What is a centralized banking system?
A centralized banking system oversees and manages financial activities, money supply, reserves, interest rates, and foreign exchange of a country.
What are common access rights in network security?
Create, Read, Update, and Delete.
Digital Currencies

What is a centralized banking system?

A centralized banking system oversees and manages financial activities, money supply, reserves, interest rates, and foreign exchange of a country.

Network Security

What are common access rights in network security?

Create, Read, Update, and Delete.

Project Management Stages and Software

What does the waterfall method rely on?

Clearly defined requirements.

Digital Currencies

What services can be accessed through online banking?

Check bank balance, view bank statements, set up direct debits, apply for loans and overdrafts, pay bills, and transfer money between accounts.

Digital Currencies

What is electronic funds transfer?

Transfer of funds electronically, such as through credit cards or direct debits.

Mail Merge Process

What is mail merge?

The process of merging data from a source file into a master document.

Emerging Technologies

What is one benefit of robotics?

They can perform mundane and repetitive tasks.

System Life Cycle

What is the purpose of validation routines in data entry?

To reduce the number of possible input errors.

Emerging Technologies

What is video conferencing?

A method that uses computers to provide a video link between people.

Project Management Stages and Software

What is a key advantage of high user involvement in project development?

The end solution is more suitable for end users.

Emerging Technologies

What is a benefit of CAD in the design process?

Expensive prototypes are not necessary as stress testing can be carried out on models.

Digital Currencies

What are the benefits of online banking?

No need to leave home for everything, visit branches less, avoid bank queues, service available 24/7, and view transactions without waiting for paper statements.

Emerging Technologies

What are some applications of Virtual Reality?

In games, medical simulations, and training programs like flight simulators.

Mail Merge Process

What checks should be carried out before finishing a mail merge?

Run spell and grammar checks, visually check for errors, and ensure correct records are included.

Emerging Technologies

What is technology-enhanced learning?

Using robotics to create assembly lines of products and providing students with online resources and guidance.

Project Management Stages and Software

What is a disadvantage of having requirements not clearly specified?

The final solution may not meet the needs of the entire organization.

Emerging Technologies

What is a drawback of using CAD software?

CAD software is complex, requiring highly trained staff.

Role and Impact of IT in Society

What is a positive effect of smartphones on lifestyle?

Better time utilization.

Emerging Technologies

What is holography?

The ability to make holograms, which are free-standing 3D images.

Emerging Technologies

What is automatic stock control?

A system to manage stock levels to avoid excess storage costs or running out of items.

Role and Impact of IT in Society

What is a disadvantage of online shopping?

Product size and quality can't be judged, leading to increased returns.

System Life Cycle

What is alpha testing?

Testing carried out by developers or a special team before a system is delivered to users.

System Life Cycle

What is a requirement specification?

A contract between the developer and client specifying system requirements for producing a matching system.

Emerging Technologies

What is the main purpose of Computer-Aided Design (CAD)?

To use computers to design physical products.

Emerging Technologies

What is the main function of Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)?

To use computers to manufacture physical products.

Project Management Stages and Software

What is a critical path in project management?

It shows the sequence of tasks that determine the minimum project duration.

Disaster Recovery Management

What are some potential hazards identified in risk assessment?

Power cut, fire, flood, malware, unauthorized access to data.

Role and Impact of IT in Society

What is a major risk associated with posting data on social media?

Data cannot be deleted once posted.

Emerging Technologies

What is throwaway/rapid prototyping?

A prototype that is discarded and does not become part of the final product, allowing for early requirement tuning.

Role and Impact of IT in Society

What features are common in social networking?

Instant messaging, blogs, microblogs, vlogs, and forums.

Emerging Technologies

What is web conferencing?

Real-time communication where multiple people view the same content on a computer screen simultaneously.

Emerging Technologies

What is a key advantage of web conferencing?

The host controls the content on the screen.

Emerging Technologies

What is a negative effect of 3D printing?

It can be used to print items like guns.

Network Components and Communication

How does 4G technology improve upon 3G?

It increases upload/download speeds and reduces latency.

Emerging Technologies

What healthcare benefit does 5G provide?

Specialist doctors can guide operations through video calls.

System Life Cycle

What does a system specification include?

All hardware and software required for the system, including storage considerations.

Network Security

What is a requirement for accessing security services?

A constant internet connection.

Emerging Technologies

What is the purpose of vision enhancement glasses or lenses?

To correct stimulus entering the eye and enhance vision.

Role and Impact of IT in Society

What is a negative effect of smartphones on lifestyle?

Companies expect employees to be more available.

Network Security

What is quantum cryptography?

Encryption using mathematical algorithms with keys generated through photons.

System Life Cycle

What is the purpose of a terminator symbol in a flowchart?

Indicates the start and end of a flowchart.

Emerging Technologies

What is evolutionary/incremental prototyping?

An iterative approach where the initial prototype is developed, reviewed, and refined based on feedback.

Network Components and Communication

What is the function of a switch in a network?

A switch sends data packets to the desired port.

Emerging Technologies

What is one advantage of video conferencing?

No need to pay travel expenses.

Satellite Communication Systems

What is the main limitation of one-way satellite broadband?

Uploading can be very slow.

Network Components and Communication

What are the advantages of fiber optics in communication?

Fiber optics have no electric interference, great speeds, can't be tapped, and don't suffer from signal degradation.

Role and Impact of IT in Society

What is one environmental benefit of teleworking?

Saves on travel costs, which also benefits the environment.

Technology in Sports

What is one disadvantage of using technology in sports?

It can stop the flow of the game.

Technology in Manufacturing

What role do robotics play in manufacturing?

They create assembly lines of products.

Emerging Technologies

What is a potential issue with self-driving cars?

There is a question of whether the company or user should pay for accident costs.

Project Management Stages and Software

How can project management software assist in communication?

By providing synchronized calendars, IM/video chat, and shared document storage.

Emerging Technologies

What are some advantages of using robots in the workplace?

Robots do dangerous work, offer greater consistency, are more accurate, can perform repeated tasks, run for longer periods, and can be operated 24/7.

System Life Cycle

What is the purpose of a design specification?

To illustrate how the system will look, what data structures will be, and how the system will work.

Emerging Technologies

What is a major issue with streaming Ultra-HD content?

It requires large bandwidth, making it difficult to stream.

Project Management Stages and Software

What is the purpose of communications logging in decision making?

To track and analyze budget, scheduling, and task progress.

Digital Currencies

What is a direct debit?

An agreement allowing a business to automatically take a set amount of money from a person's account.

Emerging Technologies

What is a limitation of three-dimensional printing?

It takes a long time to produce an object.

Emerging Technologies

What is a concern regarding robotics?

They may replace human jobs.

Digital Currencies

What are digital/electronic currencies?

A form of currency that is available only in digital or electronic form, not in physical form like coins or banknotes.

Data Mining

What are some analysis methods used in data mining?

Anomaly detection, association rule, cluster detection, classification, and regression.

Network Components and Communication

What is the role of a router?

A router connects a LAN to a WAN and determines the most efficient route for data to reach its destination.

System Life Cycle

What is the purpose of beta testing?

To test an early release of an application after alpha testing with selected users.

Satellite Communication Systems

What is required to watch satellite broadcasts?

A set-top box and a satellite dish.

Network Components and Communication

What is the basic communication protocol used on the internet?


Project Management Stages and Software

What are the stages of project management?

Conception and initiation, Planning and design, Execution, Monitoring and control, Closure.

Network Security

What is hacking?

The act of gaining unauthorized access to a network, allowing the hacker to read, change, and destroy data.

Emerging Technologies

What is a primary use of biometrics?

To track user values like heart rate and authorize access.

Emerging Technologies

What is an advantage of cloud computing?

Data can be accessed from anywhere while online.

System Life Cycle

What is the purpose of the analysis phase in the System Life Cycle?

To find out the workings of the current system and requirements for a new system.

Network Security

What is a major security issue with cloud services?

They can be hacked into, leading to potential data theft and identity theft.

Emerging Technologies

What is a downside of computer-assisted translation?

Direct translations may not convey the meaning behind sentences.

Emerging Technologies

What is a potential future benefit of fourth-generation optical media?

The ability to hold 1TB of data using smaller pits and more layers.

Network Security

What safety issues are associated with electronic funds transfer?

Identity theft, which can compromise financial details and lead to unauthorized purchases.

Role and Impact of IT in Society

What is an E-business?

A business that performs a majority of its operations online.

Digital Currencies

What is digital currency?

An internet-based form of money that fluctuates in value and can be used instantly without exchange rates.

Emerging Technologies

What is a drawback of wearable computing?

They are subject to moisture, which can cause damage.

System Life Cycle

What is a disadvantage of direct changeover?

It is very risky and users need to be trained in advance.

System Life Cycle

What is the purpose of a data collection form?

To gather input data or output data for a system.

System Life Cycle

What is black box testing?

Involves selecting input data and checking that expected output matches actual output without knowledge of the internal workings.

Satellite Communication Systems

Why does satellite broadcasting offer more channels than radio waves?

Because it uses microwaves.

Satellite Communication Systems

What is the initial cost concern with satellite broadcasting equipment?

It can be expensive.

Network Components and Communication

What is the purpose of FTP in the TCP/IP suite?

It defines file transfer rules.

Emerging Technologies

What is cloud computing?

A service where servers store and process data instead of your computer.

Satellite Communication Systems

What is a limitation of satellite broadband?

It cannot be used by people living in areas not covered by wireless or wired broadband connections.

Role and Impact of IT in Society

What is a potential disadvantage of implementing robots in a company?

Results in loss of jobs and can be costly, leading to a competitive disadvantage if a company buys machines.

System Life Cycle

What does a Data Flow Diagram (DFD) show?

How data moves in a system, including data flow, processes, and data stores.

Emerging Technologies

What is a benefit of computer-assisted translation?

Quick real-time translations in foreign countries.

Emerging Technologies

How does holographic data storage differ from magnetic and optical storage?

Holographic storage records data throughout the volume of the medium, while magnetic and optical store data on the surface.

Disaster Recovery Management

What is the formula for calculating risk?

Risk = likelihood x impact.

System Life Cycle

What does a flowchart show in a system?

Processes that take place within the system and decisions that are made.

Disaster Recovery Management

What is the Maximum Tolerable Downtime (MTD)?

The maximum time a business activity could tolerate not having essential system functionality.

Role and Impact of IT in Society

What is online banking?

A computerized version of the majority of services that a normal bank would offer.

Emerging Technologies

What equipment is needed for video conferencing?

Computer system, webcam, microphone, speakers, good broadband connection, and video conferencing software.

System Life Cycle

What does technical documentation include?

An overview of the structure of the system, how it was put together, and how it works.

Emerging Technologies

What is required for participants to join a web conference?

A link sent to attendees, who must download software and enter login details.

Emerging Technologies

What problem do replacement organs solve?

They address the organ waitlist and match problem.

Network Components and Communication

What improvements do 4th and 5th generation cellular communications bring?

They improve speed and capability of wireless connections for data.

Satellite Communication Systems

What technology do Global Positioning Systems (GPS) use to calculate location?


Network Components and Communication

What does HTTP do?

It is used by web browsers to send requests to a web server to view a web page, with HTTPS being the secure version.

Emerging Technologies

What does Augmented Reality (AR) do?

It overlays computer-generated images on the real world.

Project Management Stages and Software

What is a key feature of collaborative project management software?

It allows several users to use it at once, storing information on a central server.

Network Security

What is the purpose of backups?

To replace original data in case it is lost or damaged, but they do not stop hackers or prevent data corruption.

Emerging Technologies

What are MOOCs?

Massive Open Online Courses that are mostly free, include filmed lectures and resources, and allow interaction with other learners and educators.

Project Management Stages and Software

What is a potential issue with users being involved throughout the project?

It may lead to work overload for users or a need for temporary staff.

Emerging Technologies

What resolution is commonly used in the movie-making and cinema industry?

4K resolution.

Emerging Technologies

What technology creates a 3D space for users to experience?

Virtual Reality (VR).

Emerging Technologies

What is three-dimensional printing?

Printing where an object is created based on a blueprint made with modeling software.

Disaster Recovery Management

What is the Recovery Point Objective (RPO)?

The estimated maximum amount of time that business activity has to recover systems and resume operations.

Digital Currencies

What characterizes a decentralized currency system?

Decentralized currency systems are not controlled by any central authority.

Data Mining

What is data mining?

The process of sorting through data to find trends, identify patterns, and predict changes.

Emerging Technologies

What is the main advantage of rapid application development?

It uses prototyping to develop a system in a short time frame with less emphasis on planning.

Emerging Technologies

What is one disadvantage of video conferencing?

Video conferencing systems can be costly to buy.

Satellite Communication Systems

How does two-way satellite broadband differ from one-way?

It allows clients to upload and receive data directly from the satellite.

Role and Impact of IT in Society

What is a major disadvantage of teleworking?

Distractions at home.

Network Components and Communication

What is the function of a print server?

A print server deals with all print jobs, maintains a queue, and allows priority users to jump the queue.

Network Components and Communication

What is a protocol in networking?

A protocol is a set of rules that ensure that data is transferred correctly.

Project Management Stages and Software

What is created during the planning and design stage of project management?

A budget and time scale, milestones, and a Gantt chart.

Network Security

What types of malware exist?

Types include parasitic viruses, macro viruses, email viruses, worms, and Trojan horses.

Network Security

What is a Denial of Service (DoS) attack?

An attack designed to overload a server’s requests to cause disruption, which is easy to launch and difficult to track.

Project Management Stages and Software

What can Gantt charts help with in project management?

They can help in scheduling tasks and identifying dependencies.

Satellite Communication Systems

What are the three different levels of satellite orbits?

Low Earth Orbit, Medium Earth Orbit, and Geostationary Earth Orbit.

Emerging Technologies

How does automatic stock control work?

Uses barcodes to identify products and updates stock levels in real-time or batch processing.

Emerging Technologies

What are QR codes?

Barcodes made of black and white squares used for providing information.

System Life Cycle

What is the main advantage of parallel installation?

Less risky because if the new system fails, the old system is still operational.

Emerging Technologies

What is Joint Application Development (JAD)?

A user involvement method where requirements are gathered through a focus group.

Network Components and Communication

What is bandwidth?

Bandwidth measures the range of frequencies on a communication channel.

Satellite Communication Systems

What technology is used for television and radio broadcasting?

Radio waves, cables, or satellites.

Network Components and Communication

What is the purpose of a mail server?

A mail server receives and sends emails for an organization.

Network Components and Communication

What are the characteristics of Bluetooth communication?

Bluetooth uses frequencies between 2402 and 2480 MHz and is used for communication over short distances.

Project Management Stages and Software

What does the project manager do during the execution stage?

Communicates roles and responsibilities to the team and sets interim targets.

Emerging Technologies

What is a benefit of using Google Glass?

It overlays information in real-time and can share images.

Network Security

What role do firewalls play in network security?

They control what data goes in and out of a network and can be part of a router or separate software.

Emerging Technologies

What defines ultra-high-definition TV?

Ultra-wide screens with resolutions like 2560x1080 for 2K and 4K having twice as many pixels horizontally.

Role and Impact of IT in Society

What are some effects of social networking?

Allows different forms of expression, helps find others with similar interests, and can lead to online bullying and identity theft.

Network Components and Communication

What is the difference between circuit switching and packet switching?

In circuit switching, the packet path is decided before communication, while in packet switching, each packet takes its route and is routed between nodes.

System Life Cycle

What is the phased installation method?

Parts of the new system are installed one at a time.

Technology in Sports

How does technology aid referees in sports?

By using recorded footage to see if the ball is over the line.

Technology in Medicine

What are some applications of technology in medicine?

Measuring heart rate, analyzing DNA samples, artificial limbs, and using nanotechnology.

Emerging Technologies

What is a key feature of Artificial Intelligence?

The ability of a computer to make decisions based on stimuli.

Project Management Stages and Software

What is the purpose of monitoring and control in project management?

To ensure tasks are completed on time and to monitor performance and budget.

Project Management Stages and Software

What is the difference between desktop and web-based project management software?

Desktop is for one project manager and has better graphics; web-based allows multiple users to access documents centrally.

Network Security

What is a significant issue with biometric data?

Sensitive information may be exposed in a database breach.

Network Security

What is the Data Protection Act?

An act that outlines principles for protecting individuals about whom data is stored, ensuring data is used fairly and securely.

Network Components and Communication

What does a hub do in a network?

A hub sends data packets to all ports; it's called a multi-port repeater.

Network Security

What is the purpose of a firewall?

A firewall prevents external users from gaining unauthorized access.

Emerging Technologies

What are the benefits of using casts for broken bones?

They are more flexible and don’t cover the broken body part.

Network Components and Communication

What does a proxy do in a network?

A proxy deals with all requests to the internet and sits between the LAN and the gateway.

Network Components and Communication

What is IMAP and how does it differ from POP?

IMAP is an alternative method for email client software that leaves mail on the server and downloads a copy, supporting multiple folders unlike POP.

Satellite Communication Systems

What method does GPS use to locate the receiver?


Network Components and Communication

How does the BitTorrent protocol work?

It specifies how multiple downloads occur from the same file concurrently, allowing clients to download portions of the file and send them directly to each other.

Network Security

What is the purpose of biometric methods in security?

To authenticate a user’s identity using unique biological characteristics like fingerprints or retina scans.

Satellite Communication Systems

What is required for global coverage in Low Earth Orbit?

40-80 satellites.

Network Security

What is encryption?

The process of changing data to make it unreadable without authorization, using an algorithm to change the cipher.

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