What is electromagnetism defined as?
The production of a magnetic field by current flowing in a conductor.
What does Lenz’s law describe?
The direction of the induced electromotive force is opposite to the rate of change of magnetic flux.
Electromagnetism Principles

What is electromagnetism defined as?

The production of a magnetic field by current flowing in a conductor.

Induced Electromotive Force

What does Lenz’s law describe?

The direction of the induced electromotive force is opposite to the rate of change of magnetic flux.

Electromagnetism Principles

What does Ampere’s force law explain?

How electric motors work and the force experienced by a wire.

Electromagnetism Principles

What is the Lorentz force?

The force acting on electrons in a wire when they are pulled in a magnetic field.

Curie Temperature and Remanent Magnetism

What is the Curie point for magnetite?

About 570 degrees Celsius (1,060 K).

Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction

How does the speed of magnetic field change affect voltage?

The faster the magnetic field change, the greater the voltage in the circuit.

Induced Electromotive Force

What is induced electromotive force?

The generation of a potential difference in a coil due to changes in magnetic flux.

Magnetic Field Strength and Flux Density

What does magnetic flux (𝝓) represent?

The number of arrows, measured in Weber (Wb).

Curie Temperature and Remanent Magnetism

What is the Curie temperature?

The temperature at which certain magnetic materials undergo a sharp change in their magnetic properties.

Ferromagnetic and Paramagnetic Materials

What materials are considered ferromagnetic?

Materials that can retain their magnetic properties when the magnetic field is removed, like iron and nickel.

Magnetic Field Lines and Direction

What does the right-hand rule indicate in magnetic fields?

The thumb points in the direction of current, and fingers curl in the direction of the magnetic field.

Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction

What does Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction state?

Any change in the electric field over time will induce a voltage and current in a circuit.

Magnetic Field Lines and Direction

What is the direction of magnetic field lines?

From the north pole to the south pole.

Magnetic Field Strength and Flux Density

What is magnetic field strength (B) measured in?

Tesla (T).

Ferromagnetic and Paramagnetic Materials

What are paramagnetic materials?

Materials that cannot retain magnetic properties when the magnetic field is removed.

Medical Applications of MRI

What is MRI and its significance in medicine?

Magnetic resonance imaging is a diagnostic imaging system that has improved therapeutic management of various pathophysiological processes.

Medical Applications of MRI

What principle does MRI utilize?

The principles of nuclear magnetic resonance.


What is a magnetic field

<p>Magnetic field is the are around a magnet in which there is a magnetic force</p>


When is a magnetic field created?

<p>Magnetic field is created when electric charge starts to move</p>

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