What does a higher Mean Square Error (MSE) indicate?
A higher MSE indicates that the model’s predictions are less accurate.
What is a one-sided curve in time series analysis?
A one-sided curve refers to a filter that only depends on past values (or past and present values), not future values, also known as causal filters.
Mean Square Error (MSE)

What does a higher Mean Square Error (MSE) indicate?

A higher MSE indicates that the model’s predictions are less accurate.

One-Sided Curves

What is a one-sided curve in time series analysis?

A one-sided curve refers to a filter that only depends on past values (or past and present values), not future values, also known as causal filters.

One-Sided Curves

How does a one-sided moving average differ from a two-sided moving average?

A one-sided moving average uses only past values, while a two-sided moving average includes future values as well.

Mean Square Error (MSE)

What is the formula for calculating Mean Square Error (MSE)?

MSE = (1/n) * Σ(y_{i} - ŷ_{i})^2, where y_{i} is the actual value and ŷ_{i} is the predicted value.

One-Sided Curves

What is the formula for a one-sided moving average?

For a one-sided moving average, the formula is y_{t} = (y_{t-2} + y_{t-1} + y_{t}) / 3.

Mean Square Error (MSE)

What does a lower Mean Square Error (MSE) indicate?

A lower MSE indicates that the model’s predictions are closer to the actual data.

Mean Square Error (MSE)

What does Mean Square Error (MSE) measure in time series analysis?

MSE measures the average squared difference between the observed actual values and the values predicted by a model.

One-Sided Curves

Why are one-sided curves important in real-time forecasting?

One-sided curves are important because they allow predictions to be made using only current and past data, which is essential for real-time forecasting.

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