What is the function of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (RAAS)? A) To decrease blood pressure B) To regulate blood glucose levels C) To increase blood pressure and fluid balance D) To promote digestion E) To enhance immune response
C) To increase blood pressure and fluid balance Explanation: The RAAS is a hormone system that regulates blood pressure and fluid balance, primarily through the actions of angiotensin II and aldosterone.
What triggers Cushing's Reflex? A) Increased oxygen levels B) Compression of vessels C) Decreased blood pressure D) Increased heart rate E) Elevated temperature
B) Compression of vessels Explanation: Cushing's Reflex is triggered by the compression of blood vessels, leading to a cascade of physiological responses aimed at restoring blood pressure and oxygen levels.
Blood Pressure Regulation Mechanisms

What is the function of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (RAAS)?
A) To decrease blood pressure
B) To regulate blood glucose levels
C) To increase blood pressure and fluid balance
D) To promote digestion
E) To enhance immune response

C) To increase blood pressure and fluid balance
Explanation: The RAAS is a hormone system that regulates blood pressure and fluid balance, primarily through the actions of angiotensin II and aldosterone.

Reflexes and Autoregulation in Cardiovascular Physiology

What triggers Cushing's Reflex?
A) Increased oxygen levels
B) Compression of vessels
C) Decreased blood pressure
D) Increased heart rate
E) Elevated temperature

B) Compression of vessels
Explanation: Cushing's Reflex is triggered by the compression of blood vessels, leading to a cascade of physiological responses aimed at restoring blood pressure and oxygen levels.

Blood Pressure Regulation Mechanisms

Which hormone is most potent in promoting water conservation by the kidneys?
C) Cortisol
D) Insulin
E) Glucagon

Explanation: Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is crucial for water conservation in the kidneys, helping to retain water and concentrate urine.

Blood Pressure Regulation Mechanisms

What role does aldosterone play in the body?
A) Decreases blood volume
B) Increases sodium reabsorption
C) Promotes vasodilation
D) Inhibits water retention
E) Decreases heart rate

B) Increases sodium reabsorption
Explanation: Aldosterone is a hormone that increases sodium reabsorption in the kidneys, which leads to increased water retention and blood volume.

Cardiac Cycle and Regulation

What is angina?
A) A type of heart valve
B) Pain due to blockage in vessels of the heart
C) A phase of the cardiac cycle
D) A heart rhythm disorder
E) A type of heart murmur

B) Pain due to blockage in vessels of the heart
Explanation: Angina refers to the chest pain that occurs due to reduced blood flow to the heart muscle, often caused by blockages in coronary arteries.

Electromechanical Coupling and Calcium Dynamics

What is the structure involved in E-C coupling in cardiac physiology?
A) Triad (1 L tubule & 2 T tubules)
B) Diad (1 L tubule & 1 T tubule)
C) Monad (1 L tubule)
D) Quad (2 L tubules & 2 T tubules)
E) None of the above

B) Diad (1 L tubule & 1 T tubule)
Explanation: In cardiac physiology, E-C coupling involves a diad structure, which consists of one L tubule and one T tubule, facilitating calcium signaling necessary for muscle contraction.

Types of Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics

What is the primary function of capillaries?
A) Blood storage
B) Hormone production
C) Exchange of substances
D) Blood pressure regulation
E) Immune response

C) Exchange of substances
Explanation: Capillaries are primarily designed for the exchange of gases, nutrients, and waste products between blood and tissues, making them crucial for physiological function.

Heart Sounds and Cardiac Cycle

What is a common sign of right ventricular failure (RVF)?
A) Decreased JVP
B) Hepatojugular reflex
C) Increased systemic flow
D) Decreased pedal edema
E) Normal pulmonary flow

B) Hepatojugular reflex
Explanation: The presence of the hepatojugular reflex is indicative of right ventricular failure (RVF) and suggests systemic congestion.

Cardiac Cycle and Regulation

What is the duration of one complete cardiac cycle?
A) 0.5 seconds
B) 0.8 seconds
C) 1.0 seconds
D) 1.2 seconds
E) 1.5 seconds

B) 0.8 seconds
Explanation: The cardiac cycle lasts for 0.8 seconds, which includes all the events that occur during one heartbeat.

Reflexes and Autoregulation in Cardiovascular Physiology

What role do baroreceptors play in Cushing's Reflex?
A) They increase heart rate
B) They detect changes in blood pressure
C) They regulate oxygen levels
D) They compress blood vessels
E) They decrease blood pressure

B) They detect changes in blood pressure
Explanation: Baroreceptors are responsible for sensing changes in blood pressure and play a crucial role in the feedback mechanism of Cushing's Reflex, helping to regulate cardiovascular responses.

Heart Sounds and Cardiac Cycle

What happens to pulmonary flow in heart failure?
A) It increases
B) It remains the same
C) It decreases
D) It fluctuates
E) It becomes normal

C) It decreases
Explanation: In heart failure, there is a decrease in pulmonary flow, which can lead to ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) mismatch and cyanosis.

Heart Sounds and Cardiac Cycle

Which heart sound is associated with semilunar valve closure?
A) S1
B) S2
C) S3
D) S4
E) None of the above

B) S2
Explanation: The S2 heart sound is produced by the closure of the semilunar valves, occurring at the end of ventricular systole.

Blood Pressure Regulation Mechanisms

What is the primary effect of Angiotensin II (Ag II) in the body?
A) Vasodilation
B) Vasoconstriction
C) Increased heart rate
D) Decreased blood pressure
E) Increased oxygen delivery

B) Vasoconstriction
Explanation: Angiotensin II (Ag II) is known to cause vasoconstriction, which increases blood pressure and helps regulate blood flow.

Cardiac Output and Regulation

What is the Bowditch effect also known as?
A) Force Frequency Relationship
B) Cardiac Output Regulation
C) Stroke Volume Effect
D) Heart Rate Variability
E) Myocardial Oxygen Demand

A) Force Frequency Relationship
Explanation: The Bowditch effect is commonly referred to as the Force Frequency Relationship, which describes how an increase in heart rate (HR) leads to an increase in contractility.

Reflexes and Autoregulation in Cardiovascular Physiology

What type of nerve carries signals from the carotid sinus?
A) 10th nerve
B) 8th nerve
C) 9th nerve
D) 11th nerve
E) 12th nerve

C) 9th nerve
Explanation: The 9th nerve, also known as the nerve of Herring, carries signals from the carotid sinus to the medulla.

Cardiac Output and Regulation

What does ESV stand for in cardiovascular physiology?
A) End Systolic Volume
B) End Stroke Volume
C) Ejection Stroke Volume
D) End Systolic Velocity
E) Ejection Systolic Volume

A) End Systolic Volume
Explanation: ESV refers to the End Systolic Volume, which is the amount of blood left in the ventricle at the end of systole, typically ranging from 40-50 ml.

Electromechanical Coupling and Calcium Dynamics

What is the normal range for End Diastolic Volume (EDV)?
A) 70-80 ml
B) 100-110 ml
C) 120-130 ml
D) 150-160 ml
E) 200-210 ml

C) 120-130 ml
Explanation: The normal End Diastolic Volume (EDV) is typically between 120-130 ml, representing the amount of blood in the ventricles at the end of diastole.

Reflexes and Autoregulation in Cardiovascular Physiology

During which condition is the alternate activation of baroreceptors and chemoreceptors typically observed?
A) During sleep
B) During exercise
C) During hemorrhage
D) During digestion
E) During relaxation

C) During hemorrhage
Explanation: The alternate activation of baroreceptors and chemoreceptors is particularly noted during hemorrhage, as the body attempts to regulate blood pressure and maintain homeostasis in response to significant blood loss.

Reflexes and Autoregulation in Cardiovascular Physiology

How does Cushing's Reflex affect heart rate?
A) It increases heart rate
B) It has no effect on heart rate
C) It decreases heart rate
D) It stabilizes heart rate
E) It fluctuates heart rate

C) It decreases heart rate
Explanation: Cushing's Reflex results in a decrease in heart rate (HR) as part of the body's response to increased blood pressure and the activation of the cardiovascular control centers.

Reflexes and Autoregulation in Cardiovascular Physiology

What condition is characterized by a prominent Y descent in the jugular venous pressure (JVP)?
A) Myocardial Infarction (MI)
B) Cardiac Tamponade
C) Atrial Septal Defect (ASD)
D) Tricuspid Regurgitation
E) Constrictive Pericarditis

D) Tricuspid Regurgitation
Explanation: A prominent Y descent in the JVP is typically associated with tricuspid regurgitation, indicating rapid filling of the right atrium during diastole.

Pacemaker and Conducting System

Which part of the heart has the fastest conduction velocity?
A) Atrioventricular (AV) Node
B) Sinoatrial Node (SAN)
C) Bundle of His (BOH)
D) Purkinje Fibres
E) Ventricular Myocytes

D) Purkinje Fibres
Explanation: Purkinje fibres are known for having the fastest conduction velocity in the heart, allowing for rapid transmission of electrical impulses to the ventricles.

Types of Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics

What is the function of venous valves in the cardiovascular system?
A) Increase blood flow to the heart
B) Prevent blood backlog
C) Enhance cardiac output
D) Increase blood pressure
E) Decrease venous return

B) Prevent blood backlog
Explanation: Venous valves are crucial for preventing the backflow of blood in the veins, ensuring that blood flows efficiently back to the heart.

Heart Sounds and Cardiac Cycle

What does the S1 heart sound signify?
A) Semilunar valve closure
B) Early ventricular filling
C) AV valve closure
D) Late ventricular filling
E) Atrial contraction

C) AV valve closure
Explanation: The S1 heart sound is associated with the closure of the atrioventricular (AV) valves, marking the beginning of ventricular contraction.

Pacemaker and Conducting System

What is the conduction speed of the Atrioventricular Node (AVN)?
A) 0.05 m/s
B) 0.02-0.05 m/s (Slowest)
C) 1 m/s
D) 4 m/s
E) 0.5 m/s

B) 0.02-0.05 m/s (Slowest)
Explanation: The AVN conducts impulses at a speed of 0.02-0.05 m/s, making it the slowest part of the cardiac conduction system, which allows for proper filling of the ventricles.

Cardiac Cycle and Regulation

During which phase does the heart receive blood supply?
A) Systole
B) Diastole
C) Isovolumetric contraction
D) Early ejection
E) Late ejection

B) Diastole
Explanation: The heart receives its blood supply during diastole, which is crucial for myocardial oxygenation and overall heart function.

Cardiac Output and Regulation

What happens to contractility when heart rate increases according to the Bowditch effect?
A) It decreases
B) It remains the same
C) It increases
D) It fluctuates
E) It becomes erratic

C) It increases
Explanation: The Bowditch effect indicates that an increase in heart rate (HR) results in increased contractility, demonstrating a positive inotropic effect.

Pacemaker and Conducting System

What is the role of the AV node in cardiac physiology?
A) It generates impulses for the atria
B) It has the fastest conduction velocity
C) It is the slowest conduction point to ensure ventricular filling
D) It connects the atria and ventricles
E) It is responsible for ventricular contraction

C) It is the slowest conduction point to ensure ventricular filling
Explanation: The AV node has the slowest conduction velocity, which allows time for the ventricles to fill with blood before they contract.

Electromechanical Coupling and Calcium Dynamics

What effect does deep inspiration have on intrathoracic pressure (ITP)?
A) It increases ITP
B) It creates negative ITP
C) It has no effect on ITP
D) It decreases venous return
E) It increases blood pressure

B) It creates negative ITP
Explanation: During deep inspiration, the thoracic suction pump creates a negative intrathoracic pressure (ITP), which aids in venous return by facilitating blood flow toward the heart.

Types of Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics

Which type of capillary has the largest gaps?
A) Continuous capillaries
B) Fenestrated capillaries
C) Sinusoidal capillaries
D) Arterioles
E) Venules

C) Sinusoidal capillaries
Explanation: Sinusoidal capillaries have gaps ranging from 300-600 nm, allowing for the passage of larger molecules and cells, found in organs like the liver and spleen.

Heart Sounds and Cardiac Cycle

Under what conditions can S3 be heard?
A) Only in healthy individuals
B) In hyperdynamic conditions like pregnancy
C) Only in athletes
D) In all patients
E) Only in elderly individuals

B) In hyperdynamic conditions like pregnancy
Explanation: S3 can be heard in hyperdynamic conditions such as pregnancy and certain pathological states like anemia and congestive heart failure (CHF).

Cardiac Output and Regulation

What is considered a sign of ventricular failure in terms of Ejection Fraction?
A) EF > 60%
B) EF < 40-45%
C) EF = 50%
D) EF = 70%
E) EF < 30%

B) EF < 40-45%
Explanation: An Ejection Fraction (EF) of less than 40-45% is considered a sign of ventricular failure, indicating poor ventricular efficiency.

Electromechanical Coupling and Calcium Dynamics

What happens to Phospholamban during sympathetic activation?
A) It gets degraded
B) It gets phosphorylated
C) It becomes inactive
D) It increases calcium levels
E) It enhances contraction

B) It gets phosphorylated
Explanation: During sympathetic activation, Phospholamban is phosphorylated, which prevents it from inhibiting the SERCA pump, resulting in faster relaxation of the heart.

Reflexes and Autoregulation in Cardiovascular Physiology

What is the primary physiological response to hypoxia in Cushing's Reflex?
A) Decreased heart rate
B) Increased vascular resistance
C) Increased blood pressure
D) Decreased blood volume
E) Increased oxygen consumption

C) Increased blood pressure
Explanation: In response to hypoxia, Cushing's Reflex leads to increased blood pressure as a compensatory mechanism to enhance blood flow and oxygen delivery to vital organs.

Cardiac Output and Regulation

What is the formula for calculating cardiac output (CO)?
A) CO = HR × BP
B) CO = SV × HR
C) CO = SV + HR
D) CO = BP × SV
E) CO = HR + SV

B) CO = SV × HR
Explanation: Cardiac output (CO) is calculated using the formula CO = Stroke Volume (SV) × Heart Rate (HR), which is essential for understanding heart function.

Cardiac Output and Regulation

What role do the calf muscles play in the cardiovascular system?
A) They decrease heart rate
B) They act as a peripheral heart
C) They increase blood pressure
D) They prevent blood clots
E) They decrease venous return

B) They act as a peripheral heart
Explanation: The calf muscles are referred to as the 'peripheral heart' because they help push blood toward the heart, thereby improving venous return (VR).

Cardiac Output and Regulation

Which type of shock is characterized by increased JVP?
A) Hypovolemic Shock
B) Distributive Shock
C) Cardiogenic Shock
D) Obstructive Shock
E) All of the above

C) Cardiogenic Shock
Explanation: Cardiogenic and obstructive shock are conditions that lead to increased JVP due to impaired heart function or obstruction in blood flow.

Cardiac Cycle and Regulation

What occurs during the early phase of systole?
A) Atrial contraction
B) Isovolumetric contraction
C) Passive ejection
D) Ventricular filling
E) Diastolic relaxation

B) Isovolumetric contraction
Explanation: During the early phase of systole, isovolumetric contraction occurs when the AV valve closes and the semilunar valve opens, leading to an increase in ventricular pressure.

Cardiac Output and Regulation

Which symptom is associated with cardiogenic shock?
A) Increased stroke volume
B) Decreased blood pressure
C) Increased cardiac output
D) Normal pulmonary function
E) Decreased heart rate

B) Decreased blood pressure
Explanation: Cardiogenic shock is characterized by decreased stroke volume, cardiac output, and blood pressure, leading to severe complications.

Blood Pressure Regulation Mechanisms

What does an increase in Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure (PCWP) indicate?
A) Decreased filtration
B) Increased filtration leading to pulmonary edema
C) Normal pulmonary function
D) Decreased blood volume
E) Increased contractility

B) Increased filtration leading to pulmonary edema
Explanation: An increase in PCWP indicates increased filtration pressure in the pulmonary capillaries, which can lead to pulmonary edema when it exceeds 25 mmHg.

Action Potential in Cardiac Muscle

What is Stroke Adam syndrome?
A) A condition where the heart beats too fast
B) A complete block of the AV node leading to no impulses in the Bundle of His
C) A condition causing excessive vagal tone
D) A syndrome characterized by rapid ventricular depolarization
E) A type of arrhythmia caused by stress

B) A complete block of the AV node leading to no impulses in the Bundle of His
Explanation: Stroke Adam syndrome occurs when there is a complete block of the AV node, resulting in no impulses reaching the Bundle of His, leading to a pulseless stage until the Bundle of His starts generating its own impulses.

Cardiac Output and Regulation

What is the first change that occurs after a postural adjustment in relation to venous return (VR)?
A) Increase in heart rate
B) Decrease in venous return (VR)
C) Increase in stroke volume (SV)
D) Decrease in blood pressure (BP)
E) Increase in cardiac output (CO)

B) Decrease in venous return (VR)
Explanation: The first change after a postural adjustment is a decrease in venous return (VR), which subsequently affects other cardiovascular parameters such as end-diastolic volume (EDV) and stroke volume (SV).

Blood Pressure Regulation Mechanisms

Which organ has maximum flow at rest and minimum resistance?
A) Skeletal Muscle
B) Brain
C) Heart
D) Liver
E) Kidneys

B) Brain
Explanation: The brain is an organ that has maximum blood flow at rest while exhibiting minimum resistance, allowing it to maintain essential functions even when the body is at rest.

Nodal Tissue and Cardiac Myocytes

What is a characteristic of nodal tissue in the heart?
A) High actin-myosin content
B) Presence of gap junctions
C) No pacemaker cells
D) Stable resting membrane potential
E) No auto-rhythmicity

B) Presence of gap junctions
Explanation: Nodal tissue contains a number of gap junctions and pacemaker cells, which are essential for the conduction of electrical impulses in the heart.

Pacemaker and Conducting System

What happens if both the SAN and AVN fail?
A) The heart stops completely
B) The Bundle of His takes over as pacemaker
C) The atria continue to contract
D) The heart rate increases
E) The ventricles become hyperactive

B) The Bundle of His takes over as pacemaker
Explanation: If the SAN fails, the AV node can take over as the pacemaker, and if the AV node fails, the Bundle of His can assume this role.

Cardiac Output and Regulation

What is the normal pressure range for JVP?
A) 0-10 mmHg
B) 0-5 mmHg
C) 5-10 mmHg
D) 10-15 mmHg
E) 15-20 mmHg

B) 0-5 mmHg
Explanation: The normal pressure of Jugular Venous Pressure (JVP) is typically between 0-5 mmHg, which is important for assessing right atrial pressure.

Types of Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics

What happens to the aorta during diastole?
A) It expands further
B) It recoils, contributing to diastolic blood pressure
C) It hardens completely
D) It fills with blood
E) It decreases in size

B) It recoils, contributing to diastolic blood pressure
Explanation: During diastole, the aorta recoils after being stretched during systole, which helps maintain diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and ensures continuous blood flow.

Types of Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics

What are capacitance vessels primarily responsible for?
A) High pressure storage
B) Blood exchange
C) Storing blood and acting as a blood reservoir
D) Pumping blood
E) Maintaining high elasticity

C) Storing blood and acting as a blood reservoir
Explanation: Capacitance vessels, such as systemic veins, have high compliance and low recoil, allowing them to stretch and store blood, effectively acting as reservoirs.

Types of Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics

What phenomenon describes the effect of capillary diameter on red blood cell concentration?
A) Hamburger phenomenon
B) Starling's law
C) Poiseuille's law
D) Bernoulli's principle
E) Laplace's law

A) Hamburger phenomenon
Explanation: The Hamburger phenomenon refers to the effect of capillary diameter on the concentration of red blood cells and plasma, where smaller diameters lead to less RBC and more plasma.

Heart Sounds and Cardiac Cycle

What is the primary characteristic of isovolumetric contraction in the cardiac cycle?
A) Blood is ejected from the ventricles
B) Ventricles are filling with blood
C) Volume remains constant while pressure increases
D) Heart is in diastole
E) Atrial contraction occurs

C) Volume remains constant while pressure increases
Explanation: Isovolumetric contraction is characterized by a constant volume in the ventricles while the pressure increases, as the heart prepares to eject blood.

Reflexes and Autoregulation in Cardiovascular Physiology

What is the primary function of low-pressure baroreceptors?
A) To regulate heart rate
B) To detect changes in blood pressure
C) To monitor oxygen levels in the blood
D) To control respiratory rate
E) To sense carbon dioxide levels

B) To detect changes in blood pressure
Explanation: Low-pressure baroreceptors play a crucial role in detecting changes in blood pressure, particularly in response to variations in venous return during respiration.

Blood Pressure Regulation Mechanisms

What is the primary function of baroreceptors in the cardiovascular system?
A) To increase blood pressure
B) To decrease blood pressure
C) To maintain mean blood pressure
D) To regulate heart rate
E) To detect oxygen levels

C) To maintain mean blood pressure
Explanation: Baroreceptors act as a brake to blood pressure by responding to changes in blood pressure and helping to maintain mean blood pressure within a normal range.

Cardiac Cycle and Regulation

What happens to the duration of the cardiac cycle when heart rate increases?
A) It increases
B) It remains the same
C) It decreases
D) It doubles
E) It triples

C) It decreases
Explanation: As heart rate increases, the duration of the cardiac cycle decreases, leading to increased work done and higher oxygen demand.

Reflexes and Autoregulation in Cardiovascular Physiology

What is the effect of increased vascular motor center (VMC) activity in Cushing's Reflex?
A) Decreased blood pressure
B) Increased heart rate
C) Increased blood pressure
D) Decreased oxygen delivery
E) Increased heart contractility

C) Increased blood pressure
Explanation: Increased activity of the vascular motor center (VMC) during Cushing's Reflex leads to vasoconstriction and subsequently increases blood pressure as a compensatory response to hypoxia.

Action Potential in Cardiac Muscle

What is the resting membrane potential (RMP) range of nodal tissue?
A) -70 to -90 mV
B) -40 to -60 mV
C) -90 to -100 mV
D) 0 to -20 mV
E) -30 to -50 mV

B) -40 to -60 mV
Explanation: The resting membrane potential of nodal tissue is non-stable and ranges from -40 to -60 mV, which is crucial for its auto-rhythmicity.

Intercalated Discs and Functional Syncytium

What is the primary function of intercalated discs in cardiac muscle?
A) Increase heart rate
B) Prevent separation during contraction
C) Store calcium ions
D) Produce action potentials
E) Facilitate oxygen transport

B) Prevent separation during contraction
Explanation: Intercalated discs contain desmosomes that prevent the separation of cardiac muscle cells during contraction, ensuring mechanical stability.

Types of Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics

What is the primary function of resistance vessels?
A) Store blood
B) Transfer blood
C) Distribute blood
D) Exchange nutrients
E) Recoil during diastole

C) Distribute blood
Explanation: Resistance vessels, primarily arterioles, are responsible for the distribution of blood throughout the body, regulating blood flow and pressure.

Cardiac Output and Regulation

What happens to capillary recruitment during exercise?
A) Decreases blood flow
B) Increases resistance
C) Increases blood flow
D) Decreases capillary diameter
E) Reduces oxygen delivery

C) Increases blood flow
Explanation: During exercise, there is recruitment of capillaries which decreases resistance and increases blood flow to meet the metabolic demands of tissues.

Blood Pressure Regulation Mechanisms

What does a Reynolds number greater than 3000 indicate?
A) Laminar flow
B) Turbulent flow
C) Efficient flow
D) Low viscosity
E) High density

B) Turbulent flow
Explanation: A Reynolds number greater than 3000 indicates turbulent flow, which is less efficient compared to laminar flow (Re < 2000).

Cardiac Output and Regulation

What is the primary effect of ACE inhibitors on angiotensin II (Ag II)?
A) ↑ Ag II
B) ↓ Ag II
C) No effect on Ag II
D) Converts Ag II to Ag I
E) Increases blood pressure

B) ↓ Ag II
Explanation: ACE inhibitors decrease the levels of angiotensin II, leading to venodilation, which subsequently reduces venous return (VR), end-diastolic volume (EDV), and preload.

Blood Pressure Regulation Mechanisms

What does a cannon wave in JVP signify?
A) Atrial flutter
B) Right ventricular hypertrophy
C) Normal atrial contraction
D) Increased venous return
E) Constrictive pericarditis

A) Atrial flutter
Explanation: A cannon wave in JVP is associated with conditions such as complete AV block, atrial flutter, and ventricular extrasystole, indicating a lack of coordination between atrial and ventricular contractions.

Cardiac Output and Regulation

What is the most important determinant of afterload?
A) Heart rate
B) Stroke volume
C) Total peripheral resistance (TPR)
D) End-diastolic volume (EDV)
E) Venous return (VR)

C) Total peripheral resistance (TPR)
Explanation: Total peripheral resistance (TPR) is the primary determinant of afterload, influencing the pressure the heart must generate to eject blood.

Reflexes and Autoregulation in Cardiovascular Physiology

What is the effect of deep expiration on heart rate?
A) Increases HR due to decreased intrathoracic pressure
B) Decreases HR due to increased intrathoracic pressure
C) No effect on HR
D) Causes tachycardia
E) Causes bradycardia

B) Decreases HR due to increased intrathoracic pressure
Explanation: During deep expiration, intrathoracic pressure increases, leading to decreased venous return (VR), which results in decreased heart rate (HR) due to reduced baroreceptor stimulation.

Cardiac Output and Regulation

What condition is indicated by a rightward and upward movement on the graph?
A) Mitral Regurgitation (MR)
B) Aortic Regurgitation (AR)
C) Aortic Stenosis (AS)
D) Mitral Stenosis (MS)
E) Normal Heart Function

B) Aortic Regurgitation (AR)
Explanation: A rightward and upward movement on the graph indicates an increase in EDV, which is characteristic of Aortic Regurgitation (AR).

Blood Pressure Regulation Mechanisms

Where are baroreceptors primarily located?
A) In the heart
B) In the lungs
C) In the adventitial layer of the artery wall
D) In the brain
E) In the liver

C) In the adventitial layer of the artery wall
Explanation: Baroreceptors are located in the adventitial layer of the artery wall, particularly at sites such as the carotid sinus and aortic sinus.

Electromechanical Coupling and Calcium Dynamics

What is the primary mechanism of Calcium-Induced Calcium Release (CICR) in cardiac cells?
A) Calcium influx from the extracellular fluid (ECF)
B) Calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)
C) Calcium uptake by mitochondria
D) Calcium binding to troponin
E) Calcium efflux through sodium channels

B) Calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)
Explanation: In CICR, calcium influx from the extracellular fluid (20-25% from DHPR) triggers the release of 75-80% of calcium from the ryanodine receptor (RyR2) in the sarcoplasmic reticulum, which is crucial for cardiac muscle contraction.

Reflexes and Autoregulation in Cardiovascular Physiology

What happens if the Buffer Nerve is cut?
A) It stimulates the medullary centers
B) It causes a decrease in blood pressure
C) It prevents the sensing of blood pressure
D) It increases heart rate
E) It has no effect on blood pressure

C) It prevents the sensing of blood pressure
Explanation: Cutting the Buffer Nerve leads to an inability to stimulate the medullary centers, which results in the body not being able to sense blood pressure, ultimately causing neurogenic hypertension.

Cardiac Output and Regulation

What is a potential consequence of chronic heart failure (CHF) in relation to the Bowditch effect?
A) Enhanced contractility
B) Decreased heart rate
C) Beyond physiological limits
D) Improved cardiac output
E) Increased oxygen supply

C) Beyond physiological limits
Explanation: In chronic heart failure (CHF), the heart may operate beyond its physiological limits, which can impair the beneficial effects of the Bowditch effect.

Cardiac Output and Regulation

What is the maximum blood flow in tissues?
A) 1000 ml/100 gm/min
B) 1500 ml/100 gm/min
C) 2000 ml/100 gm/min
D) 2500 ml/100 gm/min
E) 3000 ml/100 gm/min

C) 2000 ml/100 gm/min
Explanation: The maximum blood flow in tissues is noted to be 2000 ml/100 gm/min, indicating the high demand for blood supply in active tissues.

Action Potential in Cardiac Muscle

What is the order of depolarization and repolarization in the heart?
A) From epicardium to endocardium for both
B) From endocardium to epicardium for depolarization and from epicardium to endocardium for repolarization
C) From endocardium to epicardium for repolarization and from epicardium to endocardium for depolarization
D) Random order
E) No specific order

B) From endocardium to epicardium for depolarization and from epicardium to endocardium for repolarization
Explanation: The depolarization wave travels from the endocardium to the epicardium, while repolarization occurs in the reverse direction, from epicardium to endocardium.

Cardiac Output and Regulation

What is Stroke Volume (SV) defined as?
A) Amount of blood in the ventricles at the end of diastole
B) Amount of blood pumped by each ventricle per beat
C) Total blood volume in the body
D) Amount of blood returning to the heart
E) Amount of blood in the atria

B) Amount of blood pumped by each ventricle per beat
Explanation: Stroke Volume (SV) is defined as the amount of blood pumped by each ventricle with each heartbeat, typically around 70-80 ml.

Pacemaker and Conducting System

What is the idio-ventricular rhythm associated with?
A) Increased vagal supply
B) Decreased vagal supply leading to ventricular escape phenomena
C) Complete heart block
D) Atrial fibrillation
E) Rapid ventricular tachycardia

B) Decreased vagal supply leading to ventricular escape phenomena
Explanation: Idio-ventricular rhythm occurs when there is less or no vagal supply, leading to a phenomenon where the ventricles escape from the normal pacing mechanisms.

Heart Sounds and Cardiac Cycle

Which of the following statements is true regarding the amplitude of heart sounds?
A) S1 is soft and low frequency
B) S2 is loud and high frequency
C) S3 has high amplitude
D) S4 is loud and high frequency
E) S1 is less amplitude than S2

B) S2 is loud and high frequency
Explanation: S2 is characterized by being loud and high frequency, while S1 is also loud but has less frequency compared to S2.

Reflexes and Autoregulation in Cardiovascular Physiology

What is the primary effect of rapid infusion of saline/NaCl on heart rate (HR)?
A) Decreases HR
B) Increases HR
C) No effect on HR
D) Irregular HR
E) Causes bradycardia

B) Increases HR
Explanation: Rapid infusion of saline or NaCl leads to increased venous return (VR), which stimulates the SA node directly, resulting in an increased heart rate (HR).


What is the relationship between blood flow velocity and cross-sectional area (CSA)?
A) Direct correlation
B) No correlation
C) Inverse correlation
D) Linear correlation
E) Exponential correlation

C) Inverse correlation
Explanation: Blood flow velocity has an inverse correlation with the cross-sectional area (CSA), meaning that as the CSA increases, the velocity of blood flow decreases.

Reflexes and Autoregulation in Cardiovascular Physiology

What is the primary function of chemoreceptors in the cardiovascular system?
A) To detect changes in blood pressure
B) To sense chemical changes in the blood
C) To regulate body temperature
D) To control muscle contractions
E) To manage digestive processes

B) To sense chemical changes in the blood
Explanation: Chemoreceptors are responsible for sensing chemical changes in the blood, such as levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide, which is vital for maintaining respiratory and cardiovascular balance.

Blood Pressure Regulation Mechanisms

What condition is characterized by a failure to increase blood pressure (BP) after standing, with systolic BP dropping more than 20 mmHg and diastolic BP dropping more than 10 mmHg within 3 minutes?
A) Hypertension
B) Orthostatic Hypotension
C) Hypovolemic Shock
D) Cardiac Arrest
E) Atrial Fibrillation

B) Orthostatic Hypotension
Explanation: This condition, known as Postural or Orthostatic Hypotension, occurs when blood pressure fails to increase appropriately after standing, leading to significant drops in systolic and diastolic pressures.

Blood Pressure Regulation Mechanisms

What is the blood flow rate to skeletal muscle at rest?
A) 5 ml/100 gm/min
B) 10 ml/100 gm/min
C) 2 ml/100 gm/min
D) 15 ml/100 gm/min
E) 20 ml/100 gm/min

C) 2 ml/100 gm/min
Explanation: At rest, skeletal muscle has a blood flow rate of 2 ml/100 gm/min, indicating its relatively low demand for blood flow when not in use.

Reflexes and Autoregulation in Cardiovascular Physiology

What is neurogenic hypertension?
A) Hypertension caused by kidney failure
B) Hypertension due to hormonal imbalance
C) Hypertension resulting from the inability to sense blood pressure
D) Hypertension caused by physical activity
E) Hypertension due to high salt intake

C) Hypertension resulting from the inability to sense blood pressure
Explanation: Neurogenic hypertension occurs when there is a lesion that prevents the body from sensing blood pressure, leading to an increase in blood pressure.

Blood Pressure Regulation Mechanisms

What does the equation CO = BP/TPR represent?
A) Cardiac Output equals Blood Pressure divided by Total Peripheral Resistance
B) Cardiac Output equals Total Peripheral Resistance divided by Blood Pressure
C) Blood Pressure equals Cardiac Output divided by Total Peripheral Resistance
D) Total Peripheral Resistance equals Cardiac Output divided by Blood Pressure
E) Blood Pressure equals Total Peripheral Resistance divided by Cardiac Output

A) Cardiac Output equals Blood Pressure divided by Total Peripheral Resistance
Explanation: The equation CO = BP/TPR illustrates the relationship between cardiac output, blood pressure, and total peripheral resistance, which is crucial for understanding cardiovascular physiology.

Action Potential in Cardiac Muscle

Which phase of the cardiac action potential is characterized by the opening of sodium channels?
A) Phase 1
B) Phase 2
C) Phase 0
D) Phase 3
E) Phase 4

C) Phase 0
Explanation: Phase 0 of the cardiac action potential is marked by the sudden depolarization due to the opening of sodium channels.

Heart Sounds and Cardiac Cycle

What does the Framingham Criteria help diagnose?
A) Hypertension
B) Heart failure
C) Arrhythmias
D) Myocardial infarction
E) Stroke

B) Heart failure
Explanation: The Framingham Criteria are used to diagnose heart failure by assessing various clinical signs and symptoms.

Blood Pressure Regulation Mechanisms

What condition is associated with the absence of the 'a' wave in JVP?
A) Right ventricular hypertrophy
B) Atrial fibrillation
C) Pulmonary hypertension
D) Tricuspid regurgitation
E) Constrictive pericarditis

B) Atrial fibrillation
Explanation: The absence of the 'a' wave in JVP is commonly associated with atrial fibrillation, where the normal atrial contraction is disrupted.

Reflexes and Autoregulation in Cardiovascular Physiology

What happens during inspiration in relation to intrathoracic pressure (ITP)?
A) ITP increases, leading to decreased venous return
B) ITP decreases, leading to increased venous return
C) ITP remains constant, leading to no change in venous return
D) ITP increases, leading to increased blood pressure
E) ITP decreases, leading to decreased blood pressure

B) ITP decreases, leading to increased venous return
Explanation: During inspiration, the intrathoracic pressure becomes negative, which increases venous return and subsequently activates baroreceptors, leading to a decrease in blood pressure.

Types of Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics

What occurs during shock in relation to capacitance vessels?
A) They expand significantly
B) They become less compliant
C) They constrict to compensate for volume loss
D) They fill with excess blood
E) They increase in elasticity

C) They constrict to compensate for volume loss
Explanation: During shock, capacitance vessels constrict due to sympathetic activation and alpha-1 receptor stimulation, helping to compensate for volume loss and maintain blood pressure.

Reflexes and Autoregulation in Cardiovascular Physiology

What does the term 'Mayer’s Wave' refer to?
A) A type of brain wave
B) A pattern of vasomotor activity
C) A wave of sound
D) A type of muscle contraction
E) A wave of light

B) A pattern of vasomotor activity
Explanation: Mayer’s Wave is associated with the alternate activation of baroreceptors and chemoreceptors, reflecting a pattern of vasomotor activity that can be observed during certain physiological conditions.

Cardiac Output and Regulation

What is the Anrep effect?
A) A decrease in stroke volume with increased afterload
B) A temporary increase in Ca2+ accumulation when afterload is increased
C) A permanent change in heart rate
D) A decrease in heart contractility
E) An increase in venous return

B) A temporary increase in Ca2+ accumulation when afterload is increased
Explanation: The Anrep effect describes the initial response of the heart to increased afterload, characterized by a temporary rise in calcium accumulation, which can enhance contractility.

Cardiac Output and Regulation

What does an upward movement on the graph indicate regarding ESV and pressure?
A) ESV decreases and pressure decreases
B) ESV remains the same, but pressure increases
C) ESV increases and pressure remains the same
D) ESV decreases and pressure remains the same
E) ESV remains the same, but pressure decreases

B) ESV remains the same, but pressure increases
Explanation: An upward movement on the graph indicates that while End-Systolic Volume (ESV) remains constant, the pressure increases, which is associated with an increase in afterload.

Reflexes and Autoregulation in Cardiovascular Physiology

Which organ's blood flow is regulated by aerobic metabolism and responds to changes in PO2 and PCO2?
A) Heart
B) Lungs
C) Brain
D) Kidneys
E) Liver

C) Brain
Explanation: The brain regulates its blood flow based on aerobic metabolism, responding to changes in partial pressures of oxygen (PO2) and carbon dioxide (PCO2), leading to vasodilation under hypoxic conditions.

Pacemaker and Conducting System

Which bundle is also known as the bundle of Bachmann’s?
A) Anterior bundle
B) Middle bundle
C) Posterior bundle
D) Bundle of His
E) Purkinje fibers

A) Anterior bundle
Explanation: The anterior bundle is referred to as the bundle of Bachmann’s, which plays a role in the conduction system of the heart.

Blood Pressure Regulation Mechanisms

What triggers the release of Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP)?
A) Increased blood pressure
B) Decreased blood volume
C) Right atrial stretching
D) Low sodium levels
E) Increased heart rate

C) Right atrial stretching
Explanation: The release of ANP is triggered by right atrial stretching, which occurs when blood volume increases, leading to a decrease in blood pressure.

Cardiac Cycle and Regulation

What does a tall T wave and ST elevation in an ECG indicate during myocardial infarction (MI)?
A) Normal heart function
B) Current of injury
C) Atrial fibrillation
D) Ventricular hypertrophy
E) Heart block

B) Current of injury
Explanation: In myocardial infarction, the leakage of potassium from myocardial cells results in tall T waves and ST elevation on the ECG, indicating a current of injury.

Cardiac Output and Regulation

What does the Ejection Fraction (EF) indicate?
A) Amount of blood in the atria
B) Percentage of blood ejected by the ventricle per beat
C) Total blood volume in the body
D) Rate of heartbeats per minute
E) Volume of blood in the pulmonary circulation

B) Percentage of blood ejected by the ventricle per beat
Explanation: Ejection Fraction (EF) is the percentage of blood ejected by the ventricle with each heartbeat, calculated as EF = stroke volume/EDV × 100, and is a key indicator of ventricular efficiency.

Types of Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics

Which type of blood vessel is known for its ability to store blood?
A) Resistance vessels
B) Conduit vessels
C) Wind Kessel vessels
D) Capacitance vessels
E) Exchange vessels

D) Capacitance vessels
Explanation: Capacitance vessels, such as systemic veins, are designed to store blood, accommodating changes in blood volume.

Types of Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics

What characterizes exchange vessels?
A) Maximum smooth muscle
B) High permeability
C) High compliance
D) Recoil ability
E) Rich sympathetic supply

B) High permeability
Explanation: Exchange vessels, primarily capillaries, are characterized by their high permeability, allowing for the exchange of nutrients and waste between blood and tissues.

Types of Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics

Which blood vessel type is associated with maximum compliance?
A) Arteries
B) Capillaries
C) Veins
D) Arterioles
E) Venules

C) Veins
Explanation: Veins have the maximum blood volume and compliance, allowing them to accommodate significant changes in blood volume without a large change in pressure.

Cardiac Output and Regulation

What does afterload refer to in cardiac physiology?
A) Load on the ventricle before contraction
B) Load on the ventricle acting on the heart when contraction has begun
C) Total blood volume in the heart
D) Rate of heart contractions
E) Volume of blood ejected from the heart

B) Load on the ventricle acting on the heart when contraction has begun
Explanation: Afterload is defined as the load or pressure that the ventricle must overcome to eject blood during contraction.

Reflexes and Autoregulation in Cardiovascular Physiology

What happens to heart rate during deep inspiration?
A) Decreases due to increased intrathoracic pressure
B) Increases due to decreased intrathoracic pressure
C) Remains constant
D) Decreases due to increased venous return
E) Increases due to increased venous return

E) Increases due to increased venous return
Explanation: During deep inspiration, intrathoracic pressure decreases, leading to increased venous return (VR), which stimulates baroreceptors and results in an increased heart rate (HR).

Blood Pressure Regulation Mechanisms

What does Bernoulli's principle state regarding energy in a fluid system?
A) Pressure Energy + Kinetic Energy = Constant
B) Pressure Energy = Kinetic Energy
C) Kinetic Energy = Potential Energy
D) Total Energy = 0
E) Kinetic Energy + Potential Energy = Constant

A) Pressure Energy + Kinetic Energy = Constant
Explanation: Bernoulli's principle indicates that the sum of pressure energy and kinetic energy in a fluid system remains constant, which is fundamental to understanding blood flow dynamics.


What happens to the tension required by a dilated heart?
A) It decreases
B) It remains the same
C) It increases
D) It becomes negligible
E) It fluctuates

C) It increases
Explanation: A dilated heart requires more tension to maintain its function, which leads to increased work and higher oxygen consumption.

Blood Pressure Regulation Mechanisms

What triggers the activation of chemoreceptors?
A) Increased blood pressure
B) Hypoperfusion of tissues
C) Decreased heart rate
D) Increased oxygen levels
E) Decreased carbon dioxide levels

B) Hypoperfusion of tissues
Explanation: Chemoreceptors are activated by hypoperfusion of tissues, which leads to changes in chemical levels such as decreased PO2 and increased PCO2.

Types of Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics

What type of epithelium is found in capillaries?
A) Stratified squamous epithelium
B) Cuboidal epithelium
C) Simple squamous epithelium
D) Columnar epithelium
E) Transitional epithelium

C) Simple squamous epithelium
Explanation: Capillaries are lined with simple squamous epithelium, which allows for efficient exchange due to its thin structure.

Cardiac Output and Regulation

What is the normal range for End Systolic Volume (ESV)?
A) 10-20 ml
B) 20-30 ml
C) 30-40 ml
D) 40-50 ml
E) 50-60 ml

D) 40-50 ml
Explanation: The normal range for End Systolic Volume (ESV) is 40-50 ml, indicating the volume of blood remaining in the ventricle after contraction.

Types of Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics

What are Wind Kessel vessels primarily characterized by?
A) High compliance and low recoil
B) Low permeability
C) Elastic recoil due to elastin protein
D) High pressure
E) Thick muscular walls

C) Elastic recoil due to elastin protein
Explanation: Wind Kessel vessels, such as the aorta and large arteries, are characterized by their ability to stretch and recoil due to the presence of elastin protein, which helps maintain blood pressure during the cardiac cycle.

Blood Pressure Regulation Mechanisms

What is meant by autoregulation of blood flow?
A) Organs control their own blood flow by changing their resistance
B) Blood flow is regulated by the heart rate
C) Blood flow is constant regardless of activity
D) Blood flow is determined solely by blood pressure
E) Organs have no control over their blood flow

A) Organs control their own blood flow by changing their resistance
Explanation: Autoregulation refers to the ability of organs to regulate their own blood flow by adjusting their vascular resistance, ensuring adequate perfusion according to their metabolic needs.

Heart Sounds and Cardiac Cycle

When is the S4 heart sound typically heard?
A) At the peak of the QRS complex
B) At the end of the T wave
C) At the end of the P wave
D) Between S2 and the next P wave
E) During ventricular contraction

C) At the end of the P wave
Explanation: The S4 heart sound is typically heard at the end of the P wave, indicating late ventricular filling.

Action Potential in Cardiac Muscle

What does the mnemonic 'MAAM COCO' represent in the Pressure Volume Curve?
A) Stages of cardiac cycle events
B) Types of heart valves
C) Phases of respiration
D) Blood pressure levels
E) Types of cardiac output

A) Stages of cardiac cycle events
Explanation: The mnemonic 'MAAM COCO' helps remember the stages of the cardiac cycle, including mitral valve closure, aortic valve opening, ejection, and mitral valve opening, which are crucial for understanding the pressure-volume relationship.

Reflexes and Autoregulation in Cardiovascular Physiology

What is the effect of expiration on venous return?
A) It increases venous return
B) It decreases venous return
C) It has no effect on venous return
D) It causes a rapid fluctuation in venous return
E) It stabilizes venous return

B) It decreases venous return
Explanation: During expiration, the intrathoracic pressure becomes positive, which decreases venous return and activates baroreceptors, leading to an increase in blood pressure.

Reflexes and Autoregulation in Cardiovascular Physiology

What role do low-pressure baroreceptors play in heart rate regulation?
A) They increase parasympathetic activity
B) They decrease sympathetic activity
C) They stimulate the medulla to increase sympathetic activity
D) They have no effect on heart rate
E) They directly increase heart rate

C) They stimulate the medulla to increase sympathetic activity
Explanation: Low-pressure baroreceptors stimulate the medulla, leading to increased sympathetic activity and decreased parasympathetic activity, which ultimately increases heart rate.


Which of the following has the maximum cross-sectional area (CSA)?
A) Aorta
B) Artery
C) Vein
D) Capillaries
E) Vena Cava

D) Capillaries
Explanation: Capillaries have the maximum cross-sectional area, which results in the minimum velocity of blood flow compared to other blood vessels.

Reflexes and Autoregulation in Cardiovascular Physiology

What is the primary response of blood vessels in the lungs during hypoxia?
A) Vasodilation
B) Vasoconstriction
C) No change
D) Increased blood flow
E) Decreased oxygen uptake

B) Vasoconstriction
Explanation: In response to hypoxia, the primary response in the lungs is vasoconstriction, which is a unique mechanism that helps redirect blood flow to better-ventilated areas of the lungs.

Cardiac Output and Regulation

What does an upward movement on the graph alone indicate in terms of afterload?
A) Chronic Aortic Stenosis (AS)
B) Acute Aortic Stenosis (AS)
C) Mitral Regurgitation (MR)
D) Aortic Regurgitation (AR)
E) Normal Heart Function

B) Acute Aortic Stenosis (AS)
Explanation: An upward movement on the graph alone indicates an increase in afterload, which is characteristic of acute Aortic Stenosis (AS).

Cardiac Output and Regulation

Which method is best for measuring Cardiac Output in low CO states?
A) Thermodilution Method
B) Dye Dilution Method
C) Fick’s principle
D) Echo (Doppler)
E) Velocity encoded phase contrast MRI

C) Fick’s principle
Explanation: Fick’s principle is noted as the best method for measuring Cardiac Output in low CO states, as it accurately assesses oxygen consumption.

Blood Pressure Regulation Mechanisms

How much can blood flow to skeletal muscle increase during exercise?
A) 5-10 times
B) 10-20 times
C) 20-40 times
D) 50-100 times
E) 2-5 times

C) 20-40 times
Explanation: During exercise, blood flow to skeletal muscle can increase by 20 to 40 times, reflecting the heightened demand for oxygen and nutrients during physical activity.

Cardiac Output and Regulation

What does JVP stand for in relation to CVP?
A) Jugular Venous Pressure
B) Joint Vascular Pressure
C) Jugular Vascular Pulse
D) Joint Venous Pulse
E) Jugular Volume Pressure

A) Jugular Venous Pressure
Explanation: JVP refers to Jugular Venous Pressure, which is equivalent to Central Venous Pressure (CVP) and Right Atrial Pressure (RAP), indicating the pressure in the right atrium.

Blood Pressure Regulation Mechanisms

What occurs when the carotid artery is clamped distal to the carotid sinus?
A) Decrease in sinus pressure and increase in blood pressure
B) Increase in sinus pressure and decrease in blood pressure
C) No change in blood pressure
D) Increase in heart rate and decrease in blood pressure
E) Decrease in heart rate and increase in blood pressure

B) Increase in sinus pressure and decrease in blood pressure
Explanation: Clamping the carotid artery distal to the carotid sinus increases sinus pressure, which leads to a decrease in blood pressure and heart rate.

Cardiac Output and Regulation

What is the term for the regulation of contractility that occurs without changing the muscle length?
A) Heterometric Regulation
B) Homometric Regulation
C) Isometric Regulation
D) Dynamic Regulation
E) Static Regulation

B) Homometric Regulation
Explanation: Homometric regulation refers to the regulation of contractility that occurs without changing the muscle length, which is a key aspect of the Bowditch effect.

Action Potential in Cardiac Muscle

What occurs during phase 2 of the cardiac action potential?
A) Sodium channels close
B) K+ channels open
C) Calcium channels open
D) Resting membrane potential is restored
E) Hyperpolarization occurs

C) Calcium channels open
Explanation: During phase 2, also known as the plateau phase, both K+ and Ca2+ channels open, contributing to the prolonged depolarization.

Action Potential in Cardiac Muscle

What prevents cardiac muscle from being tetanized?
A) Short refractory period
B) Long absolute refractory period in phase 2
C) High calcium concentration
D) Rapid repolarization
E) Presence of gap junctions

B) Long absolute refractory period in phase 2
Explanation: The longest absolute refractory period occurs in phase 2, preventing tetanus and allowing the heart to fill with blood between beats.

Pacemaker and Conducting System

Which part of the autonomic nervous system increases heart rate?
A) Parasympathetic
B) Sympathetic
C) Central nervous system
D) Somatic nervous system
E) Enteric nervous system

B) Sympathetic
Explanation: The sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system is responsible for increasing heart rate, while the parasympathetic system decreases it.

Cardiac Output and Regulation

What happens to stroke volume (SV) when afterload increases?
A) SV increases
B) SV decreases
C) SV remains unchanged
D) SV doubles
E) SV becomes zero

B) SV decreases
Explanation: An increase in afterload leads to a decrease in stroke volume (SV) because the heart must work harder to eject blood against the higher resistance.

Reflexes and Autoregulation in Cardiovascular Physiology

What is the Bezold-Jarisch reflex primarily triggered by?
A) Increased heart rate
B) IV irritants such as alkaloids
C) Decreased blood pressure
D) Increased venous return
E) Deep inspiration

B) IV irritants such as alkaloids
Explanation: The Bezold-Jarisch reflex is triggered by IV irritants like veratridin, capsaicin, and serotonin, leading to decreased heart rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP), as well as apnea.

Blood Pressure Regulation Mechanisms

What substance is primarily responsible for vasodilation in the heart?
A) Norepinephrine
B) Epinephrine
C) Adenosine
D) Nitric oxide
E) Serotonin

C) Adenosine
Explanation: Adenosine is the primary substance responsible for vasodilation in the heart, helping to increase blood flow during periods of increased metabolic demand.

Reflexes and Autoregulation in Cardiovascular Physiology

In which of the following organs is autoregulation absent?
A) Heart
B) Brain
C) Lungs
D) Kidneys
E) Liver

C) Lungs
Explanation: Autoregulation is absent in the lungs, which is a unique characteristic compared to other organs where blood flow is tightly regulated based on metabolic needs.

Cardiac Output and Regulation

Which method is described as the most accurate for measuring Cardiac Output?
A) Fick’s principle
B) Dye Dilution Method
C) Thermodilution Method
D) Echo (Doppler)
E) Velocity encoded phase contrast MRI

E) Velocity encoded phase contrast MRI
Explanation: The text states that the Velocity encoded phase contrast MRI is the most accurate method for measuring Cardiac Output, highlighting its precision in assessment.

Cardiac Output and Regulation

What type of drugs are commonly used in the treatment of chronic heart failure (CHF)?
A) Diuretics
B) Inotropic drugs
C) Antihypertensives
D) Anticoagulants
E) Beta-blockers

B) Inotropic drugs
Explanation: Inotropic drugs are often prescribed for the treatment of chronic heart failure (CHF) to improve contractility and overall cardiac function.

Electromechanical Coupling and Calcium Dynamics

What is the Lusiotropic Effect primarily associated with?
A) Increased heart rate
B) Relaxation of the heart
C) Contraction of the heart
D) Blood pressure regulation
E) Oxygen delivery to tissues

B) Relaxation of the heart
Explanation: The Lusiotropic Effect refers to the relaxation of the heart, specifically through the process of sending Ca²⁺ back to the sarcoplasmic reticulum via the Ca²⁺ ATPase (SERCA pump).

Blood Pressure Regulation Mechanisms

What does a prominent 'a' wave in JVP indicate?
A) Atrial fibrillation
B) Right ventricular hypertrophy
C) Normal atrial contraction
D) Constrictive pericarditis
E) Increased venous return

B) Right ventricular hypertrophy
Explanation: A prominent 'a' wave in JVP is indicative of right ventricular hypertrophy, as it suggests resistance to filling, along with conditions like pulmonary or tricuspid stenosis.

Blood Pressure Regulation Mechanisms

What does a prominent 'V' wave in JVP indicate?
A) Atrial contraction
B) Increased venous return
C) Right ventricular hypertrophy
D) Atrial relaxation
E) Constrictive pericarditis

B) Increased venous return
Explanation: A prominent 'V' wave in JVP is indicative of increased venous return and is also prominent in conditions like constrictive pericarditis.

Reflexes and Autoregulation in Cardiovascular Physiology

What is the 'Last Ditch Response' in the context of the CNS ischemic response?
A) A primary response to infection
B) The last line of control for blood pressure regulation
C) A response to temperature changes
D) A mechanism for digestion
E) A response to physical exercise

B) The last line of control for blood pressure regulation
Explanation: The 'Last Ditch Response' refers to the final mechanism the body employs to maintain blood pressure during critical situations, such as ischemia, highlighting its importance in cardiovascular physiology.

Reflexes and Autoregulation in Cardiovascular Physiology

Where are low-pressure baroreceptors primarily located?
A) In the brain
B) In the aorta
C) In the atria and pulmonary artery
D) In the lungs
E) In the kidneys

C) In the atria and pulmonary artery
Explanation: Low-pressure baroreceptors are primarily located in the atria and the pulmonary artery, with the maximum concentration found at the right atrium, particularly at the junction of the vena cava and atria.

Cardiac Output and Regulation

What does a rightward movement on the graph indicate in terms of End-Diastolic Volume (EDV)?
A) Decrease in EDV
B) Increase in EDV
C) No change in EDV
D) Decrease in End-Systolic Volume (ESV)
E) Increase in ESV

B) Increase in EDV
Explanation: A rightward movement on the graph signifies an increase in End-Diastolic Volume (EDV), indicating that more blood is filling the ventricles before contraction.

Electromechanical Coupling and Calcium Dynamics

According to the Frank-Starling law, what effect does an increase in the initial length of muscle fibers have?
A) Decreases stroke volume
B) Increases stroke volume
C) Has no effect on stroke volume
D) Causes muscle fatigue
E) Increases heart rate

B) Increases stroke volume
Explanation: The Frank-Starling law states that an increase in the initial length of muscle fibers leads to an increase in stroke volume (SV) up to a physiological limit.

Blood Pressure Regulation Mechanisms

What effect does calcification of the aorta have on blood pressure?
A) Increases compliance
B) Decreases SBP
C) Increases SBP and decreases DBP
D) Decreases pulse pressure
E) No effect on blood pressure

C) Increases SBP and decreases DBP
Explanation: Calcification of the aorta decreases compliance, which leads to an increase in Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP) and a decrease in Diastolic Blood Pressure (DBP), resulting in an increased pulse pressure.

Cardiac Output and Regulation

What is the cardiac output (CO) at rest?
A) 2 L/min
B) 3 L/min
C) 4 L/min
D) 5 L/min
E) 6 L/min

D) 5 L/min
Explanation: The cardiac output (CO) at rest is approximately 5 L/min, which is essential for maintaining adequate blood flow to meet the metabolic demands of the body.

Heart Sounds and Cardiac Cycle

What is a classic symptom of pulmonary congestion in heart failure?
A) Pink frothy sputum
B) Increased appetite
C) Decreased heart rate
D) Normal respiratory rate
E) Increased energy levels

A) Pink frothy sputum
Explanation: Pink frothy sputum is a classic symptom of pulmonary congestion, often seen in patients with heart failure.

Blood Pressure Regulation Mechanisms

What happens when the carotid artery is clamped proximal to the carotid sinus?
A) Increase in sinus pressure and decrease in heart rate
B) Decrease in sinus pressure and increase in blood pressure
C) No effect on blood pressure or heart rate
D) Increase in sinus pressure and increase in heart rate
E) Decrease in sinus pressure and decrease in blood pressure

B) Decrease in sinus pressure and increase in blood pressure
Explanation: Clamping the carotid artery proximal to the carotid sinus decreases sinus pressure, which results in an increase in blood pressure and heart rate.

Types of Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics

What is a characteristic of exchange vessels?
A) High pressure
B) Very permeable
C) Thick walls
D) Low compliance
E) High recoil

B) Very permeable
Explanation: Exchange vessels are characterized by their high permeability, allowing for the efficient exchange of gases, nutrients, and waste products between blood and tissues.

Cardiac Output and Regulation

What is the effect of arteriolar dilation on total peripheral resistance (TPR)?
A) ↑ TPR
B) ↓ TPR
C) No effect on TPR
D) TPR becomes zero
E) TPR fluctuates unpredictably

B) ↓ TPR
Explanation: Arteriolar dilation decreases total peripheral resistance (TPR), which in turn reduces afterload and increases stroke volume (SV).

Cardiac Output and Regulation

What is the formula for calculating cardiac output (CO)?
A) CO = HR x BP
B) CO = SV x HR
C) CO = EDV x SV
D) CO = HR x EDV
E) CO = SV + HR

B) CO = SV x HR
Explanation: Cardiac output (CO) is calculated using the formula CO = Stroke Volume (SV) x Heart Rate (HR), which is fundamental in understanding cardiac function.

Reflexes and Autoregulation in Cardiovascular Physiology

What does the Bainbridge reflex primarily regulate?
A) Blood pressure
B) Heart rate
C) Stroke volume
D) Respiratory rate
E) Peripheral resistance

B) Heart rate
Explanation: The Bainbridge reflex is a mechanism that helps regulate heart rate in response to changes in venous return, thereby influencing cardiac output.

Cardiac Output and Regulation

What is the normal value of Cardiac Output (CO) mentioned in the text?
A) 3.2 L/min
B) 5.4 L/min
C) 7.0 L/min
D) 4.5 L/min
E) 6.0 L/min

B) 5.4 L/min
Explanation: The text states that the normal Cardiac Output (CO) is 5.4 L/min, which is a standard measure for assessing heart function.

Cardiac Output and Regulation

What is the primary limitation of the Thermodilution Method?
A) It is not reliable in high CO states
B) It requires a Swan Ganz catheter
C) It cannot measure CO accurately
D) It is not reliable in case of shunt, fistula, bypass
E) It is the least common method

D) It is not reliable in case of shunt, fistula, bypass
Explanation: The Thermodilution Method is limited in its reliability when there are shunts, fistulas, or bypasses, which can affect the accuracy of the measurements.

Electromechanical Coupling and Calcium Dynamics

What role does Phospholamban play in the Lusiotropic Effect?
A) It activates the SERCA pump
B) It inhibits the SERCA pump
C) It increases heart rate
D) It promotes calcium entry
E) It enhances contraction strength

B) It inhibits the SERCA pump
Explanation: Phospholamban inhibits the SERCA pump, which is crucial for controlling the relaxation of the heart. When phosphorylated by the sympathetic system, it no longer inhibits the pump, leading to faster relaxation.

Types of Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics

What type of blood vessel is absent of elastic tissue and smooth muscle?
A) Arteries
B) Arterioles
C) Capillaries
D) Veins
E) Venules

C) Capillaries
Explanation: Capillaries and venules lack elastic tissue and smooth muscle, which differentiates them from other blood vessels and allows for efficient exchange processes.

Heart Sounds and Cardiac Cycle

During early diastole, what percentage of ventricular filling occurs?
A) 50%
B) 1/3rd
C) 2/3rd
D) 100%
E) 75%

C) 2/3rd
Explanation: During early diastole, approximately 2/3rd of the ventricular filling occurs, indicating a significant phase of the cardiac cycle where the heart prepares for the next contraction.

Reflexes and Autoregulation in Cardiovascular Physiology

What is the effect of baroreceptors when venous return increases during inspiration?
A) They stimulate an increase in blood pressure
B) They inhibit heart rate
C) They activate to decrease blood pressure
D) They have no effect on blood pressure
E) They cause vasodilation

C) They activate to decrease blood pressure
Explanation: When venous return increases during inspiration, baroreceptors are activated, leading to a decrease in blood pressure as part of the body's reflexive response to maintain homeostasis.


According to Laplace's law, what happens when the radius (r) of a vessel decreases?
A) Requires more tension to balance the pressure
B) Requires less tension to balance the pressure
C) No change in tension
D) Increases blood flow
E) Decreases blood flow

B) Requires less tension to balance the pressure
Explanation: Laplace's law states that a smaller radius requires less tension to balance the distending pressure on the wall of the vessel.

Cardiac Output and Regulation

What is the formula for calculating Cardiac Output (CO)?
A) CO = HR × BSA
B) CO = SV × HR
C) CO = SV + HR
D) CO = BSA × HR
E) CO = Total O2 consumption

B) CO = SV × HR
Explanation: Cardiac Output (CO) is calculated using the formula CO = Stroke Volume (SV) × Heart Rate (HR), which quantifies the amount of blood pumped by each ventricle per minute.

Cardiac Output and Regulation

What is the Cardiac Index (CI) formula?
A) CI = CO × BSA
B) CI = CO / BSA
C) CI = BSA / CO
D) CI = HR / SV
E) CI = O2 consumption / CO

B) CI = CO / BSA
Explanation: The Cardiac Index (CI) is calculated using the formula CI = CO / Body Surface Area (BSA), providing a measure of cardiac output relative to body size.

Heart Sounds and Cardiac Cycle

What is the duration of the proto diastolic phase?
A) 0.1 sec
B) 0.04 sec
C) 0.2 sec
D) 0.5 sec
E) 1 sec

B) 0.04 sec
Explanation: The proto diastolic phase occurs just before starting S2 and lasts for 0.04 seconds, marking a brief period in the cardiac cycle.

Types of Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics

What is the blood volume in central circulation?
A) 10 L
B) 5.4 L
C) 1.5 L
D) 8 L
E) 3 L

B) 5.4 L
Explanation: The total blood volume in the human body is approximately 5.4 liters, with 16% located in central circulation and 80% in peripheral circulation.

Reflexes and Autoregulation in Cardiovascular Physiology

What role do baroreceptors play in the cardiovascular system?
A) They regulate temperature
B) They detect changes in blood pressure
C) They control heart rate
D) They manage oxygen levels
E) They influence digestion

B) They detect changes in blood pressure
Explanation: Baroreceptors are specialized sensors that detect changes in blood pressure, playing a crucial role in the regulation of cardiovascular function and homeostasis.


What is the most important factor in blood flow according to Poiseuille-Hagen Law?
A) Length of the vessel
B) Viscosity of the fluid
C) Radius of the vessel
D) Pressure gradient
E) Temperature of the fluid

C) Radius of the vessel
Explanation: The Poiseuille-Hagen Law indicates that the radius of the vessel is the most important factor affecting blood flow, with changes in radius having a significant impact on flow rate.

Blood Pressure Regulation Mechanisms

What is the primary cause of Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP)?
A) Aortic recoil
B) Ventricular contraction
C) Total Peripheral Resistance
D) Blood viscosity
E) Capillary fluid shift

B) Ventricular contraction
Explanation: Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP) is primarily caused by the contraction of the ventricles during the cardiac cycle.

Blood Pressure Regulation Mechanisms

How is Mean Blood Pressure (MBP) calculated?
A) 1/2 SBP + 1/2 DBP
C) 1/3 SBP + 2/3 DBP
E) DBP + 1/2 PP

C) 1/3 SBP + 2/3 DBP
Explanation: Mean Blood Pressure (MBP) is calculated using the formula MBP = 1/3 SBP + 2/3 DBP, which provides an average pressure in the arteries during one cardiac cycle.

Blood Pressure Regulation Mechanisms

What happens when the pressure in a tied BP cuff occludes the vessel?
A) Blood flow increases
B) Kinetic Energy becomes zero
C) Pressure Energy decreases
D) Blood pressure decreases
E) Blood flow becomes constant

B) Kinetic Energy becomes zero
Explanation: When the BP cuff occludes the vessel, it leads to a temporary stoppage of blood flow, resulting in kinetic energy (K.E.) being zero.


Why do different organs have variable blood flow?
A) Due to constant resistance
B) Due to variable resistance
C) Due to fixed pressure
D) Due to equal blood volume
E) Due to uniform vessel diameter

B) Due to variable resistance
Explanation: Different organs experience variable blood flow because of differences in resistance, which can change based on the physiological needs of the organ.

Blood Pressure Regulation Mechanisms

What is the role of baroreceptor reflex in blood pressure regulation?
A) Long-term regulation
B) Short-term regulation
C) Increases blood viscosity
D) Decreases heart rate
E) Increases blood volume

B) Short-term regulation
Explanation: The baroreceptor reflex is a mechanism for short-term regulation of blood pressure, responding quickly to changes in blood pressure to maintain homeostasis.

Cardiac Output and Regulation

Which of the following substances is known to increase the force of contraction (FOC)?
A) Acidosis
B) Hypoxia
C) Caffeine
D) Ischemia
E) Increased PCO2

C) Caffeine
Explanation: Caffeine is one of the substances that can increase the force of contraction (FOC) of the heart, while conditions like hypoxia and acidosis decrease it.

Cardiac Output and Regulation

What does a rightward and slight leftward movement on the graph indicate?
A) Aortic Stenosis (AS)
B) Mitral Regurgitation (MR)
C) Aortic Regurgitation (AR)
D) Mitral Stenosis (MS)
E) Normal Heart Function

B) Mitral Regurgitation (MR)
Explanation: A rightward and slight leftward movement on the graph indicates Mitral Regurgitation (MR), where there is an increase in EDV with a slight decrease in ESV.

Cardiac Output and Regulation

What does a leftward shift in the graph indicate in terms of Diastolic Volume?
A) Increase in Diastolic Volume
B) Decrease in Diastolic Volume
C) No change in Diastolic Volume
D) Increase in ESV
E) Decrease in ESV

B) Decrease in Diastolic Volume
Explanation: A leftward shift in the graph indicates a decrease in Diastolic Volume, which is associated with conditions like Mitral Stenosis (MS).

Blood Pressure Regulation Mechanisms

What occurs during a capillary fluid shift when blood pressure increases?
A) Decreased permeability of capillaries
B) Fluid shifts from interstitial space to capillaries
C) Vasoconstriction of blood vessels
D) Increased fluid volume in capillaries
E) Fluid shifts from capillaries to interstitial space

E) Fluid shifts from capillaries to interstitial space
Explanation: When blood pressure increases, it leads to vasodilation and increased permeability, causing fluid to shift from the capillaries to the interstitial space, which helps to decrease blood pressure.

Blood Pressure Regulation Mechanisms

Which factor is most important in determining vascular resistance?
A) Length of the vessel
B) Blood viscosity
C) Radius of the vessel
D) Blood temperature
E) Blood pressure

C) Radius of the vessel
Explanation: The radius of the vessel is the most important factor in determining vascular resistance, as resistance is proportional to the fourth power of the radius, meaning small changes in radius can lead to significant changes in resistance.

Blood Pressure Regulation Mechanisms

What does Diastolic Blood Pressure (DBP) depend on?
A) Stroke Volume
B) Ventricular compliance
C) Aortic recoil
D) Heart rate
E) Blood viscosity

C) Aortic recoil
Explanation: Diastolic Blood Pressure (DBP) is influenced by the recoil of the aorta after ventricular contraction, which helps maintain pressure in the arteries.

Types of Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics

What is the maximum blood flow per 100 grams for the kidneys?
A) 100 ml/100 gm/min
B) 400 ml/100 gm/min
C) 750 ml/100 gm/min
D) 1500 ml/100 gm/min
E) 200 ml/100 gm/min

B) 400 ml/100 gm/min
Explanation: The maximum blood flow for the kidneys is approximately 400 ml/100 gm/min, indicating their high metabolic activity and demand for blood supply.

Types of Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics

What is the blood flow per 100 grams for the brain at rest?
A) 50 ml/100 gm/min
B) 100 ml/100 gm/min
C) 200 ml/100 gm/min
D) 400 ml/100 gm/min
E) 750 ml/100 gm/min

A) 50 ml/100 gm/min
Explanation: At rest, the brain receives approximately 50 ml/100 gm/min of blood flow, reflecting its metabolic needs even during periods of low activity.

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