Who were the main contributors to the development of Functionalism?
John Dewey and William James.
What issues does community psychology address?
Community problems, social issues, and health issues, helping people deal with their problems and traditional forms of psychotherapy.
Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

Who were the main contributors to the development of Functionalism?

John Dewey and William James.

Subfields of Psychology

What issues does community psychology address?

Community problems, social issues, and health issues, helping people deal with their problems and traditional forms of psychotherapy.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What concept did Ivan Pavlov study that contributed to Behaviorism?

Conditioned reflex.

Subfields of Psychology

What do School Psychologists primarily focus on?

The psychology of learning and the effectiveness of school programs.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

How is psychology defined?

It is the science of human and animal behavior and its application to different problems.

Historical Development of Psychology

Which Greek philosophers contributed to early thoughts on human nature?

Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.

Subfields of Psychology

What does social psychology study?

Groups of people, their relationships, characteristics, attitudes, beliefs, decision-making processes, and communication.

Subfields of Psychology

What is the focus of developmental psychology?

Behavior across the lifespan, from childhood through adulthood, and changes in behavioral patterns at different developmental stages.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What does Behaviorism emphasize in psychology?

The study of observable forms of behavior.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What is Ivan Pavlov known for?

Classical conditioning.

Historical Development of Psychology

What was the first textbook on psychology?

The Principles of Psychology.

Historical Development of Psychology

How long ago did psychology become an independent discipline?

Approximately 138 years ago.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What psychological theory is Sigmund Freud known for?


Research Methods in Psychology

What does the experimental method in psychology involve?

Manipulating one variable to determine if changes in that variable cause changes in another variable.

Subfields of Psychology

What is the primary concern of Clinical Psychology?

Assessment, diagnosis, causes, and treatment of mental disorders.

Research Methods in Psychology

What does a positive correlation imply?

An increase in one score corresponds to an increase in another score.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

Who are the main proponents of Psychoanalysis?

Sigmund Freud and his followers.

Research Methods in Psychology

What is the experimental method of study in psychology?

A method that involves manipulating variables to determine cause-and-effect relationships.

Subfields of Psychology

What does Cognitive Psychology study?

How the human mind thinks, remembers, and learns.

Subfields of Psychology

What is the role of a sports psychologist?

To enhance performance in sports by focusing on psychological aspects and working with teams at various levels.

Research Methods in Psychology

What does a correlation coefficient of 0 indicate?

No correlation between the two sets of scores.

Psychology's Evolution in India

Where was the study of psychology first started in India?

University of Allahabad.

Research Methods in Psychology

What are the three primary types of research methods used in psychology?

Descriptive method, experimental method, and correlational method.

Research Methods in Psychology

What is the range of values for the correlation coefficient?

From +1 to -1.

Subfields of Psychology

What does Experimental Psychology study?

Different facets of behavior like learning, memory, and perception using controlled experiments.

Research Methods in Psychology

What does a negative correlation imply?

An increase in one score corresponds to a decrease in another score.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What key feature is emphasized in the Humanistic Perspective?

Self-actualization and freedom to choose one's destiny.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

Who are the key figures associated with structuralism?

Wilhelm Wundt and Edward Titchener.

Research Methods in Psychology

What is the goal of the control step in psychological research?

Modifying behavior from undesirable to desirable.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

Who are the founders of Behaviorism?

John B. Watson and Burrhus Fredrick Skinner.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

Which psychologists are associated with Gestalt psychology?

Max Wertheimer, Kurt Koffka, and Wolfgang Kohler.

Idiographic Approach in Psychology

What does the idiographic approach focus on?

Understanding a particular individual or event.

Subfields of Psychology

What does health psychology focus on?

Physiological processes, behavior, and social factors that influence health and illness.

Research Methods in Psychology

What is a hypothesis?

A statement about the expected outcome of events.

Historical Development of Psychology

Who remarked that 'psychology has a short history but a long past'?

Hermann Ebbinghaus.

Research Methods in Psychology

How does psychology qualify as a science?

It minimizes subjective bias and errors in data collection and interpretation.

Research Methods in Psychology

What is a case study?

A detailed account of an individual’s behavior and emotions based on a small set of participants.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What is Gestalt Psychology concerned with?

The whole notion of sensory experience and the organization of sensations.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

Who are the main figures in Humanistic psychology?

Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers.

Research Methods in Psychology

What type of study would a researcher conduct to estimate the relationship between birth order and achievement motivation?

Correlational study.

Research Methods in Psychology

What does a correlation coefficient of -1 indicate?

A perfect negative correlation between two variables.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What significant work did Wilhelm Wundt publish?

Principles of Physiological Psychology.

Subfields of Psychology

What is the focus of Environmental Psychology?

The human-environment interrelationship and improving sustainable living.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What role does unconscious motivation play according to Freud?

It plays an important role in nervous disorders.

Research Methods in Psychology

What makes psychology a scientific discipline?

It relies on empirical observation based on experiments.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What concept is Leon Festinger known for?

Cognitive dissonance.

Subfields of Psychology

What is the significance of David M. Buss in psychology?

Evolutionary psychology.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

Who founded Gestalt Psychology?

Max Wertheimer, Kurt Koffka, and Wolfgang Kohler.

Research Methods in Psychology

What emerges from the observations made by a psychologist?

A theory that explains the observed phenomenon.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What does Cognitive psychology study?

Mental processes such as perception, memory, and problem-solving.

Subfields of Psychology

What does clinical psychology focus on?

The assessment and treatment of mental illness and abnormal behavior.

Research Methods in Psychology

What is the observation method in psychological research?

Watching a participant in their natural setting and recording relevant behavior for later analysis.

Subfields of Psychology

What type of problems do Counseling Psychologists typically address?

Milder emotional or personal issues, such as career choices or family problems.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

Who developed the theory of operant conditioning?

B.F. Skinner.

Research Methods in Psychology

How can correlations be visually represented?

Using a scattergram.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What are the various perspectives from which psychology views human behavior?

Structuralism, functionalism, gestalt, behaviorism, psychoanalysis, biological, cognitive, humanistic, evolutionary, and sociocultural.

Subfields of Psychology

What do Organizational Psychologists aim to enhance?

The well-being and performance of employees in work-settings.

Research Methods in Psychology

What ethical considerations must be kept in mind during experiments?

The potential danger to participants and the treatment of animals used in experiments.

Research Methods in Psychology

What follows the formulation of a research question?

The development of a hypothesis.

Research Methods in Psychology

What does replication in research aim to establish?

The reliability of the results.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What is the focus of Functionalism?

How the mind allows people to function in the real world.

Research Methods in Psychology

What does a correlation coefficient of +1 indicate?

A perfect positive correlation between two variables.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What is the main idea of Structuralism?

Focuses on breaking down mental processes into the most basic components.

Subfields of Psychology

What is the main concern of Educational Psychology?

The psychology of teaching and enhancing students' learning efficiency.

Research Methods in Psychology

What are participants in an experiment?

The person or animal on which the experiment is conducted.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What does Functionalism emphasize?

The purpose of mental processes and behavior in adapting to the environment.

Research Methods in Psychology

What is an independent variable?

The variable that is manipulated by the experimenter.

Research Methods in Psychology

What is the significance of empirical observation in psychology?

It is based on experiments rather than opinion or belief.

Research Methods in Psychology

What is the purpose of the experimental method in psychology?

To investigate a research problem by making assumptions known as hypotheses about observable events.

Research Methods in Psychology

What does the prediction step in psychological research involve?

Changing or modifying behavior.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What was the main focus of early psychologists in studying the mind?

An empirical approach to understand thinking, attention, and imagery.

Cognitive and Humanistic Perspectives

In which decade did the Cognitive Perspective gain prominence?


Cognitive and Humanistic Perspectives

Who is Hermann Ebbinghaus and what did he study?

A German psychologist who studied memory by investigating the formation of associations through learning serial lists of nonsense syllables.

Sociocultural and Biological Perspectives

What theory did Leon Festinger propose?

Cognitive dissonance theory.

Psychology's Evolution in India

What was the first psychology journal founded in India?

Indian Journal of Psychology.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What is the main idea of Gestalt psychology?

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts, focusing on perception and sensation.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

Who are the key figures in Gestalt psychology?

Max Wertheimer, Kurt Koffka, Wolfgang Kohler.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What does Cognitive psychology study?

Mental processes such as perception, thinking, memory, and decision-making.

Historical Development of Psychology

Who is considered the Father of Psychology?

William Wundt.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What is one reason to study psychology?

To understand the human mind and how it works.

Research Methods in Psychology

What is the first step in the experimental method?

Identifying a research problem that needs to be investigated.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

Who founded Psychoanalysis?

Sigmund Freud.

Historical Development of Psychology

What educational background did Wilhelm Wundt have?

He began at a Catholic gymnasium, later graduated from a gymnasium in Heidelberg.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What method did Freud use to reveal unconscious thoughts?

Free-talk and dream interpretation.

Research Methods in Psychology

What are the three main types of descriptive research design?

Case study, survey, and systematic observation.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

Who are the main founders of the Humanistic Perspective?

Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What is the main idea of Gestalt psychology?

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Historical Development of Psychology

What was the first formal psychology laboratory in the USA and who set it up?

Johns Hopkins University, set up by G. Stanley Hall.

Psychology's Evolution in India

Trace the development of psychology as a discipline in India.

Psychology began to be studied formally in universities, starting with the University of Allahabad.

Research Methods in Psychology

What does the A-B-A design help to confirm?

That the observed effect was due to the independent variable introduced.

Research Methods in Psychology

What is systematic observation?

A method of collecting data by making systematic observations of naturally occurring behaviors without manipulating variables.

Psychology's Evolution in India

What influenced the emergence of psychology as a discipline in India?

The development of psychology in the West.

Subfields of Psychology

What is the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist?

A psychologist has a doctorate in psychology, while a psychiatrist has a medical degree.

Sociocultural and Biological Perspectives

What is the main focus of the Sociocultural Perspective?

Social and cultural factors that influence behavior.

Sociocultural and Biological Perspectives

What does the Biological Perspective focus on?

The biological bases of behavior and mental processes.

Psychology's Evolution in India

What is the focus of psychology in India today?

The study of human behavior using indigenous techniques along with western models.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What is the focus of William James's contributions?

Functionalism in psychology.

Research Methods in Psychology

What does the correlation method aim to understand?

The association or relationship that exists between two variables.

Subfields of Psychology

What is forensic psychology?

A field that applies psychological principles to the criminal justice system and legal investigations.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What psychological approach was influenced by Darwin's theory of natural selection?


Research Methods in Psychology

Why is psychology considered a science?

Because it systematically gathers data by observing and recording behaviors under controlled experimental conditions.

Subfields of Psychology

What is the focus of Physiological Psychology?

The relationship between the brain and behavior in humans and animals.

Research Methods in Psychology

What is an example of a research question that could use the correlational method?

Are intelligent people also happier?

Research Methods in Psychology

What is a major disadvantage of case studies?

Results cannot be easily generalized and are prone to subjective bias.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What is the main idea of Humanistic psychology?

Emphasizes personal growth and the concept of self-actualization.

Research Methods in Psychology

What is a key disadvantage of the survey method?

Participants may not provide accurate answers due to social desirability bias.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What is the focus of Socio-cultural psychology?

How social and cultural factors influence behavior and mental processes.

Research Methods in Psychology

What is inductive reasoning in the context of systematic observation?

Making observations to deduce logical causes of behavior and develop principles.

Psychology's Evolution in India

Who was the first faculty member in psychology at the University of Calcutta?

Dr. N. N. Sengupta, a Harvard-trained scholar.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

Why is psychology considered a science?

Because it employs systematic methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis.

Psychology's Evolution in India

What was established in 1924 in India related to psychology?

The Indian Psychological Association.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

Who is the main proponent of Psychoanalysis?

Sigmund Freud.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What is the scientific study of human and animal behavior called?


Research Methods in Psychology

What is science defined as in the context of psychology?

A systematized body of knowledge gathered through carefully observing and measuring events.

Subfields of Psychology

What is the primary focus of counseling psychology?

Helping people with milder emotional or personal problems, such as career choices or educational decisions.

Research Methods in Psychology

What is the purpose of the correlational method in psychology?

To understand the relationship between two sets of scores.

Historical Development of Psychology

Who is considered the Father of Experimental Psychology?

Wilhelm Wundt.

Research Methods in Psychology

Who is referred to as the experimenter?

The person who conducts the experiment.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What is Abraham Maslow famous for?

The hierarchy of needs.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What is the focus of the Humanistic Perspective?

People's ability to direct their own lives.

Historical Development of Psychology

Who were some major figures in the historical development of psychology?

Figures like Wilhelm Wundt and Sigmund Freud.

Research Methods in Psychology

Who are some notable figures that used case studies?

Freud and Jean Piaget.

Historical Development of Psychology

Who established the first psychology lab and when?

Wilhelm Wundt in 1879 in Leipzig, Germany.

Research Methods in Psychology

What does the survey method involve?

Asking questions about the problem being studied through various means like interviews or questionnaires.

Research Methods in Psychology

What is the correlation method used for in psychology?

To understand the relationship between two sets of scores from one or two samples.

Cognitive and Humanistic Perspectives

What stimulated interest in studying higher-order mental processes in the Cognitive Perspective?

The gestalt approach and the development of computers.

Research Methods in Psychology

What is essential for hypothesis testing in scientific investigation?

Research design and methods for data collection and analysis.

Psychology's Evolution in India

Who became the first president of the Indian Psychoanalytic Society?

Girindra Shekhar Bose in 1922.

Research Methods in Psychology

What are the different approaches to study psychology scientifically?

Qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods.

Sociocultural and Biological Perspectives

Who is David Buss and what is his contribution?

One of the main founders of evolutionary psychology.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What is the Biological perspective in psychology?

Behavior is the result of genetic influence, hormones, and neural mechanisms.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

Who are the main figures in Evolutionary psychology?

David M. Buss and D. Singh.

Historical Development of Psychology

What did Socrates emphasize with his famous thought 'know thyself'?

The importance of self and personal reflection.

Research Methods in Psychology

What is a dependent variable?

The response of the person to a particular stimulus.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What does Behaviorism focus on?

Observable behaviors and the effects of learning.

Research Methods in Psychology

What is the advantage of a within-group design?

Each subject serves as their own control, allowing for pre and post comparisons.

Research Methods in Psychology

What is naturalistic observation?

Observing human or animal behavior in natural conditions.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What is the main idea of Evolutionary psychology?

Behavior and mental processes are shaped by evolutionary pressures.

Subfields of Psychology

What is the role of a psychiatric social worker?

To address environmental conditions impacting psychological disorders.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What does Structuralism focus on?

Identifying the basic elements or 'structures' of psychological experience through introspection.

Sociocultural and Biological Perspectives

What are the three basic components of evolution according to Darwin?

Variation, inheritance, and selection.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

Who are the main proponents of Behaviorism?

Ivan Pavlov, John B. Watson, B. F. Skinner.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

Who are the main figures in Socio-cultural psychology?

Fritz Heider, Leon Festinger, Stanley Schachter.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What does the Evolutionary perspective focus on?

The evolutionary origin of behavior.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What did Functionalism focus on?

The functions of mind and behavior, such as learning and problem-solving.

Historical Development of Psychology

Who established the first psychology laboratory and when?

Wilhelm Wundt in 1879.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What is structuralism primarily concerned with?

Analyzing the basic structures of the human mind.

Psychology's Evolution in India

How was psychology in India influenced?

It was greatly influenced by western theories and concepts.

Research Methods in Psychology

What is a hypothesis in the context of psychological research?

A statement about the expected outcome of events based on literature review and theoretical background.

Psychology's Evolution in India

When did psychology courses start at Mysore University?

In 1924.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

Who is associated with Functionalism?

William James.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

How did the approach to psychology change over time?

From philosophical to more empirical, objective, and scientific.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

Who are the key proponents of Cognitive psychology?

Hermann Ebbinghaus, Sir Frederic Bartlett, Jean Piaget.

Research Methods in Psychology

What is the primary focus of a psychologist when observing behavior?

Describing what is happening, where it is happening, to whom it happens, and the context of the event.

Research Methods in Psychology

Why is replicability important in experiments?

To confirm or reconfirm the obtained findings under the same conditions.

Research Methods in Psychology

What is the first step in conducting research in psychology?

Identifying a problem or forming a question.

Psychology's Evolution in India

Who prepared the syllabus for psychology at the University of Calcutta?

Sir Brojendra Nath Seal in 1905.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What is psychology?

The scientific study of behavior and mental processes.

Psychology's Evolution in India

When was psychology introduced at the Masters level in the University of Delhi?

In 1957.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What does Behaviorism focus on?

Observable behavior only.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What does Socio-cultural psychology focus on?

How social situations and cultures influence thinking and behavior.

Research Methods in Psychology

What is the purpose of a control group in an experiment?

To serve as a baseline against which the experimental group is checked.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What year was Gestalt Psychology founded?


Research Methods in Psychology

What does the systematic observation method involve?

Making systematic observations of naturally occurring events without manipulating an independent variable.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What method did Wundt use to examine subjective experiences?

Objective introspection.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What does Biological psychology examine?

The relationship between biological processes and behavior.

Cognitive and Humanistic Perspectives

What are some key areas of focus in the Cognitive Perspective?

Memory, intelligence, language, problem-solving, and decision-making.

Research Methods in Psychology

Why is reporting results important in psychological research?

To allow replication and contribute to ongoing investigation and knowledge.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What does Psychoanalysis emphasize?

The role of unconscious thoughts, feelings, memories, and early childhood experiences in determining behavior.

Psychology's Evolution in India

When was the study of psychology first initiated in India?

In 1916 at the University of Calcutta.

Psychology's Evolution in India

What was the first university to initiate the study of psychology in India?

University of Calcutta in 1916.

Research Methods in Psychology

What happens after results are obtained in research?

The hypothesis is accepted or rejected based on the analysis.

Psychology's Evolution in India

What significant contribution did Girindra Shekhar Bose make?

He blended Hindu thought with Freudian concepts.

Sociocultural and Biological Perspectives

What inspired the Evolutionary Perspective?

Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection.

Psychology's Evolution in India

Name a prominent Indian psychologist known for influential writings.

H.S. Asthana.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

What are the key features of Humanistic psychology?

Self-actualization and free will.

Research Methods in Psychology

What is a limitation of experimental findings?

They may not apply to real-life or natural situations due to the artificial nature of experiments.

Subfields of Psychology

What fields is psychology applied in?

Counseling, clinical, organization, forensic, sports, health, school, etc.

Subfields of Psychology

What areas might psychologists specialize in?

Social psychology, cognitive psychology, community psychology, and developmental psychology.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

Who are the main proponents of Structuralism?

Wilhelm Wundt and Edward B. Titchener.

Major Schools of Thought in Psychology

Who are the key proponents of the Biological perspective?

Charles Darwin, E. Wilson, J. M. Harlow.

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