What is the significance of the limits provided in the midterm question?
They indicate the behavior of the function as it approaches certain values.
Which of the following limits do NOT exist?
lim (x → 0) (x^3 - 7)/(x^2 - 4); lim (x → ∞) (x^2 - 10)/(x^2 + 2)
Limits and Asymptotes

What is the significance of the limits provided in the midterm question?

They indicate the behavior of the function as it approaches certain values.

Limits and Asymptotes

Which of the following limits do NOT exist?

lim (x → 0) (x^3 - 7)/(x^2 - 4); lim (x → ∞) (x^2 - 10)/(x^2 + 2)

Limits and Asymptotes

What does lim (x → 6) f(x) indicate?

It indicates the behavior of the function f(x) as x approaches 6.

Limits and Asymptotes

What is the condition for δ in relation to x for the function f(x) = x/(x - 1)?

If δ < |x - 1|, then |f(x) - 2| < 0.1.

Continuity of Functions

What values of a and b make the piecewise function continuous?

a = 3, b = 2.

Continuity of Functions

What are the three properties that define continuity of a function f(x) at x = a?

1) f(a) is defined; 2) The limit of f(x) as x approaches a exists; 3) The limit of f(x) as x approaches a equals f(a).

Limits and Asymptotes

What is the limit of (x^2 - x) as x approaches infinity?


Finding Derivatives

What is the first step to find the derivative of the function f(x) = (1 + 2x^2)(3 - 5x^2)?

Use the product rule: f'(x) = u'v + uv', where u = (1 + 2x^2) and v = (3 - 5x^2).

Limits and Asymptotes

What does lim (x → ∞) f(x) indicate?

It indicates the behavior of the function f(x) as x approaches infinity.

Properties of Continuous Functions

What is the requirement for showing work in the Calculus I Midterm?

You MUST show your work.

Definition of the Derivative (First Principles)

How do you apply the definition of the derivative to f(x) = 4x + 3?

Calculate f(x + h) = 4(x + h) + 3 and then use the limit definition.

Limits and Asymptotes

What is the limit of (1 - x)/(x - 1) as x approaches 1?

The limit is undefined.

Intermediate Value Theorem (IVT)

What does the Intermediate Value Theorem (IVT) help to prove?

It helps to prove that a function has a root within a certain interval.

Limits and Asymptotes

What is the limit of (5x^2 - 7)/(2x - 5) as x approaches 0?


Finding Derivatives

What is the formula to find the derivative of a composite function f(x) = g(h(x))?

Use the chain rule: f'(x) = g'(h(x)) * h'(x).

Properties of Continuous Functions

What does it mean for a function to be not differentiable at a point?

It means that the function does not have a defined derivative at that point.

Continuity of Functions

What can be said about the function based on the graph?

There are 2 values for which the function is not differentiable; the function is continuous from the left at x = 0.

Squeeze Theorem

What does the Squeeze Theorem help to determine?

It helps to find the limit of a function by 'squeezing' it between two other functions.

Limits and Asymptotes

What are the horizontal asymptotes of the function f(x) = (4x^3 - 10x + 7)/(3x^2 + x - 3)?

y = 4/3.

Intermediate Value Theorem (IVT)

What does the Intermediate Value Theorem guarantee for a continuous function on the interval [1, 5]?

There exists at least one c in [1, 5] such that f(c) = 2.

Continuity of Functions

How can you determine the number of discontinuities in a function f?

By analyzing the limits and the defined points of the function.

Definition of the Derivative (First Principles)

What is the definition of the derivative using First Principles?

f'(x) = lim (h -> 0) [(f(x + h) - f(x)) / h].

Finding Derivatives

How do you find the derivative of the function f(x) = x^2 * e^(3x)?

Apply the product rule: f'(x) = u'v + uv', where u = x^2 and v = e^(3x).

Limits and Asymptotes

What does lim (x → 1) f(x) indicate?

It indicates the behavior of the function f(x) as x approaches 1.

Definition of the Derivative (First Principles)

What is the function given in the problem?

f(x) = 4x + 3.

Domain of Functions

Which of the following functions have a domain that includes all real numbers?

f(x) = e^(-x) + x, f(x) = 7sin(x), f(x) = 6/(x^2 - 8), f(x) = 5/(x + 1)

Finding Derivatives

Given g(10) = 4 and h(10) = 560, how do you find f'(10) if g'(10) = 0 and h'(10) = 35?

Use the chain rule: f'(10) = g'(h(10)) * h'(10) = 0 * 35 = 0.

Continuity of Functions

What is the condition for a function to be continuous on its domain?

The function must not have any breaks or jumps in its domain.

Definition of the Derivative (First Principles)

What is the derivative f'(x) for the function f(x) = 4x + 3?

f'(x) = 4.

Graphical Analysis of Functions

Which statements about the graphs of f(x) and g(x) are true?

g(x) is the derivative of f(x); g(x) is differentiable everywhere; g(x) is an odd function; f(x) is an even function.

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