What is unique about the General Assembly (GA) in terms of representation?
It is the only organ with universal representation, with all 193 member states represented.
How often does the General Assembly meet?
Annually for the General Assembly Session.
General Assembly Role and Decision-Making

What is unique about the General Assembly (GA) in terms of representation?

It is the only organ with universal representation, with all 193 member states represented.

General Assembly Role and Decision-Making

How often does the General Assembly meet?

Annually for the General Assembly Session.

Security Council Functions and Composition

What instruments does the Security Council adopt to maintain peace and order?

Sanctions, peacekeeping, and peace enforcement.

UN Peacekeeping and Conflict Resolution

What is the primary role of UN peacekeepers?

To provide security to populations and political and peace-building support to countries transitioning from conflict to peace.

General Assembly Role and Decision-Making

What majority is needed for decisions related to peace and security, budgetary matters, and new membership admissions in the GA?

A two-thirds majority.


How is the Secretary-General appointed?

The Security Council sends a recommendation to the General Assembly, which appoints the Secretary-General for two five-year terms at most.

United Nations Overview and History

When was the United Nations created?

In 1945.

United Nations Overview and History

What event led to the creation of the United Nations Charter?

The United Nations Conference on International Organization, commonly known as the San Francisco Conference.

Principal Organs of the United Nations

What are the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank (WB) in relation to the UN?

They are specialized agencies and independent organizations affiliated with the UN.

United Nations Overview and History

What is the primary organization for international cooperation, peace, and security?

The United Nations (UN).

Security Council Functions and Composition

How many members compose the Security Council?

15 members.

Security Council Functions and Composition

What does Article 24 of the UN Charter mandate the Security Council to do?

Act on behalf of the entire UN body to fulfill its primary responsibility for maintaining international peace and security.

International Court of Justice and Legal Disputes

What is the International Court of Justice (ICJ)?

The UN's principal judicial organ that settles legal disputes between states and provides advisory opinions on legal questions.

Security Council Functions and Composition

What is the primary responsibility of the Security Council?

To maintain international peace and security.

Security Council Functions and Composition

How are the ten non-permanent members of the Security Council elected?

Elected by the General Assembly for overlapping two-year terms.

Security Council Functions and Composition

What is the significance of the veto power in the Security Council?

It serves as a measure to protect states from threats and ensures the UN is not used to serve the interests of particular states.

General Assembly Role and Decision-Making

What majority is required for the GA to decide on essential questions?

A simple majority.


Who is the chief administrative officer of the UN Secretariat?

The Secretary-General.

United Nations Overview and History

Who created the United Nations?

The Allied Powers, the victors of the Second World War.

Interstate System Structure and Dynamics

What will learners understand by the end of the topic?

The structure and dynamics of the Interstate System.

Nation-State Concept and Globalization

What relevance is explored in the context of globalization?

The relevance of the state amid globalization.

Reform of the United Nations Structure

What is a long-standing concern regarding the structure of the Security Council?

To distribute the concentration of power and foster inclusive decision-making for marginalized and excluded member states.

Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century

What is the primary objective of the UN as an organization?

To ensure peace and order, acting as a conflict actor or an instrument for action driven by the interests of particular states.

Principal Organs of the United Nations

How many members are elected to the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)?

54 elected members by the General Assembly for overlapping three-year terms.


What does Article 99 mandate the Secretary-General to do?

To call the attention of the Security Council members on threats to international peace and security.

Nation-State Concept and Globalization

What does the lesson explore regarding the nation-state?

Whether the idea of the nation-state is outdated and what replacements might be considered.

Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century

What challenges are discussed in relation to global governance?

The challenges of global governance in the twenty-first century.

Security Council Functions and Composition

What has led to demands for reform of the Security Council?

Over-representation and power concentration benefiting the Permanent Five.

Security Council Functions and Composition

Who are the five permanent members of the Security Council?

China, France, Great Britain, Russia, and the United States.

Security Council Functions and Composition

What actions can the Security Council take in response to international tensions?

Investigate situations, call for military action, impose economic sanctions, and determine breaches of peace.

Reform of the United Nations Structure

When was the last reform of the United Nations, and what did it involve?

In 1963, the UNGA voted for the expansion of the UNSC from 11 to 15 member states.

Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century

What is the primary concern of the United Nations?

Collective military security through peaceful settlement of disputes among member states or by commanding allegiance of the entire UN membership.

Principal Organs of the United Nations

What is the primary objective of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)?

To advance the economic, social, and environmental dimensions of sustainable development.

Principal Organs of the United Nations

What is the role of the Trusteeship Council?

To provide international supervision of Trust Territories under the administration of member states and prepare them for self-governance.

Challenges of Global Governance in the 21st Century

What are significant organizations that challenge national autonomy and global politics?

Multinational corporations and non-governmental organizations.

Principal Organs of the United Nations

What is one of the learning objectives regarding the United Nations?

To know the powers/functions, composition, headquarters, and membership procedure of the different organs of the United Nations.

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