What does the principle of party prosecution entail in Kenyan civil procedure law?
The principle of party prosecution refers to the competence of a litigant to either commence or defend and to move the case forward through all its procedural stages, reinforcing the notion that litigation is a private matter conducted by both litigants without court interference unless requested.
What role does the judge play in the adversarial system?
The judge acts like an umpire to see whether the prosecution has been able to prove the case beyond reasonable doubt.
Party Prosecution and Presentation

What does the principle of party prosecution entail in Kenyan civil procedure law?

The principle of party prosecution refers to the competence of a litigant to either commence or defend and to move the case forward through all its procedural stages, reinforcing the notion that litigation is a private matter conducted by both litigants without court interference unless requested.

Role of Judges in Adversarial System

What role does the judge play in the adversarial system?

The judge acts like an umpire to see whether the prosecution has been able to prove the case beyond reasonable doubt.

Role of Judges in Adversarial System

According to Lord Denning in the case of Jones v National Coal Board, what is the judge's role in the trial system?

The judge sits to hear and determine the issues raised by the parties, not to conduct an investigation or examination on behalf of society at large.

Party Prosecution and Presentation

What is the principle of party presentation in Kenyan civil procedure law?

The principle of party presentation refers to the competence of a litigant to investigate their own case or defense, formulate the issues, present the material facts, prove these facts, and raise legal arguments in support of these facts before a judge, remaining in control of the content of their claim or defense.

Judicial Responsibilities and Active Role

What did Lord Denning observe about justice in the case of Jones?

Lord Denning observed that justice should be blind to favour or prejudice but clear to see which way lies the truth.

Party Prosecution and Presentation

In the adversarial system, who is responsible for gathering and presenting evidence?

The legal representatives of the parties.

Adversarial Legal System

What is a key criticism of the Adversarial System mentioned in the text?

The Adversarial System lacks dynamism and has no positive duty to discover truth, unlike the Inquisitorial System.

Judicial Responsibilities and Active Role

What is the judge's role during the pretrial and trial stages?

The judge plays a passive role and does not interfere in the proceedings except upon the request of one of the litigants.

Role of Judges in Adversarial System

How does the role of a judge in Kenya compare to other Anglo-American jurisdictions?

In Kenya, as in other Anglo-American jurisdictions, the role of the judge is passive. The judge is restricted to the evidence that the litigants choose to present during trial or a hearing on motion and is not responsible for ensuring that the case presented by each litigant is complete.

Principles of Bilaterality in Litigation

What is the principle of bilaterality in Kenyan civil procedure law?

The principle of bilaterality assumes that both litigants will have a fair and balanced opportunity to present their respective claims or defenses, with the belief that the truth will emerge if each party presents their own biased view of the issues in dispute.

Substantive Law vs. Procedural Law

What does procedural law include?

Procedural law includes the law of evidence, civil procedure, and criminal procedure.

Judicial Responsibilities and Active Role

What position does Aharon Barak take regarding dissenting opinions in cases where stability is more important than the substance of the solution?

Aharon Barak states that he will join the majority without restating his dissent each time unless the dissenting opinion reflects an issue central to him.

Judicial Responsibilities and Active Role

How do courts often achieve substantial justice?

Courts adhere to established substantive law while manipulating procedural rules in favor of the 'right' party.

Judicial Responsibilities and Active Role

What is the role of judges in maintaining public confidence according to the commentary on the Civil Procedure Act Cap 21?

Judges must act in a manner that preserves public confidence by ruling according to the law and their conscience, ensuring justice within the framework of the law, and understanding that judging is a way of life based on spiritual wealth and an objective search for truth.

Civil Procedure Act Overview

How do modern procedural Codes ensure the scope of factual controversy is minimized?

Modern procedural Codes rely on full disclosure by the parties and the managerial powers of the judge.

Adversarial Legal System

What is the nature of the trial in the adversarial system?

The trial is oral, continuous, and confrontational.

Substantive Law vs. Procedural Law

What does substantive law determine?

Substantive law determines the rights and obligations of persons.

Adversarial Legal System

What is a dominant characteristic of Kenyan civil procedure?

It adheres to the adversarial system of litigation.

Judicial Responsibilities and Active Role

Under what circumstances can a judge in an adversarial system play a more active role?

A judge can play a more active role in public interest litigation. Generally, the court’s function is limited to adjudicating the issues raised by the parties and providing appropriate procedural sanctions.

Judicial Responsibilities and Active Role

What did the US Supreme Court hold in United States v J. Lee Havens regarding the use of illegally obtained evidence?

The court held that the government may use illegally obtained evidence to impeach a defendant’s fraudulent statements during cross-examination to seek justice and arrive at the truth.

Civil Procedure Act Overview

What does the Civil Procedure Act, Chapter 21, provide for?

The Civil Procedure Act, Chapter 21, makes provision for procedure in civil courts.

Adversarial Legal System

How is evidence typically presented in an adversarial trial?

Evidence is presented orally through examination, cross-examination, and re-examination.

Impact of Anglo-American Legal Heritage

What does Article 50(1) of the Constitution of Kenya guarantee?

Article 50(1) of the Constitution of Kenya guarantees that every person has the right to have any dispute that can be resolved by the application of law decided in a fair and public hearing before a court or, if appropriate, another independent and impartial tribunal or body.

Substantive Law vs. Procedural Law

What does adjective law deal with?

Adjective law deals with the procedure to enforce a right or duty as determined by substantive law.

Judicial Responsibilities and Active Role

What role does a judge play in the quest for truth during a trial according to Steve Ouma?

A judge plays an active role within the bounds of statutorily defined procedural law to bring relevant facts on record.

Impact of Anglo-American Legal Heritage

What legal system did Kenya inherit due to its colonial legacy?

Kenya inherited an Anglo-American system of law.

Classification of Law in Kenya

What are the two main categories of law in Kenya?

Substantive law and procedural (or adjective) law.

Civil Procedure Act Overview

What are the two distinct activities that occur during the pretrial stage?

The exchange of pleadings to define issues in dispute and the preparation of cases for trial.

Judicial Responsibilities and Active Role

How has the role of judges in the Kenyan judicial system changed post-2010?

A judge is regarded as failing to exercise his jurisdiction if he opts to remain passive to the proceedings before him.

Substantive Law vs. Procedural Law

What is the relationship between substantive law and adjective law?

Adjective law (procedural law) exists to ensure that substantive rights are enforceable.

Adversarial Legal System

How does the adversarial nature of Kenyan civil procedure law affect litigants?

The adversarial nature places litigants in a competitive relationship where each presents separate and contradictory versions of the case for the court's consideration, with the belief that the truth will emerge from this process.

Judicial Responsibilities and Active Role

What does Justice Cardozo discuss in his book 'The Nature of the Judicial Process'?

Justice Cardozo discusses the role of judges and the human limitations they face, emphasizing that judges do not stand aloof from reality.

Party Prosecution and Presentation

What is the role of lawyers in adversarial systems?

The lawyer in adversarial systems handles the presentation and prosecution of cases. The prosecution and defense should have a balanced opportunity to investigate and present proof and legal argument.

Function of Courts in Dispute Resolution

What is the primary function of courts in dispute resolution?

The function of the courts is to resolve disputes between legal subjects or between legal subjects and the state. Both civil and criminal proceedings are formal systems of dispute resolution that are sanctioned by the state.

Judicial Responsibilities and Active Role

What was the US Supreme Court's ruling in James v Giles et al. v State of Maryland regarding the conduct of prosecution?

The US Supreme Court ruled that suppressing evidence favourable to defendants and using perjured testimony is against the search for truth and justice.

Party Prosecution and Presentation

What is the principle of party prosecution in the adversarial legal system?

The principle of party prosecution means that the investigative function during the pre-trial stage is the sole responsibility of the litigants. During the trial stage, the judicial official depends on how the litigants performed their investigative function during the pre-trial stage and on the thoroughness of their presentation at the trial.

Substantive Law vs. Procedural Law

Why is procedural law important in litigation?

Without procedural law, there would be no standardized method of litigation, leading to ad hoc decisions and lack of procedural consistency.

Party Prosecution and Presentation

Who is responsible for initiating and prosecuting litigation in civil disputes in Kenya?

In civil disputes, it is up to the parties, not the court, to initiate and prosecute litigation.

Substantive Law vs. Procedural Law

What is the primary function of procedural law?

Procedural law sets out the rules for enforcing substantive rights in court.

Adversarial Legal System

What is the nature of the procedural system in Kenya?

The procedural system in Kenya is adversarial.

Civil Procedure Act Overview

What does Order 21, rule 4 of the Kenyan legal system state about judgments in defended suits?

Order 21, rule 4 states that judgments in defended suits shall contain a concise statement of the case, the points for determination, the decision thereon, and the reasons for such decision.

Civil Procedure Act Overview

What is the role of civil procedure law?

Civil procedure law enables the enforcement of the rules and provisions of civil law.

Substantive Law vs. Procedural Law

What does substantive law define?

Substantive law defines legal rights and duties in everyday conduct.

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