the environment, which has been largely rejected by geographers.

Types of Maps and Their Uses

What are mental maps?

Maps we carry in our minds of places we have been and places we have heard of, including landmarks and paths.

Definition and Scope of Human Geography

What is Human Geography?

The study of how people make places, organize space and society, interact in places and across space, and make sense of themselves and others in their locality, region, and world.

Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing

What is remote sensing?

A method of collecting data by instruments that are physically distant from the area of study.

Globalization and Its Impact

What are the processes of globalization?

Increasing interactions, deepening relationships, and heightening interdependence without regard to country borders.

Understanding Scale and Regions

What are the types of regions in geography?

Formal regions, functional regions, and perceptual regions.

Geographic Inquiry and Spatial Analysis

What are the two types of spatial?

Concrete and abstract spatial, with abstract spatial defined by function and processes rather than location.

Geographic Inquiry and Spatial Analysis

What is the focus of geographic inquiry?

The spatial arrangement of places and phenomena, including how things are organized on Earth and why they appear on the landscape.

Cultural Dynamics and Diffusion

What is culture in the context of human geography?

An all-encompassing term that identifies the tangible lifestyle of people, along with their prevailing values and beliefs.

Understanding Scale and Regions

What is scale in geography?

The territorial extent of something, influencing how we understand phenomena across local, regional, national, and global contexts.

Cultural Dynamics and Diffusion

What is diffusion?

The process of dissemination, or the spread of an idea or innovation from its heart to other areas.

Understanding Scale and Regions

What defines urban versus rural areas?

Differences in population, way of life, behavior, built-up area, technology, density, diversity, and infrastructure.

Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing

What is a Geographic Information System (GIS)?

A collection of computer hardware and software that permits storage and analysis of layers of spatial data.

Understanding Scale and Regions

What is pseudourban?

An area that has urban characteristics but still retains agricultural surroundings.

Five Themes of Geography

What are the Five Themes of Geography?

Location, Human Environment, Region, Place, and Movement.

Human-Environment Interaction Approaches

What is cultural ecology?

The study of how people are defined by their culture and how cultural practices influence interactions with the environment.

Cultural Landscape and Sequent Occupance

What is a cultural landscape?

The visible human imprint on the landscape, reflecting religious, cultural, migration, and intercultural processes.

Cultural Dynamics and Diffusion

What is the difference between contagious and hierarchical diffusion?

Contagious diffusion happens without effort, while hierarchical diffusion works by levels, such as in government.

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