How is identity defined according to Djite?
As the 'everyday word for people's sense of who they are.'
What are the two types of identity gaps identified by Jung and Hecht?
Gaps between personal vs ascribed relational identities and personal vs enacted identities.
Self-Identity and Social Influence

How is identity defined according to Djite?

As the 'everyday word for people's sense of who they are.'

Identity Gaps and Communication Outcomes

What are the two types of identity gaps identified by Jung and Hecht?

Gaps between personal vs ascribed relational identities and personal vs enacted identities.

Multiplicity of Identities

Why is it important to acknowledge the multiplicity of identities?

To avoid drawing hasty generalizations about people.

Identity Gaps and Communication Outcomes

What should the gaps in identity be related to?

Communication outcomes.

Self-Identity and Social Influence

How is self-identity influenced?

By how others see us and our interactions with them.

Identity Gaps and Communication Outcomes

How is identity described in Jung and Hecht's concept?

Identity is communicative and social.

Identity Gaps and Communication Outcomes

What leads to identity gaps?

Less communication satisfaction, appropriateness, and effectiveness.

Identity Construction Process

What is the focus of the discussion regarding identity?

The process of identity construction through communication.

Dynamic Nature of Identity

How is identity characterized in the text?

As fluid and political rather than personal.

Dynamic Nature of Identity

What is the nature of identity according to the statement?

Identity is dynamic rather than static.

Collective Identities and Social Categorization

How do Hecht and Choi (2012) define identity?

By social categorization and shared group memberships.

Communication Theory of Identity (CTI)

What role does communication play in defining our identity?

Communication defines our identity when we employ linguistic codes.

Collective Identities and Social Categorization

According to the Communication Theory of Identity (CTI), what quality does identity possess?

It is a collective or group quality.

Positioning Theory and Identity

What does Duveen's Self-Other-Object Triangle illustrate?

It illustrates that social representations help people situate themselves.

Erving Goffman's Presentation of Self

How do appearance and props function in Goffman's theory?

They communicate things that have socially ascribed meaning.

Communication Theory of Identity (CTI)

What is the significance of dialogue in identity construction?

Dialogue allows for the exploration and affirmation of identities through shared experiences.

Multiplicity of Identities

Is identity considered singular or multiple?

Identity is considered multiple rather than singular.

Dynamic Nature of Identity

What contributes to the instability of our identities?

Our various social circles.

Communication Theory of Identity (CTI)

Which theories are mentioned for analyzing identity construction?

Communication Theory of Identity and Positioning Theory.

Communication Theory of Identity (CTI)

Who are the authors associated with the Communication Theory of Identity?

Hecht et al. (2009).

Dynamic Nature of Identity

How do people make sense of themselves according to the text?

By drawing on and reconstructing social representations.

Communication Theory of Identity (CTI)

How does CTI view identity?

As a dynamic process influenced by communication.

Communication Theory of Identity (CTI)

What role does communication play in identity according to CTI?

It is essential for expressing and negotiating identity.

Identity Construction Process

How do we construct our identity?

Through communicating and interacting with others.

Collective Identities and Social Categorization

What should you be able to analyze by the end of the discussion?

Issues in the construction of personal and collective identities.

Collective Identities and Social Categorization

What are some shared elements that contribute to collective identity?

Language, beliefs, norms, and culture.

Identity Construction Process

How are identities defined in relation to social representations?

Identities are defined as positions in relation to social representations.

Erving Goffman's Presentation of Self

What does 'Back Stage' refer to in Goffman's theory?

The private self, where individuals can relax and be themselves.

Erving Goffman's Presentation of Self

What does 'manner' refer to in Goffman's Presentation of Self?

How the individual plays the roles and functions.

Erving Goffman's Presentation of Self

What is meant by 'front' in Goffman's theory?

The image or impression an individual gives off to the audience.

Four Frames of Identity

What are the 4 frames of identity according to Hecht?

They are intertwined with each other, such as gender identity.

Self-Identity and Social Influence

What do Moscovici and Markova believe about the 'self' and the 'other'?

They believe that the 'self' and the 'other' are inseparable.

Four Frames of Identity

What does the Relational frame of identity depend on?

Our relationships with others.

Identity Gaps and Communication Outcomes

What is a potential issue with a person's self-concept?

There may be a mismatch with how they are perceived by others.

Dynamic Nature of Identity

What does a mismatch in identity perception lead to?

Constant identity negotiation.

Dynamic Nature of Identity

What role does social context play in identity construction?

Social context provides the framework within which identities are formed and expressed.

Erving Goffman's Presentation of Self

What is meant by 'Off Stage' in Goffman's framework?

The areas where individuals are not performing and are out of the public eye.

Positioning Theory and Identity

How can your identity change according to Positioning Theory?

It may change depending on the 'storyline' you are in.

Four Frames of Identity

What does the Personal frame of identity encompass?

Self-cognitions, self-image, and self-concept.

Multiplicity of Identities

What is a key characteristic of identities?

Identities are multiple and not singular.

Four Frames of Identity

What is the focus of the Enacted frame of identity?

Performance and outward expressions of identity.

Communication Theory of Identity (CTI)

What role does communication play in identity construction?

It is essential for constructing and shaping our identities.

Erving Goffman's Presentation of Self

What analogy does Erving Goffman use to explain self-presentation?

Theater, specifically the Dramaturgical Model of Social Life.

Identity Gaps and Communication Outcomes

What are some examples of communication outcomes?

Communication satisfaction, feeling understood, and conversational appropriateness and effectiveness.

Positioning Theory and Identity

What does Positioning Theory conceptualize regarding the 'other'?

The 'other' is seen as an integral part of the positioning process.

Positioning Theory and Identity

What are positions in Positioning Theory?

They are both identity positions and sets of rights and duties.

Positioning Theory and Identity

What is the nature of the process of positioning and social identity construction?

It is discursive in nature.

Self-Identity and Social Influence

How is our identity indirectly defined by communication?

By internalizing judgments of ourselves, others, and social groups based on our expressions.

Multiplicity of Identities

What should individuals be allowed to do regarding their identities?

Negotiate their identities.

Multiplicity of Identities

How can our identities be expressed?

Our identities can be represented in various ways.

Positioning Theory and Identity

What factor is considered to shape interactions in Positioning Theory?

Power dynamics.

Identity Gaps and Communication Outcomes

What feelings are associated with identity gaps?

Less feelings of being understood.

Communication Theory of Identity (CTI)

What do Michael Hecht and his colleagues (2009) say about identity?

Identity is a social process constructed through communication.

Four Frames of Identity

What can occur among the frames of identity?

Inconsistency and contradiction.

Erving Goffman's Presentation of Self

What is the 'Front Stage' in Goffman's model?

The public persona we present to others.

Identity Gaps and Communication Outcomes

How do identity gaps affect communication?

Identity gaps can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts in communication.

Communication Theory of Identity (CTI)

What does the Communication Theory of Identity (CTI) focus on?

The interplay between communication and identity formation.

Four Frames of Identity

What is the Communal frame of identity?

A shared version of personhood for a collective identity.

Communication Theory of Identity (CTI)

What are the key components of the Communication Theory of Identity?

Personal, enacted, relational, and communal identities.

Identity Construction Process

What is the relationship between communication and identity construction?

Communication plays a crucial role in shaping and expressing individual identities.

Self-Identity and Social Influence

How does communication influence personal identity?

Through interactions and exchanges, individuals negotiate and redefine their identities.

Erving Goffman's Presentation of Self

What does Erving Goffman mean by 'setting' in his theory?

Different settings lead to different performances.

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