What role do microbes play in cholesterol levels?
Microbes help control cholesterol levels in the body.
What can unbalance the intestinal flora of livestock?
Exposure to stressful conditions.
Role of normal microflora in health and disease

What role do microbes play in cholesterol levels?

Microbes help control cholesterol levels in the body.

Consequences of disrupted microflora

What can unbalance the intestinal flora of livestock?

Exposure to stressful conditions.

Consequences of disrupted microflora

How does diabetes affect gut permeability?

Diabetes can cause changes in gut permeability.

Types of pathogens and their classifications

What is another name for true pathogens?

Primary pathogens.

Types of pathogens and their classifications

What types of organisms can be pathogens?

Bacteria, fungi, yeast, viruses, and parasites.

Impact of diet and antibiotics on microflora

What is hypothesized to cause alterations in the intestinal microbiota leading to T2D?

High-fat diets may result in alterations in the intestinal microbiota.

Probiotics, prebiotics, and their benefits

What is one way to mitigate the negative effects of antibiotics on microflora?

Taking probiotics or prebiotics can help restore the balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

What role does ear wax (cerumen) play in the ear?

It prevents the flora of the skin and outer ear from entering the inner ear canal.

Probiotics, prebiotics, and their benefits

Why are prebiotics good for good bacteria?

Prebiotics serve as food for good bacteria, helping them to thrive and maintain a healthy balance in the gut.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

What protective role do commensal bacteria play on the skin?

They play a protective role through competitive exclusion.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

What types of microflora are normally present on the conjunctiva?

Streptococcus and Staphylococcus.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

What is more likely to lead to Equine Metabolic Disease (EMD)?


Consequences of disrupted microflora

What are the consequences of unbalanced intestinal flora in livestock?

Low weight gain, more frequent diarrhoea, and high morbidity and mortality rates.

Manipulation of microflora for improved health

Why is it important to modulate the microflora in livestock?

To prevent low weight gain, frequent diarrhoea, and high morbidity and mortality rates.

Koch's postulates and their relevance

Which postulates do true pathogens satisfy?

Koch’s postulates.

Types of pathogens and their classifications

What is an example of a bacterial pathogen found in poultry?

E. coli.

Manipulation of microflora for improved health

How can microflora be manipulated to improve the health status of animals?

Microflora can be manipulated through the use of probiotics, prebiotics, and dietary changes to enhance beneficial microbial populations, thereby improving the overall health and disease resistance of animals.

Microflora's role in immune system function

What is one way microflora protects against pathogens?

Microflora competes with pathogens for nutrients and space, thereby preventing their colonization and growth.

Impact of diet and antibiotics on microflora

How do antibiotics and steroids affect microflora?

Antibiotics and steroids can significantly alter the composition of microflora, making it sensitive to different internal and external factors.

Metagenomic approaches to studying microflora

What technology is used for sequencing in 16S rRNA NGS metagenomic studies?

High-throughput sequencing.

Consequences of disrupted microflora

What is the link between diabetes and changes in microflora?

Diabetes can lead to changes in the microflora, which in turn can affect gut health.

Types of pathogens and their classifications

What are the primary symptoms of CRGV in dogs?

Skin lesions and acute kidney injury.

Consequences of disrupted microflora

What are the potential consequences of disrupted microflora due to antibiotic use?

Disrupted microflora can lead to issues such as gastrointestinal problems, weakened immune system, and increased susceptibility to infections.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

How does microflora influence health and disease?

Microflora influences health and disease by interacting with the host's immune system and metabolic processes.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

Why is it important to monitor the microflora of zoo animals?

Monitoring microflora helps in early detection of diseases and maintaining the overall health of the animals.

Consequences of disrupted microflora

What are the consequences of disrupted microflora in zoo animals?

Disrupted microflora can lead to digestive issues, weakened immune systems, and increased susceptibility to diseases.

Difference between normal microflora and pathogens

What roles can bacterial components of the skin flora play?

They can be commensal, symbiotic (mutualistic), or pathogenic.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

What compounds do bacteria in the hindgut convert into ammonia and microbial protein?

Dietary and endogenous nitrogenous compounds.

Difference between normal microflora and pathogens

What types of microorganisms are included in diverse microflora?

Bacteria, yeasts, viruses, fungi, protozoa, etc.

Manipulation of microflora for improved health

How can microflora be manipulated to improve feed conversion?

Microflora can be manipulated through the use of probiotics, prebiotics, and dietary changes to enhance nutrient absorption and improve feed conversion efficiency.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

What type of microorganisms predominantly cover the skin?


Role of normal microflora in health and disease

What areas of the body support a diverse microflora?

The oral cavity and the upper respiratory tract.

Manipulation of microflora for improved health

What are the benefits of modulating the microflora in animals?

Reducing pathogen carriage, improving feed conversion ratios, enhancing environmental conditions, improving welfare standards, and providing an alternative to antimicrobials.

Impact of diet and antibiotics on microflora

How does antibiotic treatment influence the gut microflora?

Antibiotic treatment can disrupt the balance of gut microflora.

Consequences of disrupted microflora

How do changes in microflora influence gut health?

Changes in the microflora can significantly impact gut health.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

How do microbes influence public health discussions?

Microbes are central to discussions about disease prevention, treatment, and the development of new medical technologies.

Impact of diet and antibiotics on microflora

How do antibiotics affect the microflora in the body?

Antibiotics can disrupt the balance of microflora by killing both harmful and beneficial bacteria.

Probiotics, prebiotics, and their benefits

How do probiotics alter the host's immune response?

Probiotics can modulate the immune response of the host.

Metagenomic approaches to studying microflora

Which gene is commonly amplified for bacterial identification in sequencing protocols?

The 16s gene (18s for fungi).

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

What might increased translocation of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or whole bacteria into the bloodstream result in?

It may result in metabolic endotoxaemia and insulin resistance.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

What role do microorganisms play in animal and human health?

Microorganisms are essential for maintaining health by aiding in digestion, producing vitamins, and protecting against harmful pathogens.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

Why is microflora important?

Microflora is important because it helps digest food, prevents disease-causing pathogens from invading the body, and synthesizes essential nutrients and vitamins.

Difference between normal microflora and pathogens

What is the difference between normal (commensal) microflora and pathogens?

Normal microflora are harmless or beneficial microorganisms that reside in the body, while pathogens are harmful microorganisms that cause disease.

Consequences of disrupted microflora

What can result from damage to the skin such as burns or trauma?


Manipulation of microflora for improved health

Can manipulating gut microbiota help in managing obesity?

Yes, manipulating gut microbiota through diet, probiotics, or prebiotics can potentially help manage obesity.

Koch's postulates and their relevance

Who formulated Koch's postulates and when?

Robert Koch and Friedrich Loeffler in 1884.

Metagenomic approaches to studying microflora

What are some methods to study changes in microflora?

Changes in microflora can be studied using metagenomic approaches, such as DNA sequencing, to analyze the genetic material of microbial communities.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

How does microflora vary?

Microflora varies from species to species.

Metagenomic approaches to studying microflora

What is the purpose of fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) in microflora studies?

FISH is used to detect and localize the presence or absence of specific DNA sequences in the microflora.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

How much earlier can haylage lead to Equine Metabolic Disease (EMD) compared to other feeds?

2 years earlier.

Metagenomic approaches to studying microflora

What is the purpose of developing the equine hind-gut model?

To study the digestive processes and microbial interactions in the horse's hind-gut.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

Which vitamins or their precursors are synthesized by the normal flora?

B complex and vitamin K are synthesized by E. coli and Bacteroides fragilis.

Probiotics, prebiotics, and their benefits

What are probiotics?

Live microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit to the host.

Types of pathogens and their classifications

What are some virulence factors possessed by true pathogens?

Fimbriae, flagella, toxins, etc.

Types of pathogens and their classifications

What are the different types of pathogens?

Pathogens can be classified into various types, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites, each capable of causing different types of diseases.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

What are some beneficial functions of microbes in the body?

Digesting food, preventing disease-causing pathogens from invading the body, and synthesizing essential nutrients and vitamins.

Probiotics, prebiotics, and their benefits

What are prebiotics?

Prebiotics are non-digestible food ingredients that promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

What do bacteria in the hindgut ferment carbohydrates into?

Short-chain fatty acids (SCFA).

Types of pathogens and their classifications

Is Pseudomonas normally part of the predominant normal flora of the ear?

No, Pseudomonas is normally associated with infection.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

How can normal microflora contribute to disease?

Normal microflora can cause disease if they overgrow or translocate to parts of the body where they are not normally found, especially in immunocompromised individuals.

Metagenomic approaches to studying microflora

How many genera can be identified using 16S rRNA NGS metagenomic studies?

More than 500 genera.

Impact of diet and antibiotics on microflora

How do antibiotics affect gut microbiota and obesity?

Antibiotics can disrupt gut microbiota balance, which may lead to changes in metabolism and contribute to obesity.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

Which bacteria are important components of the GIT flora?

Lactic acid bacteria such as Lactobacillus and Enterococci.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

How can the microflora of different parts of the intestine vary?

The flora content can vary in different parts of the intestine.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

What is the microbiome?

The microbiome is the collection of all the microorganisms living in association with the human body.

Types of pathogens and their classifications

What are true pathogens?

Infectious agents that can cause disease in virtually any susceptible host.

Types of pathogens and their classifications

What does AMR stand for in the context of the chicken gut?

Antimicrobial Resistance.

Impact of diet and antibiotics on microflora

Why is it important to understand the role of diet in metabolic disease?

Because diet can significantly influence the development and management of metabolic diseases.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

What is Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) considered to be?

T2D is considered to be a low-grade inflammatory condition.

Microflora's role in immune system function

How can the performance of the immune system be affected by antibiotics?

Antibiotics can weaken the immune system by disrupting the balance of beneficial bacteria that play a role in immune function.

Metagenomic approaches to studying microflora

What does metagenomics typically analyze?

The full genome sequences isolated from all the organisms, typically microbes, in a bulk sample.

Impact of diet and antibiotics on microflora

What factors influence the microflora?

The microflora is influenced by intrinsic and extrinsic factors.

Microflora's role in immune system function

What role does microflora play in inflammation?

Microflora helps regulate inflammation by producing anti-inflammatory compounds and modulating the immune response.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

What role do gut bacteria play in obesity?

Gut bacteria can influence the digestion and absorption of nutrients, which can impact weight gain and obesity.

Koch's postulates and their relevance

What is the third of Koch's postulates?

The disease must be reproduced when a pure culture of the organism is introduced into healthy, susceptible animals.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

What are the possible relationships bacterial components of the gut flora can have?

Commensal, symbiotic (mutualistic), or pathogenic.

Consequences of disrupted microflora

What can certain types of feed, such as fish meal, result in for poultry?

Overgrowth and displacement of Clostridium perfringens, leading to necrotic enteritis.

Consequences of disrupted microflora

What can happen if the flora is disrupted?

Blood poisoning by an enterotoxin.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

What factors can influence microflora?

Age, nutrition, environment, and gender.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

Name some important components of the microflora of the upper respiratory tract.

Pasteurella multocida, Mannheimia haemolytica, Haemophilus somnus, Mycoplasma bovis, Histophilus somni, and Mycoplasma bovirhinis.

Microflora's role in immune system function

How does microflora contribute to the immune system?

Microflora helps to train the immune system to distinguish between harmful and harmless substances.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

Where is Fusobacterium necrophorum found as a commensal in horses?

In the horse foot.

Metagenomic approaches to studying microflora

What does FISH stand for?

Fluorescent in situ hybridisation

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

How many associated genes are there within our microbiome for every one human gene?

There are 100 associated genes within our microbiome for every one human gene.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

What by-product from commensals improves enterocyte health?

Butyrate from commensals improves enterocyte health.

Microflora's role in immune system function

What role do microbes play in the health of zoo animals?

Microbes help in digestion, nutrient absorption, and immune system function in zoo animals.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

On average, how many species of microorganisms inhabit the gut of animals and humans?

1500 species.

Probiotics, prebiotics, and their benefits

What are probiotics and how can they benefit zoo animals?

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that can improve gut health, enhance nutrient absorption, and boost the immune system of zoo animals.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

What are the waste products of fermentation by bacteria in the foregut?

Volatile fatty acids (VFAs) such as acetate, butyrate, and propionate.

Koch's postulates and their relevance

What is the first of Koch's postulates?

The organism must be found in abundance in animals suffering from the clinical disease, but not from healthy animals.

Metagenomic approaches to studying microflora

Which software is used for taxonomic assignment in 16S rRNA NGS metagenomic studies?


Types of pathogens and their classifications

What is an example of a pathogenic skin condition caused by bacteria?


Impact of diet and antibiotics on microflora

What is the impact of a high-fat diet on gut microbiota and obesity?

A high-fat diet can alter gut microbiota composition, promoting the growth of bacteria associated with obesity.

Manipulation of microflora for improved health

What is one benefit of improving feed conversion ratios in animals?

It can lead to more efficient use of feed, resulting in better growth and productivity.

Difference between normal microflora and pathogens

What is normal microflora?

Normal microflora refers to the community of microorganisms that live on and inside the human body without causing disease.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

Which part of the respiratory tract is normally free of bacteria?

The lower respiratory tract.

Types of pathogens and their classifications

Where are the bacteria causing digital dermatitis in cattle and sheep commonly isolated from?

From the environment in which cattle and sheep inhabit.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

How can stress influence bacterial infections?

Stress can alter hormonal levels, which may induce bacterial infections.

Metagenomic approaches to studying microflora

What are metagenomic approaches to studying the microbiome?

Metagenomic approaches involve sequencing the genetic material of entire microbial communities to understand their composition and function.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

What is the significance of microbes in the press?

Microbes often make headlines due to their impact on health, disease, and the environment.

Types of pathogens and their classifications

What does CRGV stand for in dogs?

Cutaneous and Renal Glomerular Vasculopathy.

Probiotics, prebiotics, and their benefits

What compounds do probiotics produce to combat pathogens?

Anti-microbial compounds.

Types of pathogens and their classifications

Is the role of microbes in CRGV in dogs well understood?

No, the role of microbes in CRGV is not well understood.

Probiotics, prebiotics, and their benefits

Can you name some examples of probiotics?

Lactobacillus, Bifidobacteria, Enterococci, Streptococcus.

Metagenomic approaches to studying microflora

What is shotgun metagenomics?

A next-generation sequencing method used for community analysis by studying the structure and function of entire nucleotide sequences from all organisms in a bulk sample.

Microflora's role in immune system function

How does microflora contribute to the immune system?

Microflora helps in the development and function of the immune system by stimulating immune responses and maintaining immune homeostasis.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

What types of microorganisms reside on the skin?

Bacteria, fungi, yeast, viruses, mites, etc.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

How can microbes influence obesity?

Microbes can affect the body's metabolism and energy balance, potentially leading to obesity.

Koch's postulates and their relevance

What is the second of Koch's postulates?

The organism must be isolated from the diseased animals and grown in pure culture.

Metagenomic approaches to studying microflora

Approximately how many species can be identified per sample using 16S rRNA NGS metagenomic studies?

Around 15,000 species.

Consequences of disrupted microflora

What can excessive use of feed concentrates in young ruminants result in?

Enterotoxaemia due to overgrowth of Clostridium perfringens.

Koch's postulates and their relevance

Why are the original Koch's postulates not appropriate for all pathogens?

There have been a number of updates to Koch’s postulates because the original postulates are not appropriate for all pathogens.

Metagenomic approaches to studying microflora

What is FlowFISH and how many colors does it use?

FlowFISH is a technique that uses 20 color FACS (Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting).

Metagenomic approaches to studying microflora

What does RISH stand for?

RISH stands for Radioactive In Situ Hybridization.

Impact of diet and antibiotics on microflora

How do antibiotics affect microflora?

Antibiotics can kill both harmful and beneficial bacteria, leading to an imbalance in microflora.

Consequences of disrupted microflora

What are the consequences of disrupted microflora?

Disrupted microflora can lead to digestive issues, infections, and increased susceptibility to diseases.

Probiotics, prebiotics, and their benefits

What are probiotics and prebiotics?

Probiotics are live beneficial bacteria, while prebiotics are non-digestible food components that promote the growth of beneficial bacteria.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

How does the normal flora naturally resist antibiotics?

The normal flora has inherent mechanisms that allow them to survive in the presence of antibiotics.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

Why do microbes frequently appear in news stories?

Because of their significant roles in health, disease outbreaks, and environmental changes.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

Where is the diverse microflora located in hindgut fermenters?

In the hindgut.

Types of pathogens and their classifications

What are the two main groups of pathogens?

Opportunistic pathogens and True pathogens.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

How many microorganisms live in our bodies?

100 trillion microorganisms.

Types of pathogens and their classifications

What is another example of a bacterial pathogen found in poultry?


Metagenomic approaches to studying microflora

How many species of microorganisms can we grow in the lab?

200 species.

Metagenomic approaches to studying microflora

What is the purpose of using universal PCR in 16S rRNA NGS metagenomic studies?

To amplify 16S rRNA genes for sequencing.

Microflora's role in immune system function

How does microflora interact with the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT)?

Microflora interacts with GALT to enhance the gut's immune response and maintain mucosal immunity.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

What vitamins do bacteria in the hindgut synthesize?

B vitamins.

Koch's postulates and their relevance

What is the fourth of Koch's postulates?

The same organism must be re-isolated in pure culture from the experimentally infected animals.

Manipulation of microflora for improved health

How can microflora be manipulated to reduce the incidence of disease?

Microflora can be manipulated by introducing beneficial bacteria (probiotics), promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria (prebiotics), and using antibiotics judiciously to maintain a healthy balance of microorganisms.

Metagenomic approaches to studying microflora

What does FISH stand for in the context of studying microflora?

Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization.

Manipulation of microflora for improved health

What is an alternative to using antimicrobials for controlling diseases in animals?

Modulating the microflora.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

Under what circumstances can members of the commensal microflora cause endogenous or opportunistic infections?

Under certain circumstances such as compromised body defenses, trauma, surgical interventions, immunosuppression, or other environmental stress.

Types of pathogens and their classifications

How long can the organisms causing digital dermatitis survive in the soil?

Several months.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

How can the microbiome affect human health?

The microbiome can influence digestion, immune system function, and mental health, and imbalances can lead to diseases.

Probiotics, prebiotics, and their benefits

What are synbiotics?

A combination of probiotics and prebiotics designed to improve the survival and implantation of live microbial dietary supplements in the gastrointestinal tract.

Types of pathogens and their classifications

What is antimicrobial resistance?

The ability of microorganisms to withstand the effects of an antibiotic.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

What type of fermenters are mentioned in the text?

Hindgut fermenters.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

How does the normal flora contribute to the enzymatic breakdown of feed in ruminants?

The normal flora is useful for the enzymatic breakdown of feed in ruminants.

Microflora's role in immune system function

How might gut microbes influence the host?

Gut microbes may shape the host metabolic and immune network activity and ultimately influence the development of obesity and diabetes.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

Why is microflora important for maintaining health in livestock and companion animals?

Microflora plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of livestock and companion animals by aiding in digestion, enhancing immune function, and preventing the colonization of harmful pathogens.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

How does the normal flora control the multiplication of pathogens?

The normal flora controls the multiplication of pathogens through Competitive Exclusion (CE), bacteriocins, immune stimulation, and physical disruption.

Probiotics, prebiotics, and their benefits

What are prebiotics and probiotics efficacious at?

Prebiotics and probiotics are efficacious at modulating the gut flora.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

What do bacteria in the foregut break down and use for their own metabolic needs?

Cellulose, which they break down into glucose.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

What types of organisms make up the flora?

Bacteria, yeasts, fungi, viruses, and protozoa.

Consequences of disrupted microflora

What can long-term or excessive use of antibiotics disrupt?

The microflora, facilitating the overgrowth of fungi/yeast (Candida albicans), resulting in infections such as thrush in the oral cavity or the reproductive tract.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

What are the common bacterial skin flora?

Mainly Gram-positive bacteria such as Staphylococci, Streptococci, and Corynebacterium, but occasionally also Gram-negative bacteria.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

What role do short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) play in gut health?

They provide energy for gut epithelial cells and aid in the absorption of sodium (Na) and water.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

How can flora vary?

Flora may vary from species to species, depending on age and the specific anatomical location.

Consequences of disrupted microflora

What is dysbiosis (dysbacteriosis)?

A term for a microbial imbalance or maladaptation on or inside the body.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

Which aerobes can inhabit the gut and how do they survive?

Bacillus can inhabit the gut and gain oxygen from the enterocytes.

Probiotics, prebiotics, and their benefits

What are probiotics?

Probiotics are live beneficial bacteria that can be consumed to help maintain or restore healthy microflora.

Probiotics, prebiotics, and their benefits

What are prebiotics?

Prebiotics are non-digestible food components that promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

Where is Dichelobacter nodosus found as a commensal in sheep?

In the interdigital space.

Consequences of disrupted microflora

What are the consequences of a disrupted microbiome?

A disrupted microbiome can lead to various health issues, including digestive disorders, weakened immunity, and increased susceptibility to infections.

Probiotics, prebiotics, and their benefits

How do probiotics help in out-competing pathogens?

By reducing available receptor sites and modulating the environment and pathogen behavior.

Consequences of disrupted microflora

What will happen if there is any change in the microflora of hindgut fermenters?

It will impact their digestion.

Metagenomic approaches to studying microflora

What is sequencing used for in a sample?

To identify all the organisms and evaluate their relative proportions.

Difference between normal microflora and pathogens

How does normal flora differ from pathogens?

Normal flora consists of beneficial microorganisms that coexist with the host without causing disease, whereas pathogens are harmful microorganisms that can cause infections and diseases.

Impact of diet and antibiotics on microflora

How can the diet of zoo animals impact their microflora?

The diet can alter the composition and diversity of the microflora, affecting the animal's health and digestion.

Metagenomic approaches to studying microflora

Why is understanding the composition of microflora important?

Understanding the composition of microflora can provide a detailed understanding of the pathobiology of diseases.

Microflora's role in immune system function

How does microflora influence the production of immune cells?

Microflora stimulates the production of immune cells such as T-cells and B-cells, which are crucial for adaptive immunity.

Types of pathogens and their classifications

What is the main type of bacterial flora found in the upper ear?

Mainly Gram-positive bacteria such as Staphylococci and Streptococci, and sometimes Gram-negative bacteria like E. coli, Branhamella (Moraxella), and Pseudomonas spp.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

What role does normal microflora play in health?

Normal microflora help in digestion, produce vitamins, and protect against harmful pathogens by competing for resources and space.

Consequences of disrupted microflora

What condition can result from the overgrowth of Clostridium difficile following long-term or excessive use of some antibiotics?


Role of normal microflora in health and disease

How does the skin act as a barrier against pathogenic organisms?

The skin limits the invasion and growth of pathogenic organisms.

Types of pathogens and their classifications

What are some examples of Enterobacteria found in the gut?

E. coli, Proteus spp., Klebsiella spp., Citrobacter, Yersinia, etc.

Manipulation of microflora for improved health

Why is improving welfare standards for animals important?

It ensures that animals are treated humanely and can lead to better health and productivity.

Consequences of disrupted microflora

What can cause a disruption in normal microflora?

Antibiotics, poor diet, and illness can disrupt the balance of normal microflora.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

What types of bacteria are found in the oral cavity?

Streptococci, Staphylococci, and various anaerobic and aerobic bacteria such as Treponemes.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

What condition does Dichelobacter nodosus cause in sheep under certain conditions?

Foot rot.

Probiotics, prebiotics, and their benefits

What are the benefits of probiotics and prebiotics?

They can improve gut health, enhance immune function, and potentially prevent certain diseases.

Manipulation of microflora for improved health

How do vaccines modulate microflora?

Vaccines can target specific pathogens, thereby indirectly influencing the composition of the microflora.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

How can the composition of gut microbiota affect obesity?

An imbalance in gut microbiota composition can lead to increased fat storage and inflammation, contributing to obesity.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

What other organisms can sometimes be found in the microflora of the eyes and ears?

Mites, which can sometimes cause infections.

Manipulation of microflora for improved health

How can pathogen carriage, such as Campylobacter, be reduced in animals?

By modulating the microflora.

Types of pathogens and their classifications

What are some examples of anaerobic bacteria found in the gut?

Clostridium spp., Bacteriodes spp., Fusobacterium spp.

Metagenomic approaches to studying microflora

What is the role of next-generation sequencing in understanding microflora?

Next-generation sequencing is used for metagenomic approaches to study the composition and function of microflora.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

What can happen to the lower respiratory tract when it is compromised?

It can be colonized by bacteria normally resident in the upper respiratory tract.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

Which has more diverse microflora: the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract or the gut flora?

The oral cavity and upper respiratory tract have more diverse microflora than the gut flora.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

What condition is Fusobacterium necrophorum implicated in horses?


Probiotics, prebiotics, and their benefits

What are prebiotics?

Non-digestible food ingredients that promote the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the intestines.

Manipulation of microflora for improved health

What are some novel methods of controlling diseases in animals?

Reducing pathogen carriage, improving feed conversion ratios, improving environmental conditions, and improving welfare standards.

Metagenomic approaches to studying microflora

What are the two types of chickens mentioned in the context of 16S rRNA NGS metagenomic studies?

Healthy chickens and chickens with AIS.

Manipulation of microflora for improved health

How can improving environmental conditions benefit animals?

It can lead to better health and reduced stress, which can improve overall welfare.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

How does normal microflora benefit human health?

Normal microflora aids in digestion, produces vitamins, and protects against pathogenic bacteria.

Impact of diet and antibiotics on microflora

What role does diet play in maintaining healthy microflora?

A balanced diet rich in fiber and low in processed foods supports the growth of beneficial microflora.

Impact of diet and antibiotics on microflora

What can result in the disruption of the normal flora, causing clinical disease?

Changes in diet or use of certain antibiotics.

Probiotics, prebiotics, and their benefits

What are postbiotics?

Bioactive compounds produced by food-grade microorganisms during fermentation that confer health benefits.

Types of pathogens and their classifications

Which bacteria are associated with digital dermatitis in cattle and sheep?

Fusobacterium necrophorum, Bacteroides melaninogenicus, Dichelobacter nodosus, Treponema spp., Peptococcus, and Campylobacter.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

Where is Fusobacterium necrophorum commonly found as a commensal?

In the rumen and faecal matter of cattle and sheep.

Impact of diet and antibiotics on microflora

What is the impact of diet on the microbiome?

Diet can significantly alter the composition and function of the microbiome, affecting overall health.

Manipulation of microflora for improved health

How can metals be used to modulate microflora?

Certain metals can influence the composition and activity of gut microflora, potentially serving as antimicrobial agents.

Types of pathogens and their classifications

What can provoke exogenous infections when introduced into normally sterile sites of the body?

Microorganisms that are not normally members of the 'normal microflora'.

Types of pathogens and their classifications

What are opportunistic pathogens?

Pathogens that cause infections when the host's defenses are compromised.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

What is the microbiome?

The microbiome refers to the collection of all microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, and their genes, that live on and inside the human body.

Impact of diet and antibiotics on microflora

How do antibiotics affect the microbiome?

Antibiotics can disrupt the balance of the microbiome by killing both harmful and beneficial bacteria, potentially leading to health issues.

Manipulation of microflora for improved health

What is phage therapy?

The use of bacteriophages to target and kill specific bacterial pathogens, thereby modulating the microflora.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

How can commensals of the mucosal surfaces cause disease?

If body defenses are compromised due to viral infections, trauma, surgical interventions, immunosuppression, or other environmental stress.

Metagenomic approaches to studying microflora

What is the role of metagenomics in studying microflora?

Metagenomics involves analyzing genetic material from environmental samples to study the diversity and function of microflora.

Role of normal microflora in health and disease

Why is the microbiome often featured in the news?

The microbiome is frequently in the news due to its significant impact on human health, including its role in digestion, immunity, and even mental health.

Probiotics, prebiotics, and their benefits

What are probiotics?

Live microorganisms that provide health benefits when consumed in adequate amounts.

Manipulation of microflora for improved health

How do enzymes modulate microflora?

Enzymes can aid in the digestion of food, thereby influencing the availability of nutrients for gut microflora and altering their composition.

Manipulation of microflora for improved health

What are some ways to manipulate the microbiome for improved health?

Probiotics, prebiotics, and dietary changes are common methods to positively influence the microbiome.

Manipulation of microflora for improved health

What are next generation growth promoters?

Substances used to enhance the growth and health of animals, potentially including probiotics, prebiotics, and other novel compounds.

Manipulation of microflora for improved health

How do natural plant extracts (phytochemicals) modulate microflora?

Phytochemicals can have antimicrobial properties and influence the composition and activity of gut microflora.

Manipulation of microflora for improved health

What are acidifiers and how do they modulate microflora?

Acidifiers are substances that lower the pH of the gut, creating an environment that can inhibit harmful bacteria and promote beneficial bacteria.

Manipulation of microflora for improved health

What are faecal transplants and how do they modulate microflora?

Faecal transplants involve transferring stool from a healthy donor to a recipient to restore healthy gut microflora.

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