What is the primary purpose of preparing an Expenditure Matrix?
To organize and plan budgetary expenditures effectively.
What is the first step in the offline preparation of the Expenditure Matrix?
Gather all necessary financial data and documentation.
Preparation Guidelines for Expenditure Matrix

What is the primary purpose of preparing an Expenditure Matrix?

To organize and plan budgetary expenditures effectively.

Preparation Guidelines for Expenditure Matrix

What is the first step in the offline preparation of the Expenditure Matrix?

Gather all necessary financial data and documentation.

Preparation Guidelines for Expenditure Matrix

What should be included in the Expenditure Matrix?

Detailed budget estimates, expense classifications, and cost parameters.

Preparation Guidelines for Expenditure Matrix

Why is it important to classify expenses in the Expenditure Matrix?

To ensure accurate tracking and reporting of financial resources.

Preparation Guidelines for Expenditure Matrix

How should the Expenditure Matrix be structured?

In a clear and organized format that allows for easy updates and modifications.

Preparation Guidelines for Expenditure Matrix

What is required from all Operating Units regarding the Expenditure Matrix?

They must prepare it using the standard template downloaded from the PMIS.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

How should the Expenditure Matrix be submitted?

Encoded online or uploaded offline in the PMIS.

Key Result Areas (KRA) and Outputs

Who provides the budget and planning timelines for the Expenditure Matrix?


Expenditure Matrix Overview

What is the purpose of the Expenditure Matrix in the Department of Education?

To outline the work and financial plan.

Expenditure Matrix Overview

What does the Expenditure Matrix help to track?

Financial allocations and expenditures for educational programs.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What is included in Part II of the GAA by Object?

Detailed breakdown of expenses by specific categories.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

What is the first step to access the Department of Education Expenditure Matrix?

Open a web browser and type pmis.deped.gov.ph.

Preparation Guidelines for Expenditure Matrix

What does PAP stand for in the context of the Expenditure Matrix?


Workshop Mechanics for Filling Expenditure Matrix

What does MATATAG stand for in the context of the K-10 Curriculum?

It refers to a training program for teachers.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

What should you click after entering your credentials to access the Expenditure Matrix?

Click the login button.

Instructions for Copying Rows in Excel

What should you avoid when inserting rows in the ladderized format?

Performing a simple 'Insert' action.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

What should you click after searching by year to upload the Offline Expenditure Template?

Click Upload.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What does the Disbursement Target reflect?

The expense items broken down by month.

Instructions for Copying Rows in Excel

What is the first step in copying ladderized rows?

Select specific row/s to copy.

Instructions for Copying Rows in Excel

What is the first step in copying ladderized rows?

Right click and then select 'Copy'.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

Which web browser is recommended for downloading the Expenditure Matrix?

Google Chrome.

Expenditure Matrix Overview

Which department is associated with the Expenditure Matrix?

Department of Education.

Workshop Mechanics for Filling Expenditure Matrix

What is the first requirement for each participant in Workshop 1?

Each participant shall have an assigned SDO and School as well as user accounts for both Process Owner and Operating Unit.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

What action should you take after selecting the Expenditure Matrix?

Click 'Open'.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What does Part VII of the Expenditure Matrix cover?

Disbursement Target.

Key Result Areas (KRA) and Outputs

How many Quarterly PIR Reports should be prepared?

The number of Quarterly PIR Reports prepared is tracked as an output statement.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

What button should you click to return to the WFP?

Click the 'Back to WFP' button.

Expenditure Matrix Overview

What does GAA stand for in the context of the Department of Education?

General Appropriations Act.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

Where will the downloaded file appear when using Google Chrome?

At the bottom left portion of the page.

Instructions for Copying Rows in Excel

What option should you select after right-clicking to copy cells?

Select 'Insert Copied Cells'.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

In which part of the Expenditure Form is the Physical Target found?

Part V.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

In which part of the Expenditure Form is the Obligation Target found?

Part VI.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

What is the first step to access the Offline Expenditure Form?

Open a web browser and type pmis.deped.gov.ph.

Expenditure Matrix Overview

What department is associated with the Expenditure Matrix?

Department of Education.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

What action should be taken to access the Expenditure Matrix?

Click the Button.

Instructions for Copying Rows in Excel

What is the first step in copying ladderized rows?

Right click on the selected cells.

Expenditure Matrix Overview

What functionality is mentioned in relation to the Expenditure Matrix?

Search by Year.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

What is the first step to upload an Offline Expenditure Template?

Search by Year.

Instructions for Copying Rows in Excel

What happens if you use the 'Insert' function incorrectly?

It results in insertion of rows without a formula, leading to errors in uploading.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

What document is being uploaded in this process?

Offline Expenditure Template.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

What should you do after searching by year?

Click 'Download Offline Expenditure Template'.

Workshop Mechanics for Filling Expenditure Matrix

What will all participants receive for the workshop?

An expenditure matrix template.

Workshop Mechanics for Filling Expenditure Matrix

Who provides the output and activity statements for the expenditure matrix?

Members of the technical assistance secretariat.

Expenditure Matrix Overview

What department is associated with the Expenditure Matrix?

Department of Education.

Preparation Guidelines for Expenditure Matrix

What should be clearly defined in the Expenditure Matrix (EM) form?

The hierarchy of the Program, Output, Activity, and Expense Object.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What does 'Manner of Release' refer to?

It categorizes the expense item for downloading, cash advance, or direct payment.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

How is 'Total Amount' calculated?

Total Amount = Quantity x Unit Cost x Frequency.

Preparation Guidelines for Expenditure Matrix

What is included in the Monthly Physical Target for Outputs?

Performance Indicator and Monthly Physical Target.

Expenditure Matrix Overview

What is the status change mentioned for the Expenditure Matrix?

From 'No WFP' to 'Updating of WFP'.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

What is the first step to download the Expenditure Template?

Search by year.

Expense Classification and Budget Estimates

What is the purpose of the Expense Object in the Department of Education?

To classify and categorize expenditures.

Preparation Guidelines for Expenditure Matrix

What is required for Clearance Review?

Clearance from the accounting division regarding costing parameters.

Expenditure Matrix Overview

What is the purpose of the Quarterly PIR Report?

To summarize the progress and outcomes of the training and activities.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What does 'Quantity' refer to in the context of expenses?

The numerical quantity of the expense item.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What is the purpose of the Expense Object (DBM Grouping)?

It indicates the Object of Expense as per NBM 129.

Workshop Mechanics for Filling Expenditure Matrix

What is the purpose of the workshop on filling up the Expenditure Matrix?

To guide participants in accurately completing the Expenditure Matrix.

Expenditure Matrix Overview

What documents does the Expenditure Matrix derive its contents from?

The WFP (Work and Financial Plan) and BP201.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

What should you select on the left sidebar after logging in?

Select budget item.

Physical and Obligation Targets

How often are LAC sessions conducted?


Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What does PAP stand for in the context of the Expenditure Form?

Program, Activity, and Project.

Preparation Guidelines for Expenditure Matrix

What principles should the EM form adhere to?

Logical framework principles.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What does Part I: POMA stand for?

Program - Output - Milestone - Activity.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

What should you do after downloading the Excel file for the Expenditure Matrix?

Open the downloaded Excel file and accomplish the form.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

What should you do after downloading the Excel file for the Expenditure Matrix?

Open the downloaded Excel file, accomplish the form, and save it.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What does the Physical Target reflect?

The output, the output milestone, and the activities broken down by month.

Instructions for Copying Rows in Excel

What should be ensured when copying ladderized rows?

That the copied rows retain their formulas.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

What is the purpose of uploading the Expenditure Matrix Template?

To ensure accurate financial planning and tracking.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

What are the two ways to open the Expenditure Matrix file?

Double-click or click 'Open'.

Expenditure Matrix Overview

What are the key responsibilities of the Department of Education?

Implementing educational policies and ensuring quality education.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What is indicated by the marker 'APP - Supplies'?

It categorizes the expense item as needing to undergo the procurement process for supplies.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

What is a common step after uploading the Expenditure Matrix Template?

Verify that the uploaded data is correctly reflected in the system.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What does GAA by object indicate?

It indicates the Sub-Object of Expense.

Costing Parameters and Procurement Process

What is the focus of the LAC sessions?

To provide ongoing professional development for teachers.

Workshop Mechanics for Filling Expenditure Matrix

What skills are typically taught in a workshop focused on the Expenditure Matrix?

How to input data, categorize expenses, and analyze financial information.

Expense Classification and Budget Estimates

What does the Expenditure Matrix detail regarding budget estimates?

It details budget estimates per activity classified by expense type and manner of fund release.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

How do you log in to the PMIS site?

Login as Operating Unit (OU).

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

What do you need to do after searching by year?

Click Download Offline Expenditure Template.

Preparation Guidelines for Expenditure Matrix

What should you select on the left sidebar of the Expenditure Matrix?

A budget item.

Preparation Guidelines for Expenditure Matrix

What status should be selected for WFP?

By status.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What does the Obligation Target reflect?

The expense items broken down by month.

Expenditure Matrix Overview

What is the primary focus of the Department of Education?

To oversee and manage the education system.

Preparation Guidelines for Expenditure Matrix

What does every Output, Activity, and Expense Object correspond to?

Output Level, Output Priority Rank, Performance Indicator, Monthly Physical Target.

Workshop Mechanics for Filling Expenditure Matrix

How much time are participants given to accomplish the template?

30 minutes.

Preparation Guidelines for Expenditure Matrix

What type of report summarizes LAC sessions?

Narrative Report on LAC Sessions.

Key Result Areas (KRA) and Outputs

What is tracked regarding the training of teachers?

The number of training sessions conducted on the MATATAG K - 10 Curriculum.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What does 'Frequency' indicate?

The rate of occurrence or number of times of the expense item.

Preparation Guidelines for Expenditure Matrix

What role does the Department of Education play in curriculum development?

It provides guidelines and standards for curriculum implementation.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What is the significance of the Date column in the Expenditure Matrix?

To track when each expenditure is incurred.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What role does the Responsible Person column play in the Expenditure Matrix?

It identifies who is accountable for each expenditure.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

What is the next step after saving the accomplished form?

Go back to the PMIS site and repeat steps 1 to 2.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

What is the final step in the uploading process?

Click the button for Offline template Expenditure Form.

Instructions for Copying Rows in Excel

What is the first step in copying ladderized rows?

Place the pointer on Row Headings where to insert copied rows.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

What action should be taken when prompted by a message after saving the form?

Click 'Yes'.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

What is the first step to access a previously saved Expenditure Matrix (EM)?

Locate and select the previously saved and accomplished EM.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

How should you log in to the Expenditure Matrix?

Login as Operating Unit (OU) and provide User Credential and Password.

Instructions for Copying Rows in Excel

Why is it important to copy rows with their formulas?

To ensure they can be uploaded online correctly.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What does PPMP stand for in the context of the Department of Education?

PPMP stands for Procurement Planning and Management Process.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What is addressed in Part VIII of the Expenditure Matrix?

Pre-Audit review.

Expense Classification and Budget Estimates

How does the Department of Education allocate resources?

Through budget estimates and financial planning.

Preparation Guidelines for Expenditure Matrix

What type of information is typically included in a Work and Financial Plan?

Budget estimates, timelines, and resource allocation.

Preparation Guidelines for Expenditure Matrix

What should the total Disbursement be in relation to the Obligation Program?

It should be equal to or lower than the Obligation Program.

Workshop Mechanics for Filling Expenditure Matrix

What is an Expenditure Matrix?

A tool used for planning and tracking expenses in a structured format.

Preparation Guidelines for Expenditure Matrix

What is the relationship between Programs and Outputs in the EM?

For every Program, there will be one or more Outputs.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

What do you need to do to download the Offline Expenditure Template?

Search by year and then click Download Offline Expenditure Template.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

What should you do after downloading the Excel file?

Accomplish the form and save it.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

What should you select from the left sidebar after logging in?

Select budget item.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

What should be checked before uploading the Expenditure Matrix Template?

Ensure the template is filled out correctly and all necessary data is included.

Preparation Guidelines for Expenditure Matrix

What is a key requirement for Costing Parameters?

The total of Costing Parameters should equal the total Obligation of Expense Object.

Expenditure Matrix Overview

What is the purpose of the Expenditure Matrix in the Department of Education?

It serves as the data capture form and source document.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What key section typically includes the budget line items?

The Budgetary Expenditure section.

Preparation Guidelines for Expenditure Matrix

What are the components associated with an Expense Object?

Costing Parameters, APP and Manner of Release, Monthly Obligation and Disbursement Program.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What does the Amount column represent in the Expenditure Matrix?

The financial allocation for each line item.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

What is the first step to access the PMIS site?

Open a web browser and type pmis.deped.gov.ph.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What does KRA indicate in the Expenditure Form?

Key Result Area of the Office.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What is an 'Output Milestone'?

A progress marker for output development, required for outputs that can't be attained in a year.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What is a 'Performance Indicator'?

The unit of measure for a particular output and/or output milestone, which must be tangible.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What does the Expense Class indicate in the Department of Education?

It indicates the expense class of the activity.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What is the primary purpose of the Expenditure Matrix Template?

To organize and manage budgetary expenditures.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What is meant by 'Unit Cost'?

The unit price of the expense item.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

How do you log in to the system for the Offline Expenditure Form?

Login as Operating Unit (OU).

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What information is usually found in the Description column?

Details about each expenditure item.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

What is a common file format for the Expenditure Matrix Template?

Excel format (.xlsx or .xls).

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What does 'Location for TEV' refer to?

The venue of the workshop or event.

Workshop Mechanics for Filling Expenditure Matrix

What is a key outcome of the workshop on filling the Expenditure Matrix?

Participants will be able to effectively complete and utilize the Expenditure Matrix for financial tracking.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What do 'Activities' enumerate?

All activities conducted to achieve the desired output or output milestone.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

What format is typically required for the Expenditure Matrix Template?

The template is usually in Excel format.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

What action should be taken to access the Expenditure Matrix?

Click the button labeled Expenditure Matrix.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

Where can you download the Expenditure Matrix Template?

From the designated online platform or website.

Expenditure Matrix Overview

Why is the Expenditure Matrix important for the Department of Education?

It ensures proper financial management and accountability.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What is referred to as Expense Item?

Different expense items to be purchased/used for specific activities.

Preparation Guidelines for Expenditure Matrix

What is the relationship between Outputs and Activities in the EM?

For every Output, there will be one or more Output Milestones and/or Activities.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What does 'Output priority rank' indicate?

The chronological order of priority for all the Outputs.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

What do you need to click after searching by year for uploading?

Click Upload Offline WFP Template.

Preparation Guidelines for Expenditure Matrix

What is the purpose of the Expenditure Matrix Template?

To organize and manage expenditure data.

Expenditure Matrix Overview

What is the significance of the Expenditure Matrix in education?

It helps in tracking and managing educational expenditures.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

What should you check before downloading the Expenditure Matrix Template?

Ensure you have the correct version and format required.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What key components are included in the Expenditure Matrix?

KRA, program/project, outputs, milestones, activities, and corresponding expense items.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What type of lists are Expense Object and GAA by object?

They are drop-down lists.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What is included under Specific Program, Policy, Project?

All interventions related to KRA, including those from the previous year, current year, and next 3 years.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What does 'APP - Airline Ticket' signify?

It categorizes the expense item as needing to undergo the procurement process for airline tickets.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What is included in Part IV of the Expenditure Matrix?

APP and Manner of Release.

Workshop Mechanics for Filling Expenditure Matrix

Who would benefit from attending the workshop on the Expenditure Matrix?

Individuals involved in budgeting, financial planning, or project management.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What section includes the Costing Parameters?

Part III of the Expenditure Form.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

What should you do after opening the downloaded Excel file?

Accomplish the form and save it.

Downloading and Uploading Procedures

What should you do after clicking the upload button?

Locate and select the previously saved and accomplished EM and click 'Open'.

Preparation Guidelines for Expenditure Matrix

What is the relationship between Activities and Expense Objects in the EM?

For every Activity, there will be one or more Expense Objects.

Parts of the Expenditure Matrix Template

What does 'Output' refer to?

The immediate deliverables of the intervention, which can be goods or services.

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